539 research outputs found

    The review of Professor Jerzy Dzieciuchowicz achievements in the range of studies on the directions and the changes factors of the services spatial structure

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    A study on the trends and factors that change the spacial structure of services is the latest current of Professor Jerzy Dzieciuchowicz. However, in recent years, he dedicated the most of his attention to it. It is essential to say that he included the whole service sector in his research, together with market services, non-market services as well as services for producers and businesses. At the same time, he made several typologies and set the tendencies for changes. In his works, Jerzy Dzieciuchowicz also drew attention to the new phenomena related to the services. He emphasized the role of large-format trade and showed the way it should be explored.Studia nad kierunkami oraz czynnikami przemian struktury przestrzennej usług są najmłodszym nurtem badawczym profesora Jerzego Dzieciuchowicza, jednak w ostatnich latach to im poświęcił on najwięcej uwagi. Istotnym jest fakt, iż Profesor objął swoimi badaniami cały sektor usługowy, w tym usługi rynkowe, usługi nierynkowe oraz usługi dla producentów i biznesu. Dokonał przy tym kilku typologii oraz wyznaczył tendencje przemian. W swoich pracach Jerzy Dzieciuchowicz zwracał również uwagę na nowe zjawiska związane z usługami. Wyeksponował także rolę handlu wielkopowierzchniowego oraz ukazał sposób, w jaki należy go badać

    From unproblematic to contentious : mosques in Poland

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    Although significant scholarly attention has been devoted to the study of mosque conflicts in Europe, up until now most of it has focussed on Western European countries. This has left a significant gap to be filled in the study of mosque tensions in Central and Eastern Europe, where scholarship is scant yet where tensions over constructions of mosques are not less intensive than in the West. Drawing on two recent case studies of mosque constructions in Poland, we argue that a significant shift has taken place in the ways that mosques are perceived, unveiling unprecedented opposition towards their construction. From being largely unproblematic before the Second World War and during the Communist era, mosques have become subjects of fierce public debate. We draw parallels to how anti-mosque arguments raised in Poland fit into a larger European meta-narrative on mosques and Muslims, yet our aim is to situate the paper historically to argue that Polish mosque conflicts must be contextualised within Poland’s unique historical encounter with Islam in order to more accurately make sense of its creeping Islamophobia

    Crystal electric field parameters determination for R_{2}Fe_{14}B compounds based on Yamada-Kato model

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    Semi-empirical model developed by Yamada-Kato enables calculation of magnetic spin directions for R_{2}Fe_{14}B compounds, based on minimization of free energy, and – in further steps – determination of spin reorientation temperatures for transitions from basal plane to axial easy magnetization direction. In our study, this model has been successfully used to determine crystal field and exchange field parameters for Er_{2-x}Ce_{x}Fe_{14}B compounds based on spin reorientation temperatures obtained experimentally from Mössbauer measurements

    Social infrastructure and needs fullfilment of Stryków commune residents

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    Commune of Stryków is one of the fastest growing economic communities in Poland. However, economic development is not commensurate with the development of social infrastructure, which plays an important role in the functioning of local communities and has a significant impact on meeting the needs of residents. In connection with the above, in July 2017, in the Stryków commune was conducted a survey, which allowed researchers to obtain information on inhabitants knowledge about local government investments realized in the last five years. During the research, respondents also had the opportunity to indicate their needs in terms of social infrastructure and access to services. On the basis of respondents answers, it can be noticed that they see mainly investments related to technical, not social, infrastructure in space. While, they mainly show lack of sports and recreations complexes, which are part of social infrastructure. The research results will allow for better identification of residents needs, and later also for better fultimenting these needs by the local government.Gmina Stryków to jedna z najszybciej rozwijających się gospodarczo gmin w Polsce. Jednakże, wraz z rozwojem gospodarczym nie jest współmierny rozwój infrastruktury społecznej, która odgrywa ważną rolę w funkcjonowaniu społeczności lokalnych i ma istotny wpływ na zaspokajanie potrzeb mieszkańców. W związku z powyższym, w lipcu 2017 roku na terenie gminy Stryków przeprowadzone zostały badania sondażowe, które pozwoliły badaczom pozyskać informacje na temat wiedzy mieszkańców o inwestycjach samorządowych zrealizowanych w ostatnich pięciu latach. W trakcie badań respondenci mieli również możliwość wskazania swoich potrzeb w zakresie infrastruktury oraz dostępności do usług. Na podstawie odpowiedzi ankietowanych zauważyć można, że w przestrzeni widzą oni głównie inwestycje związane z infrastrukturą techniczną, a nie społeczną. Natomiast brakuje im w niej głównie kompleksów sportowo-rekreacyjnych, które są elementem infrastruktury społecznej. Wyniki przeprowadzonych badań pozwolą na lepszą identyfikację potrzeb mieszkańców, a w późniejszym czasie również na trafniejsze ich zaspokajanie przez władze lokalne

    Wpływ kopalni węgla brunatnego Bełchatów na zagospodarowanie przestrzenne gmin Rząśnia i Szczerców w ocenie mieszkańców

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    Influence of the Bełchatów Brown Coal Mine on spatial planning in the communes of Rząśnia and Szczerców in the inhabitants’ opinionThe aim of this article is to describe the influence of the Bełchatów Brown Coal Mine on the spatial planning in the communes of Rząśnia and Szczerców in the inhabitants’ opinion. In the paper the author presented the main changes, that, according to the residents, occurred in the land use planning in the communes of Rząśnia and Szczerców from the outset of mining activity in their area. The author also indicated changes that are negatively perceived by local communities and inhabitants’ expectations regarding future changes in the spatial development of their communes. During the study the area of impact of the Szczerców pit was also determined. Analysis of the questionnaires showed, that, in the opinion of the inhabitants, the impact of the lignite mine on spatial planning significantly decreases with distance until it completely disappears. The most significant changes are visible only in those parts of the communes, which are in a direct contact with lignite mining area and are related with the operation of the mine. They include proximity to the excavation area, building of industrial facilities or construction of roads leading to the objects belonging to the mine

    Laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication in the treatment of Barrett's esophagus : 10 years of experience

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    INTRODUCTION: Barrett's esophagus (BE) is a state in which the distal portion of esophageal mucosa becomes lined with cylindrical epithelium as a result of adaptive remodeling. It is widely accepted that the metaplastic lesions result from chronic irritation with gastric and/or duodenal contents in the course of reflux disease. For many years, research centered on the risk factors of BE and resulting adenocarcinoma. Anti-reflux operations are the only procedures which offer the possibility of treating the cause by restoring the anatomic barrier responsible for guarding against irritating effects of gastroduodenal content on the distal esophagus. Total (i.e. 360°) laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication (LNF) is considered the most effective amongst these procedures. Still, controversies related to the indications for anti-reflux surgery are frequently encountered. AIM: Retrospective analysis of long-term treatment outcomes in patients with BE subjected to laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The group included 42 BE patients, amongst them 30 men and 12 women. Initially, all the patients were treated conservatively for at least 1 year. The subgroup with dysplasia was subjected to preoperative argon plasma coagulation (APC). From 1 year after surgery (laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication), control biopsy specimens were obtained from the gastroesophageal junction of all the patients. RESULTS: None of the patients showed the development of esophageal adenocarcinoma during the follow-up period. Furthermore, no cases of dysplasia progression or de novo development of dysplasia were observed in the analyzed group. In the initial 12-24 months after surgery, complete regression of metaplasia was documented in 7 (31.8%) patients from group A, and a reduction in the area of Barrett's metaplasia was observed in another 7 patients (31.8%). Throughout the period of this study, persistent planoepithelial re-epithelialization was observed in 14 (70%) group B patients, i.e. in individuals with baseline dysplasia subjected to preoperative argon plasma ablation. In the remaining patients of this group, the developed changes of BE character were less advanced than at baseline. CONCLUSIONS: Our opinion is that laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication, as a result of high effectiveness, represents the method of choice in the treatment of BE in the case of patients who were qualified for surgery