163 research outputs found

    Are Major Histocompatibility Complex Molecules Involved in the Survival of Naive CD4+ T Cells?

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    The exact role of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules in the peripheral survival of naive T cells is controversial, as some studies have suggested that they are critically required whereas others have suggested that they are not. Here we controlled for some of the features that differed among the earlier studies, and analyzed both the survival and expansion of naive CD4+ T cells transferred into MHC syngeneic, allogeneic, or MHC negative environments. We found that naive T cells transferred into MHC negative or allogeneic environments often fail to survive because of rejection and/or competition by natural killer (NK) cells, rather than failure to recognize a particular MHC allele. In the absence of NK cells, naive CD4+ T cells survived equally well regardless of the MHC type of the host. There was, however, an MHC requirement for extensive space-induced “homeostatic” expansion. Although the first few divisions occurred in the absence of MHC molecules, the cells did not continue to divide or transit to a CD44hi phenotype. Surprisingly, this MHC requirement could be satisfied by alleles other than the restricting haplotype. Therefore, space-induced expansion and survival are two different phenomena displaying different MHC requirements. Memory CD4+ T cells, whose survival and expansion showed no requirements for MHC molecules at all, dampened the space-induced expansion of naive cells, showing that the two populations are not independent in their requirements for peripheral niches

    CD11cloB220+ interferon-producing killer dendritic cells are activated natural killer cells

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    Interferon-producing killer dendritic cells (IKDCs) are a recently described subset of CD11cloB220+ cells that share phenotypic and functional properties of DCs and natural killer (NK) cells (Chan, C.W., E. Crafton, H.N. Fan, J. Flook, K. Yoshimura, M. Skarica, D. Brockstedt, T.W. Dubensky, M.F. Stins, L.L. Lanier, et al. 2006. Nat. Med. 12:207–213; Taieb, J., N. Chaput, C. Menard, L. Apetoh, E. Ullrich, M. Bonmort, M. Pequignot, N. Casares, M. Terme, C. Flament, et al. 2006. Nat. Med. 12:214–219). IKDC development appears unusual in that cytokines using the interleukin (IL)-2 receptor β (IL-2Rβ) chain but not those using the common γ chain (γc) are necessary for their generation. By directly comparing Rag2−/−γc−/y, Rag2−/−IL-2Rβ−/−, Rag2−/−IL-15−/−, and Rag2−/−IL-2−/− mice, we demonstrate that IKDC development parallels NK cell development in its strict IL-15 dependence. Moreover, IKDCs uniformly express NK-specific Ncr-1 transcripts (encoding NKp46), whereas NKp46+ cells are absent in Ncr1gfp/+γc−/y mice. Distinguishing features of IKDCs (CD11cloB220+MHC-II+) were carefully examined on developing NK cells in the bone marrow and on peripheral NK cells. As B220 expression was heterogeneous, defining B220lo versus B220hi NK1.1+ NK cells could be considered as arbitrary, and few phenotypic differences were noted between NK1.1+ NK cells bearing different levels of B220. CD11c expression did not correlate with B220 or major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II (MHC-II) expression, and most MHC-II+ NK1.1+ cells did not express B220 and were thus not IKDCs. Finally, CD11c, MHC-II, and B220 levels were up-regulated on NK1.1+ cells upon activation in vitro or in vivo in a proliferation-dependent fashion. Our data suggest that the majority of CD11cloB220+ “IKDC-like” cells represent activated NK cells

    Nation, Migration, Identity: Learning from the Cross-Strait Context

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    It has been argued that globalisation, with its flexible landscapes of production, consumption and mobility, has favoured the emergence of new forms of belonging and identity that are not necessarily built on such principles of the nation state. In this paper, we argue that this process is more likely to happen when movements occur between states that are not in conflictual relations with each other. When the relations between two nations are shaped by conflicts, for instance due to disputes about sovereignty over a territory, nationalism may remain a crucial factor shaping identification and belonging of those who move between the two territories. In this paper, by taking the case of migrants moving between the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan, we will shed light on how the issue of “unresolved sovereignty” may eventually lead these actors to reinforce nationalist ideals and identities in their daily narratives and practices, instead of favouring the generation of hybrid identities

    IL-15 trans-presentation promotes human NK cell development and differentiation in vivo

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    The in vivo requirements for human natural killer (NK) cell development and differentiation into cytotoxic effectors expressing inhibitory receptors for self–major histocompatability complex class I (MHC-I; killer Ig-like receptors [KIRs]) remain undefined. Here, we dissect the role of interleukin (IL)-15 in human NK cell development using Rag2−/−γc−/− mice transplanted with human hematopoietic stem cells. Human NK cell reconstitution was intrinsically low in this model because of the poor reactivity to mouse IL-15. Although exogenous human IL-15 (hIL-15) alone made little improvement, IL-15 coupled to IL-15 receptor α (IL-15Rα) significantly augmented human NK cells. IL-15–IL-15Rα complexes induced extensive NK cell proliferation and differentiation, resulting in accumulation of CD16+KIR+ NK cells, which was not uniquely dependent on enhanced survival or preferential responsiveness of this subset to IL-15. Human NK cell differentiation in vivo required hIL-15 and progressed in a linear fashion from CD56hiCD16−KIR− to CD56loCD16+KIR−, and finally to CD56loCD16+KIR+. These data provide the first evidence that IL-15 trans-presentation regulates human NK cell homeostasis. Use of hIL-15 receptor agonists generates a robust humanized immune system model to study human NK cells in vivo. IL-15 receptor agonists may provide therapeutic tools to improve NK cell reconstitution after bone marrow transplants, enhance graft versus leukemia effects, and increase the pool of IL-15–responsive cells during immunotherapy strategies

    Memory deficits in a juvenile rat model of type 1 diabetes are due to excess 11β-HSD1 activity, which is upregulated by high glucose concentrations rather than insulin deficiency

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    Aims/hypothesis: Children with diabetes may display cognitive alterations although vascular disorders have not yet appeared. Variations in glucose levels together with relative insulin deficiency in treated type 1 diabetes have been reported to impact brain function indirectly through dysregulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis. We have recently shown that enhancement of glucocorticoid levels in children with type 1 diabetes is dependent not only on glucocorticoid secretion but also on glucocorticoid tissue concentrations, which is linked to 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD1) activity. Hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis dysfunction and memory alteration were further dissected in a juvenile rat model of diabetes showing that excess 11β-HSD1 activity within the hippocampus is associated with hippocampal-dependent memory deficits. Here, to investigate the causal relationships between diabetes, 11β-HSD1 activity and hippocampus-dependent memory deficits, we evaluated the beneficial effect of 11β-HSD1 inhibition on hippocampal-related memory in juvenile diabetic rats. We also examined whether diabetes-associated enhancement of hippocampal 11β-HSD1 activity is due to an increase in brain glucose concentrations and/or a decrease in insulin signalling. Methods: Diabetes was induced in juvenile rats by daily i.p. injection of streptozotocin for 2 consecutive days. Inhibition of 11β-HSD1 was obtained by administrating the compound UE2316 twice daily by gavage for 3 weeks, after which hippocampal-dependent object location memory was assessed. Hippocampal 11β-HSD1 activity was estimated by the ratio of corticosterone/dehydrocorticosterone measured by LC/MS. Regulation of 11β-HSD1 activity in response to changes in glucose or insulin levels was determined ex vivo on acute brain hippocampal slices. The insulin regulation of 11β-HSD1 was further examined in vivo using virally mediated knockdown of insulin receptor expression specifically in the hippocampus. Results: Our data show that inhibiting 11β-HSD1 activity prevents hippocampal-related memory deficits in diabetic juvenile rats. A significant increase (53.0±9.9%) in hippocampal 11β-HSD1 activity was found in hippocampal slices incubated in high glucose conditions (13.9 mmol/l) vs normal glucose conditions (2.8 mmol/l) without insulin. However, 11β-HSD1 activity was not affected by variations in insulin concentration either in the hippocampal slices or after a decrease in hippocampal insulin receptor expression. Conclusions/interpretation: Together, these data demonstrate that an increase in 11β-HSD1 activity contributes to memory deficits observed in juvenile diabetic rats and that an excess of hippocampal 11β-HSD1 activity stems from high glucose levels rather than insulin deficiency. 11β-HSD1 might be a therapeutic target for treating cognitive impairments associated with diabetes

    Validar a guerra: a construção do regime de Expertise estratégica

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    This article is intended to contribute to the interpretative analysis of war. For that purpose, it investigates how some apparatuses located in strategic thinking help to make modern war a social practice considered both technically feasible and, at the same time, legitimate for soldiers. In so doing, it makes use of two different but closely related theoretical fields, pragmatic sociology (finding inspiration in the work of scholars such as Luc Boltanski, Nicolas Dodier and Francis Chateauraynaud), and the sociology of scientific knowledge (based mostly on the work of Bruno Latour). On the one hand, the sociology of scientific knowledge has developed a productive questioning of the construction of scientific facts that is particularly relevant to the present research. On the other hand, pragmatic sociology generates a compatible framework able to describe collective actions. The combination of both approaches allows the description of the formation of a strategic expertise regime that supports the technical legitimacy of the use of military force. Together, the sociology of scientific knowledge and pragmatic sociology bring a particularly relevant perspective to research pertaining to war.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Squamometry in acute photodamage

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