927 research outputs found

    The Interbank Money Market Past and Future Trends

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    This paper analyses the development of the three segments of the interbank money markets in Hungary and the euro area: unsecured lending/deposit transactions, sale and repurchase agreements (repos) and FX swaps. Reviewing the experiences of some eurozone members the authors draw conclusions on the expected future development of the money market segments. The analysis of the Hungarian money market is based on regular reports by banks and on a survey covering 11 domestic commercial banks, which was conducted by the National Bank of Hungary in May 2003.financial liberalization, financial markets

    The Land of Storms and the region where the country´s heart beats: changing images of peripherality in Hungary

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    Processes of peripheralisation have over the past years been studied from structuralist and discursive angles alike. There is at the same time a growing awareness that the two need to be studied together. This paper makes an attempt by showing how socio-material and discursive processes can co-constitute centre-periphery relations, on the example of Hungarian regions. Particular focus is given to Békés County as well as to Central Hungary. The empirical sources consist of sociographic books and popular scientific articles written mostly by geographers. The former show that images of peripheral areas have signifi cantly altered over time. While the "Land of Storms" - an epithet associated with Békés County - for instance has typically stood for toughness and combat-readiness up until the 1950s, it has been connected more with passivity and tardiness since the 1980s. Despite the changing nature of these images they have curiously always been attributed to the region´s peripherality, even though a rising spirit for instance has not been a typical feature of peripheries in Hungary. The analysis of popular scientific articles reveals that they are usually written from the centre´s perspective, targeting the centre´s audience. Further, certain places are peripheralised by being depicted as forgott en or remote; the natural endowments of rural and sparsely populated areas are not rarely exotified and romanticised. Such descriptions may make so-called peripheries more interesting for readers (in the centres), yet they also maintain old images of such areas that can considerably affect their development potentials

    Kontraproduktivitás a fejlesztéspolitikában? Az EU-források felhasználásának gazdaságszociológiai elemzése [védés előtt] = Counterfinality in development policy? An economic-sociological analysis of the EU-funds

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    Kutatómunkánk keretében az Európai Uniós fejlesztési források felhasználásának mintázataival, területi szempontú egyenlőtlenségeivel foglalkozunk, így jelen értekezés az ezen témában végzett vizsgálatainkat foglalja össze. A kérdés jelentőségét az adja, hogy 2004 májusa óta Magyarországon is lehetőség van az EU fejlesztési programjai keretében meghatározott támogatások lehívására, és megalapozottnak tűnik a kérdésfeltevés, hogy számolni lehet különféle nem szándékolt következményekkel a támogatások eloszlása terén

    Kockázati tényezők feltárása és gazdasági vizsgálata a sertéságazatban = Reveal and economical analysis of risk factors in the pig sector

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    A kutatás során az egyes kockázati tényezők feltárását és gazdasági vizsgálatát a sertéságazatban a pályázatban megfogalmazott célokat szem előtt tartva végeztük el. A kutatás eredménye az alábbiakban összegezhető: A kocaselejtezés kockázatát vizsgáltuk túlélés-elemzéssel (a genotípus, a selejtezési okok és a felnevelés intenzitásának hatása szerint); Hálózati modellel (a húsminőséget figyelembe véve) vizsgáltuk az Alföldi Sertéstermelő és Értékesítő Szövetkezet tagjainak telepei és a felvásárló vágóhidak közötti maximális árbevételt adó optimális szállítási kombinációt, amelynek érzékenység vizsgálatával a szövetkezet tagjainak termelési- és piaci kockázata csökkenthető; Technológiai szimulációs modellel egy sertéstelep kockázati szempontú elemzését végeztük el; Beruházás-elemzési szimulációs modellel elemeztük egy sertéstelep bővítő beruházásának kockázatát; A Winbugs 1.4 programmal illesztettünk egy GARCH(1,1)-M modellt, melyet a várható felvásárlási árak előrejelzésére alkalmaztunk; 34 hajdú-bihar megyei sertés telepen kitöltött kérdőív alapján vizsgáltuk a sertéstartás és tenyésztés során jelentkező főbb kockázati tényezőket és az alkalmazott kockázatkezelési technikákat. | In the course of research we did the reveal and economical analysis of risk factors in the pig sector bearing in mind the objectives set out in the project. The result of the project can be summarized as follows: We examined the risk of sow culling with survival-analysis (according to genotype, culling reasons and the effect of the intensity of breeding); We examined the optimal transport combination between the farms of the Alföld Pig Purchase and Sale Cooperative and the buying-up slaughterhouses giving the maximum sales revenue and with the sensitivity examination of which the production and market risk of the cooperative members can be reduced, with a network model taking meat quality into consideration; We made the risk analysis of a pig farm with a technological simulation model; We analysed the risk of the enlarging investment of a pig farm with an investment-analysing simulation model; We applied a GARCH (1,1)-M model which we used for the forcast of buying - up prices with a Winbugs 1.4 program; We examined the main risk factors arising during pig production and breeding and the applied risk management techniques on the basis of a questionnaire filled in on 34 pig farms in Hajdú - Bihar county

    The outsider advantage: Interviewing planners and other elites in the Polish-German borderland

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    As conducting interviews with elites is increasingly common, an important debate has emerged around the researcher’s positionality as an insider/outsider also in a geographic sense. Three standpoints can be distinguished. Initially, some emphasised the advantages of the insider in eliciting interesting and sometimes even sensitive information from informants. More recently, several scholars suggested that this position is never stable. Our experiences are however more in line with those who demonstrat ed the advantages of being an outsider. Coming from outside the study area may be particularly helpful when interviewing elites on sensitive issues such as contacts in a borderland with a troubled history, like between Poland and Germany. Our 38 interviews reveal three patterns. First, blaming the other side is not unusual on both sides of the border. Second, de-emphasising the importance of cooper ation is more common on the Polish side, but also occurred on the German side. Finally, a discourse of re-establishing the historically coherent region is clearly present on the German side, but lacks almost entirely on the Polish side. It is doubtful whether we would have been able to elicit such attitudes from both studied groups had we belonged to either one of them

    Fogyatkozó magyarság Muravidéken : szlovén beolvasztási törekvések a két világháború között

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    Mur Area (also known as: Transmurania, Over-Mur; in Hungarian: Muravidék) was annexed from Hungary to Slovenia according to the Treaty of Trianon. This small area, measured in Hungarian terms, has affected and continues to affect several ethnographic regions and two fundamentally dominant nations. The Hungarians living here lived under strong exposure to Slovenian integration efforts between the two world wars. The present study explains the vertical and horizontal dimensions of these assimilation processes, as well as the answers given to them by the Hungarians. The assimilation strategy consisted of several nested components, as Slovenia itself did not exist as an independent state in the period under review, but as part of the South Slavic state. Therefore, a paradoxical situation may have arisen in which the Hungarians of Mur Area – and at the same time of Slovenia – considered the Central Yugoslav power to be an ally against Slovenia for a moment. The study also provides an insight into who was defined as “madîaron” by the Slovenian authorities and what role they played in the period under discussion. The attitude of the Slovenes in Mur Area to the Hungarians and to the Slovenes living west of Mur is inseparable from the topic
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