380 research outputs found

    ‘Malvasia nera di Brindisi/Lecce’ grapevine cultivar (Vitis vinifera L.) originated from ‘Negroamaro’ and ‘Malvasia bianca lunga’

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    ‘Malvasia nera di Brindisi’ and ‘Malvasia nera di Lecce’ are two of the few Malvasias with black berries and belong to the Apulian ampelographic assortment (South Italy). Their presumed synonymy has been recently ascertained with SSR markers and therefore these two black 'Malvasias' can be considered as an unique variety. We discovered that this cultivar is the cross between ‘Malvasia bianca lunga’ alias ‘Malvasia del Chianti’ and ‘Negroamaro’ by using 42 nuclear SSR. Both parents belong to the Apulian varietal resources, since centuries. So far, ‘Malvasia nera di Brindisi/Lecce’ origin has been obscure; now we may assert that this cultivar was born right in Apulia. Three sets of chloroplast SSR loci were used to determine the female and the male parent: 6 ccmp loci, already used in previous pedigree studies, 15 ccSSR loci and 2 NTCP loci, derived from tobacco. The second set of loci was sequenced in order to compare the length of the markers with the reference species where they were originally obtained: in 4 cases no microsatellite motives were detected and in other 4 cases the perfect repetition found in tobacco was not maintained in grape. Unfortunately, the three sets of markers failed to show any polymorphism. A detailed comparison of the black Malvasia morphology with its two parents showed a closer similarity to ‘Negroamaro’. Also the anthocyanin profile is in agreement with that of the black parent; its varietal aroma presents interesting levels of free and bound 2-phenylethanol, responsible for rose flavor, and of bound linalool compounds.

    Model-predicted geometry variations to compensate material variability in the design of classical guitars

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    Musical instrument making is often considered a mysterious form of art, its secrets still escaping scientific quantification. There is not yet a formula to make a good instrument, so historical examples are regarded as the pinnacle of the craft. This is the case of Stradivari’s violins or Torres guitars that serve as both models and examples to follow. Geometric copies of these instruments are still the preferred way of building new ones, yet reliably making acoustic copies of them remains elusive. One reason for this is that the variability of the wood used for instruments makes for a significant source of uncertainty—no two pieces of wood are the same. In this article, using state-of-the-art methodologies, we show a method for matching the vibrational response of two guitar top plates made with slightly different materials. To validate our method, we build two guitar soundboards: one serving as a reference and the second acting as a copy to which we apply model-predicted geometry variations. The results are twofold. Firstly, we can experimentally validate the predictive capabilities of our numerical model regarding geometry changes. Secondly, we can significantly reduce the deviation between the two plates by these precisely predicted geometry variations. Although applied to guitars here, the methodology can be extended to other instruments, e.g. violins, in a similar fashion. The implications of such a methodology for the craft could be far-reaching by turning instrument-making more into a science than artistic craftsmanship and paving the way to accurately copy historical instruments of a high value

    The Organization of the Pig T-Cell Receptor γ (TRG) Locus Provides Insights into the Evolutionary Patterns of the TRG Genes across Cetartiodactyla

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    The domestic pig (Sus scrofa) is a species representative of the Suina, one of the four suborders within Cetartiodactyla. In this paper, we reported our analysis of the pig TRG locus in comparison with the loci of species representative of the Ruminantia, Tylopoda, and Cetacea suborders. The pig TRG genomic structure reiterates the peculiarity of the organization of Cetartiodactyla loci in TRGC "cassettes", each containing the basic V-J-J-C unit. Eighteen genes arranged in four TRGC cassettes, form the pig TRG locus. All the functional TRG genes were expressed, and the TRGV genes preferentially rearrange with the TRGJ genes within their own cassette, which correlates the diversity of the γ-chain repertoire with the number of cassettes. Among them, the TRGC5, located at the 5' end of the locus, is the only cassette that retains a marked homology with the corresponding TRGC cassettes of all the analyzed species. The preservation of the TRGC5 cassette for such a long evolutionary time presumes a highly specialized function of its genes, which could be essential for the survival of species. Therefore, the maintenance of this cassette in pigs confirms that it is the most evolutionarily ancient within Cetartiodactyla, and it has undergone a process of duplication to give rise to the other TRGC cassettes in the different artiodactyl species in a lineage-specific manner

    Evolution of the T-cell receptor (TR) Loci in the adaptive immune response: The tale of the TRG locus in mammals

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    T lymphocytes are the principal actors of vertebrates’ cell-mediated immunity. Like B cells, they can recognize an unlimited number of foreign molecules through their antigen-specific heterodimer receptors (TRs), which consist of αβ or γδ chains. The diversity of the TRs is mainly due to the unique organization of the genes encoding the α, β, γ, and δ chains. For each chain, multi-gene families are arranged in a TR locus, and their expression is guaranteed by the somatic recombination process. A great plasticity of the gene organization within the TR loci exists among species. Marked structural differences affect the TR γ (TRG) locus. The recent sequencing of multiple whole genome provides an opportunity to examine the TR gene repertoire in a systematic and consistent fashion. In this review, we report the most recent findings on the genomic organization of TRG loci in mammalian species in order to show differences and similarities. The comparison revealed remarkable diversification of both the genomic organization and gene repertoire across species, but also unexpected evolutionary conservation, which highlights the important role of the T cells in the immune response

    Long term evaluation of building energy performance : comparison of the test reference year and historical data series in the North Italian climates

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    The pursuit of better energy performance of buildings led o the recourse to more detailed instruments of analysis, requiring more complex and detailed inputs, such as the hourly weather data. In this work, the representativeness of the test reference year (TRYEN) weather data, recently developed in Italy in accordance with the procedure proposed by EN ISO 15927-4:2005, has been studied evaluating the energy performance – energy needs and peak loads – of a set of different simplified reference buildings by means of TRNSYS simulation code, using both the TRYEN and the TRYEN source multi-year collected weather series for 5 north Italian locations. The results have been analysed by means of both descriptive and inferential statistics. The variability of energy performance has also been correlated with the envelope characteristics, in order to estimate a sensitivity of the different buildings to the weather data variability

    Mapping and classification of ports and marinas for the definition of long-term development strategy

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    Mapping and classification of ports may be of great help to define effective development strategies based on the concept of “intelligent, green and integrated port”, within the frame of sustainable development. To this end, classification tools and knowledge of the initial situation are crucial points needed, just as an example, to boost the maritime and short-sea connectivity by promoting the creation of regional touristic port network, capable of implementing a smart, green, and integrated transport system. This work deals with the mapping and classification of ports and marinas. A possible methodology to define a priority matrix intervention rank is proposed and applied to all the harbors in the Puglia region, as a case study. The collected open data aim to describe several aspects: the services, the urban planning whereby the port is thought, the facilities and structures, the connection with multi-modal local transport. The mapping activity has been performed within the frame of the AI-SMART project funded by the European Regional Development Fund that aims to implement and develop a common port network in the Adriatic-Ionian area. The case study served to highlight the feasibility and applicability of the proposed method to a real case

    Novel atrazine-binding biomimetics inspired to the D1 protein from the photosystem II of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii

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    Biomimetic design represents an emerging field for improving knowledge of natural molecules, as well as to project novel artificial tools with specific functions for biosensing. Effective strategies have been exploited to design artificial bioreceptors, taking inspiration from complex supramolecular assemblies. Among them, size-minimization strategy sounds promising to provide bioreceptors with tuned sensitivity, stability, and selectivity, through the ad hoc manipulation of chemical species at the molecular scale. Herein, a novel biomimetic peptide enabling herbicide binding was designed bioinspired to the D1 protein of the Photosystem II of the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. The D1 protein portion corresponding to the QB plastoquinone binding niche is capable of interacting with photosynthetic herbicides. A 50-mer peptide in the region of D1 protein from the residue 211 to 280 was designed in silico, and molecular dynamic simulations were performed alone and in complex with atrazine. An equilibrated structure was obtained with a stable pocked for atrazine binding by three H-bonds with SER222, ASN247, and HIS272 residues. Computational data were confirmed by fluorescence spectroscopy and circular dichroism on the peptide obtained by automated synthesis. Atrazine binding at nanomolar concentrations was followed by fluorescence spectroscopy, highlighting peptide suitability for optical sensing of herbicides at safety limits