745 research outputs found

    Optically pumped terahertz laser based on intersubband transitions in a GaN/AlGaN double quantum well

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    A design for a GaN/AlGaN optically pumped terahertz laser emitting at 34 µm (ΔE~36 meV) is presented. This laser uses a simple three-level scheme where the depopulation of the lower laser level is achieved via resonant longitudinal-optical-phonon emission. The quasibound energies and associated wave functions are calculated with the intrinsic electric field induced by the piezoelectric and the spontaneous polarizations. The structures based on a double quantum well were simulated and the output characteristics extracted using a fully self-consistent rate equation model with all relevant scattering processes included. Both electron-longitudinal-optical phonon and electron-acoustic-phonon interactions were taken into account. The carrier distribution in subbands was assumed to be Fermi–Dirac-like, with electron temperature equal to the lattice temperature, but with different Fermi levels for each subband. A population inversion of 12% for a pumping flux Φ=10(27) cm(–2) s(–1) at room temperature was calculated for the optimized structure. By comparing the calculated modal gain and estimated waveguide and mirror losses the feasibility of laser action up to room temperature is predicted

    Dilute magnetic semiconductor quantum-well structures for magnetic field tunable far-infrared/terahertz absorption

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    The design of ZnCdSe–ZnMnSe-based quantum wells is considered, in order to obtain a large shift of the peak absorption wavelength in the far infrared range, due to a giant Zeeman splitting with magnetic field, while maintaining a reasonably large value of peak absorption. A triple quantum-well structure with a suitable choice of parameters has been found to satisfy such requirements. A maximal tuning range between 14.6 and 34.7 meV is obtained, when the magnetic field varies from zero to 5 T, so the wavelength of the absorbed radiation decreases from 85.2 to 35.7 μm with absorption up to 1.25% at low temperatures. These structures might form the basis for magnetic field tunable photodetectors and quantum cascade lasers in the terahertz range

    Designing strain-balanced GaN/AlGaN quantum well structures: Application to intersubband devices at 1.3 and 1.55 mu m wavelengths

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    A criterion for strain balancing of wurtzite group-III nitride-based multilayer heterostructures is presented. Single and double strain-balanced GaN/AlGaN quantum well structures are considered with regard to their potential application in optoelectronic devices working at communication wavelengths. The results for realizable, strain-balanced structures are presented in the form of design diagrams that give both the intersubband transition energies and the dipole matrix elements in terms of the structural parameters. The optimal parameters for structures operating at lambda ~1.3 and 1.55 µm were extracted and a basic proposal is given for a three level intersubband laser system emitting at 1.55µm and depopulating via resonant longitudinal optical(LO)phonons (h omega(LO)approximate to 90 meV). © 2003 American Institute of Physics

    Magnetic field tunable terahertz quantum well infrared photodetector

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    A theoretical model and a design of a magnetic field tunable CdMnTe/CdMgTe terahertz quantum well infrared photodetector are presented. The energy levels and the corresponding wavefunctions were computed from the envelope function Schr¨odinger equation using the effective mass approximation and accounting for Landau quantization and the giant Zeeman effect induced by magnetic confinement. The electron dynamics were modeled within the self-consistent coupled rate equations approach, with all relevant electron-longitudinal optical phonon and electron-longitudinal acoustic phonon scattering included. A perpendicular magnetic field varying between 0 T and 5 T, at a temperature of 1.5 K, was found to enable a large shift of the detection energy, yielding a tuning range between 24.1 meV and 34.3 meV, equivalent to 51.4 μm to 36.1 μm wavelengths. For magnetic fields between 1 T and 5 T, when the electron population of the QWIP is spin-polarized, a reasonably low dark current of ≤1.4×10–² A/cm² and a large responsivity of 0.36−0.64 A/W are predicted

    Lyapunov Mode Dynamics in Hard-Disk Systems

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    The tangent dynamics of the Lyapunov modes and their dynamics as generated numerically - {\it the numerical dynamics} - is considered. We present a new phenomenological description of the numerical dynamical structure that accurately reproduces the experimental data for the quasi-one-dimensional hard-disk system, and shows that the Lyapunov mode numerical dynamics is linear and separate from the rest of the tangent space. Moreover, we propose a new, detailed structure for the Lyapunov mode tangent dynamics, which implies that the Lyapunov modes have well-defined (in)stability in either direction of time. We test this tangent dynamics and its derivative properties numerically with partial success. The phenomenological description involves a time-modal linear combination of all other Lyapunov modes on the same polarization branch and our proposed Lyapunov mode tangent dynamics is based upon the form of the tangent dynamics for the zero modes

    On the coherence/incoherence of electron transport in semiconductor heterostructure optoelectronic devices

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    This paper compares and contrasts different theoretical approaches based on incoherent electron scattering transport with experimental measurements of optoelectronic devices formed from semiconductor heterostructures. The Monte Carlo method which makes no a priori assumptions about the carrier distribution in momentum or phase space is compared with less computationally demanding energy-balance rate equation models which assume thermalised carrier distributions. It is shown that the two approaches produce qualitatively similar results for hole transport in p-type Si1-xGex/Si superlattices designed for terahertz emission. The good agreement of the predictions of rate equation calculations with experimental measurements of mid- and far-infrared quantum cascade lasers, quantum well infrared photodetectors and quantum dot infrared photodetectors substantiate the assumption of incoherent scattering dominating the transport in these quantum well based devices. However, the paper goes on to consider the possibility of coherent transport through the density matrix method and suggests an experiment that could allow coherent and incoherent transport to be distinguished from each other

    n-Si/SiGe quantum cascade structures for THz emission

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    In this work we report on modelling the electron transport in n-Si/SiGe structures. The electronic structure is calculated within the effective-mass complex-energy framework, separately for perpendicular (Xz) and in-plane (Xxy) valleys, the degeneracy of which is lifted by strain, and additionally by size quantization. The transport is described via scattering between quantized states, using the rate equations approach and tight-binding expansion, taking the coupling with two nearest-neighbour periods. The acoustic phonon, optical phonon, alloy and interface roughness scattering are taken in the model. The calculated U/I dependence and gain profiles are presented for a couple of QC structures

    Globalization and inequality

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    © The Author(s) 2017. This review essay discusses works of a leading sociologist and a leading economist on the subject of inequality and globalization. The books raise fresh ideas of inequality in the context of globalization by raising questions on the relationship between globalization and inequality throughout history. Although Therborn raises some fundamental questions about inequality, problematizes the concept, and broadens the discussion by adding multiple dimensions to it, Bourguignon’s study deepens our understanding of the problem of inequality by presenting the paradox of its linkage with globalization, which in the last century reduced international inequality while it widened intranational inequality, and the two processes are interrelated. Bourguignon suggests that the growing intranational inequality that threatens economic, political, and social stability can be overcome by concerted efforts of the states. Therborn pins his hope in the rising middle class across the world and their solidarity, which could create a more egalitarian society
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