2,918 research outputs found

    Application and evaluation of the SWAP model for simulating water and solute transport in a cracking clay soil

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    In Sicily, the increasing scarcity of quality water is leading to irriga- from salinization (Crescimanno et al., 2004). tion with saline water in soils having a considerable susceptibility to In Sicily, the increasing scarcity of good quality water cracking. Irrigation systems involving high application rates are used coupled with intensive use of soil under semiarid to arid in these irrigated areas, and bypass flow during irrigation is thus climatic conditions, is leading to irrigation with saline prevalent. Adoption of management practices accounting for cracking water on soils having a high shrink-swell potential and is therefore necessary to prevent salinization and land degradation. susceptibility to cracking (Crescimanno and Provenzano, In this paper, water flow and solute transport in a Sicilian cracking 1999). These soils are irrigated in the summer season, soil irrigated with saline water was simulated by using the soil-water- when the cracks open up, by sprinkler systems, which inatmosphere- plant environment (SWAP) model, and the simulated volve high application rates. Because of these high apresults compared with measured values of soil moisture and salinity. plication rates, bypass flow, that is, the rapid transport The soil hydraulic parameters were obtained by inverse method based of water and solutes via macropores or cracks to subsoil on multi-step outflow experiments, adopting two different sets of hy- or to groundwater (Bouma, 1991; Crescimanno, 2001), draulic parameters/functions, that is, (i) the van Genuchten-Mualem, (VGM model) and (ii) the Brutsaert retention equation coupled with is prevalent during irrigation. the hydraulic conductivity model proposed by Gardner (B-G model). Laboratory investigations performed on undisturbed The results obtained using field measurements from four soil profiles soil columns sampled from these areas showed that saliof a cracking clay soil showed that SWAP provided accurate predic- nization or leaching occurred during bypass flow dependtions of water content, , when the soil hydraulic properties were ing on the concentration of the applied solution compared expressed according to the B-G model. Using the B-G hydraulic pa- with the concentration of the pore solution (Crescimanno rameters/functions, the model was calibrated with reference to the and De Santis, 2004); the efficiency of salt-leaching was dispersivity (Ldis).Acalibration value of about 20 cm was found for the found to depend on crack volume (Crescimanno et al., four different profiles. In the conditions occurring in the Sicilian area 2002). The low values of the sodium adsorption ratio where we are focusing our attention, the predictive errors associated (SAR) of irrigation water, and the low values of the exwith the simulated ECsat, can be considered acceptable if the purpose changeable sodium percentage (ESP) measured in these of application is to predict the influence of salinity on crop yield

    Difficulties in Emotion Regulation and Psychopathic Traits in Violent Offenders

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    Purpose: The present study aimed to advance our understanding of the relevance of emotion dysregulation (ED) for psychopathy. Methods: Latent Profile Analysis (LPA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) were employed to examine person- and variable-centered associations between ED domains and psychopathic traits in a moderately-large (N=268) sample of violent male offenders. Results: LPA results indicated a 3-class solution with offenders most accurately classified based on ED levels (low, medium, high) across domains. The three ED subgroups revealed linear positive associations with psychopathy total, affective, and lifestyle facet scores, such that elevated levels of these traits were found in subgroups with greater ED. A similar linear trend emerged for the antisocial \u2013 but not interpersonal \u2013 facet, in-line with recent studies showing positive associations between executive functioning and interpersonal features of psychopathy. In SEM analyses, a latent ED factor positively predicted a super-ordinate psychopathy factor, controlling for psychopathological distress. Conclusions: Taken together, current findings support the notion that ED involves broad difficulties across emotion regulation domains, which vary by degree rather than in kind, and that these difficulties have linear positive relations with psychopathic traits among violent offenders

    Single and Multiple Clinical Syndromes in Incarcerated Offenders

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    The present study examined the prevalence and correlates of clinical syndromes in a large group (N = 438) of incarcerated violent offenders, looking at differences between inmates with one and those with more than one clinical syndromes. More than a half of the sample (57%) reported clinically relevant symptoms for at least one clinical syndrome (n = 252), and the majority of them (38%) reported more syndromes in comorbidity (n = 169). Increased severity of clinical conditions (none, one, more than one syndrome) corresponded with significantly greater levels of personality disorder traits, psychological symptoms, dissociation, and negative emotionality, with large effect sizes. After controlling for co-occurrence of personality disorder traits and other symptoms, the presence of more than one comorbid syndrome significantly predicted unique variance in dissociation (positively) and positive emotionality (negatively). The presence of one clinical syndrome significantly and positively predicted negative emotionality. Findings support the possibility that the complexity, and not just the presence, of psychopathology could identify different groups of inmates

    Three-dimensional geometry, ore distribution and time-integrated mass transfer through the quartz-tourmaline-gold vein network of the Sigma deposit (Abitibi belt, Canada)

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    We present a reconstruction of the three-dimensional (3D) geometry and gold grade distribution of shear zone-hosted, Au-mineralized, quartz-tourmaline veins of the Sigma deposit (Abitibi belt). Host shears and veins form a network of anastomosing, steeply dipping structures associated with smaller subhorizontal extensional veins. Our reconstruction has been carried out using the exceptionally large geological database of the mine. From this database, we extracted the geometric position, thickness and gold grades of geometrically best-defined steep veins contained in a representative subvolume of the deposit. These data allowed the 3D representation of 53 veins, which have been constructed by fitting surfaces through the geometrical data and by contouring thickness and gold grade. The geometry of the network is mainly characterized by: (i) a few large segmented veins, with sinuous and helicoidal shape, and typical vertical dimension of >100 m; (ii) a large number of smaller vertical veins, some of which splay off the steep veins with high dip angles; (iii) subhorizontal extension veins (joints) located at, or close to, the tips of steep veins. The absolute thickness of the vertically short veins is the same as that of the large veins, suggesting that they formed simultaneously, but only a few of them interconnect to form vertically continuous bodies. Patchy, vertically elongated zones of high dilation are present in the large veins, and are poorly correlated with Au-rich zones. They presumably represent former high-permeability zones of the network. The highest gold grades occur at the interconnections between the large veins and small splays or subhorizontal joints. This indicates the important role of vein interconnection for fluid flow and gold precipitation within the network. Combining the calculation of the volume of the network with the estimation of tourmaline abundance in the veins, we calculate that 2.1 × 106 m3 of tourmaline and 3.2 × 106 m3 of quartz precipitated during Au deposition

    Arthroscopic biceps tendon tenodesis: the anchorage technical note

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    Treatment of long head biceps (LHB) tendon pathology has become an area of renewed interest and debate among orthopaedic surgeons in recent years. The background of this manuscript is a description of biceps tenodesis which ensure continual dynamic action of the tendon which depresses the head and impedes lateral translation. A new technique has been developed in order to treat LHB tendon irreversible structural abnormalities associated with cuff rotator lesions. This technique entails the construction of a biological anchor between the LHB and supraspinatus and/or infraspinatus tendons according to arthroscopic findings. The rationale, although not supported by biomechanical studies is to obtain a triple, biomechanical effect. The first of these biomechanical effects which we try to promote through the procedure of transposition is the elimination of the deviation and oblique angle which occurs as the LHB completes its intra-articular course prior to reaching the bicipital groove. Furthermore, we have found this technique extremely useful in the presence of large ruptures of the rotator cuff with muscle retraction. The most common complication associated to this particular method, observed in less than 3%, is failed biological fixation which manifests as subsidence of the tenodesis and consequent descent of the tendon with evident aesthetic deformit