789 research outputs found

    The Saito-Kurokawa lifting and Darmon points

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    Let E_{/_\Q} be an elliptic curve of conductor NpNp with pNp\nmid N and let ff be its associated newform of weight 2. Denote by ff_\infty the pp-adic Hida family passing though ff, and by FF_\infty its Λ\Lambda-adic Saito-Kurokawa lift. The pp-adic family FF_\infty of Siegel modular forms admits a formal Fourier expansion, from which we can define a family of normalized Fourier coefficients {A~T(k)}T\{\widetilde A_T(k)\}_T indexed by positive definite symmetric half-integral matrices TT of size 2×22\times 2. We relate explicitly certain global points on EE (coming from the theory of Stark-Heegner points) with the values of these Fourier coefficients and of their pp-adic derivatives, evaluated at weight k=2k=2.Comment: 14 pages. Title change

    A novel class of heat and secretion stress-responsive genes is controlled by the autoregulated CssRS two-component system of Bacillus subtilis

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    Bacteria need dedicated systems that allow appropriate adaptation to the perpetual changes in their environments. In Bacillus subtilis, two HtrA-like proteases, HtrA and HtrB, play critical roles in the cellular response to secretion and heat stresses. Transcription of these genes is induced by the high-level production of a secreted protein or by a temperature upshift. The CssR-CssS two-component regulatory system plays an essential role in this transcriptional activation. Transcription of the cssRS operon is autoregulated and can be induced by secretion stress, by the absence of either HtrA or HtrB, and by heat stress in a HtrA null mutant strain. Two start sites are used for cssRS transcription, only one of which is responsive to heat and secretion stress. The divergently transcribed htrB and cssRS genes share a regulatory region through which their secretion and heat stress-induced expression is linked. This study shows that CssRS-regulated genes represent a novel class of heat-inducible genes, which is referred to as class V and currently includes two genes: htrA and htrB

    Acute kidney injury in the critically ill: an updated review on pathophysiology and management.

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    Acute kidney injury (AKI) is now recognized as a heterogeneous syndrome that not only affects acute morbidity and mortality, but also a patient's long-term prognosis. In this narrative review, an update on various aspects of AKI in critically ill patients will be provided. Focus will be on prediction and early detection of AKI (e.g., the role of biomarkers to identify high-risk patients and the use of machine learning to predict AKI), aspects of pathophysiology and progress in the recognition of different phenotypes of AKI, as well as an update on nephrotoxicity and organ cross-talk. In addition, prevention of AKI (focusing on fluid management, kidney perfusion pressure, and the choice of vasopressor) and supportive treatment of AKI is discussed. Finally, post-AKI risk of long-term sequelae including incident or progression of chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular events and mortality, will be addressed

    ICU-acquired pneumonia in immunosuppressed patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure: A post-hoc analysis of a prospective international cohort study

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    Objective: Intensive Care Units (ICU) acquired Pneumonia (ICU-AP) is one of the most frequent nosocomial infections in critically ill patients. Our aim was to determine the effects of having an ICU-AP in immunosuppressed patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure. Design: Post-hoc analysis of a multinational, prospective cohort study in 16 countries. Settings: ICU. Patients: Immunosuppressed patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure. Intervention: None. Measurements and main results: The original cohort had 1611 and in this post-hoc analysis a total of 1512 patients with available data on hospital mortality and occurrence of ICU-AP were included. ICU-AP occurred in 158 patients (10.4%). Hospital mortality was higher in patients with ICU-AP (14.8% vs. 7.1% p < 0.001). After adjustment for confounders and centre effect, use of vasopressors (Odds Ratio (OR) 2.22; 95%CI 1.46-.39) and invasive me-chanical ventilation at day 1 (OR 2.12 vs. high flow oxygen; 95%CI 1.07-4.20) were associated with increased risk of ICU-AP while female gender (OR 0.63; 95%CI 0.43-94) and chronic kidney disease (OR 0.43; 95%CI 0.22-0.88) were associated with decreased risk of ICU-AP. After adjustment for confounders and centre effect, ICU-AP was independently associated with mortality (Hazard Ratio 1.48; 95%CI 14.-1.91; P = 0.003). Conclusions: The attributable mortality of ICU-AP has been repetitively questioned in immunosuppressed pa-tients with acute respiratory failure. This manuscript found that ICU-AP represents an independent risk factor for hospital mortality.(c) 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    A case of serious laryngeal edema unpredictably detected during laryngoscopy for orotracheal intubation following induction of anesthesia

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    We report a case of unpredictable and serious laryngeal edema probably caused by preoperative esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD). A 54-year-old man with type 2 diabetes mellitus was scheduled to undergo coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Two days before surgery, EGD was performed to explore the cause of occult bleeding, resulting in a slightly sore throat and an increased white blood cell count (18,300/μl). Without premedication, general anesthesia was uneventfully induced with intravenous midazolam (10 mg) and fentanyl (50 μg), followed by inhalation of sevoflurane (3%) and intravenous rocuronium (50 mg). Thereafter, manual ventilation was easily performed with a bag and mask. However, on laryngoscopy for orotracheal intubation, serious swelling with rubor and light pus in the epiglottis extending to the arytenoid cartilage was detected, leading to the cancellation of surgery. Immediately following intravenous drip of hydrocortisone (300 mg) and bolus of sugammadex (200 mg), the patient recovered smoothly from anesthesia without complications such as dyspnea, but his sore throat persisted. He was diagnosed with acute epiglottitis. Treatment consisted of intravenous cefazolin (2 g/day) and hydrocortisone (300 mg/day tapered to 100 mg/day) for 9 consecutive days. Consequently, the patient recovered gradually from the inflammation and underwent CABG as scheduled 28 days later. Anesthesiologists should be aware that EGD performed just before anesthesia could unpredictably cause acute epiglottitis, especially in immunocompromised patients, such as those with diabetes

    Successful desensitization with human insulin in a patient with an insulin allergy and hypersensitivity to protamine: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Insulin allergy may occur in patients treated with subcutaneous applications of insulin preparations. Besides additives in the insulin preparation such as protamine, cresol, and phenol, the insulin molecule itself may be the cause of the allergy. In the latter case, therapeutic options are rare.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 68-year-old man with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus received different insulin preparations subcutaneously while on oral medication. Six to eight hours after each subcutaneous application, he developed pruritic plaques with a diameter of >15 cm at the injection sites that persisted for several days. Allergologic testing revealed positive reactions against every insulin preparation and against protamine. Investigation of serum samples demonstrated IgG antibodies against human and porcine insulin. We treated the patient with human insulin using an ultra-rush protocol beginning with 0.004 IU and a rapid augmentation in dose up to 5 IU. Therapy was accompanied by antihistamine therapy. Subsequent conversion to therapy with glargine insulin (6 IE twice daily) was well-tolerated.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>As reported in this case, desensitization with subcutaneously administered human insulin using an ultra-rush protocol in patients with an insulin allergy may present an easy form of therapy that is successful within a few days.</p

    Intensive care of the cancer patient: recent achievements and remaining challenges

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    A few decades have passed since intensive care unit (ICU) beds have been available for critically ill patients with cancer. Although the initial reports showed dismal prognosis, recent data suggest that an increased number of patients with solid and hematological malignancies benefit from intensive care support, with dramatically decreased mortality rates. Advances in the management of the underlying malignancies and support of organ dysfunctions have led to survival gains in patients with life-threatening complications from the malignancy itself, as well as infectious and toxic adverse effects related to the oncological treatments. In this review, we will appraise the prognostic factors and discuss the overall perspective related to the management of critically ill patients with cancer. The prognostic significance of certain factors has changed over time. For example, neutropenia or autologous bone marrow transplantation (BMT) have less adverse prognostic implications than two decades ago. Similarly, because hematologists and oncologists select patients for ICU admission based on the characteristics of the malignancy, the underlying malignancy rarely influences short-term survival after ICU admission. Since the recent data do not clearly support the benefit of ICU support to unselected critically ill allogeneic BMT recipients, more outcome research is needed in this subgroup. Because of the overall increased survival that has been reported in critically ill patients with cancer, we outline an easy-to-use and evidence-based ICU admission triage criteria that may help avoid depriving life support to patients with cancer who can benefit. Lastly, we propose a research agenda to address unanswered questions

    Insulin Detemir in the Treatment of Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

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    Insulin detemir is a soluble long-acting human insulin analogue at neutral pH with a unique mechanism of action. Following subcutaneous injection, insulin detemir binds to albumin via fatty acid chain, thereby providing slow absorption and a prolonged metabolic effect. Insulin detemir has a less variable pharmacokinetic profile than insulin suspension isophane or insulin ultralente. The use of insulin detemir can reduce the risk of hypoglycemia (especially nocturnal hypoglycemia) in type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients. However, overall glycemic control, as assessed by glycated hemoglobin, is only marginally and not significantly improved compared with usual insulin therapy. The weight gain commonly associated with insulin therapy is rather limited when insulin detemir is used. In our experience, this new insulin analogue is preferably administrated at bedtime but can be proposed twice a day (in the morning and either before the dinner or at bedtime). Detemir is a promising option for basal insulin therapy in type 1 or type 2 diabetic patients

    Ten years of Ana: lessons from a transdisciplinary body of literature on online pro-eating disorder websites

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    This paper offers a methodical review of the scientific literature of the last decade that concerns itself with online services offering supportive advocacy for anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa (‘pro-ana’ and ‘pro-mia’). The main question is whether these studies reproduce the traditional divide in the study of eating disorders, between clinical and social science perspectives, with limited mutual exchanges. Having first identified a specific body of literature, the authors investigate its content, methods and approaches, and analyse the network of cross-citations the components generate and share. On this basis, the authors argue that the scientific literature touching on pro-ana websites can be regarded as a single transdisciplinary body of knowledge. What’s more, they show that the literature on computermediated sociabilities centred on eating disorders displays different structural characteristics with respect to the traditional, non-Web-related research on eating disorders. In the latter, the social sciences have usually provided a critical counterpoint to the development of a health sciences mainstream. In the case of Web-related research, however, the social sciences have taken the lead role in defining the field, with the health sciences following suit