13 research outputs found

    Kuidas tõlkida kannatust ehk Nutulaulude raamatu tõlkimisest uuemate teaduslike lähenemiste taustal

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    The last twenty years have witnessed a surge in interest in the biblical book of Lamentations resulting in new interdisciplinary approaches and readings of Lamentations, combining theology, biblical studies, literary studies, sociology, trauma research etc. and offering new perspectives on reading Lm through the lens of anti-theodicy, polyphony, trauma, suffering and hope. The aim of the current article is to clarify if and how these new approaches could be implemented into a new translation of the Lamentations into Estonia. Therefore some new key concepts in studying Lm are introduced – anti-theodicy, polyphony, trauma, language of suffering – , followed by the analysis of the translation of certain problematic expressions (e.g nîdâ, kî ’im) in Lm in the light of these approaches. The article illustrates the need for an informed translation of the bible into Estonian

    Keele ja meele rollist võõrast omaks saamise teel professor Lazar Gulkowitschi näitel

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    On the role of language and consciousness in theprocess of becoming “one of our own” upon theexample of Professor Lazar GulkowitschBased on archive materials, the article explores the importance of languageand consciousness in the process of becoming an Estonian citizenupon the example of Professor Lazar Gulkowitsch (1898–1941).The scholar of Wissenschaft des Judentums, Lazar Gulkowitsch wasborn and raised in a traditional Jewish family in Zirin (Belarus), heacquired his doctoral degree in philosophy at the Albertus Universityin Königsberg, worked at Leipzig University (Germany) first asa lecturer on Late Hebrew, Jewish-Aramaic, and Talmudic Studiesat the faculty of theology and then as an associate professor of theStudy of Late Judaism at the faculty of philosophy. In 1934–1940he was the head of the chair for Jewish Studies at the Universityof Tartu (Estonia). He was killed by the Nazis during the occupationof Estonia in the summer of 1941. His scholarly objective wasto capture the phenomenon of Judaism as a historical and currententity especially from the aspect of language by exploring Hebrewas a reflection of and basis for the history of Jewish ideas; outliningboth its formal-grammatical and material-conceptual aspects. Forthis purpose he applied a method based on the history of ideas (begriffsgeschichtlicheMethode), defining the central ideas of the Jewishculture (God, good, Hesed, etc.). Language—a central part in his scholarlywork—also played an important role to him in the process ofbecoming an Estonian citizen

    Lazar Gulkowitsch - the Forgotten Voice of Jewish Studies. His Life, Work and Influence in the Context of the Era

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    Paljuski seni avaldamata arhiivimaterjalidele tuginev uurimus kirjeldab seni suures osas unustusse vajunud juudi õpetlase, Valgevenes sündinud, Saksamaal töötanud ja aastatel 1934–1940 Tartu Ülikooli filosoofiateaduskonna juures tegutsenud juudi teaduste õppetooli juhataja prof Lazar Gulkowitschi (1898–1941) elukäiku, tema mõtteloolise pärandi eripära ning selle mõju ajastuloolises kontekstis. Tegelemine Gulkowitschi eluloo ja tema rohkem kui 20 erineva publikatsiooniga, mis annab ühtlasi ülevaate Wissenschaft des Judentums’i (juuditeaduse) arengutest, ideaalidest ja püüdlustest leida oma koht ülikoolide õppekavades ning selle osalisest täitumisest Tartus, laseb väita, et Gulkowitsch jagas nii selle teadusharu ideaale kui ka saatust. Tema keeleteaduslike ja religioonilooliste (täpsemalt hassidismi käsitlevate) teoste terviklik fenomenoloogiline analüüs näitab, et neis peituvad õpetuslikud arusaamad lähtuvad eelkõige Gulkowitschi omanäolisest mõisteloolisest meetodist (begriffsgeschichtliche Methode), millega ta sidus juuditeaduse ja keeleteaduse omavahel üheks ühtseks tervikuks, pakkudes seeläbi uue aluse heebrea keele ja selle läbi ka judaismi olemuse mõistmiseks. Keeleteaduses ja hassidismiuuringutes aset leidnud arengute taustal võib öelda, et Gulkowitschi teostes leiduvad ideed on kohati veel tänapäevalgi aktuaalsed või pakuvad ammu unustatud vana näol uudse vaatenurga.Largely based on archival documents, this study describes the life, work and influence of the mostly forgotten scholar of the Jewish Studies (Wissenschaft des Judentums) Lazar Gulkowitsch (1898–1941), who was born in Belarus, studied and worked in the University of Leipzig in Germany and led in the years 1934 until 1940 the Chair for Jewish Studies founded at the at the faculty of Philosophy at the University of Tartu in Estonia. Gulkowitschs main interests of study were philology, history of ideas, history of religion and Chassidism. Dealing with Gulkowitschs life and with his more than 20 publications, helps concurrently also to understand the essence and ideals of the Wissenschaft des Judentums and of its efforts to be established at the Universities as an independent discipline. Furthermore, it shows that Gulkowitsch represented the very ideals of this Wissenschaft and underwent its faith. The thorough phenomenological analyses of his works dealing with linguistics as well with religious studies (Judaism and Chassidism) shows, that his ideas are based on one common ground, which is his method of the history of ideas (begriffsgeschichtliche Methode). With this method he succeeded in creating a synthesis of Hebrew philology and Jewish studies, allowing therefore a new approach both to the Hebrew language as well to the Judaism. In the context of the developments, which have been taken place in the linguistics as well in the field of Jewish Studies and studies of Chassidism, it can be said, that Gulkowitsch ideas are also today partly up-to-date and offer a new meanwhile forgotten perspective for the Jewish Studies.Das Anliegen der Dissertationsarbeit ist es die Tätigkeit, die Eigenart des wissenschaftlichen Erbes und die Wirkung im zeitgeschichtlichen Kontext von dem bisher im Großteil in Vergessenheit geratenen jüdischen Gelehrten Lazar Gulkowitsch (1898–1941) zu erläutern, der in Weißrussland geboren wurde, in Deutschland studierte und arbeitete uni n den Jahren 1934–1940 an der Universität Tartu in Estland den Lehrstuhl für Jüdische Studien leitete. Die Beschäftigung mit der Tätigkeit und mit mehr als über 20 Publikationen von Gulkowitsch ermöglicht sowohl einen Überblick über die Entwicklungen und Ideale der Wissenschaft des Judentums zu gewinnen als auch zu behaupten, dass Gulkowitsch, der einen Lehrstuhl leitete, der den Wünschen der Vorväter der Wissenschaft des Judentums entsprach, sowohl die Ideale als auch das Schicksal dieser Disziplin erlebte. Die ganzheitliche phänomenologische Analyse seiner Werke, die sich vor allem auf Sprachwissenschaft und Religionsgeschichte (darunter hauptsächlich auf Judentum und Chassidismus) beziehen, zeigt, dass die in diesen Werken dargestellten wissenschaftlichen Gedankengänge auf die dem Gulkowitsch eigenen Auffassung von der Geschichte und auf seiner begriffsgeschichtlichen Methode zurückzuführen sind. Mit dieser Methode schuf Gulkowitsch eine Synthese von den Jüdischen Studien und von Sprachwissenschaft und ermöglichte dadurch eine neue Grundlage für die Beschäftigung mit der hebräischen Sprache und Religionsgeschichte. Im Lichte der Entwicklungen der Sprachwissenschaft und Chassidismusforschung, kann man behaupten, dass die Ideen von Lazar Gulkowitsch teilweise auch heute noch aktuell sind oder durch die alt vergessene Neue wenigstens einen anderen Blickwinkel bieten

    The effect of disgust and fear modeling on children’s disgust and fear for animals

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    Disgust is a protective emotion associated with certain types of animal fears. Given that a primary function of disgust is to protect against harm, increasing children’s disgust-related beliefs for animals may affect how threatening they think animals are and their avoidance of them. One way that children’s disgust beliefs for animals might change is via vicarious learning: by observing others responding to the animal with disgust. In Experiment 1, children (ages 7–10 years) were presented with images of novel animals together with adult faces expressing disgust. Children’s fear beliefs and avoidance preferences increased for these disgust-paired animals compared with unpaired control animals. Experiment 2 used the same procedure and compared disgust vicarious learning with vicarious learning with fear faces. Children’s fear beliefs and avoidance preferences for animals again increased as a result of disgust vicarious learning, and animals seen with disgust or fear faces were also rated more disgusting than control animals. The relationship between increased fear beliefs and avoidance preferences for animals was mediated by disgust for the animals. The experiments demonstrate that children can learn to believe that animals are disgusting and threatening after observing an adult responding with disgust toward them. The findings also suggest a bidirectional relationship between fear and disgust with fear-related vicarious learning leading to increased disgust for animals and disgust-related vicarious learning leading to increased fear and avoidance

    Reconstruction of Mõnuvere Substation Distribution Network

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    Magistritöö Energiakasutuse õppekavalMõnuvere alajaama fiider 1 ja fiider 3 tarbijatel on probleemid liialt suure pingekaoga ning liialt väikese lühisvooluga. Käesoleva töö eesmärgiks on kirjeldatud probleemide lahendamine Mõnuvere alajaama rekonstruktsiooni käigus. Vastavalt Elektrilevi OÜ projekteerimis ülesannetele on koostatud tehniline lahendus. Projekteeritud kaks uut alajaama koos maanduspaigaldisega. Teostatud vajalikud lühisvoolude, pingekadude ja masti tugevuse arvutused. Valitud sobivad kaitseaparaadid ning koostatud selektiivsuse tagamiseks rakendumistunnusjooned. Leiti, et kõikide liitumispunktide pingekaod ei vasta ka peale tavapärast rekonstrueerimist nõuetele. Viimaks kõikide liitumispunktide pingekao nõuetele vastavusse uuriti erinevaid seadmeid, millega oleks antud olukorras võimalik pinget tõsta. Rekonstrueerides madalpingevõrgu ning kasutades pinge tõstmiseks lisa seadet on kõikide liitumispunktide lühisvoolu ja pingekao väärtused viidud nõuetele vastavusse. Tagatud on võrgupiirkonna ilmastikukindlus.The short-circuit current is too low and voltage loss is too big for clients in Mõnuvere substation feeder 1 and feeder 3. The aim on this thesis is to solve these problems with reconstructing the Mõnuvere substation. According to Elektrilevi OÜ’s planning task a technical solution was made. Two new substations with earthing systems are designed. Necessary calculations for short-circuit current, voltage loss and for electrical pole strength are made. The correct circuit-breakers are chosen, and selectivity graphics are made. It was found that not all voltage loss problems will be solved with a regular reconstruction. To provide all clients with voltage loss within the regulations a study was conducted for a voltage boosting device. With reconstruction of the distribution network and using a voltage booster all problems with low short-circuit current and high voltage loss was solved. Weatherproofness of the distribution network is provided

    Prayer for Rain by Elijah and by Honi the Circle-Maker. Two Ends of the same Concept in the Light of Lazar Gulkowitsch’ Ideas

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    The article focuses on the special charisma of the prayer for rain in Judaism and its connection to the concept of Hasid exemplified by two stories that illustrate the charisma of praying for rain. In the centre of these stories stand Elijah and Honi the Circle-Maker, both possessing the gift of their prayers for rain being heard regardless of their way of praying. In the framework of Lazar Gulkowitsch’ (1898–1941) research on Hasidism and history of ideas these two characters, a prophet and a miracle-worker, can be seen in connection to prayer as two ends of the same concept, that of Hasid. The article follows Gulkowitsch’ elaboration of the special disposition of the attributes of the Hasid, its connection to prayer, miracles and attributes of Prophets

    Intertextual and Intratextual Transformations in the Testament of Job

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    Biblical Job is a character that simply cannot escape comment and his story has been retold across the monotheistic religions and across a wide variety of genres, in which he is sometimes praised and sometimes condemned. The Book of Job contains many ambiguities that leave plenty of room for ambivalent interpretations, as is especially evident in the reception history of the Book of Job in the Jewish literary tradition. The long reception history of the Book of Job helps exemplify how intertextuality functions, how old material is reset into new contexts and how characters transform, both from one text to another and within the changed context of a single text. A good example of this is the pseudepigraphic Testament of Job when explored in light of its reception history both in the Jewish tradition (or the lack of such) and in the context of the biblical Book of Job. The aim of the current paper therefore is to highlight the intertextual (from patient sufferer to an enduring “athlete”) as well the intratextual transformation of Job (from reward-oriented suffering towards freedom from sufferings thorough insight) as presented in the Testament of Job

    Venelaste söömishäirete seos isiksuseomadustega

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    Töö eesmärgiks oli uurida Venemaa söömishäiretega inimeste isiksuse viie baasomaduse seost toitumishoiakutega ja käitumisega, võrreldes neid kontrollgrupi inimestega. Samuti võrreldi saadud tulemusi söömishäiretega eestlaste valimite tulemustega, selgitamaks välja kultuurilisi erinevusi. Katseisikud täitsid söömishäirete küsimustiku Eating Disorder Inventory-2 (EDI-2, Garner, 1991) venekeelse versiooni. Uurimaks erinevusi isiksuses, täitsid katseisikud venekeelse Revised NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI-R, Costa, McCrae, 1989) küsimustiku. Tulemustest selgus, et EDI-2 suudab eristada vene valimis söömishäire diagnoosiga patsiente normgrupist enamus alaskaaladel. Ilmnes positiivne seos söömishäirete ja neurotismi vahel. Võrdluses selgus, et Venemaa anorexia nervosa ja bulimia nervosa diagnoosiga patsientide ja Eesti anorexia nervosa ja bulimia nervosa patsientide vahel ei olnud statistiliselt olulisi erinevusi ühelgi EDI-2 alaskaalal