446 research outputs found

    North Atlantic millennial-scale climate variability 910 to 790 ka and the role of the equatorial insolation forcing

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    The Mid-Pleistocene transition (MPT) was the time when quasi-periodic (not, vert, similar 100 kyr), high-amplitude glacial variability developed in the absence of any significant change in the character of orbital forcing, leading to the establishment of the characteristic pattern of late Pleistocene climate variability. It has long been known that the interval around 900 ka stands out as a critical point of the MPT, when major glaciations started occurring most notably in the northern hemisphere. Here we examine the record of climatic conditions during this significant interval, using high-resolution stable isotope records from benthic and planktonic foraminifera from a sediment core in the North Atlantic (Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 306, Site U1313). We have considered the time interval from late in Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 23 to MIS 20 (910 to 790 ka). Our data indicate that interglacial MIS 21 was a climatically unstable period and was broken into four interstadial periods, which have been identified and correlated across the North Atlantic region. These extra peaks tend to contradict previous studies that interpreted the MIS 21 variability as consisting essentially of a linear response to cyclical changes in orbital parameters. Cooling events in the surface record during MIS 21 were associated with low benthic carbon isotope excursions, suggesting a coupling between surface temperature changes and the strength of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. Time series analysis performed on the whole interval indicates that benthic and planktonic oxygen isotopes have significant concentrations of spectral power centered on periods of 10.7 kyr and 6 kyr, which is in agreement with the second and forth harmonic of precession. The excellent correspondence between the foraminifera δ18O records and insolation variations at the Equator in March and September suggests that a mechanism related to low-latitude precession variations, advected to the high latitudes by tropical convective processes, might have generated such a response. This scenario accounts for the presence of oscillations at frequencies equal to precession harmonics at Site U1313, as well as the occurrence of higher amplitude oscillations between the MIS22/21 transition and most of MIS 21, times of enhanced insolation variability

    Pressure-induced phase transition in the electronic structure of palladium nitride

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    We present a combined theoretical and experimental study of the electronic structure and equation of state (EOS) of crystalline PdN2. The compound forms above 58 GPa in the pyrite structure and is metastable down to 11 GPa. We show that the EOS cannot be accurately described within either the local density or generalized gradient approximations. The Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof exchange-correlation functional (HSE06), however, provides very good agreement with experimental data. We explain the strong pressure dependence of the Raman intensities in terms of a similar dependence of the calculated band gap, which closes just below 11 GPa. At this pressure, the HSE06 functional predicts a first-order isostructural transition accompanied by a pronounced elastic instability of the longitudinal-acoustic branches that provides the mechanism for the experimentally observed decomposition. Using an extensive Wannier function analysis, we show that the structural transformation is driven by a phase transition of the electronic structure, which is manifested by a discontinuous change in the hybridization between Pd-d and N-p electrons as well as a conversion from single to triple bonded nitrogen dimers. We argue for the possible existence of a critical point for the isostructural transition, at which massive fluctuations in both the electronic as well as the structural degrees of freedom are expected.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures. Revised version corrects minor typographical error

    Eccentricity signal in the nannofossil time-series across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition in the northwestern Pacific Ocean (ODP Site 1209)

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    The Mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT; 1.25–0.6 million years ago, Ma) is one of the most important and still debated climate reorganizations during which the glacial/interglacial cycles switched from a 41-thousand years (kyr) cycle (i.e. obliquity) to a quasi-periodic 100-kyr cycle (associated with orbital eccentricity). Variations in the orbital geometry can affect the abundance and distribution of certain marine biota such as the coccolithophores, a group of unicellular calcifying phytoplankton, whose skeletal remains – called nannofossils – represent a valid tool within the geological archives to infer change in surface water conditions and/or coccolithophore productivity and how orbital variations may have impacted them. Here, we apply for the first time various time series analytical techniques to the nannofossil dataset from mid-latitudinal Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1209 in the northwest Pacific Ocean for the interval spanning the last 1.6 Myr. To better interpret the orbital signal recorded by different nannofossil species we used time series analyses (i.e. wavelet, autocorrelation and cross correlation) to identify the main periodicities by single nannofossil species during the MPT, and to investigate further their response timings to those orbital drivers. In addition, we investigated how the recorded periodicities can improve understanding of the paleoecological preferences of particular species. The combination of multiple time series analyses allowed identification of the 100-kyr periodicity as the main cyclicity recorded in most analyzed species at Site 1209, documenting the predominance of the eccentricity-related signal at mid-latitudes and a reduced or absent influence of the obliquity response. Thus, our data highlight how orbital influence varies by latitude impacting the nannofossil species. The lag between eccentricity and species abundance fluctuations was also investigated, identifying a fast response ranging between 20 and 40 kyr for the taxa Calcidiscus leptoporus subspecies leptoporus, Gephyrocapsa caribbeanica small, and Reticulofenestra spp. (>5 μm). This study corroborates the potential of nannofossils to deepen understanding of the dynamics and effects of variations in orbital geometry through time. It also underlines the need to extend the study of the responses of specific species through the use of different time series analysis techniques in order to return complementary information and detect clearer orbital signals

    Pulsed laser Raman spectroscopy in the laser-heated diamond anvil cell

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    We describe the design and operation of a spatially-filtered Raman/fluorescence spectrometer that incorporates a pulsed 532 nm laser excitation source and a synchronized and electronically gated CCD detector. This system permits the suppression of undesired continuous radiation from various sources by a factor of up to 50,000 providing the possibility of acquiring Raman signals at temperatures exceeding 5,000 K. We present performance comparisons of this system with that of a state-of-the-art conventional CW system using a 458 nm excitation source. We also demonstrate that the pulsed system is capable of suppressing an impurity-induced (single nitrogen defects) fluorescence in diamond, and further suggest that this capability can be used to suppress the stress-induced fluorescence in diamond that may appear at pressures near or above 150 GPa

    Synthesis of Alkaline Earth Diazenides MAEN2 (MAE = Ca, Sr, Ba) by Controlled Thermal Decomposition of Azides under High Pressure

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    The alkaline earth diazenides MAEN2 with MAE = Ca, Sr and Ba were synthesized by a novel synthetic approach, namely, a controlled decomposition of the corresponding azides in a multianvil press at highpressure/ high-temperature conditions. The crystal structure of hitherto unknown calcium diazenide (space group I4/mmm (no. 139), a = 3.5747(6) Å, c = 5.9844(9) Å, Z = 2, wRp = 0.078) was solved and refined on the basis of powder X-ray diffraction data as well as that of SrN2 and BaN2. Accordingly, CaN2 is isotypic with SrN2 (space group I4/mmm (no. 139), a = 3.8054(2) Å, c = 6.8961(4) Å, Z = 2, wRp = 0.057) and the corresponding alkaline earth acetylenides (MAEC2) crystallizing in a tetragonally distorted NaCl structure type. In accordance with literature data, BaN2 adopts a more distorted structure in space group C2/c (no. 15) with a = 7.1608(4) Å, b = 4.3776(3) Å, c = 7.2188(4) Å, β = 104.9679(33)°, Z = 4 and wRp = 0.049). The N−N bond lengths of 1.202(4) Å in CaN2 (SrN2 1.239(4) Å, BaN2 1.23(2) Å) correspond well with a double-bonded dinitrogen unit confirming a diazenide ion [N2]2−. Temperature-dependent in situ powder X-ray diffractometry of the three alkaline earth diazenides resulted in formation of the corresponding subnitrides MAE2N (MAE = Ca, Sr, Ba) at higher temperatures. FTIR spectroscopy revealed a band at about 1380 cm−1 assigned to the N−N stretching vibration of the diazenide unit. Electronic structure calculations support the metallic character of alkaline earth diazenides

    A reference time scale for Site U1385 (Shackleton Site) on the SW Iberian Margin

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    Weproduced a composite depth scale and chronology for Site U1385 on the SWIberianMargin. Using log(Ca/Ti)measured by core scanning XRF at 1-cm resolution in all holes, a composite section was constructed to166.5 meter composite depth (mcd) that corrects for stretching and squeezing in each core. Oxygen isotopesof benthic foraminifera were correlated to a stacked d18O reference signal (LR04) to produce an oxygen isotopestratigraphy and age model.Variations in sediment color contain very strong precession signals at Site U1385, and the amplitude modulationof these cycles provides a powerful tool for developing an orbitally-tuned agemodel.We tuned the U1385 recordby correlating peaks in L* to the local summer insolation maxima at 37°N. The benthic d18O record of Site U1385,when placed on the tuned agemodel, generally agrees with other time scaleswithin their respective chronologicuncertainties.The age model is transferred to down-core data to produce a continuous time series of log(Ca/Ti) that reflectrelative changes of biogenic carbonate and detrital sediment. Biogenic carbonate increases during interglacialand interstadial climate states and decreases during glacial and stadial periods. Much of the variance in thelog(Ca/Ti) is explained by a linear combination of orbital frequencies (precession, tilt and eccentricity), whereasthe residual signal reflects suborbital climate variability. The strong correlation between suborbital log(Ca/Ti)variability and Greenland temperature over the last glacial cycle at Site U1385 suggests that this signal can beused as a proxy for millennial-scale climate variability over the past 1.5 Ma.Millennial climate variability, as expressed by log(Ca/Ti) at Site U1385, was a persistent feature of glacial climatesover the past 1.5Ma, including glacial periods of the early Pleistocene (‘41-kyrworld’)when boundary conditionsdiffered significantly from those of the late Pleistocene (‘100-kyr world’). Suborbital variability was suppressedduring interglacial stages and enhanced during glacial periods, especially when benthic d18O surpassed ~3.3–3.5‰. Each glacial inception was marked by appearance of strong millennial variability and each deglaciatio

    A gene-rich linkage map in the dioecious species Actinidia chinensis (kiwifruit) reveals putative X/Y sex-determining chromosomes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The genus <it>Actinidia </it>(kiwifruit) consists of woody, scrambling vines, native to China, and only recently propagated as a commercial crop. All species described are dioecious, but the genetic mechanism for sex-determination is unknown, as is the genetic basis for many of the cluster of characteristics making up the unique fruit. It is, however, an important crop in the New Zealand economy, and a classical breeding program would benefit greatly by knowledge of the trait alleles carried by both female and male parents. The application of marker assisted selection (MAS) in seedling populations would also aid the accurate and efficient development of novel fruit types for the market.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Gene-rich female, male and consensus linkage maps of the diploid species <it>A. chinensis </it>have been constructed with 644 microsatellite markers. The maps consist of twenty-nine linkage groups corresponding to the haploid number n = 29. We found that sex-linked sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers and the 'Flower-sex' phenotype consistently mapped to a single linkage group, in a subtelomeric region, in a section of inconsistent marker order. The region also contained markers of expressed genes, some of unknown function. Recombination, assessed by allelic distribution and marker order stability, was, in the remainder of the linkage group, in accordance with other linkage groups. Fully informative markers to other genes in this linkage group identified the comparative linkage group in the female map, where recombination ratios determining marker order were similar to the autosomes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have created genetic linkage maps that define the 29 linkage groups of the haploid genome, and have revealed the position and extent of the sex-determining locus in <it>A. chinensis</it>. As all <it>Actinidia </it>species are dioecious, we suggest that the sex-determining loci of other <it>Actinidia </it>species will be similar to that region defined in our maps. As the extent of the non-recombining region is limited, our result supports the suggestion that the subtelomeric region of an autosome is in the early stages of developing the characteristics of a sex chromosome. The maps provide a reference of genetic information in <it>Actinidia </it>for use in genetic analysis and breeding programs.</p

    A multi-proxy reconstruction of environmental change in the vicinity of the North Bay outlet of pro-glacial Lake Algonquin

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    This is the author accepted manuscriptWe present a multi-proxy study of environmental conditions during and after the recessional phases of pro-glacial Lake Algonquin in the vicinity of the North Bay outlet, Great Lakes Basin. Data presented comes from a new sedimentary profile obtained from the Balsam Creek kettle lake c. 34km north-east of the city of North Bay. This site lay close to the northeast margin of the maximum extent of the post-Algonquin lake sequence, which drained through the Ottawa-Mattawa valley system. Our data are presented against a Bayesian age-depth model, supporting and extending regional understanding of vegetation succession in this part of north-east Ontario. The core profile provides a minimum age for the formation of the glacial outwash delta in which the kettle is set, as well as a tentative timing for the Payette (post-Algonquin) lake phase. We highlight two discrete intervals during the Early Holocene, with modelled mean ages of: 8475-8040 cal. BP (332-316cm) and 7645 cal. BP (286cm), when climatic aridity affected the growth of vegetation within the kettle vicinity. Association with volcanic activity is posited. Cryptotephra dating to 7660-7430 cal. BP (mean age: 7580 cal. BP) is chronologically and geochemically assigned to the Mazama climactic eruption, while an earlier ash accumulation 8710-7865 cal. BP is tentatively sourced to an unknown eruption also in the Cascades region of Oregon. Outside of these periods, the Balsam Creek sequence shows considerable habitat stability and a character akin to that seen at more southerly latitudes. On this evidence we propose that access to reliable resources within kettle features could have aided the initial colonisation of northern Ontario’s environmentally dynamic early post-glacial landscape

    Mapping a candidate gene (MdMYB10) for red flesh and foliage colour in apple

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Integrating plant genomics and classical breeding is a challenge for both plant breeders and molecular biologists. Marker-assisted selection (MAS) is a tool that can be used to accelerate the development of novel apple varieties such as cultivars that have fruit with anthocyanin through to the core. In addition, determining the inheritance of novel alleles, such as the one responsible for red flesh, adds to our understanding of allelic variation. Our goal was to map candidate anthocyanin biosynthetic and regulatory genes in a population segregating for the red flesh phenotypes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have identified the <it>Rni </it>locus, a major genetic determinant of the red foliage and red colour in the core of apple fruit. In a population segregating for the red flesh and foliage phenotype we have determined the inheritance of the <it>Rni </it>locus and DNA polymorphisms of candidate anthocyanin biosynthetic and regulatory genes. Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) in the candidate genes were also located on an apple genetic map. We have shown that the MdMYB10 gene co-segregates with the <it>Rni </it>locus and is on Linkage Group (LG) 09 of the apple genome.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have performed candidate gene mapping in a fruit tree crop and have provided genetic evidence that red colouration in the fruit core as well as red foliage are both controlled by a single locus named <it>Rni</it>. We have shown that the transcription factor MdMYB10 may be the gene underlying <it>Rni </it>as there were no recombinants between the marker for this gene and the red phenotype in a population of 516 individuals. Associating markers derived from candidate genes with a desirable phenotypic trait has demonstrated the application of genomic tools in a breeding programme of a horticultural crop species.</p
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