1,106 research outputs found
The effect of quantum fluctuations in compact star observables
Astrophysical measurements regarding compact stars are just ahead of a big
evolution jump, since the NICER experiment deployed on ISS on 14 June 2017.
This will soon provide data that would enable the determination of compact star
radius with less than 10% error. This poses new challenges for nuclear models
aiming to explain the structure of super dense nuclear matter found in neutron
Detailed studies of the QCD phase diagram shows the importance of bosonic
quantum fluctuations in the cold dense matter equation of state. Here, we using
a demonstrative model to show the effect of bosonic quantum fluctuations on
compact star observables such as mass, radius, and compactness. We have also
calculated the difference in the value of compressibility which is caused by
quantum fluctuations.
The above mentioned quantities are calculated in mean field, one-loop and in
high order many-loop approximation. The results show that the magnitude of
these effects is ~5%, which place it into the region where forthcoming
high-accuracy measurements may detect it.Comment: 6 pages 4 figues, minor corrections were adde
FRG Approach to Nuclear Matter at Extreme Conditions
Functional renormalization group (FRG) is an exact method for taking into
account the effect of quantum fluctuations in the effective action of the
system. The FRG method applied to effective theories of nuclear matter yields
equation of state which incorporates quantum fluctuations of the fields. Using
the local potential approximation (LPA) the equation of state for Walecka-type
models of nuclear matter under extreme conditions could be determined. These
models can be tested by solving the corresponding Tolman--Oppenheimer--Volkov
(TOV) equations and investigating the properties (mass and radius) of the
corresponding compact star models. Here, we present the first steps on this
way, we obtained a Maxwell construction within the FRG-based framework using a
Walecka-type Lagrangian.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure
Miscellanea. Folyóirat-referátumok. OH-KVÍZ
Folyóirat-referátumok. Kardiológia
Maratonfutás: cardiovascularis
alkalmazkodás Ă©s szĂvrizikĂł
(Marathon run: cardiovascular
adaptation and cardiovascular risk)
Predel, H. G.
(Institute of
Cardiovascular Research and Sports
Medicine, German Sport University
Cologne, Am Sportpark MĂĽngersdorf
6, Cologne 50933, Németország;
e-mail: [email protected]):
Heart J.,
(44), 3091–3098. | Szülészet-nőgyógyászat
Az újszülött méhvérzése részt vesz-e
az endometriosis patogenezisében
mint őssejtforrás? (Is neonatal
uterine bleeding involved in the pathogenesis of endometriosis
as a source of stem cells?)
Brosens, I.,
Benagiano, G.
(Catholic University
Leuven and Leuven Institute for
Fertility and Embryology, Leuven,
Fertil. Steril.,
(3), 622–623. | OH-KVÍ
VB-MK-LMF: Fusion of drugs, targets and interactions using Variational Bayesian Multiple Kernel Logistic Matrix Factorization
Computational fusion approaches to drug-target interaction (DTI) prediction, capable of utilizing multiple sources of background knowledge, were reported to achieve superior predictive performance in multiple studies. Other studies showed that specificities of the DTI task, such as weighting the observations and focusing the side information are also vital for reaching top performance.
We present Variational Bayesian Multiple Kernel Logistic Matrix Factorization (VB-MK-LMF), which unifies the advantages of (1) multiple kernel learning, (2) weighted observations, (3) graph Laplacian regularization, and (4) explicit modeling of probabilities of binary drug-target interactions.
VB-MK-LMF achieves significantly better predictive performance in standard benchmarks compared to state-of-the-art methods, which can be traced back to multiple factors. The systematic evaluation of the effect of multiple kernels confirm their benefits, but also highlights the limitations of linear kernel combinations, already recognized in other fields. The analysis of the effect of prior kernels using varying sample sizes sheds light on the balance of data and knowledge in DTI tasks and on the rate at which the effect of priors vanishes. This also shows the existence of ``small sample size'' regions where using side information offers significant gains. Alongside favorable predictive performance, a notable property of MF methods is that they provide a unified space for drugs and targets using latent representations. Compared to earlier studies, the dimensionality of this space proved to be surprisingly low, which makes the latent representations constructed by VB-ML-LMF especially well-suited for visual analytics. The probabilistic nature of the predictions allows the calculation of the expected values of hits in functionally relevant sets, which we demonstrate by predicting drug promiscuity. The variational Bayesian approximation is also implemented for general purpose graphics processing units yielding significantly improved computational time.
In standard benchmarks, VB-MK-LMF shows significantly improved predictive performance in a wide range of settings. Beyond these benchmarks, another contribution of our work is highlighting and providing estimates for further pharmaceutically relevant quantities, such as promiscuity, druggability and total number of interactions.
Data and code are available at http://bioinformatics.mit.bme.hu
Aminosavak és peptidek folyadékkromatográfiája. Királis elválasztások. = Chromatography of amino acids and peptides. Chiral separations.
Munkánk során nagyhatékonyságú folyadékkromatográfiás és kapilláris elektroforetikus módszereket fejlesztettünk különböző biológiai és gyógyszeripari szempontból fontos vegyületek (elsősorban ?-, ß- és ?-aminosavak, ß-laktámok, naftol analógok és opioid peptidek) sztereoizomerjeinek elválasztására. Vizsgáltuk a mozgófázis összetételének és hőmérsékletének, illetve különféle királis szelektorok hatását a kromatográfiás viselkedésre. Tanulmányoztuk különböző új fejlesztésű királis kolonnák elválasztóképességét, illetve vizsgáltuk a különféle királis szelektorok és a modellmolekulák közötti kölcsönhatásokat. A hőmérsékletfüggésből nyert termodinamikai adatok és a kémiai szerkezettől való függés alapján következtetést vontunk le az elválasztás mechanizmusára vonatkozóan. Feltérképeztük a molekulaszerkezet és kromatográfiás viselkedés között fennálló kapcsolatokat. Eredményeinket rangos nemzetközi folyóiratokban publikáltuk. | The goal of the present project was to develop new chromatographic and electrophoretic methods for the analysis of the stereoisomers of biologically and/or pharmaceutically important compounds (e.g. ?-, ß- and ?-amino acids, ß-lactams, naphthol analogs and opioid peptides). The effects of the mobile phase composition, temperature, and different chiral selectors on the retention have been studied. The separation efficiency of newly developed chiral stationary phases and interactions between chiral selectors and model compounds have been investigated. By variation of the chromatographic parameters, the separation of the stereoisomers has been optimized. Mechanistic aspects of the chiral recognition process have been studied with respect to the structures of the analytes. Based on variable-temperature studies it could be concluded that the enantioseparations were in most cases enthalpy-driven but entropy-driven separation was also observed. Results have been published in international journals and conferences
A kutyák vokalizáciĂłja mint a domesztikáciĂł során kialakult speciális kommunikáciĂłs eszköz - etolĂłgiai Ă©s akusztikus megközelĂtĂ©sbĹ‘l = The vocalization of dogs as a means of communication formed by domestication - an ethological and acoustic approach
Akusztikai elemzĂ©ssel szignifikáns Ă©s konzisztens eltĂ©rĂ©seket mutattunk ki meghatározott szituáciĂłkban felvett kutyaugatások között. Kimutattuk, hogy felnĹ‘tt emberek kĂ©pesek magasan a vĂ©letlen szint felett felismerni az ugatás alapján azt a szituáciĂłt, amelyben az ugatást felvettĂĽk. FelnĹ‘ttek kĂ©pesek csoport szinten egyöntetűen megállapĂtani, hogy az adott ugatásnak milyen belsĹ‘ állapot (agressziĂł, fĂ©lelem, játĂ©kosság stb.) felelhet meg. Az emberek kutyaugatás-felismerĹ‘ kĂ©pessĂ©ge nem fĂĽgg attĂłl, mennyi Ă©s milyen tapasztalatuk van kutyákkal kapcsolatban. SzĂĽletetten vak szemĂ©lyek, illetve kisgyermekek is megbĂzhatĂłan felismerik az ugatások kontextusát, illetve hangulatát. MestersĂ©gesen (három akusztikai paramĂ©ter - alapfrekvencia, tonalitás, vakkantásközti idĹ‘ - alapján szelektált vakkantásokbĂłl) összeállĂtott ugatás-szekvenciák felhasználásával kiderĂtettĂĽk, hogy az ugatás kommunikáciĂłs jelentĂ©se ember számára azonos akusztikai alaptörvĂ©nyeken nyugszik, mint amelyek alapján az emlĹ‘sök Ă©s madarak akusztikus kommunikáciĂłja általában működik. SzĂvritmus mĂ©rĂ©sekkel kiderĂtettĂĽk, hogy a kutyák is kĂ©pesek megkĂĽlönböztetni az eltĂ©rĹ‘ egyedektĹ‘l, illetve eltĂ©rĹ‘ szituáciĂłkban felvett ugatásokat. Francia kutatĂłkkal kooperálva kifejlesztettĂĽnk egy olyan öntanĂtĂł számĂtĂłgĂ©pes szoftvert, amely hangjelzĂ©sek (Ăgy kutyaugatás is) elemzĂ©sĂ©re, megkĂĽlönböztetĂ©sĂ©re alkalmazhatĂł. Ezzel sikerĂĽlt reprodukálni, illetve felĂĽlmĂşlni az emberek korábban emlĂtett teljesĂtmĂ©nyĂ©t, illetve több száz akusztikus paramĂ©terbĹ‘l kiválasztani a legfontosabbakat, melyek meghatározzák a kutyaugatás minĹ‘sĂ©gĂ©t. | With acoustical analysis we found consistent and significant differences between barks originating from different situations. With playback method we showed that adult humans can recognize barks from different contexts above chance level. We found also that adult humans can consistently evaluate the emotional content of dog barks along the main scales of inner state, like aggression, fear, happiness etc. We found that the accuracy of context and inner state recognition in humans does not depend on the quality and quantity of experience with dogs. Congenitally sightless persons as well as young children can recognize reliably the context of dog barks. We constructed artificially selected bark sequences (on the base of three acoustic parameter: main frequency, tonality and inter-bark interval), and with these we proved that the communicative meaning of dog barks follow the same acoustic-emotional rules, as the majority of the mammal and bird species acoustic signals do. With heart rate measuring we found that dogs can differentiate between barks, which were recorded in different contexts, or from different dogs. In cooperation with French researchers we developed a self-teaching software for the acoustic analysis of acoustic signals (based on dog barks). The software successfully reproduces our results from playback experimenst with humans, and gives a good opportunity for finding the relevant acoustic parameters, which cause contextual, individual and emotional differences in dog barking
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