5 research outputs found

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    Horogra akadva – Egy új típusú kézi orsó felfedezése az alföldi szarmatáknál

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    A tanulmány egy nemrég előkerült szarmata kori sír sajátos leletösszefüggésére alapozva egy új típusú kézi orsó bemutatásával foglalkozik. A szerző bemutatja a tárgytípus felismeréséhez vezető utat, annak funkcióját, korszakokon átívelő síron belüli helyzetét és változásait. A magyar kutatás által eddig nem azonosított tárgy felismerése részben új megvilágításba helyezi a szarmata viselettörténet egy vitatott pontját, a tűhasználatot is

    A síron túli álom : szarmata halotti faszerkezetek lenyomatai Csanádpalota-Országhatár M43 56. lelőhelyen

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    Site No. 56. excavated prior to the construction of motorway M43 is located south from Csanádpalota, between the Krakk rivulet and the border between Hungary and Romania. Preventive excavation was carried out by the Móra Ferenc Museum between 26 October 2010 and 30 August 2011, and between 29 November and 7 December 2012. A late Sarmatian cemetery with 53 inhumation graves was unearthed in the central zone of the excavated area. The paper presents four graves from this cemetery (marked as G9, G35, G37 and G48), characterized by remains of timber structures at the bottom of the pits. The primary question of the research addressed to the function of these timber structures. A detailed analysis of the remains suggested that the timber prints in graves G35 and G37 were probably left by a bier or funerary stretcher which served to transport the body to the grave, and finally placed in that too. The largest timber frame (in grave G48) might also have belonged to a burial chamber or a casket-like bier with side walls. The timber prints also allowed the reconstruction of the construction process in a certain extent. The curved connection at the ends of the frame indicates that the wooden elements were fixed by some kind of strong organic material. They might have constituted the main structure of the bier, to be easily held, lifted and transported together with the corpse. The structure conditionally determined as a burial chamber might have been fixed with joints. Timber structures (biers, chambers) were applied at funerary rites both in the Roman Empire and in the Barbaricum. The series of analogies presented in the paper also support the interpretation of the wooden structures found in Csanádpalota

    Avar and Árpádian Age Populations along the Maros River

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    Review article of a PhD thesis submitted in 2022 to the Archaeological Doctoral Programme, Doctoral School of History, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, under the supervision of Miklós Takács. The research behind the dissertation comprises a basic large-scale evaluation of the material record of primarily Avar Period (7–9th-century) settlements. The study area is located in the Lower Tisza Region and the southern part of the Körös-Maros Interfluve, including the southern part of the Southern Tisza Valley and the entire Marosszög microregion, north of the River Maros, on the lands between Szeged-Öthalom and Csanádpalota/Nagylak