61 research outputs found

    Ligand spheres in asymmetric hetero Diels-Alder reactions catalyzed by Cu(II) box complexes: experiment and modeling

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugĂ€nglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.The stereoselective hetero Diels–Alder reaction between ethyl glyoxylate and cyclohexadiene catalyzed by [Cu(II)t-Bu-(box)](OTf)2 was investigated. The reaction was performed step-by-step and the geometry of the Cu(II) complexes formed in the course of the catalysis was analysed by EPR spectroscopy, advanced pulsed EPR methods (ENDOR, and HYSCORE) and DFT calculations. Our results show that one triflate counterion is directly coordinated to Cu(II) during the catalytic process (axial position). This leads to penta-coordinated Cu(II) complexes. Solvent molecules are able to alter the geometry of the Cu(II) complexes although their coordination is weak. These findings provide an explanation for the solvent and counterion effects observed in many catalytic reactions

    The spin relaxation of nitrogen donors in 6H SiC crystals as studied by the electron spin echo method

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    We present the detailed study of the spin kinetics of the nitrogen (N) donor electrons in 6H SiC wafers grown by the Lely method and by the sublimation “sandwich method” (SSM) with a donor concentration of about 10 17cm-3 at T=10–40K. The donor electrons of the N donors substituting quasi-cubic “k1” and “k2” sites (Nk1,k2) in both types of the samples revealed the similar temperature dependence of the spin-lattice relaxation rate (T1 -1), which was described by the direct one-phonon and two-phonon processes induced by the acoustic phonons proportional to T and to T9, respectively. The character of the temperature dependence of the T1 -1 for the donor electrons of N substituting hexagonal (“h”) site (Nh) in both types of 6H SiC samples indicates that the donor electrons relax through the fast-relaxing centers by means of the cross-relaxation process. The observed enhancement of the phase memory relaxation rate (Tm -1) with the temperature increase for the Nh donors in both types of the samples, as well as for the Nk1,k2 donors in Lely grown 6H SiC, was explained by the growth of the free electron concentration with the temperature increase and their exchange scattering at the N donor centers. The observed significant shortening of the phase memory relaxation time Tm for the Nk1,k2 donors in the SSM grown sample with the temperature lowering is caused by hopping motion of the electrons between the occupied and unoccupied states of the N donors at Nh and Nk1,k2 sites. The impact of the N donor pairs, triads, distant donor pairs formed in n-type 6H SiC wafers on the spin relaxation times was discussed

    Tetrahalidocuprates(II)-structure and EPR spectroscopy. Part 1: Tetrabromidocuprates(II)

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugĂ€nglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Tetrahalidocuprates(II) show a high degree of structural flexibility. We present the results of crystallographic and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopic analyses of four new tetrabromidocuprate(II) compounds and compare the results with previously reported data. The cations in the new compounds are the sterically demanding benzyltriphenylphosphonium, methyltriphenylphosphonium, tetraphenylphosphonium, and hexadecyltrimethylammonium ions; they were used to achieve a reasonable separation of the paramagnetic Cu(II) ions for EPR spectroscopy. X-Ray crystallography shows that in all four complexes the [CuBr4]2− units have a distorted tetrahedral coordination geometry which is in agreement with DFT calculations. The EPR hyperfine structure was not resolved. This is due to the exchange broadening resulting from still incomplete separation of the paramagnetic Cu(II) centres. Nevertheless, the principal values of the electron Zeemann tensor (gand g⊄) of the complexes could be determined. A correlation of structural (X-ray) parameters with the spin density at the copper centres (DFT) is well reflected in the EPR spectra of the bromidocuprates. This enables the correlation of X-ray and EPR parameters to predict the structure of tetrabromidocuprates in physical states other than the crystalline state. As a result, we provide a method to structurally characterize [CuBr4]2− in, for example, ionic liquids or in solution, which has important implications for e.g. catalysis or materials science

    Low-temperature binding of NO adsorbed on MIL-100(Al)-A case study for the application of high resolution pulsed EPR methods and DFT calculations

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    The low-temperature binding of nitric oxide (NO) in the metal-organic framework MIL-100(Al) has been investigated by pulsed electron nuclear double resonance and hyperfine sublevel correlation spectroscopy. Three NO adsorption species have been identified. Among them, one species has been verified experimentally to bind directly to an 27Al atom and all its relevant 14N and 27Al hyperfine interaction parameters have been determined spectroscopically. Those parameters fit well to the calculated ones of a theoretical cluster model, which was derived by density functional theory (DFT) in the present work and describes the low temperature binding of NO to the regular coordinatively unsaturated Al3+ site of the MIL-100(Al) structure. As a result, the Lewis acidity of that site has been characterized using the NO molecule as an electron paramagnetic resonance active probe. The DFT derived wave function analysis revealed a bent end-on coordination of the NO molecule adsorbed at that site which is almost purely ionic and has a weak binding energy. The calculated flat potential energy surface of this species indicates the ability of the NO molecule to freely rotate at intermediate temperatures while it is still binding to the Al3+ site. For the other two NO adsorption species, no structural models could be derived, but one of them is indicated to be adsorbed at the organic part of the metal-organic framework. Hyperfine interactions with protons, weakly coupled to the observed NO adsorption species, have also been measured by pulsed electron paramagnetic resonance and found to be consistent with their attribution to protons of the MIL-100(Al) benzenetricarboxylate ligand molecules

    Red shift in the absorption spectrum of phototropin LOV1 upon the formation of a semiquinone radical: reconstructing the orbital architecture

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    Flavin mononucleotide (FMN) is a ubiquitous blue-light pigment due to its ability to drive one- and two-electron transfer reactions. In both light-oxygen-voltage (LOV) domains of phototropin from the green algae Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, FMN is noncovalently bound. In the LOV1 cysteine-to-serine mutant (C57S), light-induced electron transfer from a nearby tryptophan occurs, and a transient spin-correlated radical pair (SCRP) is formed. Within this photocycle, nuclear hyperpolarization is created by the solid-state photochemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (photo-CIDNP) effect. In a side reaction, a stable protonated semiquinone radical (FMNH·) forms undergoing a significant bathochromic shift of the first electronic transition from 445 to 591 nm. The incorporation of phototropin LOV1-C57S into an amorphous trehalose matrix, stabilizing the radical, allows for application of various magnetic resonance experiments at ambient temperatures, which are combined with quantum-chemical calculations. As a result, the bathochromic shift of the first absorption band is explained by lifting the degeneracy of the molecular orbital energy levels for electrons with alpha and beta spins in FMNH· due to the additional electron

    Nanosized Cu-SSZ-13 and its application in NH3−SCRNH_3-SCR

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    Nanosized SSZ-13 was synthesized hydrothermally by applying N, N, N-trimethyl-1-adamantammonium hydroxide (TMAdaOH) as a structure-directing agent. In the next step, the quantity of TMAdaOH in the initial synthesis mixture of SSZ-13 was reduced by half. Furthermore, we varied the sodium hydroxide concentration. After ion-exchange with copper ions (Cu2+ and Cu+), the Cu-SSZ-13 catalysts were characterized to explore their framework composition (XRD, solid-state NMR, ICP-OES), texture (N2-sorption, SEM) and acid/redox properties (FT-IR, TPR-H2, DR UV-Vis, EPR). Finally, the materials were tested in the selective catalytic reduction of NOx with ammonia (NH3-SCR). The main difference between the Cu-SSZ-13 catalysts was the number of Cu2+ in the double six-membered ring (6MRs). Such copper species contribute to a high NH3-SCR activity. Nevertheless, all materials show comparable activity in NH3-SCR up to 350 °C. Above 350 °C, NO conversion decreased for Cu-SSZ-13(2–4) due to side reaction of NH3 oxidation

    Influence of framework n(Si)/n(Al) ratio on the nature of Cu species in Cu-ZSM-5 for NH3−SCR−DeNOxNH_3-SCR-DeNO_x

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    Nanosized Cu-containing ZSM-5 catalysts with different n(Si)/n(Al) ratio of 18.9–50.5 were prepared by ion-exchange. The physico-chemical characterization clearly shows that the molar ratio of framework T atoms influences the nature and distribution of copper species. According to DR UV-Vis, TPR-H2, EPR, or FT-IR spectroscopy analyses, the amount of aggregated copper species increases with increasing the framework n(Si)/n(Al) ratio. Thus, the activity of the Cu-containing ZSM-5 with n(Si)/n(Al) ratio of 47.0—50.5 in the selective catalytic NO reduction with NH3 (NH3-SCR-DeNOx) significantly decreases compared to the other materials (n(Si)/n(Al) ratio of 18.9—19.6). The reaction mechanism has been discussed in light of the results of 2D COS (two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy) analysis of IR spectra and catalytic properties of the zeolites. The results make evident that enhanced activity of Cu-containing ZSM-5 in NH3-SCR-DeNOx is correlated with the formation of different NOx− under the experimental conditions. © 2022 The Authors. ChemCatChem published by Wiley-VCH GmbH

    Photo-enhanced magnetization in Fe-doped ZnO nanowires

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    An emerging branch of electronics, the optospintronics, would be highly boosted if the control of magnetic order by light is implemented in magnetic semiconductors’ nanostructures being compatible with the actual technology. Here, we show that the ferromagnetic magnetization of low Fe-doped ZnO nanowires prepared by carbothermal process is enhanced under illumination up to temperatures slightly below room temperature. This enhancement is related to the existence of an oxygen vacancy VO in the neighborhood of an antiferromagnetic superexchange Fe3+-Fe3+ pair. Under illumination, the VO is ionized to to V+O giving an electron to a closeFe3+ ion from the antiferromagnetic pair. This light excited electron transition allows the transition of Fe3+ to Fe2+ forming stable ferromagnetic double exchange pairs, increasing the total magnetization. The results presented here indicate an efficient way to influence the magnetic properties of ZnO based nanostructures by light illumination at high temperatures
