95 research outputs found

    Fully on-chip photonic turnkey quantum source for entangled qubit/qudit state generation

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    Integrated photonics has recently become a leading platform for the realization and processing of optical entangled quantum states in compact, robust and scalable chip formats, with applications in long-distance quantum-secured communication, quantum-accelerated information processing and nonclassical metrology. However, the quantum light sources developed so far have relied on external bulky excitation lasers, making them impractical prototype devices that are not reproducible, hindering their scalability and transfer out of the laboratory into real-world applications. Here we demonstrate a fully integrated quantum light source that overcomes these challenges through the integration of a laser cavity, a highly efficient tunable noise suppression filter (>55 dB) exploiting the Vernier effect, and a nonlinear microring for entangled photon-pair generation through spontaneous four-wave mixing. The hybrid quantum source employs an electrically pumped InP gain section and a Si3N4 low-loss microring filter system, and demonstrates high performance parameters, that is, pair emission over four resonant modes in the telecom band (bandwidth of ~1 THz) and a remarkable pair detection rate of ~620 Hz at a high coincidence-to-accidental ratio of ~80. The source directly creates high-dimensional frequency-bin entangled quantum states (qubits/qudits), as verified by quantum interference measurements with visibilities up to 96% (violating Bell’s inequality) and by density matrix reconstruction through state tomography, showing fidelities of up to 99%. Our approach, leveraging a hybrid photonic platform, enables scalable, commercially viable, low-cost, compact, lightweight and field-deployable entangled quantum sources, quintessential for practical, out-of-laboratory applications such as in quantum processors and quantum satellite communications systems

    Microbial Monitoring from the Frontlines to Space: Department of Defense Small Business Innovation Research Technology Aboard the International Space Station

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    The RAZOR (trademark) EX, a quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR) instrument, is a portable, ruggedized unit that was designed for the Department of Defense (DoD) with its reagent chemistries traceable to a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract beginning in 2002. The PCR instrument's primary function post 9/11 was to enable frontline soldiers and first responders to detect biological threat agents and bioterrorism activities in remote locations to include field environments. With its success for DoD, the instrument has also been employed by other governmental agencies including Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The RAZOR (Trademark) EX underwent stringent testing by the vendor, as well as through the DoD, and was certified in 2005. In addition, the RAZOR (trademark) EX passed DHS security sponsored Stakeholder Panel on Agent Detection Assays (SPADA) rigorous evaluation in 2011. The identification and quantitation of microbial pathogens is necessary both on the ground as well as during spaceflight to maintain the health of astronauts and to prevent biofouling of equipment. Currently, culture-based monitoring technology has been adequate for short-term spaceflight missions but may not be robust enough to meet the requirements for long-duration missions. During a NASA-sponsored workshop in 2011, it was determined that the more traditional culture-based method should be replaced or supplemented with more robust technologies. NASA scientists began investigating innovative molecular technologies for future space exploration and as a result, PCR was recommended. Shortly after, NASA sponsored market research in 2012 to identify and review current, commercial, cutting edge PCR technologies for potential applicability to spaceflight operations. Scientists identified and extensively evaluated three candidate technologies with the potential to function in microgravity. After a thorough voice-of-the-customer trade study and extensive functional and safety evaluations, the RAZOR (trademark) EX PCR instrument(Bio-Fire Defense, Salt Lake City, UT) was selected as the most promising current technology for spaceflight monitoring applications

    Comparison of Sample and Detection Quantification Methods for Salmonella Enterica from Produce

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    The purpose of this study was to identify and optimize fast and reliable sampling and detection methods for the identification of pathogens that may be present on produce grown in small vegetable production units on the International Space Station (ISS), thus a field setting. Microbiological testing is necessary before astronauts are allowed to consume produce grown on ISS where currently there are two vegetable production units deployed, Lada and Veggie

    A parametric model for the changes in the complex valued conductivity of a lung during tidal breathing

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    Classical homogenization theory based on the Hashin-Shtrikman coated ellipsoids is used to model the changes in the complex valued conductivity (or admittivity) of a lung during tidal breathing. Here, the lung is modeled as a two-phase composite material where the alveolar air-filling corresponds to the inclusion phase. The theory predicts a linear relationship between the real and the imaginary parts of the change in the complex valued conductivity of a lung during tidal breathing, and where the loss cotangent of the change is approximately the same as of the effective background conductivity and hence easy to estimate. The theory is illustrated with numerical examples, as well as by using reconstructed Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) images based on clinical data from an ongoing study within the EU-funded CRADL project. The theory may be potentially useful for improving the imaging algorithms and clinical evaluations in connection with lung EIT for respiratory management and monitoring in neonatal intensive care units

    Microneurosurgical Anastomoses for Cerebral Ischemia [Contents]

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    From jacket: The purpose of this volume is to present a series of important papers on the rapidly growing surgical field of microneurosurgical anastomoses for cerebral ischemia. It includes papers on the indications and results of microneurosurgical bypass anastomoses; on the techniques used to study patients before and after surgery, including cerebral blood flow psychometic testing, etc.; and on the basic mechanisms of cerebral ischemia studies in animals. New ideas are suggested for techniques involving increased use of the occipital arteries and the development of vein, arterial, or prosthetic grafts in place of the STA (superficial temporal artery). Also discussed are the importance of measuring blood flow in the STA where possible, and the measurement of cerebral blood flow pre- and postoperatively to monitor the results. Psychometric studies are shown to be of importance pre- and postoperatively in addition to careful neurologic evaluation

    Nutrition and lung cancer: a case control study in Iran

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    Background: Despite many prospective and retrospective studies about the association of dietary habit and lung cancer, the topic still remains controversial. So, this study aims to investigate the association of lung cancer with dietary factors. Method: In this study 242 lung cancer patients and their 484 matched controls on age, sex, and place of residence were enrolled between October 2002 to 2005. Trained physicians interviewed all participants with standardized questionnaires. The middle and upper third consumer groups were compared to the lower third according to the distribution in controls unless the linear trend was significant across exposure groups. Result: Conditional logistic regression was used to evaluate the association with lung cancer. In a multivariate analysis fruit (Ptrend < 0.0001), vegetable (P = 0.001) and sunflower oil (P = 0.006) remained as protective factors and rice (P = 0.008), bread (Ptrend = 0.04), liver (P = 0.004), butter (Ptrend = 0.04), white cheese (Ptrend < 0.0001), beef (Ptrend = 0.005), vegetable ghee (P < 0.0001) and, animal ghee (P = 0.015) remained as risk factors of lung cancer. Generally, we found positive trend between consumption of beef (P = 0.002), bread (P < 0.0001), and dairy products (P < 0.0001) with lung cancer. In contrast, only fruits were inversely related to lung cancer (P < 0.0001). Conclusion: It seems that vegetables, fruits, and sunflower oil could be protective factors and bread, rice, beef, liver, dairy products, vegetable ghee, and animal ghee found to be possible risk factors for the development of lung cancer in Iran

    Recent development of respiratory rate measurement technologies

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    Respiratory rate (RR) is an important physiological parameter whose abnormity has been regarded as an important indicator of serious illness. In order to make RR monitoring simple to do, reliable and accurate, many different methods have been proposed for such automatic monitoring. According to the theory of respiratory rate extraction, methods are categorized into three modalities: extracting RR from other physiological signals, RR measurement based on respiratory movements, and RR measurement based on airflow. The merits and limitations of each method are highlighted and discussed. In addition, current works are summarized to suggest key directions for the development of future RR monitoring methodologies
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