104 research outputs found

    Smoothed square well potential

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    The classical square well potential is smoothed with a finite range smoothing function in order to get a new simple strictly finite range form for the phenomenological nuclear potential. The smoothed square well form becomes exactly zero smoothly at a finite distance, in contrast to the Woods-Saxon form. If the smoothing range is four times the diffuseness of the Woods-Saxon shape both the central and the spin-orbit terms of the Woods-Saxon shape are reproduced reasonably well. The bound single particle energies in a Woods-Saxon potential can be well reproduced with those in the smoothed square well potential. The same is true for the complex energies of the narrow resonances.Comment: 2 fi

    Electric field-induced interfacial instability in a ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal

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    Studies of sessile droplets and fluid bridges of a ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal in externally applied electric fields are presented. It is found that above a threshold a fingering instability occurs, resembling to Rayleigh-type instability observed in charged droplets in electric fields or circular drop-type instabilities observed in ferromagnetic liquids in magnetic field. The frequency dependence of the threshold voltage was determined in various geometries. The nematic director and ferroelectric polarization direction was found to point along the tip of the fingers that appear to repel each other, indicating that the ferroelectric polarization is essentially parallel to the director. The results are interpreted in analogy to the Rayleigh and circular drop-type instabilities

    New simple form for a phenomenological nuclear potential

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    The genetic background of Parkinson's disease and novel therapeutic targets

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease worldwide. The median age of disease onset is around 60 years. From a genetic point of view, PD is basically considered a sporadic, idiopathic disease, however, hereditary components can be detected in 5-10% of patients. Expanding data are available regarding the targeted molecular therapy of the disease.The aim of this current review article is to provide brief clinical and molecular insight into three important genetic forms (LRRK2, SNCA, GBA) of hereditary PD subtypes and to present the human clinical trials in relation to these forms of the disease.These small hereditary subgroups are crucially important in drug development, because the general trend is that clinical trials that treat PD patients as a large group, without any separation, do not meet expectations. As a result, no long term conclusions can currently be drawn regarding the effectiveness of the molecules tested in these phase 1 and 2 studies. Further precise studies are needed in the near future

    Nemkirális építőelemekből álló polárosan rendezett folyadékkristályok = Mesogens with polar ordering of non-chiral building blocks

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    A pályázat munkatervében körvonalazott kutatási tervnek megfelelően a munka több szálon futott. Első lépést a vegyületek kémiai szintézise jelentette, ami a vizsgálni kívánt molekulaszerkezetű vegyületek megtervezését, a szintézisút kidolgozását és magát az előállítást foglalta magában. Számos esetben a vegyületekből elegyek is készültek, a fizikai folyamatok jobb megértése céljából. A pályázatból támogatott kémiai munka igen eredményes volt, nagy számú, többségében új vegyület előállítása történt meg. Ezt követték az anyagok fizikai-kémiai és fizikai módszerekkel történő vizsgálatai, amelyek során számos új eredmény és felismerés született, amit a megjelent publikációk száma és a folyóiratok minősége is demonstrál. Új, kísérleti vizsgálati módszereket és esetenként elméleti modelleket is kidolgoztunk. A pályázat támogatásával 45 cikket jelentettünk meg, amelyek kumulatív impakt faktora 103 (ebbol 5.15 IF/MFt adódik) és 96 konferenciaelőadást tartottunk nemzetközi rendezvényeken. | The research work during the project has been conducted in several directions according to the work plan of the proposal. The first step was the chemical synthesis of the desired materials which consisted of the design of the molecules, the finding of the synthetic rout and the actual production process of the compounds. In several subprojects mixtures have also been prepared from the pure compounds in order to be able to follow and understand some specific physical processes. The chemical work carried out during the project was very fruitful, a great number of mostly new substances have been synthesized. As a next step, the physico-chemical and the physical investigations followed, which have produced several original results and achievements as demonstrated by the large number of the publications and the impact factors of the journals. New experimental methods and theoretical models have been worked out. During the project 45 publications appeared with a cumulative impact factor of 103 (5.15 IF/MFt) and 96 conference contributions have been made at international meetings