7 research outputs found

    Integrated by language? : Interaction and conversations with women from different ethnic backgrounds

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    The thesis examines how language, culture and family structures interrelate and affect the process of migration. Vital is how women from a different ethnic background integrates during migration and in a dialogue context with us as researchers and native Swedes. The thesis is interdisciplinary and analyzes empirical data through a qualitative method by using the perspectives gender, ethnicity and identity. The empirical material consists of 7 interviews, which have been transcribed and then broken down in to quotations. Thesequotations have then been analyzed using the perspectives mentioned above. Throughout the thesis the imperative significance of language to enable communication between people of different ethnical backgrounds, and how these processes may develop, plays an essential role. The conclusion reached through the thesis is that a person’s identity is adaptable and that language plays a vital role in a person’s group identification. Specific systems and rules are created in group constellations to decide who can be included in a particular group. This thesis shows that group constellations between ethnic Swedes and individuals from a different ethnic background has a large impact on the language

    Mottagandet och debatten kring Myggor och tigrar : Förekommande diskurser och positioner i diskussionen om publiceringen

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    Denna studie rör debatten som kulminerade efter publicerandet av romanen Myggor och tigrar, av Maja Lundgren. Studiens fokus ligger i att finna debattens essens, utifrÄn tidningsartiklar och artikelförfattares positionering gentemot romanen och debattens huvudfrÄgor, detta Àr vidare undersökningens huvudsakliga syfte. Huruvida genus har betydelse för debattens utgÄng och om artikelförfattarnas förhÄllningssÀtt pÄverkas Àr en central frÄga

    Integrated by language? : Interaction and conversations with women from different ethnic backgrounds

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    The thesis examines how language, culture and family structures interrelate and affect the process of migration. Vital is how women from a different ethnic background integrates during migration and in a dialogue context with us as researchers and native Swedes. The thesis is interdisciplinary and analyzes empirical data through a qualitative method by using the perspectives gender, ethnicity and identity. The empirical material consists of 7 interviews, which have been transcribed and then broken down in to quotations. Thesequotations have then been analyzed using the perspectives mentioned above. Throughout the thesis the imperative significance of language to enable communication between people of different ethnical backgrounds, and how these processes may develop, plays an essential role. The conclusion reached through the thesis is that a person’s identity is adaptable and that language plays a vital role in a person’s group identification. Specific systems and rules are created in group constellations to decide who can be included in a particular group. This thesis shows that group constellations between ethnic Swedes and individuals from a different ethnic background has a large impact on the language

    Mottagandet och debatten kring Myggor och tigrar : Förekommande diskurser och positioner i diskussionen om publiceringen

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    Denna studie rör debatten som kulminerade efter publicerandet av romanen Myggor och tigrar, av Maja Lundgren. Studiens fokus ligger i att finna debattens essens, utifrÄn tidningsartiklar och artikelförfattares positionering gentemot romanen och debattens huvudfrÄgor, detta Àr vidare undersökningens huvudsakliga syfte. Huruvida genus har betydelse för debattens utgÄng och om artikelförfattarnas förhÄllningssÀtt pÄverkas Àr en central frÄga

    The Taxon Hypothesis Paradigm - On the Unambiguous Detection and Communication of Taxa

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    Here, we describe the taxon hypothesis (TH) paradigm, which covers the construction, identification, and communication of taxa as datasets. Defining taxa as datasets of individuals and their traits will make taxon identification and most importantly communication of taxa precise and reproducible. This will allow datasets with standardized and atomized traits to be used digitally in identification pipelines and communicated through persistent identifiers. Such datasets are particularly useful in the context of formally undescribed or even physically undiscovered species if data such as sequences from samples of environmental DNA (eDNA) are available. Implementing the TH paradigm will to some extent remove the impediment to hastily discover and formally describe all extant species in that the TH paradigm allows discovery and communication of new species and other taxa also in the absence of formal descriptions. The TH datasets can be connected to a taxonomic backbone providing access to the vast information associated with the tree of life. In parallel to the description of the TH paradigm, we demonstrate how it is implemented in the UNITE digital taxon communication system. UNITE TH datasets include rich data on individuals and their rDNA ITS sequences. These datasets are equipped with digital object identifiers (DOI) that serve to fix their identity in our communication. All datasets are also connected to a GBIF taxonomic backbone. Researchers processing their eDNA samples using UNITE datasets will, thus, be able to publish their findings as taxon occurrences in the GBIF data portal. UNITE species hypothesis (species level THs) datasets are increasingly utilized in taxon identification pipelines and even formally undescribed species can be identified and communicated by using UNITE. The TH paradigm seeks to achieve unambiguous, unique, and traceable communication of taxa and their properties at any level of the tree of life. It offers a rapid way to discover and communicate undescribed species in identification pipelines and data portals before they are lost to the sixth mass extinction