185 research outputs found
Studi Eksegetis Yohanes 1:1-18 sebagai Apologetik terhadap Kristologi Saksi Yehuwa
Eksegesa John 1 : 1-18 shows that the Jehovah's Witness teachings deviate from the truth of the Bible and dangerous for Christians . The danger Christology of Jehovah's Witnesses should be bringing us to the prudence and discretion to reject it . It can be said that Jehovah's Witnesses do not include Christianity in accordance with the search results against their teachings . first ; they do not recognize the Bible that has been issued by the Indonesian National Bible Institute and consider if the Bible has too much harm to use their own New Translation of the Holy Scriptures that have been proven not a translation , but just a collection of interpretations and teachings of their leader alone . second ; Jehovah's Witnesses do not acknowledge Jesus as Lord and Savior only . They simply believe that salvation is obtained through belief in Jehovah and his kingdom and perform service message and follow the trial associations .
Before errors interfere Christology Christology of Jehovah's Witnesses Bible , please note that the topic of Christology is the difference between Christianity and other religions . This discussion has also become one of the topics that face many attacks from the outside or from within Christianity , either in the form of religion , philosophy , and ideology . The debate on this topic appeared since the beginning of Christianity , and give rise to a long and complex debate for nearly three centuries ( 300 years ) !! . Such debates will continue to exist throughout the period and just a rehash issues that had once appeared . And Christians should study the various debates and views of the ever emerging that are not easily fooled by the views back to this era .Eksegesa John 1 : 1-18 has been done and produce a biblical Christology and biblical correct . The truth is not in doubt because of the analysis conducted in accordance with the procedures and rules that apply in general . Now if Christology Christology of John compared with Jehovah's Witnesses, it will show a striking difference . Once observed , Christology Witnesses builds upon the interpretation of individuals who previously have had a negative Christological doctrine .
Conclusion those who think that Jesus is the firstborn of Creation ; Jesus was a human being ; Jesus is God in creating a peer ; Jesus lower than God , Jesus is the Angel Gabriel , and other Christological doctrine which basically degrading nature of Christ is a form of insult to the majesty of Christ . The Bible clearly and emphatically teaches that Christ is God incarnate , private alpha and omega , the creator of all that exists , and the equivalent of God the Father . Summing Christ as superior human or clear eldest creation is false teachings . The followers of Jehovah's Witnesses must repent. Ame
Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Hak Cipta Atas Karya Cipta Digital Di Indonesia
The development of current technology influenced much on the field of Intellectual Property Right. The technology of internet with various easiness not only gave benefit to the copy right but also affected loss which affect on law\u27s breaking virtually. The digital technology improvement nowadays affected on increasing copy right law breaking in Indonesia, especially the digital copy right. The law protection on copy right which was based on digital technology in Indonesia led to the acts No 19, 2012 about copy right. The law of copy right basically had accommodated the development of technology in Indonesia but law enforcement for the cases in digital technology basis was important element. The state\u27s responsibility was to give protection towards the copy right based on the government law. The law should also be implemented precisely, to make sure that the developed digital technology did not ruin basic principle of copy righ
Membaca Representasi Tubuh Dan Identitas Sebagai Sebuah Tatanan Simbolik Dalam Majalah Remaja
Teens magazine construct social meaning for teenagers as its audience by positioning them as part of symbolic order of media in particular ways. Teens magazine involves ideas about how be a ‘normal’ girl or an ideal girl. The normal girl is a girl who has a boyfriend, shops at mall, hears pop music, etc. The girl who does not do that thing will be categorized her as an outsider. It means, media brings its audiences to a mode of surveillance. Media distincts teenagers to ‘us’ and ‘other’. This distinction makes some stereotypes and identities for teenagers
Hak Mendahului Tagihan Utang Pajak Untuk Wajib Pajak Yang Dinyatakan Pailit
A right to proceed the collection of tax debt is when a tax payer/tax guarantor has some personal debts (civil), but at the same time, he also has some debts to the country (fiskus). If his assets are not sufficient to pay all his debts, the country has the rights to proceed the tax debts. Of course, in carrying out the rights to proceed towards the assets of the bankrupted-tax payers, they will face other creditors who have the same interest. Therefore, it is important to be analyzed how the decision of rights to proceed to pay the tax debts to fiskus to the tax payers stated bankrupted, how the procedures to collect tax debts to the tax payers stated bankrupted, how the obstacles in the rights to proceed the tax debts to fiskus to the tax payers stated bankrupted
Indonesia - Russia Bilateral Relations: Efforts To Enhance Digital Economy And Tourism Investment Cooperation
Indonesia and Russia's bilateral relations still need to be improved and strengthened in all sectors. Both countries agreed in Jakarta in 2021 to enhance and strengthen bilateral cooperation in politics, law, and security. The commitment to further cooperation made by the two major countries in the Asia Pacific aimed at creating peace and maintaining regional and global security stability. This study aims to elaborate how Indonesia's bilateral relations with Russia enhanced are related to the efforts of both generating digital economic cooperation and attracting foreign investment in Indonesia's leading tourist destinations. This study utilizes the concept of dynamic bilateral relations and the implementation of foreign economic policies. The researchers use qualitative research methods with explanatory writing techniques analyzing the data and information obtained. The liberal approach to mutually beneficial international cooperation is further elaborated and analyzed, particularly in understanding how each country's strategic decisions have an impact on sustaining regional economic growth. The digital economy cooperation built by the two countries still needs to be strengthened to attract more incoming Russian investors in the tourism industry. This research reveals that international cooperation has been carried out by the Indonesian government and stakeholders related to tourism management destinations is done through bilateral cooperation, regional cooperation, and multilateral cooperation. It still needs clear strategies that should be implemented tactically as a strategic effort by the Indonesian government and related stakeholders to sharpen the construction of the national digital economy in the sustainable, inclusive, and quality tourism sector in driving and supporting national economic growth
PENGARUH TRANSAKSI PIHAK BERELASI DAN PROFITABILITAS TERHADAP AGRESIVITAS PAJAK TAHUN 2017 SAMPAI DENGAN 2019 (Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur Sub Sektor Makanan dan Minuman Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia ): THE INFLUENCE OF RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS AND PROFITABILITY ON TAX AGGRESSIVINESS FOR THE YEAR (In Food and Beverage Sub-Sector Manufacturing Companies Listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange)
Related party transactions are transactions between parties that have a special relationship or are the source of problems arising from transfer pricing practices. This study aims to determine the effect of related party transactions and profitability on aggressiveness in 2017 to 2019 in Food and Beverage Sub-Sector Manufacturing Companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sampling technique is purposive sampling of 14 companies with sample criteria, namely food and beverage sub-sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2017-2019. The results of the study show a positive relationship to tax aggressiveness, which indicates that there is no effect between related party transactions and aggressiveness. tax. The related party transaction variables and profitability show that there is no effect on tax aggressiveness in food and beverage sub-sector manufacturing companies on the IDX in 2017 to 2019. Suggestions for companies with high profits should maximize their tax planning properly without having to do tax aggressiveness.
Keywords: Related Party Transactions, Profitability, Tax Aggressivnes
Performan Reproduksi dan Analisis Sosial Ekonomi Usaha Ternak Kerbau di Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan, Sumatera Utara
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor reproduksi dan karakteristik sosial usaha ternak kerbau Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan, Sumatera Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei. Pengambilan sampe dilakukan secara purposive random sampling. Responden yang diteliti sebanyak 30 peternak kerbau. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriftif kuantitatif. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik sosial usaha peternak kerbau yaitu usia responden berada diantara 30-59 tahun. Tingkat pendidikan peternak sebagian besar berpendidikan SLTP sebesar (33,3%). Pekerjaan utama peternak adalah petani sebesar (97%). Pengalaman beternak .> 16 tahun sebesar (53,3%). Reproduksi ternak kerbau memiliki nilai service per conception (S/C) ternak kerbau adalah normal yakni 1.90, memiliki post partum estrus (PPE) ≥ 4 bulan dan calving interval (CI) ≥15. Nilai S/C tergolong normal sedangkan nilai PPE dan CI tergolong kurang baik. Usaha ternak kerbau sudah efisien dengan tingkat efisiensi usaha rata-rata sebesar 2,2 yang berarti bahwa setiap pengeluaran Rp. 1,00 akan menghasilkan penerimaan sebesar Rp. 2,2
Hubungan Penguasaan Struktur Dan Ciri Kebahasaan Teks Dengan Kemampuan Menulis Teks Deskripsi Siswa Kelas VII SMP Negeri 23 Medan Tahun Pembelajaran 2014/2015
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan penguasaan struktur dan ciri kebahasaan teks dengan kemampuan menulis teks deskripsi siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 23 Medan. Yang menjadi sampel penelitian sebanyak 36 orang, yaitu kelas VII-K. Hasil pengolahan data menunjukkan bahwa penguasaan struktur teks siswa adalah baik dengan skor rata-rata = 69,05 dan standar deviasi = 11,93. Penguasaan ciri kebahasaan teks siswa berada di posisi baik dengan skor rata-rata = 71,27 dan standar deviasi = 9,07. Kemampuan menulis teks deskripsi siswa tergolong baik dengan skor rata-rata = 70,69 dan standar deviasi = 8,79. Berdasarkan uji normalitas, variabel X1 diperoleh nilai Lhitung = 0,1158, variabel X2 diperoleh Lhitung = 0,0854, dan variabel Y diperoleh Lhitung = 0,1391, kemudian setelah dikonsultasikan dengan Ltabel pada taraf signifikan 5% (N= 36) didapat Ltabel = 0,1478. Artinya, uji normalitas setiap variabel diperoleh Lhitung 0,329), variabel X2 terhadap Y (0,32 > 0,329), dan variabel X1 terhadap X2 (0,72 > 0,329) maka rxy memenuhi kriteria pengujian hipotesis atau dengan kata lain terdapat hubungan antara penguasaan struktur dan ciri kebahasaan teks dengan kemampuan menulis teks deskripsi siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 23 Medan Tahun Pembelajaran 2014/2015
Proses transesterifikasi dengan menggunakan katalis heterogen telah banyak dikaji untuk menggantikan peranan katalis KOH dan NaOH. Pendopingan ion litium (Li) ke dalam oksida logam Mampu meningkatkan aktivitas katalis heterogen dalam reaksi transesterifikasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk- memberikan informasi mengenai pengaruh konsentrasi ion Li+ yang didoping ke dalam magnesium oksida (MgO) terhadap reaksi transesterifikasi minyak-sawit dengan kadar asam lemak bebas (ALB) yang tinggi menjadi metil ester, pada temperatur 120°C, rasio methanol: minyak- = 12:1, jumlah katalis 2,5 % putaran 800 rpm selam 2,5 jam menggunakan reaktor bertekanan. Variabel penelitian adalah konsentrasi Li yang didoping ke dalam MgO, yaitu 2 % 4 % 6 % 8 % 10 % Adapun parameter uji yang dilakukan adalah kandungan metil ester yang diperoleh dari hasil reaksi transesterifikasi dengan analisa Gas Chromtographi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi Li yang di-doping pada MgO Paling optimum adalah 4 % dengan hasil 84,9808 % metil ester
Information System Design COVID-19 with Prototype Model
Information System Design COVID-19 with Prototype Mode
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