12,974 research outputs found

    Standard interface definition for avionics data bus systems

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    Data bus for avionics system of space shuttle, noting functions of interface unit, error detection and recovery, redundancy, and bus control philosoph

    Determination and Monitoring of through Hole Diameters in Thin Plates Using Acoustic Diffraction

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    In this paper, we describe a method to monitor changes in the diameter of through holes in thin plates. The method has the potential for applications in the industry

    A Note on Embedding of M-Theory Corrections into Eleven-Dimensional Superspace

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    By analyzing eleven-dimensional superspace fourth-rank superfield strength F-Bianchi identities, we show that M-theory corrections to eleven-dimensional supergravity can not be embedded into the mass dimension zero constraints, such as the (\g^{a b})_{\a\b} X_{a b}{}^c or i (\g^{a_1... a_5})_{\a\b} X_{a_1... a_5}{}^c -terms in the supertorsion constraint T_{\a\b}{}^c. The only possible modification of superspace constraint at dimension zero is found to be the scaling of F_{\a\b c d} like F_{\a\b c d} = (1/2) \big(\g_{c d}\big)_{\a\b} e^\Phi for some real scalar superfield \Phi, which alone is further shown not enough to embed general M-theory corrections. This conclusion is based on the dimension zero F-Bianchi identity under the two assumptions: (i) There are no negative dimensional constraints on the F-superfield strength: F_{\a\b\g\d} = F_{\a\b\g d} =0; (ii) The supertorsion T-Bianchi identities and F-Bianchi identities are not modified by Chern-Simons terms. Our result can serve as a powerful tool for future exploration of M-theory corrections embedded into eleven-dimensional superspace supergravity.Comment: 14 pages, latex, some minor typos corrected, as well as old section 5 deleted, due to the subtlety about Chern-Simons term in F-Bianchi identitie

    On Farm Riparian Grazing Demonstration

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    Two farm demonstrations were designed to show effects of periodic grazing of riparian areas. Sites were monitored for vegetative cover, degree of treading or hoof prints and dung deposition within three m of stream edge following grazing by beef cattle. A fenced enclosure was established along a 350 m stream reach on Farm-1, and eleven permanent stations were monitored following six graze periods over 12-months. Farm-2 involved grazing of two 0.13 ha paddocks, each of which contained a 22 m stream reach. On Farm-1 the cover improved following riparian exclusion, and evidence of treading in the 11 stations declined following each graze period. On Farm-2, vegetation was dense in the beginning, and one day graze periods with high stock density did not result in significant soil exposure, even though hoof prints were evident at more than 30% of the transect points. Having access to a drinking water tank 45 m up slope did not influence cover nor dung deposition in the riparian zone. The number of dung patties found within 3 m of the stream edge ranged from 15 to 28/100 m (Farm-1) and from 41 to 96/100 m (Farm-2). Estimates of potential dung N deposited within three m of the entire reach of the respective streams was 565 g and 83 g. This project showed ways to use riparian areas with minimal impact on its function

    Investigation of the Multiple Method Adaptive Control (MMAC) method for flight control systems

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    The stochastic adaptive control of the NASA F-8C digital-fly-by-wire aircraft using the multiple model adaptive control (MMAC) method is presented. The selection of the performance criteria for the lateral and the longitudinal dynamics, the design of the Kalman filters for different operating conditions, the identification algorithm associated with the MMAC method, the control system design, and simulation results obtained using the real time simulator of the F-8 aircraft at the NASA Langley Research Center are discussed

    Generalized BF Theory in Superspace as Underlying Theory of 11D Supergravity

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    We construct a generalized BF theory in superspace that can embed eleven-dimensional supergravity theory. Our topological BF theory can accommodate all the necessary Bianchi identities for teleparallel superspace supergravity in eleven-dimensions, as the simplest but nontrivial solutions to superfield equations for our superspace action. This indicates that our theory may have solutions other than eleven-dimensional supergravity, accommodating generalized theories of eleven-dimensional supergravity. Therefore our topological theory can be a good candidate for the low energy limit of M-theory, as an underlying fundamental theory providing a `missing link' between eleven-dimensional supergravity and M-theory.Comment: 16 pages, latex, two new paragraphs in section 4 and in Concluding Remarks with two new reference