179 research outputs found

    Galaxy Satellites and the Weak Equivalence Principle

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    Numerical simulations of the effect of a long-range scalar interaction (LRSI) acting only on nonbaryonic dark matter, with strength comparable to gravity, show patterns of disruption of satellites that can agree with what is seen in the Milky Way. This includes the symmetric Sagittarius stellar stream. The exception presented here to the Kesden and Kamionkowski demonstration that an LRSI tends to produce distinctly asymmetric streams follows if the LRSI is strong enough to separate the stars from the dark matter before tidal disruption of the stellar component, and if stars dominate the mass in the luminous part of the satellite. It requires that the Sgr galaxy now contains little dark matter, which may be consistent with the Sgr stellar velocity dispersion, for in the simulation the dispersion at pericenter exceeds virial. We present other examples of simulations in which a strong LRSI produces satellites with large mass-to-light ratio, as in Draco, or free streams of stars, which might be compared to "orphan" streams.Comment: 14 pages, accepted for publication in PR

    Environmental Effects on Real-Space and Redshift-Space Galaxy Clustering

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    Galaxy formation inside dark matter halos, as well as the halo formation itself, can be affected by large-scale environments. Evaluating the imprints of environmental effects on galaxy clustering is crucial for precise cosmological constraints with data from galaxy redshift surveys. We investigate such an environmental impact on both real-space and redshift-space galaxy clustering statistics using a semi-analytic model derived from the Millennium Simulation. We compare clustering statistics from original SAM galaxy samples and shuffled ones with environmental influence on galaxy properties eliminated. Among the luminosity-threshold samples examined, the one with the lowest threshold luminosity (~0.2L_*) is affected by environmental effects the most, which has a ~10% decrease in the real-space two-point correlation function (2PCF) after shuffling. By decomposing the 2PCF into five different components based on the source of pairs, we show that the change in the 2PCF can be explained by the age and richness dependence of halo clustering. The 2PCFs in redshift space are found to change in a similar manner after shuffling. If the environmental effects are neglected, halo occupation distribution modeling of the real-space and redshift-space clustering may have a less than 6.5% systematic uncertainty in constraining beta from the most affected SAM sample and have substantially smaller uncertainties from the other, more luminous samples. We argue that the effect could be even smaller in reality. In the Appendix, we present a method to decompose the 2PCF, which can be applied to measure the two-point auto-correlation functions of galaxy sub-samples in a volume-limited galaxy sample and their two-point cross-correlation functions in a single run utilizing only one random catalog.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, Accepted by AP

    A Novel, Robust Quantum Detection Scheme

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    Protocols used in quantum information and precision spectroscopy rely on efficient internal quantum state discrimination. With a single ion in a linear Paul trap, we implement a novel detection method which utilizes correlations between two detection events with an intermediate spin-flip. The technique is experimentally characterized as more robust against fluctuations in detection laser power compared to conventionally implemented methods. Furthermore, systematic detection errors which limit the Rabi oscillation contrast in conventional methods are overcome

    The distribution of ejected subhalos and its implication for halo assembly bias

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    Using a high-resolution cosmological NN-body simulation, we identify the ejected population of subhalos, which are halos at redshift z=0z=0 but were once contained in more massive `host' halos at high redshifts. The fraction of the ejected subhalos in the total halo population of the same mass ranges from 9% to 4% for halo masses from ∼1011\sim 10^{11} to \sim 10^{12}\msun. Most of the ejected subhalos are distributed within 4 times the virial radius of their hosts. These ejected subhalos have distinct velocity distribution around their hosts in comparison to normal halos. The number of subhalos ejected from a host of given mass increases with the assembly redshift of the host. Ejected subhalos in general reside in high-density regions, and have a much higher bias parameter than normal halos of the same mass. They also have earlier assembly times, so that they contribute to the assembly bias of dark matter halos seen in cosmological simulations. However, the assembly bias is {\it not} dominated by the ejected population, indicating that large-scale environmental effects on normal halos are the main source for the assembly bias.Comment: revised version, submitted to MNRA

    Clues from nearby galaxies to a better theory of cosmic evolution

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    The great advances in the network of cosmological tests show that the relativistic Big Bang theory is a good description of our expanding universe. But the properties of nearby galaxies that can be observed in greatest detail suggest a still better theory would more rapidly gather matter into galaxies and groups of galaxies. This happens in theoretical ideas now under discussion.Comment: published in Natur

    Conserved and Differential Effects of Dietary Energy Intake on the Hippocampal Transcriptomes of Females and Males

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    The level of dietary energy intake influences metabolism, reproductive function, the development of age-related diseases, and even cognitive behavior. Because males and females typically play different roles in the acquisition and allocation of energy resources, we reasoned that dietary energy intake might differentially affect the brains of males and females at the molecular level. To test this hypothesis, we performed a gene array analysis of the hippocampus in male and female rats that had been maintained for 6 months on either ad libitum (control), 20% caloric restriction (CR), 40% CR, intermittent fasting (IF) or high fat/high glucose (HFG) diets. These diets resulted in expected changes in body weight, and circulating levels of glucose, insulin and leptin. However, the CR diets significantly increased the size of the hippocampus of females, but not males. Multiple genes were regulated coherently in response to energy restriction diets in females, but not in males. Functional physiological pathway analyses showed that the 20% CR diet down-regulated genes involved in glycolysis and mitochondrial ATP production in males, whereas these metabolic pathways were up-regulated in females. The 40% CR diet up-regulated genes involved in glycolysis, protein deacetylation, PGC-1α and mTor pathways in both sexes. IF down-regulated many genes in males including those involved in protein degradation and apoptosis, but up-regulated many genes in females including those involved in cellular energy metabolism, cell cycle regulation and protein deacetylation. Genes involved in energy metabolism, oxidative stress responses and cell death were affected by the HFG diet in both males and females. The gender-specific molecular genetic responses of hippocampal cells to variations in dietary energy intake identified in this study may mediate differential behavioral responses of males and females to differences in energy availability

    The Optical Alignment System of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer Endcaps

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    The muon spectrometer of the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN consists of over a thousand muon precision chambers, arranged in three concentrical cylinders in the barrel region, and in four wheels in each of the two endcaps. The endcap wheels are located between 7m and 22m from the interaction point, and have diameters between 13m and 24m. Muon chambers are equipped with a complex on-line optical alignment system to monitor their positions and deformations during ATLAS data-taking. We describe the layout of the endcap part of the alignment system and the design and calibration of the optical sensors, as well as the various software components. About 1% of the system has been subjected to performance tests in the H8 beam line at CERN, and results of these tests are discussed. The installation and commissioning of the full system in the ATLAS cavern is well underway, and results from approximately half of the system indicate that we will reach the ambitious goal of a 40mu alignment accuracy, required for reconstructing final-state muons at the highest expected energies

    Internal properties and environments of dark matter halos

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    We use seven high-resolution NN-body simulations to study the correlations among different halo properties (assembly time, spin, shape and substructure), and how these halo properties are correlated with the large-scale environment in which halos reside. The large-scale tidal field estimated from halos above a mass threshold is used as our primary quantity to characterize the large-scale environment, while other parameters, such as the local overdensity and the morphology of large-scale structure, are used for comparison. For halos at a fixed mass, all the halo properties depend significantly on environment, particularly the tidal field. The environmental dependence of halo assembly time is primarily driven by local tidal field. The mass of the unbound fraction in substructure is boosted in strong tidal force region, while the bound fraction is suppressed. Halos have a tendency to spin faster in stronger tidal field and the trend is stronger for more massive halos. The spin vectors show significant alignment with the intermediate axis of the tidal field, as expected from the tidal torque theory. Both the major and minor axes of halos are strongly aligned with the corresponding principal axes of the tidal field. In general, a halo that can accrete more material after the formation of its main halo on average is younger, is more elongated, spins faster, and contains a larger amount of substructure. Higher density environments not only provide more material for halo to accrete, but also are places of stronger tidal field that tends to suppress halo accretion. The environmental dependencies are the results of these two competing effects. The tidal field based on halos can be estimated from observation, and we discuss the implications of our results for the environmental dependence of galaxy properties.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA
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