875 research outputs found

    A construction of symplectic connections through reduction

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    We give an elementary construction of symplectic connections through reduction. This provides an elegant description of a class of symmetric spaces and gives examples of symplectic connections with Ricci type curvature, which are not locally symmetric; the existence of such symplectic connections was unknown.Comment: 16 pages, Plain TeX fil

    Phase Space Reduction for Star-Products: An Explicit Construction for CP^n

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    We derive a closed formula for a star-product on complex projective space and on the domain SU(n+1)/S(U(1)×U(n))SU(n+1)/S(U(1)\times U(n)) using a completely elementary construction: Starting from the standard star-product of Wick type on Cn+1∖{0}C^{n+1} \setminus \{ 0 \} and performing a quantum analogue of Marsden-Weinstein reduction, we can give an easy algebraic description of this star-product. Moreover, going over to a modified star-product on Cn+1∖{0}C^{n+1} \setminus \{ 0 \}, obtained by an equivalence transformation, this description can be even further simplified, allowing the explicit computation of a closed formula for the star-product on \CP^n which can easily transferred to the domain SU(n+1)/S(U(1)×U(n))SU(n+1)/S(U(1)\times U(n)).Comment: LaTeX, 17 page

    Dirac Operators on Coset Spaces

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    The Dirac operator for a manifold Q, and its chirality operator when Q is even dimensional, have a central role in noncommutative geometry. We systematically develop the theory of this operator when Q=G/H, where G and H are compact connected Lie groups and G is simple. An elementary discussion of the differential geometric and bundle theoretic aspects of G/H, including its projective modules and complex, Kaehler and Riemannian structures, is presented for this purpose. An attractive feature of our approach is that it transparently shows obstructions to spin- and spin_c-structures. When a manifold is spin_c and not spin, U(1) gauge fields have to be introduced in a particular way to define spinors. Likewise, for manifolds like SU(3)/SO(3), which are not even spin_c, we show that SU(2) and higher rank gauge fields have to be introduced to define spinors. This result has potential consequences for string theories if such manifolds occur as D-branes. The spectra and eigenstates of the Dirac operator on spheres S^n=SO(n+1)/SO(n), invariant under SO(n+1), are explicitly found. Aspects of our work overlap with the earlier research of Cahen et al..Comment: section on Riemannian structure improved, references adde

    A construction of integer-valued polynomials with prescribed sets of lengths of factorizations

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    For an arbitrary finite set S of natural numbers greater 1, we construct an integer-valued polynomial f, whose set of lengths in Int(Z) is S. The set of lengths of f is the set of all natural numbers n, such that f has a factorization as a product of n irreducibles in Int(Z)={g in Q[x] | g(Z) contained in Z}.Comment: To appear in Monatshefte f\"ur Mathematik; 11 page

    Identification of Berezin-Toeplitz deformation quantization

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    We give a complete identification of the deformation quantization which was obtained from the Berezin-Toeplitz quantization on an arbitrary compact Kaehler manifold. The deformation quantization with the opposite star-product proves to be a differential deformation quantization with separation of variables whose classifying form is explicitly calculated. Its characteristic class (which classifies star-products up to equivalence) is obtained. The proof is based on the microlocal description of the Szegoe kernel of a strictly pseudoconvex domain given by Boutet de Monvel and Sjoestrand.Comment: 26 page

    On invariants of almost symplectic connections

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    We study the irreducible decomposition under Sp(2n, R) of the space of torsion tensors of almost symplectic connections. Then a description of all symplectic quadratic invariants of torsion-like tensors is given. When applied to a manifold M with an almost symplectic structure, these instruments give preliminary insight for finding a preferred linear almost symplectic connection on M . We rediscover Ph. Tondeur's Theorem on almost symplectic connections. Properties of torsion of the vectorial kind are deduced

    Non-formal deformation quantizations of solvable Ricci-type symplectic symmetric spaces

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    Ricci-type symplectic manifolds have been introduced and extensively studied by M. Cahen et al.. In this note, we describe their deformation quantizations in the split solvable symmetric case. In particular, we introduce the notion of non-formal tempered deformation quantization on such a space. We show that the set of tempered deformation quantizations is in one-to-one correspondence with the space of Schwartz operator multipliers on the real line. Moreover we prove that every invariant formal star product on a split Ricci-type solvable symmetric space is an asymptotic expansion of a tempered non-formal quantization. This note illustrates and partially reviews through an example a problematic studied by the author regarding non-formal quantization in presence of large groups of symmetries
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