45 research outputs found

    Від фундаментальних досліджень до комерціалізації результатів: досвід і завдання НАН України

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    У статті дано короткий огляд деяких науково-технічних розробок, що виконані в останні роки в установах НАН України і вже знайшли практичне застосування або готові до інноваційного впровадження. Ці розробки переконують у тому, що наука України зберігає потужний потенціал, який може повністю реалізуватися при належній фінансовій підтримці з боку держави і створенні сприятливого інноваційного клімату, що дасть можливість науковцям заробляти значні позабюджетні кошти своєю прикладною діяльністю.В статье приведен краткий обзор некоторых научно-технических разработок, которые выполнены в последние годы в учреждениях НАН Украины и уже нашли практическое применение либо готовы к инновационному внедрению. Эти разработки убеждают в том, что наука Украины сохраняет мощный потенциал, который может полностью реализоваться при надлежащей финансовой поддержке со стороны государства и создании благоприятного инновационного климата, что позволит ученым зарабатывать значительные внебюджетные средства своей прикладной деятельностью.A brief review of some science & technology developments is contained, accomplished in recent years in institutions of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS) of Ukraine, already used or ready for innovation-specific applications. These developments can assure that science in Ukraine could preserve the powerful capacity that can be fully utilized given proper financial support from the state and fostering favorable innovation climate, which will allow scientists to earn good off-budget money by applied activities

    Принципы организации объектно-ориентированных систем обработки неформализованной информации

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    Рассматривается класс логико-аналитических систем, использующих специальные лингвистические процессоры и базы знаний (БЗ) для обработки потоков неформализованных документов с целью решения пользовательских задач. На первом этапе формализации текста документа извлекаются информационные объекты и связи, которые образуют структуры знаний и запоминаются в БЗ. На уровне БЗ организуются различные виды анализа и объектных поисков: поиск похожих объектов и ситуаций, поиск по связям и другие. Рассматриваются основные компоненты подобных систем, называемых объектно-ориентированными, их особенности при использовании в различных приложениях: при обработке криминальной информации, при автоматической формализации резюме (заявок на работу), в системах обработки СМИ с выделением террористических групп и их деяний.A class of the logical-analytical systems using special linguistic processors and knowledge bases is considered. Such systems are called object-oriented. These systems are employed for processing of the unstructured documents flow for the user problems decision. At the first stage the document text is formalized: information objects and links are extracted and transferred into the knowledge structures which are stored in the knowledge base (KB). At the level of KB various kinds of analysis and object search are organized: the search for similar objects and situations, the search on the basis of links and other types of search. The basic components of these systems, their main features and the particular use in different applications are considered.The system operation in the subject areas of criminal information processing, automatic formalization of summary texts (applications for work), mass media analysis for extracting information about terrorist formations and their activities are presented

    Microscale arrays for the profiling of start and stop signals coordinating human-neutrophil swarming.

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    Neutrophil swarms protect healthy tissues by sealing off sites of infection. In the absence of swarming, microbial invasion of surrounding tissues can result in severe infections. Recent observations in animal models have shown that swarming requires rapid neutrophil responses and well-choreographed neutrophil migration patterns. However, in animal models physical access to the molecular signals coordinating neutrophil activities during swarming is limited. Here, we report the development and validation of large microscale arrays of zymosan-particle clusters for the study of human neutrophils during swarming ex vivo. We characterized the synchronized swarming of human neutrophils under the guidance of neutrophil-released chemokines, and measured the mediators released at different phases of human-neutrophil swarming against targets simulating infections. We found that the network of mediators coordinating human-neutrophil swarming includes start and stop signals, proteolytic enzymes and enzyme inhibitors, as well as modulators of activation of other immune and non-immune cells. We also show that the swarming behavior of neutrophils from patients following major trauma is deficient and gives rise to smaller swarms than those of neutrophils from healthy individuals

    Innovation in health economic modelling of service improvements for longer-term depression: demonstration in a local health community

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    Background The purpose of the analysis was to develop a health economic model to estimate the costs and health benefits of alternative National Health Service (NHS) service configurations for people with longer-term depression. Method Modelling methods were used to develop a conceptual and health economic model of the current configuration of services in Sheffield, England for people with longer-term depression. Data and assumptions were synthesised to estimate cost per Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs). Results Three service changes were developed and resulted in increased QALYs at increased cost. Versus current care, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) for a self-referral service was £11,378 per QALY. The ICER was £2,227 per QALY for the dropout reduction service and £223 per QALY for an increase in non-therapy services. These results were robust when compared to current cost-effectiveness thresholds and accounting for uncertainty. Conclusions Cost-effective service improvements for longer-term depression have been identified. Also identified were limitations of the current evidence for the long term impact of services

    Non-fatal disease burden for subtypes of depressive disorder: population-based epidemiological study

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    Background: Major depression is the leading cause of non-fatal disease burden. Because major depression is not a homogeneous condition, this study estimated the non-fatal disease burden for mild, moderate and severe depression in both single episode and recurrent depression. All estimates were assessed from an individual and a population perspective and presented as unadjusted, raw estimates and as estimates adjusted for comorbidity. Methods: We used data from the first wave of the second Netherlands-Mental-Health-Survey-and-Incidence-Study (NEMESIS-2, n = 6646; single episode Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM)-IV depression, n = 115; recurrent depression, n = 246). Disease burden from an individual perspective was assessed as 'disability weight * time spent in depression' for each person in the dataset. From a population perspective it was assessed as 'disability weight * time spent in depression *number of people affected'. The presence of mental disorders was assessed with the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI) 3.0. Results: Single depressive episodes emerged as a key driver of disease burden from an individual perspective. From a population perspective, recurrent depressions emerged as a key driver. These findings remained unaltered after adjusting for comorbidity. Conclusions: The burden of disease differs between the subtype of depression and depends much on the choice of perspective. The distinction between an individual and a population perspective may help to avoid misunderstandings between policy makers and clinicians. © 2016 Biesheuvel-Leliefeld et al

    The self-management of longer-term depression: learning from the patient, a qualitative study

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    Background Depression is a common mental health condition now viewed as chronic or long-term. More than 50 % of people will have at least one further episode of depression after their first, and therefore it requires long-term management. However, little is known about the effectiveness of self-management in depression, in particular from the patients’ perspective. This study aimed to understand how people with longer-term depression manage the condition, how services can best support self-management and whether the principles and concepts of the recovery approach would be advantageous. Methods Semi-structured in depth interviews were carried out with 21 participants, recruited from a range of sources using maximum variation sampling. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis was used by a diverse team comprised of service users, practitioners and academics. Results Four super-ordinate themes were found: experience of depression, the self, the wider environment, self-management strategies. Within these, several prominent sub-themes emerged of importance to the participants. These included how aspects of themselves such as hope, confidence and motivation could be powerful agents; and how engaging in a wide range of chosen activities could contribute to their emotional, mental, physical, social, spiritual and creative wellbeing. Conclusions Services in general were not perceived to be useful in specifically facilitating self-management. Increased choice and control were needed and a greater emphasis on an individualised holistic model. Improved information was needed about how to develop strategies and locate resources, especially during the first episode of depression. These concepts echoed those of the recovery approach, which could therefore be seen as valuable in aiding the self-management of depression. Keywords: Depression; Patients’ perspective; Qualitative research; Recovery; Self-help; Self-managemen

    Cost-effectiveness of nurse-led self-help for recurrent depression in the primary care setting: design of a pragmatic randomized trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Major Depressive Disorder is a leading cause of disability, tends to run a recurrent course and is associated with substantial economic costs due to increased healthcare utilization and productivity losses. Interventions aimed at the prevention of recurrences may reduce patients' suffering and costs. Besides antidepressants, several psychological treatments such as preventive cognitive therapy (PCT) are effective in the prevention of recurrences of depression. Yet, many patients find long-term use of antidepressants unattractive, do not want to engage in therapy sessions and in the primary care setting psychologists are often not available. Therefore, it is important to study whether PCT can be used in a nurse-led self-help format in primary care. This study sets out to test the hypothesis that usual care plus nurse-led self-help for recurrent depression in primary care is feasible, acceptable and cost-effective compared to usual care only.</p> <p>Design</p> <p>Patients are randomly assigned to ‘nurse-led self-help treatment plus usual care’ (134 participants) or ‘usual care’ (134 participants). Randomisation is stratified according to the number of previous episodes (2 or 3 previous episodes versus 4 or more). The primary clinical outcome is the cumulative recurrence rate of depression meeting DSM-IV criteria as assessed by the Structured-Clinical-Interview-for-DSM-IV- disorders at one year after completion of the intervention. Secondary clinical outcomes are quality of life, severity of depressive symptoms, co-morbid psychopathology and self-efficacy. As putative effect-moderators, demographic characteristics, number of previous episodes, type of treatment during previous episodes, age of onset, self-efficacy and symptoms of pain and fatigue are assessed. Cumulative recurrence rate ratios are obtained under a Poisson regression model. Number-needed-to-be-treated is calculated as the inverse of the risk-difference. The economic evaluation is conducted from a societal perspective, both as a cost-effectiveness analysis (costs per depression free survival year) and as a cost-utility analysis (costs per quality adjusted life-year).</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The purpose of this paper is to outline the rationale and design of a nurse-led, cognitive therapy based self-help aimed at preventing recurrence of depression in a primary care setting. Only few studies have focused on psychological self-help interventions aimed at the prevention of recurrences in primary care patients.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>NTR3001 (<url>http://www.trialregister.nl</url>)</p

    Benign external hydrocephalus: a review, with emphasis on management

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    Benign external hydrocephalus in infants, characterized by macrocephaly and typical neuroimaging findings, is considered as a self-limiting condition and is therefore rarely treated. This review concerns all aspects of this condition: etiology, neuroimaging, symptoms and clinical findings, treatment, and outcome, with emphasis on management. The review is based on a systematic search in the Pubmed and Web of Science databases. The search covered various forms of hydrocephalus, extracerebral fluid, and macrocephaly. Studies reporting small children with idiopathic external hydrocephalus were included, mostly focusing on the studies reporting a long-term outcome. A total of 147 studies are included, the majority however with a limited methodological quality. Several theories regarding pathophysiology and various symptoms, signs, and clinical findings underscore the heterogeneity of the condition. Neuroimaging is important in the differentiation between external hydrocephalus and similar conditions. A transient delay of psychomotor development is commonly seen during childhood. A long-term outcome is scarcely reported, and the results are varying. Although most children with external hydrocephalus seem to do well both initially and in the long term, a substantial number of patients show temporary or permanent psychomotor delay. To verify that this truly is a benign condition, we suggest that future research on external hydrocephalus should focus on the long-term effects of surgical treatment as opposed to conservative management

    Super-silent FRET Sensor Enables Live Cell Imaging and Flow Cytometric Stratification of Intracellular Serine Protease Activity in Neutrophils

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    Abstract Serine proteases are released by neutrophils to act primarily as antimicrobial proteins but excessive and unbalanced serine protease activity results in serious host tissue damage. Here the synthesis of a novel chemical sensor based on a multi-branched fluorescence quencher is reported. It is super-silent, exhibiting no fluorescence until de-quenched by the exemplar serine protease human neutrophil elastase, rapidly enters human neutrophils, and is inhibited by serine protease inhibitors. This sensor allows live imaging of intracellular serine protease activity within human neutrophils and demonstrates that the unique combination of a multivalent scaffold combined with a FRET peptide represents a novel and efficient strategy to generate super-silent sensors that permit the visualisation of intracellular proteases and may enable point of care whole blood profiling of neutrophils