172 research outputs found

    A Contrast-Based Neural Control System for Ant Navigation

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    A mathematical model for a neural control system of ant locomotion was developed. Contrast-based detectors using excitation and inhibition were tuned to specific contrast orientations. A control system using multiple orientation contrast detectors was then developed and optimized for a model ant, which could move via a biased random walk. The system allowed sufficient control to guide the ant through various mazes

    Following the excited state relaxation dynamics of indole and 5-hydroxyindole using time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy

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    Time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy was used to obtain new information about the dynamics of electronic relaxation in gas-phase indole and 5-hydroxyindole following UV excitation with femtosecond laser pulses centred at 249 nm and 273 nm. Our analysis of the data was supported by ab initio calculations at the coupled cluster and complete-active-space self-consistent-field levels. The optically bright 1La and 1Lb electronic states of 1\u3c0\u3c0* character and spectroscopically dark and dissociative 1\u3c0\u3c3* states were all found to play a role in the overall relaxation process. In both molecules we conclude that the initially excited 1La state decays non-adiabatically on a sub 100 fs timescale via two competing pathways, populating either the subsequently long-lived 1Lb state or the 1\u3c0\u3c3* state localised along the N-H coordinate, which exhibits a lifetime on the order of 1 ps. In the case of 5-hydroxyindole, we conclude that the 1\u3c0\u3c3* state localised along the O-H coordinate plays little or no role in the relaxation dynamics at the two excitation wavelengths studied.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye

    Revisitando as escuelas normales no chile: uma recuperação da história da formação de professores

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    A drastic economic, political, and cultural transformation experienced in Chile in the mid-1970s. In the field of teacher training for primary schools, since the late 1960s, a change was proposed, transferring this work from the Normal Schools to university training. The military coup of September 11, 1973, accelerated this process. The research about normal schools continued, in a general way, from a historiographic perspective and through the collection of stories. In that search, we found that the concepts of democracy, participation, citizenship, activism, and social justice were present in the formation of normal schools. This article proposes a work of reunion with the history of teacher training carried out in the Normal Schools to, through its review, analyze the new challenges that challenge teaching in Chile today.A mediados de los 70 en Chile se vivió una drástica transformación económica,  política y cultural. En el campo de la formación de docentes para escuelas primarias, desde fines de los 60 se proponía un cambio traspasando esa labor desde las Escuelas Normales a la formación universitaria. Un proceso que se aceleró con el golpe militar del 11 de septiembre de 1973. Desde aquel tiempo que la investigación sobre las escuelas normales ha continuado, de manera general, desde una perspectiva historiográfica y a través de la recopilación de relatos. Ahora, luego de una serie de transformaciones en la formación docente en nuestro país, proponemos avanzar hacia el rescate de las formas, contenidos y valores que se reforzaban en aquellos años. En esa búsqueda, encontramos que los conceptos de democracia, participación, ciudadanía, activismo y justicia social estaban presentes en la formación normalista. Este artículo propone un trabajo de reencuentro con la historia de la formación docente realizada en las Escuelas Normales para, a través de su revisión, analizar los nuevos desafíos que interpelan a la docencia en el Chile de hoy.Chile em meados da década de 1970 viveu uma drástica transformação econômica, política e cultural. No campo da formação de professores para escola básica, desde o final da década de 1960 foi proposta uma mudança, transferindo a formação de professores das Escolas Normais para a universitária. Esse processo que se acelerou com o golpe militar de 11 de setembro de 1973. Desde então, a pesquisa em escolas normais continuou, de maneira geral, a partir de uma perspectiva historiográfica e através da coleta de histórias. Agora, após uma série de transformações na formação de professores em nosso país, propomos avançar no resgate das formas, conteúdos e valores que foram reforçados naqueles anos. Nessa busca, constatamos que os conceitos de democracia, participação, cidadania, ativismo e justiça social estavam presentes na formação normalista. Este artigo propõe um trabalho de reencontro com a história da formação de professores realizada nas Escolas Normais para, através de sua revisão, analisar os novos desafios para o ensino hoje no Chile

    Measuring body composition in overweight individuals by dual energy x-ray absorptiometry

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    BACKGROUND: Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is widely used for body composition measurements in normal-weight and overweight/obese individuals. The limitations of bone densitometers have been frequently addressed. However, the possible errors in assessing body composition in overweight individuals due to incorrect positioning or limitations of DXA to accurately assess both bone mineral density and body composition in obese individuals have not received much attention and are the focus of this report. DISCUSSION: We discuss proper ways of measuring overweight individuals and point to some studies where that might not have been the case. It appears that currently, the most prudent approach to assess body composition of large individuals who cannot fit under the scanning area would be to estimate regional fat, namely the regions of thigh and/or abdomen. Additionally, using two-half body scans, although time consuming, may provide a relatively accurate measurement of total body fat, however, more studies using this technique are needed to validate it. SUMMARY: Researchers using bone densitometers for body composition measurements need to have an understanding of its limitations in overweight individuals and address them appropriately when interpreting their results. Studies on accuracy and precision in measurements of both bone and soft tissue composition in overweight individuals using available densitometers are needed

    Zinc Intake and Biochemical Markers of Bone Turnover in Type 1 Diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE—To examine the relationship between Zn nutritive status and biochemical markers of bone turnover in type 1 diabetes

    Reliable quantification of the potential for equations based on spot urine samples to estimate population salt intake: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    BACKGROUND: Methods based on spot urine samples (a single sample at one time-point) have been identified as a possible alternative approach to 24-hour urine samples for determining mean population salt intake. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to identify a reliable method for estimating mean population salt intake from spot urine samples. This will be done by comparing the performance of existing equations against one other and against estimates derived from 24-hour urine samples. The effects of factors such as ethnicity, sex, age, body mass index, antihypertensive drug use, health status, and timing of spot urine collection will be explored. The capacity of spot urine samples to measure change in salt intake over time will also be determined. Finally, we aim to develop a novel equation (or equations) that performs better than existing equations to estimate mean population salt intake. METHODS: A systematic review and meta-analysis of individual participant data will be conducted. A search has been conducted to identify human studies that report salt (or sodium) excretion based upon 24-hour urine samples and spot urine samples. There were no restrictions on language, study sample size, or characteristics of the study population. MEDLINE via OvidSP (1946-present), Premedline via OvidSP, EMBASE, Global Health via OvidSP (1910-present), and the Cochrane Library were searched, and two reviewers identified eligible studies. The authors of these studies will be invited to contribute data according to a standard format. Individual participant records will be compiled and a series of analyses will be completed to: (1) compare existing equations for estimating 24-hour salt intake from spot urine samples with 24-hour urine samples, and assess the degree of bias according to key demographic and clinical characteristics; (2) assess the reliability of using spot urine samples to measure population changes in salt intake overtime; and (3) develop a novel equation that performs better than existing equations to estimate mean population salt intake. RESULTS: The search strategy identified 538 records; 100 records were obtained for review in full text and 73 have been confirmed as eligible. In addition, 68 abstracts were identified, some of which may contain data eligible for inclusion. Individual participant data will be requested from the authors of eligible studies. CONCLUSIONS: Many equations for estimating salt intake from spot urine samples have been developed and validated, although most have been studied in very specific settings. This meta-analysis of individual participant data will enable a much broader understanding of the capacity for spot urine samples to estimate population salt intake

    Applicability of T1-weighted MRI in the assessment of forensic age based on the epiphyseal closure of the humeral head

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    This work investigates the value of magnetic resonance imaging analysis of proximal epiphyseal fusion in research examining the growth and development of the humerus and its potential utility in establishing forensic age estimation. In this study, 428 proximal humeral epiphyses (patient age, 12-30years) were evaluated with T1-weighted turbo spin echo (T1 TSE) sequences in coronal oblique orientation on shoulder MRI images. A scoring system was created following a combination of the Schmeling and Kellinghaus methods. Spearman's rank correlation analysis revealed a significant positive relationship between age and ossification stage of the proximal humeral epiphysis (all subjects: rho=0.664, p<0.001; males: 0.631, p<0.001; females: rho=0.651, p<0.001). The intra- and inter-observer reliability assessed using Cohen's kappa statistic was =0.898 and =0.828, respectively. The earliest age of epiphysis closure was 17years for females and 18years for males. MRI of the proximal humeral epiphysis can be considered advantageous for forensic age estimation of living individuals in a variety of situations, ranging from monitoring public health to estimating the age of illegal immigrants/asylum seekers, minors engaged in criminal activities, and illegal participants in competitive sports, without the danger of radiation exposure

    Bone mineral density in vocational and professional ballet dancers

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    Summary: According to existing literature, bone health in ballet dancers is controversial. We have verified that, compared to controls, young female and male vocational ballet dancers have lower bone mineral density (BMD) at both impact and non-impact sites, whereas female professional ballet dancers have lower BMD only at non-impact sites. Introduction: The aims of this study were to (a) assess bone mineral density (BMD) in vocational (VBD) and professional (PBD) ballet dancers and (b) investigate its association with body mass (BM), fat mass (FM), lean mass (LM), maturation and menarche. Methods: The total of 152 VBD (13 ± 2.3 years; 112 girls, 40 boys) and 96 controls (14 ± 2.1 years; 56 girls, 40 boys) and 184 PBD (28 ± 8.5 years; 129 females, 55 males) and 160 controls (27 ± 9.5 years; 110 female, 50 males) were assessed at the lumbar spine (LS), femoral neck (FN), forearm and total body by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Maturation and menarche were assessed via questionnaires. Results: VBD revealed lower unadjusted BMD at all anatomical sites compared to controls (p < 0.001); following adjustments for Tanner stage and gynaecological age, female VBD showed similar BMD values at impact sites. However, no factors were found to explain the lower adjusted BMD values in VBD (female and male) at the forearm (non-impact site), nor for the lower adjusted BMD values in male VBD at the FN. Compared to controls, female PBD showed higher unadjusted and adjusted BMD for potential associated factors at the FN (impact site) (p < 0.001) and lower adjusted at the forearm (p < 0.001). Male PBD did not reveal lower BMD than controls at any site. Conclusions: both females and males VBD have lower BMD at impact and non-impact sites compared to control, whereas this is only the case at non-impact site in female PBD. Maturation seems to explain the lower BMD at impact sites in female VBD