5,341 research outputs found

    The mass of the black hole in GRS 1915+105: new constraints from IR spectroscopy

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    GRS 1915+105 has the largest mass function of any Galactic black hole system, although the error is relatively large. Here we present spectroscopic analysis of medium-resolution IR VLT archival data of GRS 1915+105 in the K-band. We find an updated ephemeris, and report on attempts to improve the mass function by a refinement of the radial velocity estimate. We show that the spectra are significantly affected by the presence of phase-dependent CO bandhead emission, possibly originating from the accretion disc: we discuss the impact this has on efforts to better constrain the black hole mass. We report on a possible way to measure the radial velocity utilising apparent H-band atomic absorption features and also discuss the general uncertainty of the system parameters of this well-studied objectComment: 7 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Main Journa

    The experiences and beliefs of people with severe haemophilia and healthcare professionals on pain management, and their views of using exercise as an aspect of intervention: a qualitative study

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    Purpose: To explore the experiences, views and beliefs of people with severe haemophilia and healthcare professionals (HCPs) on approaches for pain management, as well as their views on exercise being used as an aspect of management. Methods: Taking a qualitative inquiry approach using focus groups and semi-structured interviews, participants included people with severe haemophilia living with chronic pain and haemophilia HCPs. Data were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis. Results: Fourteen men with haemophilia with a median age of 47 (range 23–73) and six haemophilia HCPs agreed to participate. Of the people with haemophilia, 11 attended two focus groups and three were interviewed over telephone. Healthcare professionals were interviewed face-to-face. Two themes were conceptualised from the data: (i) haemophilia management and pain management is discordant (imbalance between good haemophilia care but poor pain management, historical medico-social influences on pain management, the need for trust); (ii) uncertain about exercise but clear on what matters (conflicting views on exercise, the need for proof of safety, personalised care). Conclusions: Options for effective pain management remain limited and what is used is heavily influenced by beliefs and experience. Exercise as a treatment option in pain management is conceptually acceptable for people with haemophilia. Effective pain management requires understanding of individual beliefs and fears, and a personalised approach supported by knowledgeable, trusted clinicians

    Physiotherapy interventions for pain management in haemophilia: A systematic review

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    Purpose: Approximately 35%-50% of people with haemophilia (PWH) report living with chronic musculoskeletal pain. Although exercise based rehabilitation is effective for pain in other arthritises, there are no published guidelines for management of chronic pain in PWH. This review aims to evaluate and appraise the current evidence of effectiveness of physiotherapy interventions on (a) pain intensity, (b) quality of life (QoL) and (c) function in PWH. Methods: A systematic review of five databases AMED and CINAHL, EMBASE and MEDLINE and PEDro, as well as trial registries, grey literature and hand searching key journals was completed. Included studies were critically appraised and evaluated for risk of bias. The GRADE approach was used to rate the quality of the evidence. Results: Nine trials consisting of 235 participants met the inclusion criteria. All studies had an overall risk of bias with low methodological quality. Meta-analysis was not possible due to heterogeneity across trials. Studies comparing a range of physiotherapy interventions against no intervention showed no clear beneficial effect on pain intensity or QoL. Only one study, investigating hydrotherapy or land-based exercise against control, showed positive effect for pain intensity, but rated very low on GRADE assessment. Studies comparing one physiotherapy intervention against another showed no clear benefit on pain intensity, QoL or function. LASER with exercise and hydrotherapy were shown to have some positive effects on pain intensity, but no clear benefit on function. Conclusions: At present, there is limited evidence for the use of physiotherapy interventions in addressing the issue of pain in PWH. Better designed trials with higher quality and explicit methodology along with user involvement are needed to assess the efficacy of any proposed intervention

    How does a lifetime of painful experiences influence sensations and beliefs about pain in adults with severe haemophilia? A qualitative study

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    Purpose: To explore the life experiences of pain in people with severe haemophilia and understand how such experiences influence beliefs and sensation of pain in adulthood. Methods: A qualitative inquiry approach using focus groups and semi-structured individual interviews was used. Participants included people with severe haemophilia living with chronic pain. Data were analysed using reflexive thematic analysis. Results: Fourteen men with a median age of 47 (range 23–73) agreed to take part. Eleven participated in two focus groups and three were interviewed over telephone. Two themes were conceptualised from the data: (i) haemophilia and pain – an evolving life biography (the personal narrative, historical, social, and medical context, continuous adaptation of activity choices, surveillance of pain and its meaning); (ii) “My normal isn’t normal” – identity and self-agency (pain as a feature of life and identify with severe haemophilia, loss of enjoyable activities balanced against staying active, barriers to participation). Conclusions: Pain is a constantly evolving, lifetime feature for many adults with haemophilia and it is viewed as part of their identity with their condition. Healthcare professionals working in haemophilia should try to better understand the influence of an individuals lived experience with their haemophilia on beliefs and behaviours of pai

    Previously Claimed(/Unclaimed) X-ray Emission Lines in High Resolution Afterglow Spectra

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    We review the significance determination for emission lines in the Chandra HETGS spectrum for GRB020813, and we report on a search for additional lines in high resolution Chandra spectra. No previously unclaimed features are found. We also discuss the significance of lines sets reportedly discovered using XMM data for GRB011211 and GRB030227. We find that these features are likely of modest, though not negligible, significance.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figures, to appear in Santa Fe GRB Conference Proceedings, 200

    De-blending Deep Herschel Surveys: A Multi-wavelength Approach

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    Cosmological surveys in the far infrared are known to suffer from confusion. The Bayesian de-blending tool, XID+, currently provides one of the best ways to de-confuse deep Herschel SPIRE images, using a flat flux density prior. This work is to demonstrate that existing multi-wavelength data sets can be exploited to improve XID+ by providing an informed prior, resulting in more accurate and precise extracted flux densities. Photometric data for galaxies in the COSMOS field were used to constrain spectral energy distributions (SEDs) using the fitting tool CIGALE. These SEDs were used to create Gaussian prior estimates in the SPIRE bands for XID+. The multi-wavelength photometry and the extracted SPIRE flux densities were run through CIGALE again to allow us to compare the performance of the two priors. Inferred ALMA flux densities (Fi^i), at 870μ\mum and 1250μ\mum, from the best fitting SEDs from the second CIGALE run were compared with measured ALMA flux densities (Fm^m) as an independent performance validation. Similar validations were conducted with the SED modelling and fitting tool MAGPHYS and modified black body functions to test for model dependency. We demonstrate a clear improvement in agreement between the flux densities extracted with XID+ and existing data at other wavelengths when using the new informed Gaussian prior over the original uninformed prior. The residuals between Fm^m and Fi^i were calculated. For the Gaussian prior, these residuals, expressed as a multiple of the ALMA error (σ\sigma), have a smaller standard deviation, 7.95σ\sigma for the Gaussian prior compared to 12.21σ\sigma for the flat prior, reduced mean, 1.83σ\sigma compared to 3.44σ\sigma, and have reduced skew to positive values, 7.97 compared to 11.50. These results were determined to not be significantly model dependent. This results in statistically more reliable SPIRE flux densities.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    Chandra Observations of the Optically Dark GRB030528

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    The X-ray-rich GRB030528 was detected by the HETE satellite and its localization was rapidly disseminated. However, early optical observations failed to detect a counterpart source. In a 2-epoch ToO observation with Chandra, we discovered a fading X-ray source likely counterpart to GRB030528. The source brightness was typical of X-ray afterglows observed at similar epochs. Other observers detected an IR source at a location consistent with the X-ray source. The X-ray spectrum is not consistent with a large absorbing column.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figures, to appear in Santa Fe GRB Conference Proceedings, 200

    A high-resolution gamma-ray and hard X-ray spectrometer for solar flare observations in Max 1991

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    A long duration balloon flight instrument for Max 1991 designed to study the acceleration of greater than 10 MeV ions and greater than 15 keV electrons in solar flares through high resolution spectroscopy of the gamma ray lines and hard X-ray and gamma ray continuum is described. The instrument, HIREGS, consists of an array of high-purity, n-type coaxial germanium detectors (HPGe) cooled to less than 90 K and surrounded by a bismuth germanate (BGO) anticoincidence shield. It will cover the energy range 15 keV to 20 MeV with keV spectral resolution, sufficient for accurate measurement of all parameters of the expected gamma ray lines with the exception of the neutron capture deuterium line. Electrical segmentation of the HPGe detector into a thin front segment and a thick rear segment, together with pulse-shape discrimination, provides optimal dynamic range and signal-to-background characteristics for flare measurements. Neutrons and gamma rays up to approximately 0.1 to 1 GeV can be detected and identified with the combination of the HPGe detectors and rear BGO shield. The HIREGS is planned for long duration balloon flights (LDBF) for solar flare studies during Max 1991. The two exploratory LDBFs carried out at mid-latitudes in 1987 to 1988 are described, and the LDBFs in Antarctica, which could in principle provide 24 hour/day solar coverage and very long flight durations (20 to 30 days) because of minimal ballast requirements are discussed