762 research outputs found

    Kinetics of crystallization of FeB-based amorphous alloys studied by neutron thermo-diffractometry

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    Kinetics of crystallization of two amorphous alloys, Fe70Cr10B20 and Fe80Zr10B10, have been followed up by neutron thermodiffractometry experiments performed in the two axis diffractometer D20 (ILL, Grenoble). The structural changes are directly correlated with the temperature dependence of the magnetization. Fe70Cr10B20 crystallizes following a two-step process: an eutectic crystallization of alfa-Fe (bcc) and the metastable tetragonal phase (Fe0.8Cr0.2)3B followed by another eutectic transformation to the stable phase (Fe0.75Cr0.25)2B and more segregation of alfa-Fe. These tetragonal phases are magnetically anisotropic, giving rise to a large increase of the coercivity. This behaviour is similar to that of Fe80B20 alloys, with Cr atoms replacing the Fe positions in both crystalline phases. Fe80Zr10B10 shows also a two-step process in which two polymorphic transformations take place.Comment: 3 pages. Proceedings International Workshop Non-Crystalline Solids 2006, Gijon (Spain

    Color fixation strategies on sustainable poly-butylene succinate using biobased itaconic acid

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    Biopo-lybutylene succinate (bioPBS) is gaining attention in the biodegradable polymer market due to its promising properties, such as high biodegradability and processing versatility, representing a potential sustainable replacement for fossil-based commodities. However, there is still a need to enhance its properties for certain applications, with aesthetical and mechanical properties being a challenge. The aim of the present work is to improve these properties by adding selected additives that will confer bioPBS with comparable properties to that of current counterparts such as polypropylene (PP) for specific applications in the automotive and household appliances sectors. A total of thirteen materials have been studied and compared, being twelve biocomposites containing combinations of three different additives: a commercial red colorant, itaconic acid (IA) to enhance color fixation and zirconia (ZrO2) nanoparticles to maintain at least native PBS mechanical properties. The results show that the combination of IA and the coloring agent tends to slightly yellowish the blend due to the absorbance spectra of IA and also to modify the gloss due to the formation of IA nanocrystals that affects light scattering. In addition, for low amounts of IA (4 wt %), Young’s Modulus seems to be kept while elongation at break is even raised. Unexpectedly, a strong aging affect was found after four weeks. IA increases the hydrophilic behavior of the samples and thus seems to accelerate the hydrolization of the matrix, which is accompanied by an accused disaggregation of phases and an overall softening and rigidization effect. The addition of low amounts of ZrO2 (2 wt %) seems to provide the desired effect for hardening the surface while almost not affecting the other properties; however, higher amounts tends to form aggregates saturating the compounds. As a conclusion, IA might be a good candidate for color fixing in biobased polymers

    Elaboration of Essential Oil From the Oregano for Medicinal Use Sheet

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    The extraction and industrialization of the oregano oil in Ecuador can represent an important source of work, from the harvest to the transformation of the raw material into finished product. The oregano is a plant known from many years back and has always been used for medicinal purposes and is currently being used in many fields such as perfumery, gastronomy, toiletries; But its main use is in medicine. The work proposes a methodology that allows extracting the essential oil of the plant for different medical uses such as: anti - inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant and antibiotic, being of social benefit representing an economic impact in its industrializatio

    Crystal structure of Cu-Sn-In alloys around the {\eta} phase field studied by neutron diffraction

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    The study of the Cu-Sn-In ternary system has become of great importance in recent years, due to new environmental regulations forcing to eliminate the use of Pb in bonding technologies for electronic devices. A key relevant issue concerns the intermetallic phases which grow in the bonding zone and are determining in their quality and performance. In this work, we focus in the {\eta}-phase (Cu2In or Cu6Sn5) that exists in both end binaries and as a ternary phase. We present a neutron diffraction study of the constitution and crystallography of a series of alloys around the 60 at.% Cu composition, and with In contents ranging from 0 to 25 at.%, quenched from 300\degreeC. The alloys were characterized by scanning electron microscopy, probe microanalysis and high-resolution neutron diffraction. The Rietveld refinement of neutron diffraction data allowed to improve the currently available model for site occupancies in the hexagonal {\eta}-phase in the binary Cu-Sn as well as in ternary alloys. For the first time, structural data is reported in the ternary Cu-Sn-In {\eta}-phase as a function of composition, information that is of fundamental technological importance as well as valuable input data for ongoing modelisations of the ternary phase diagram.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure


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    Objetivo: Analizar el efecto del Programa Nacional de Cáncer Cérvico Uterino del Ministerio de Salud Pública de Chile, en la tendencia de la mortalidad por esa neoplasia en el período 1990-2003 y en el cumplimiento del objetivo de reducirla en 40% para el año 2010. Métodos: El número de muertes por cáncer cérvico uterino, el rango de edad de las fallecidas y la población estimada de mujeres, se extraen de los Anuarios de Estadísticas Vitales de Chile. Se calcularon las tasas brutas y ajustadas por edad de la mortalidad general y por rangos de edad de las fallecidas, utilizando como población estándar la del año 2003. La tendencia y pendiente del período, como la estimación de la mortalidad para 2010 se efectuó mediante análisis de regresión lineal. Resultados: Hubo una tendencia descendente y significativa de la tasa de mortalidad ajustada por cáncer cérvico uterino desde 14,3/100.000 en 1990 a 8,5/100.000 mujeres en 2003 (r= -0,977; p<0,001); la pendiente del período mostró una reducción anual de la tasa de 0,463/100.000 mujeres, estimándose para 2010 una mortalidad de 4,8/100.000 mujeres, menor que el objetivo propuesto por el Ministerio de Salud Pública de Chile. Conclusiones: El Programa Nacional de Cáncer Cérvico Uterino de Chile redujo significativamente la mortalidad por esa neoplasia en el período 1990-2003. El análisis de tendencia mostró que es posible cumplir con el objetivo de reducir la mortalidad en 40% para el año 201

    Flybys in protoplanetary discs: I. Gas and dust dynamics

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    We present 3D smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations of protoplanetary discs undergoing a flyby by a stellar perturber on a parabolic orbit lying in a plane inclined relative to the disc mid-plane. We model the disc as a mixture of gas and dust, with grains ranging from 1 {\mu}m to 10 cm in size. Exploring different orbital inclinations, periastron distances and mass ratios, we investigate the disc dynamical response during and after the flyby. We find that flybys induce evolving spiral structure in both gas and dust which can persist for thousands of years after periastron. Gas and dust structures induced by the flyby differ because of drag-induced effects on the dust grains. Variations in the accretion rate by up to an order of magnitude occur over a time-scale of order 10 years or less, inducing FU Orionis-like outbursts. The remnant discs are truncated and warped. The dust disc is left more compact than the gas disc, both because of disc truncation and accelerated radial drift of grains induced by the flyby.Comment: 27 pages, 24 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA


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    RESEÑA de : Martínez Buján, Carlos. "Derecho penal económico". Valencia : Tirant lo Blanch, 2002. RESEÑA de : Pérez Galdós, Benito. "El crimen de la calle de Fuencarral" (ed. y pról. de Reig, Rafael). Madrid : Lengua de Trapo, 2002. RESEÑA de : Gil Gil, Alicia. "La ausencia del elemento subjetivo de justificación". Granada : Editorial Comares, 2002. RESEÑA de : Silva Sánchez, Jesús María." La expansión del Derecho penal". Madrid : Civitas, 200