217 research outputs found

    Gyomdiverzitás-vizsgálatok eltérő tápanyag-ellátottság esetén kukoricában

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    A növekvő műtrágyahasználat és a növénytermesztési technológiák változása nyomán a gyomflóra összetétele jelentősen megváltozott, a manapság nagy területeken elterjedt gyomfajok jellemzően erős adaptív kapacitással rendelkeznek. A gyomflóra faji összetételét, a megjelenő fajok számát, azok egyedsűrűségét és dominancia viszonyait kukorica állományban vizsgáltuk az MTA ATK TAKI nagyhörcsöki kísérleti telepén 2003-ban beállított trágyázási tartamkísérletben. A Közép- Mezőföldön elhelyezkedő kísérleti telep talaja az ezen a tájon jellemző mészlepedékes csernozjom. A trágyázási kezelések közül a kontroll (Ø) és az NPK (150 kg∙ha-1 N, 100 kg∙ha-1 P2O5, 100 kg∙ha-1 K2O) kezelés összehasonlító értékelése került bemutatásra

    A study on the equilibrium reaction of benzaldehyde and sodium bisulphite by in situ Fourier transform IR spectroscopy

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    The addition of sodium bisulphite to benzaldehyde was monitored at different conditions by in situ Fourier transform IR spectroscopy and the equilibrium constant was determined

    Water managed properties of apple and pear trees based on lysimeters

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    A significant proportion of the aboveground green and dry weight of the plant is constituted by foliage. The canopy is an important factor of plant growth. On the one hand, the canopy absorbs solar energy, which is necessary for photosynthesis; on the other hand, it accumulates the nutrients absorbed by the roots, and most of the water-loss occurs through the foliage. The determination of the full canopy is not an easy target. In our research, we developed a measurement method to determine the leaf area. With the parameters of the examined tree (leaf length and maximum width) and the data of the ADC AM 100 leaf area scanner, we determined the k-value, with which we can easily and fast evaluate the leaf surface. Furthermore, we defined from the water balance of compensation lysimeters the cumulative transpiration of fruit trees and the efficiency of water use of trees. From the examined trees were made a 3D depiction, which show the shape, branching and the location of trees

    Y generáció félelmei az önvezető autóktól = Y generation's fears from self-driving cars

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    The purpose of this study is to explore a quickly developing, therefore very exciting topic. The usage and production of self-driving cars has become a leading industry in almost every area of the world, so nowadays, self-driving cars are not just opportunities of the future, but are an important part of our present. In this study we give a short insight into the international literature of autonomous cars, starting with the evolution of them, describing the different steps and the six levels of autonomy. Several studies dealt with this issue and it turned out that people are more concerned than enthusiastic about the appearance of this new technology. Their fears are not unreasonable. Ethical dilemmas emerged and there is the risk of unauthorized persons entering the system. Thus, the main part of our research is to examine the fears of people and to detect the impact of self-driving cars on people

    Önvezető autó – a társadalomnak tényleg szüksége van rá?

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    Over the centuries a lot of development has gone through in the automotive industry and the next step is expected to be self-propelled cars, which is no longer just the distant future but means an important change in our present. It is important to clarify the concept of a self-driving car, as people often use this term for vehicles that do not meet the requirements of these terms and are not completely autonomous. People - in the lack of essential information- have a different attitude towards the issues that are mainly moral, security and technical. Their appearance will require a completely new infrastructure and will raise numerous questions about their response to various accident situations. In our questionnaire we were looking for answers to these questions. It does not take days for us to hear about new developments, inventions, and unfortunately accidents - due to some insufficiency. It might have several positive effects if we are able to develop a nearly accident-free system

    Az önvezető autók – a jövő már a jelen?

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    Industry 4.0, the current technological revolution, includes the appearance of self-driving cars throughout the world. Developing this transport innovation has become an important goal for most automotive and software developing companies alike. They are competing with each other to reach the fully self-driving car, which can work on any road safely in all environments under any circumstances. The evolution of technology is bringing huge transformation, including changes in mobility and in vehicle usage patterns, which means a major challenge for the society. In connection with self-propelled cars it is important to focus on catching up with people as they will be users in the future. This research gives an insight into the topic of self-driving cars and its present, through the main companies. We examine people's attitudes along with their positive and negative effects and the study provides a comprehensive overview of the Zalaegerszeg automotive test track and their effects are examined within a deep interview.A jelen lévő technológiai forradalom, az ipar 4.0 a világ minden területén magában foglalja az önvezető autók megjelenését is. Ennek a közlekedési innovációnak fejlesztése a legtöbb autógyártógyártó, illetve már szoftvergyártó cég számára egyaránt, fontos célkitűzés lett. Egymással versenyezve szeretnének eljutni a minden környezetben, és útszakaszon biztonságosan működő teljesen önvezető funkcióig. A technológia fejlesztése hatalmas változásokat hoz magával, többek között a mobilitás megváltozását és a járműhasználati szokások átalakulását, melyek a társadalom számára jelentős kihívást jelentenek. Az önvezető járművekkel kapcsolatban, ugyanolyan fontos foglalkoznunk az emberek felzárkóztatásával, mint a technológia fejlesztésével, hiszen a későbbiekben ők lesznek a felhasználók. Kutatásunkban az emberek viszonyulását vizsgáljuk a velük járó pozitív, valamint negatív hatásokkal szemben

    Az önvezető autók - a jövő már a jelen?

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    Industry 4.0, the current technological revolution, includes the appearance of self-driving cars throughout the world. Developing this transport innovation has become an important goal for most automotive and software developing companies alike. They are competing with each other to reach the fully self-driving car, which can work on any road safely in all environments under any circumstances. The evolution of technology is bringing huge transformation, including changes in mobility and in vehicle usage patterns, which means a major challenge for the society. In connection with self-propelled cars it is important to focus on catching up with people as they will be users in the future. This research gives an insight into the topic of self-driving cars and its present, through the main companies. We examine people's attitudes along with their positive and negative effects and the study provides a comprehensive overview of the Zalaegerszeg automotive test track and their effects are examined within a deep interview

    Y generáció félelmei az önvezető autóktól = Y generation's fears from self-driving cars

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    The purpose of this study is to explore a quickly developing, therefore very exciting topic. The usage and production of self-driving cars has become a leading industry in almost every area of the world, so nowadays, self-driving cars are not just opportunities of the future, but are an important part of our present. In this study we give a short insight into the international literature of autonomous cars, starting with the evolution of them, describing the different steps and the six levels of autonomy. Several studies dealt with this issue and it turned out that people are more concerned than enthusiastic about the appearance of this new technology. Their fears are not unreasonable. Ethical dilemmas emerged and there is the risk of unauthorized persons entering the system. Thus, the main part of our research is to examine the fears of people and to detect the impact of self-driving cars on people