1,642 research outputs found

    Optimized production of large Bose Einstein Condensates

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    We suggest different simple schemes to efficiently load and evaporate a ''dimple'' crossed dipolar trap. The collisional processes between atoms which are trapped in a reservoir load in a non adiabatic way the dimple. The reservoir trap can be provided either by a dark SPOT Magneto Optical Trap, the (aberrated) laser beam itself or by a quadrupolar or quadratic magnetic trap. Optimal parameters for the dimple are derived from thermodynamical equations and from loading time, including possible inelastic and Majorana losses. We suggest to load at relatively high temperature a tight optical trap. Simple evaporative cooling equations, taking into account gravity, the possible occurrence of hydrodynamical regime, Feshbach resonance processes and three body recombination events are given. To have an efficient evaporation the elastic collisional rate (in s−1^{-1}) is found to be on the order of the trapping frequency and lower than one hundred times the temperature in micro-Kelvin. Bose Einstein condensates with more than 10710^7 atoms should be obtained in much less than one second starting from an usual MOT setup.Comment: 14 page

    Observation of a resonant four-body interaction in cold cesium Rydberg atoms

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    Cold Rydberg atoms subject to long-range dipole-dipole interactions represent a particularly interesting system for exploring few-body interactions and probing the transition from 2-body physics to the many-body regime. In this work we report the direct observation of a resonant 4-body Rydberg interaction. We exploit the occurrence of an accidental quasi-coincidence of a 2-body and a 4-body resonant Stark-tuned Forster process in cesium to observe a resonant energy transfer requiring the simultaneous interaction of at least four neighboring atoms. These results are relevant for the implementation of quantum gates with Rydberg atoms and for further studies of many-body physics.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Simbol-X Background Minimization: Mirror Spacecraft Passive Shielding Trade-Off Study

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    The present work shows a quantitative trade-off analysis of the Simbol-X Mirror Spacecraft (MSC) passive shielding, in the phase space of the various parameters: mass budget, dimension, geometry, and composition. A simplified physical (and geometrical) model of the sky screen, implemented by means of a GEANT4 simulation, has been developed to perform a performance-driven mass optimization and evaluate the residual background level on Simbol-X focal plane.Comment: 3 pages, 6 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the second Simbol-X International Symposium "Simbol-X - Focusing on the Hard X-ray Universe", AIP Conf. Proc. Series, P. Ferrando and J. Rodriguez ed

    Ascaridia galli: a report of erratic migration

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    This paper describes a case of an unusual recovery of adult Ascaridia galli in hen's egg. Several data are available on this occurrence but it appears to be the first case described in Italy. The worm was identified as an adult female, 6.8 cm in length, with three trilobed lips, cervical narrow alae, oesophagus club-shaped without posterior bulb, vulva near the middle of body, with gravid uteri containing a large number of eggs. The presence of Ascaridia galli in hen's eggs cannot be considered as hazard for public health but may be cause of a potential consumer complaint. Moreover it is a sign of presence of ascaridiosis, parasitosis that still produces economic losses in modern poultry production system

    Enhancement of the formation of ultracold 85^{85}Rb2_2 molecules due to resonant coupling

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    We have studied the effect of resonant electronic state coupling on the formation of ultracold ground-state 85^{85}Rb2_2. Ultracold Rb2_2 molecules are formed by photoassociation (PA) to a coupled pair of 0u+0_u^+ states, 0u+(P1/2)0_u^+(P_{1/2}) and 0u+(P3/2)0_u^+(P_{3/2}), in the region below the 5S+5P1/25S+5P_{1/2} limit. Subsequent radiative decay produces high vibrational levels of the ground state, X1ÎŁg+X ^1\Sigma_g^+. The population distribution of these XX state vibrational levels is monitored by resonance-enhanced two-photon ionization through the 21ÎŁu+2 ^1\Sigma_u^+ state. We find that the populations of vibrational levels vâ€Čâ€Čv''=112−-116 are far larger than can be accounted for by the Franck-Condon factors for 0u+(P1/2)→X1ÎŁg+0_u^+(P_{1/2}) \to X ^1\Sigma_g^+ transitions with the 0u+(P1/2)0_u^+(P_{1/2}) state treated as a single channel. Further, the ground-state molecule population exhibits oscillatory behavior as the PA laser is tuned through a succession of 0u+0_u^+ state vibrational levels. Both of these effects are explained by a new calculation of transition amplitudes that includes the resonant character of the spin-orbit coupling of the two 0u+0_u^+ states. The resulting enhancement of more deeply bound ground-state molecule formation will be useful for future experiments on ultracold molecules.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; corrected author lis

    The Severe Heart Failure Questionnaire: Italian translation and linguistic validation

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    Introduction. The quality of life (QoL) is an important outcome indicator for heart failure management. As the use of a validate questionnaire in a different cultural context can affect data interpretation our main objective is the Italian translation and linguistic validation of the Severe Heart Failure Questionnaire (SHF) and its comparison with the MLHF (Minnesota Living with Heart Failure) Questionnaire. Methods. The SHF and ?The Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire? were translated. A consensus involving parallel back-translations was established among a group of cardiologists, psychologists and biostatisticians. SHF and MLHF were both administrated to a sample of 50 patients Results. The patients? median age was 63 years. Ace inhibitors therapy was administered in 88% of cases and betablockers in 56% of cases. Finally the Italian version of SHF correlates well with MLHF for all domains, except life satisfaction SHF domain. Discussion: The Italian version of the SHF correlates well with MLHF for almost all domains and it represents a valid alterna- tive for quality of life assessment in heart failure patients

    Noninvasive assessment of reperfusion and reocclusion after thrombolysis in acute myocardial infarction.

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    The clinical significance of ST-segment changes and of the time course of appearance in serum of different cardiac proteins has been reviewed for the diagnosis of coronary reperfusion and reocclusion after thrombolysis. In particular, the value of serial 12-lead electrocardiographic (ECG) studies, of Holter monitoring, and of continuous multilead computer-assisted ECG monitoring is compared. Regarding the serum proteins, the clinical significance of reperfusion indices described so far for serum creatine kinase (CK), its isoenzyme serum creatinine kinase MB, the CK isoforms, and myoglobin is reviewed. Emphasis is placed on (1) the calculation method used for deriving the reperfusion indices; (2) the sensitivity and the specificity of the reperfusion indices; (3) the minimum turn-around time needed to produce the reperfusion indices (depending on the practicability of the analytical and calculation methods and their applicability in an em

    L\'evy flights of photons in hot atomic vapours

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    Properties of random and fluctuating systems are often studied through the use of Gaussian distributions. However, in a number of situations, rare events have drastic consequences, which can not be explained by Gaussian statistics. Considerable efforts have thus been devoted to the study of non Gaussian fluctuations such as L\'evy statistics, generalizing the standard description of random walks. Unfortunately only macroscopic signatures, obtained by averaging over many random steps, are usually observed in physical systems. We present experimental results investigating the elementary process of anomalous diffusion of photons in hot atomic vapours. We measure the step size distribution of the random walk and show that it follows a power law characteristic of L\'evy flights.Comment: This final version is identical to the one published in Nature Physic

    Formation of ultracold LiCs molecules

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    We present the first observation of ultracold LiCs molecules. The molecules are formed in a two-species magneto-optical trap and detected by two-photon ionization and time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The production rate coefficient is found to be in the range 10^{-18}\unit{cm^3s^{-1}} to 10^{-16}\unit{cm^3s^{-1}}, at least an order of magnitude smaller than for other heteronuclear diatomic molecules directly formed in a magneto-optical trap.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Computer Percolation Models for Espresso Coffee: State of the Art, Results and Future Perspectives

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    Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages in the world. This has two main consequences: a high level of competitiveness among the players operating in the sector and an increasing pressure from the supply chain on the environment. These two aspects have to be supported by scientific research to foster innovation and reduce the negative impact of the coffee market on the environment. In this paper, we describe a mathematical model for espresso coffee extraction that is able to predict the chemical characterisation of the coffee in the cup. Such a model has been tested through a wide campaign of chemical laboratory analyses on espresso coffee samples extracted under different conditions. The results of such laboratory analyses are compared with the simulation results obtained using the aforementioned model. The comparison shows a close agreement between the real and in silico extractions, revealing that the model is a very promising scientific tool to take on the challenges of the coffee market
