2,630 research outputs found

    Secretly Eccentric: The Giant Planet and Activity Cycle of GJ 328

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    We announce the discovery of a ~2 Jupiter-mass planet in an eccentric 11-year orbit around the K7/M0 dwarf GJ 328. Our result is based on 10 years' worth of radial velocity (RV) data from the Hobby-Eberly and Harlan J. Smith telescopes at McDonald Observatory, and from the Keck Telescope at Mauna Kea. Our analysis of GJ 328's magnetic activity via the Na I D features reveals a long-period stellar activity cycle, which creates an additional signal in the star's RV curve with amplitude 6-10 m/s. After correcting for this stellar RV contribution, we see that the orbit of the planet is more eccentric than suggested by the raw RV data. GJ 328b is currently the most massive, longest-period planet discovered around a low-mass dwarf.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Searching for the expelled hydrogen envelope in Type I supernovae via late-time H-alpha emission

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    We report the first results from our long-term observational survey aimed at discovering late-time interaction between the ejecta of hydrogen-poor Type I supernovae and the hydrogen-rich envelope expelled from the progenitor star several decades/centuries before explosion. The expelled envelope, moving with a velocity of ~10 -- 100 km s1^{-1}, is expected to be caught up by the fast-moving SN ejecta several years/decades after explosion depending on the history of the mass-loss process acting in the progenitor star prior to explosion. The collision between the SN ejecta and the circumstellar envelope results in net emission in the Balmer-lines, especially in H-alpha. We look for signs of late-time H-alpha emission in older Type Ia/Ibc/IIb SNe having hydrogen-poor ejecta, via narrow-band imaging. Continuum-subtracted H-alpha emission has been detected for 13 point sources: 9 SN Ibc, 1 SN IIb and 3 SN Ia events. Thirty-eight SN sites were observed on at least two epochs, from which three objects (SN 1985F, SN 2005kl, SN 2012fh) showed significant temporal variation in the strength of their H-alpha emission in our DIAFI data. This suggests that the variable emission is probably not due to nearby H II regions unassociated with the SN, and hence is an important additional hint that ejecta-CSM interaction may take place in these systems. Moreover, we successfully detected the late-time H-alpha emission from the Type Ib SN 2014C, which was recently discovered as a strongly interacting SN in various (radio, infrared, optical and X-ray) bands.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted in Ap

    Data Mining to Uncover Heterogeneous Water Use Behaviors From Smart Meter Data

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    Knowledge on the determinants and patterns of water demand for different consumers supports the design of customized demand management strategies. Smart meters coupled with big data analytics tools create a unique opportunity to support such strategies. Yet, at present, the information content of smart meter data is not fully mined and usually needs to be complemented with water fixture inventory and survey data to achieve detailed customer segmentation based on end use water usage. In this paper, we developed a data‐driven approach that extracts information on heterogeneous water end use routines, main end use components, and temporal characteristics, only via data mining existing smart meter readings at the scale of individual households. We tested our approach on data from 327 households in Australia, each monitored with smart meters logging water use readings every 5 s. As part of the approach, we first disaggregated the household‐level water use time series into different end uses via Autoflow. We then adapted a customer segmentation based on eigenbehavior analysis to discriminate among heterogeneous water end use routines and identify clusters of consumers presenting similar routines. Results revealed three main water end use profile clusters, each characterized by a primary end use: shower, clothes washing, and irrigation. Time‐of‐use and intensity‐of‐use differences exist within each class, as well as different characteristics of regularity and periodicity over time. Our customer segmentation analysis approach provides utilities with a concise snapshot of recurrent water use routines from smart meter data and can be used to support customized demand management strategies.TU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel - 201

    Significance analysis and statistical mechanics: an application to clustering

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    This paper addresses the statistical significance of structures in random data: Given a set of vectors and a measure of mutual similarity, how likely does a subset of these vectors form a cluster with enhanced similarity among its elements? The computation of this cluster p-value for randomly distributed vectors is mapped onto a well-defined problem of statistical mechanics. We solve this problem analytically, establishing a connection between the physics of quenched disorder and multiple testing statistics in clustering and related problems. In an application to gene expression data, we find a remarkable link between the statistical significance of a cluster and the functional relationships between its genes.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Coarse Graining for Synchronization in Directed Networks

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    Coarse graining model is a promising way to analyze and visualize large-scale networks. The coarse-grained networks are required to preserve the same statistical properties as well as the dynamic behaviors as the initial networks. Some methods have been proposed and found effective in undirected networks, while the study on coarse graining in directed networks lacks of consideration. In this paper, we proposed a Topology-aware Coarse Graining (TCG) method to coarse grain the directed networks. Performing the linear stability analysis of synchronization and numerical simulation of the Kuramoto model on four kinds of directed networks, including tree-like networks and variants of Barab\'{a}si-Albert networks, Watts-Strogatz networks and Erd\"{o}s-R\'{e}nyi networks, we find our method can effectively preserve the network synchronizability.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    A New Approach to Time Domain Classification of Broadband Noise in Gravitational Wave Data

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    Broadband noise in gravitational wave (GW) detectors, also known as triggers, can often be a deterrant to the efficiency with which astrophysical search pipelines detect sources. It is important to understand their instrumental or environmental origin so that they could be eliminated or accounted for in the data. Since the number of triggers is large, data mining approaches such as clustering and classification are useful tools for this task. Classification of triggers based on a handful of discrete properties has been done in the past. A rich information content is available in the waveform or 'shape' of the triggers that has had a rather restricted exploration so far. This paper presents a new way to classify triggers deriving information from both trigger waveforms as well as their discrete physical properties using a sequential combination of the Longest Common Sub-Sequence (LCSS) and LCSS coupled with Fast Time Series Evaluation (FTSE) for waveform classification and the multidimensional hierarchical classification (MHC) analysis for the grouping based on physical properties. A generalized k-means algorithm is used with the LCSS (and LCSS+FTSE) for clustering the triggers using a validity measure to determine the correct number of clusters in absence of any prior knowledge. The results have been demonstrated by simulations and by application to a segment of real LIGO data from the sixth science run.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figure

    The Pinhole/Occulter Facility

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    A large occulting system in space can be used for high resolution X-ray observations and for large aperture coronagraphic observations in visible and UV light. The X-ray observations can combine high angular resolution in hand (10 keV) X-radiation with the high sensitivity of a multiple pinhole camera, and can permit sensitive observations of bremsstrahlung from nonthermal particles in the corona. The large aperture coronagraphs have two major advantages: high angular resolution and good photon collection. This will permit observations of small scale structures in the corona for the first time and will give sufficient counting rates above the coronal background rates for sensitive diagnostic analysis of intensities and line profiles for coronal structures in the solar wind acceleration region. The technical basis for performing observations with a large occulting system in these three wavelength ranges is described as well as a pinhole/occulter facility presently being considered for Spacelab. Some indications about future developments are included

    Elemental Abundances of Solar Sibling Candidates

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    Dynamical information along with survey data on metallicity and in some cases age have been used recently by some authors to search for candidates of stars that were born in the cluster where the Sun formed. We have acquired high resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio spectra for 30 of these objects to determine, using detailed elemental abundance analysis, if they could be true solar siblings. Only two of the candidates are found to have solar chemical composition. Updated modeling of the stars' past orbits in a realistic Galactic potential reveals that one of them, HD162826, satisfies both chemical and dynamical conditions for being a sibling of the Sun. Measurements of rare-element abundances for this star further confirm its solar composition, with the only possible exception of Sm. Analysis of long-term high-precision radial velocity data rules out the presence of hot Jupiters and confirms that this star is not in a binary system. We find that chemical tagging does not necessarily benefit from studying as many elements as possible, but instead from identifying and carefully measuring the abundances of those elements which show large star-to-star scatter at a given metallicity. Future searches employing data products from ongoing massive astrometric and spectroscopic surveys can be optimized by acknowledging this fact.Comment: ApJ, in press. Tables 2 and 4 are available in full in the "Other formats: source" downloa