474 research outputs found

    Effective field theory and scalar extensions of the top quark sector

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    Effective field theory (EFT) approaches are widely used at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), such that it is important to study their validity and ease of matching to specific new physics models. In this paper, we consider an extension of the Standard Model (SM) in which a top quark couples to a new heavy scalar. We find the dimension six operators generated by this theory at low energy and match the EFT to the full theory up to the next-to-leading order (NLO) precision in the simplified model coupling. We then examine the range of validity of the EFT description in top pair production, finding excellent validity even if the scalar mass is only slightly above LHC energies, provided NLO corrections are included. In the absence of the latter, the LO EFT overestimates kinematic distributions, such that overoptimistic constraints on beyond the Standard Model (BSM) contributions are obtained. We next examine the constraints on the EFT and full models that are expected to be obtained from both top pair and four top production at the LHC, finding for low scalar masses that both processes show similar exclusion power. However, for larger masses, estimated LHC uncertainties push constraints into the nonperturbative regime, where the full model is difficult to analyze, and thus is not perturbatively matchable to the EFT. This highlights the necessity to improve uncertainties of SM hypotheses in top final states


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    The purpose of this study was to quantify the ground reaction forces, moments of forces and moment powers during the landing from the ballet jump called the grand jete. In addition, the flight phase was examined to determine whether the illusion of linear motion occurred. Laws (2002) has stated that it is possible for dancers to give the illusion of "floating" or traveling linearly rather than parabolically during the flight phase of a grand jete by raising the arms and/or the legs at an appropriate speed

    Design and analysis report for the RL10-2B breadboard low thrust engine

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    The breadboard low thrust RL10-2B engine is described. A summary of the analysis and design effort to define the multimode thrust concept applicable to the requirements for the upper stage vehicles is provided. Baseline requirements were established for operation of the RL10-2B engine under the following conditions: (1) tank head idle at low propellant tank pressures without vehicle propellant conditioning or settling thrust; (2) pumped idle at a ten percent thrust level for low G deployment and/or vehicle tank pressurization; and (3) full thrust (15,000 lb.). Several variations of the engine configuration were investigated and results of the analyses are included

    Compton Scattering by the Proton using a Large-Acceptance Arrangement

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    Compton scattering by the proton has been measured using the tagged-photon facility at MAMI (Mainz) and the large-acceptance arrangement LARA. The new data are interpreted in terms of dispersion theory based on the SAID-SM99K parameterization of photo-meson amplitudes. It is found that two-pion exchange in the t-channel is needed for a description of the data in the second resonance region. The data are well represented if this channel is modeled by a single pole with mass parameter m(sigma)=600 MeV. The asymptotic part of the spin dependent amplitude is found to be well represented by pi-0-exchange in the t-channel. A backward spin-polarizability of gamma(pi)=(-37.1+-0.6(stat+syst)+-3.0(model))x10^{-4}fm^4 has been determined from data of the first resonance region below 455 MeV. This value is in a good agreement with predictions of dispersion relations and chiral pertubation theory. From a subset of data between 280 and 360 MeV the resonance pion-photoproduction amplitudes were evaluated leading to a E2/M1 multipole ratio of the p-to-Delta radiative transition of EMR(340 MeV)=(-1.7+-0.4(stat+syst)+-0.2(model))%. It was found that this number is dependent on the parameterization of photo-meson amplitudes. With the MAID2K parameterization an E2/M1 multipole ratio of EMR(340 MeV)=(-2.0+-0.4(stat+syst)+-0.2(model))% is obtained

    New results from TopFitter

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    We present updated results for a global fit of dimension-six operators in the top quark sector of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory using experimental data from the Tevatron and the LHC at 7, 8 and 13 TeV center-of-mass energy. We include all contributions from dimension-six operators up to and including ?-4 in the effective field theory expansion. Furthermore we take the top quark decay into account and include in the fit experimental measurements which provide results for observables that depend on the kinematics of the top (anti)quark decay products. This opens up the possibility to study additional operators such as four-fermion operators which couple top quarks directly to leptons. A new strategy for sampling the parameter space of Wilson coefficients and treatment of systematic uncertainties is employed. In this contribution we restrict ourselves to present results in terms of bounds on individual operators

    Dispersion Effects in Nucleon Polarisabilities

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    We present a formalism to extract the dynamical nucleon polarisabilities defined via a multipole expansion of the structure amplitudes in nucleon Compton scattering. In contradistinction to the static polarisabilities, dynamical polarisabilities gauge the response of the internal degrees of freedom of a composed object to an external, real photon field of arbitrary energy. Being energy dependent, they therefore contain additional information about dispersive effects induced by internal relaxation mechanisms, baryonic resonances and meson production thresholds of the nucleon. We give explicit formulae to extract the dynamical electric and magnetic dipole as well as quadrupole polarisabilities from low energy nucleon Compton scattering up to the one pion production threshold and discuss the connection to the definition of static nucleon polarisabilities. As a concrete example, we examine the results of leading order Heavy Baryon Chiral Perturbation Theory for the four leading spin independent iso-scalar polarisabilities of the nucleon. Finally, we consider the possible r{\^o}le of energy dependent effects in low energy extractions of the iso-scalar dipole polarisabilities from Compton scattering on the deuteron.Comment: 17 pages LaTeX2e with 2 figures, using includegraphicx (5 .eps files). Minor corrections, references updated. Contents identical to version to appear in Phys. Rev. C 65, spelling differen

    Endodontic management of traumatized permanent teeth : a comprehensive review

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    The pulp plays a key role in the treatment of traumatic dental injuries (TDIs) and is strongly associated with the outcome, particularly in severe cases. A correct pulp diagnosis is essential as it forms the basis for developing the appropriate management strategy. However, many TDIs are complex, and their treatment requires a profound knowledge of the physiological and pathological responses of the affected tissues. This comprehensive review will look at the dentine-pulp complex and its interaction with the surrounding tissues following TDIs. The literature up to 2020 was reviewed based on several searches on PubMed and the Cochrane Library using relevant terms. In addition to the recently revised guidelines of the International Association of Dental Traumatology, this article aims to provide background information with a focus on endodontic aspects and to gather evidence on which a clinician can make decisions on the choice of the appropriate endodontic approach for traumatized permanent teeth.Peer reviewe

    The Journal of Nutrition Community and International Nutrition Infant Malnutrition Is Associated with Persisting Attention Deficits in Middle Adulthood 1-3

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    Abstract Infantile malnutrition is known to be associated with cognitive and behavioral impairment during childhood and adolescence. Data pertaining to longer-term effects on behavioral outcomes in adulthood are limited. In this study, we report associations between infantile malnutrition and attention problems in adults at midlife. Attention problems were assessed by the Conners Adult ADHD Rating Scales (CAARS) and the Conners Continuous Performance Test (CPT) in 145 Barbadian adults (aged 37-43 y) who had been followed longitudinally since childhood. Previously malnourished participants (n = 80) had experienced moderate to severe protein-energy malnutrition in the first year of life and were successfully rehabilitated thereafter. They were compared with healthy adults (n = 65) who were former classmates of the index cases and who had been matched for age, sex, and handedness in childhood. Multiple regression analyses showed persisting effects of childhood malnutrition on both the CAARS and the CPT, independent of effects of household standard of living assessed in childhood. The malnutrition effect on the CAARS ratings was independent of IQ, whereas this effect was attenuated for the CPT after adjustment for IQ. Teacher-reported attention problems in childhood predicted attention problems in adulthood, indicating continuity over the life span. Infantile malnutrition may have long-term effects on attentional processes nearly 40 y after the episode, even with excellent long-term nutritional rehabilitation and independent of socioeconomic conditions in childhood and adolescence. This finding has major public health implications for populations exposed to early childhood malnutrition

    European Society of Endodontology position statement : endodontic management of traumatized permanent teeth

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    This position statement represents a consensus of an expert committee convened by the European Society of Endodontology (ESE) on the endodontic management of traumatized permanent teeth. A recent comprehensive review with detailed background information provides the basis for this position statement (Krastl et al. 2021, International Endodontic Journal, ). The statement is based on current scienti?c evidence as well as the expertise of the committee. Complementing the recently revised guidelines of the International Association of Dental Traumatology, this position statement aims to provide clinical guidance for the choice of the appropriate endodontic approach for traumatized permanent teeth. Given the dynamic nature of research in this area, this position statement will be updated at appropriate intervals.Peer reviewe

    European Society of Endodontology position statement : endodontic management of traumatized permanent teeth

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    This position statement represents a consensus of an expert committee convened by the European Society of Endodontology (ESE) on the endodontic management of traumatized permanent teeth. A recent comprehensive review with detailed background information provides the basis for this position statement (Krastl et al. 2021, International Endodontic Journal, ). The statement is based on current scienti?c evidence as well as the expertise of the committee. Complementing the recently revised guidelines of the International Association of Dental Traumatology, this position statement aims to provide clinical guidance for the choice of the appropriate endodontic approach for traumatized permanent teeth. Given the dynamic nature of research in this area, this position statement will be updated at appropriate intervals.Peer reviewe