153 research outputs found

    How Bees Respond Differently to Field Margins of Shrubby and Herbaceous Plants in Intensive Agricultural Crops of the Mediterranean Area

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    (1) Intensive agriculture has a high impact on pollinating insects, and conservation strategies targeting agricultural landscapes may greatly contribute to their maintenance. The aim of this work was to quantify the effect that the vegetation of crop margins, with either herbaceous or shrubby plants, had on the abundance and diversity of bees in comparison to non-restored margins. (2) The work was carried out in an area of intensive agriculture in southern Spain. Bees were monitored visually and using pan traps, and floral resources were quantified in crop margins for two years. (3) An increase in the abundance and diversity of wild bees in restored margins was registered, compared to non-restored margins. Significant differences in the structure of bee communities were found between shrubby and herbaceous margins. Apis mellifera and mining bees were found to be more polylectic than wild Apidae and Megachilidae. The abundance of A. mellifera and mining bees was correlated to the total floral resources, in particular, to those offered by the Boraginaceae and Brassicaceae; wild Apidae and Megachilidae were associated with the Lamiaceae. (4) This work emphasises the importance of floral diversity and shrubby plants for the maintenance of rich bee communities in Mediterranean agricultural landscapes

    Four new species of Chaetodermatidae (Mollusca, Caudofoveata) from bathyal bottoms of the NW Iberian Peninsula

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    Caudofoveata is a class of vermiform molluscs with bilateral symmetry and circular transverse section. There are at least 135 described species of Caudofoveata. Fourteen species have been reported from the coast of the Iberian Peninsula, four of which belong to the family Chaetodermatidae. Of these four species, three are endemic to the Mediterranean Sea and one to the NW Iberian Peninsula. The Chaetodermatidae specimens studied were collected off the NW Iberian Peninsula during several expeditions. Four new species of Caudofoveata are described from the NW Iberian Peninsula. They belong to the family Chaetodermatidae, one of them to the genus Chaetoderma and three to Falcidens. Chaetoderma galiciense sp. nov. has a body divided in 5 regions: anterior, neck, trunk, tail and tassel, each region is covered by typical sclerites. Falcidens urgorrii sp. nov. has a narrow body divided in four regions: anterior, neck, trunk and tassel, each region covered by typical sclerites, and a radula bears a pair of teeth and two pairs of lateral supports. Falcidens garcialvarezi sp. nov. has a body with four regions, each body region covered by characteristic sclerites. The radula bears a pair of falciform teeth, a long and narrow radular cone, a triangular central plate and a pair of lateral supports. Falcidens valdubrensis sp. nov. has a short body divided in four regions, each of which covered by characteristic sclerites; the radula bears two falciform teeth.The four new species described herein increase the number of known described species of Caudofoveata to 138. Thus, the Iberian Peninsula becomes one of the best known areas in the world. Also, the first species of the genus Chaetoderma from the Iberian Peninsula is described. This paper is registered in Zoobank under: http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:628A29EE-B45D-4D1A-8955-F84FEDAD9013This communication is a contribution to the following projects carried out by the Estación de Bioloxía Mariña da Graña from the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela: PGIDT01PXI20008PR, PGIDIT05PXIC20001P, PGIDIT07PXB000120PR, A Selva-08 and ForSaGal-09 (Xunta de Galicia, Regional Government); VEM2003-20070-C04-04, CGL2004-22429-E and CTM2004-00740 (MEC, Spanish Government)S

    Anàlisi de les publicacions científiques sobre olimpisme fins al 1996: matèries, evolució, llengües i tipus de publicació

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    Analitzem les publicacions científiques sobre Jocs Olímpics per establir la singularitat de les seves característiques en relació amb les matèries d’estudi, volum, nivell, evolució, llengües i tipus. Utilitzem la base de dades SPORT, de l’Associació Internacional d’Informació Esportiva (IASI) i del Canadian Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC). Aquesta anàlisi ens permet d’establir diferències entre les ciències aplicades a l’estudi de l’olimpisme i de les ciències de l’esport en general. Sorprèn, en primer lloc, que en la dècada de 1970, el nombre de treballs científics s’incrementa 16,7 vegades. És l’increment més gran entre dècades. Tanmateix, el nivell és més baix que prèviament. El major volum de publicacions, respecte de l’olimpisme, el presenten les matèries d’Administració, Història, Associacions i Comitès, Instal·lacions esportives, Biografies, Filosofia, Política i Mitjans de comunicació; encara que les matèries més específiques de l’olimpisme són Associacions i Comitès, Cultura, Política, Mitjans de comunicació, Filosofia, Economia i Administració. Fins al 1996, els Jocs als quals s’havia dedicat el major nombre de publicacions van ser els de Calgary (Jocs d’Hivern de 1988), amb el 12% del total de les publicacions sobre olimpisme. Venien a continuació Mont-real (1976), Moscou (1980) i Barcelona (1992). D’entre els Jocs anteriors a 1970, són objecte d’un major nombre de publicacions els de Berlín de 1936, Atenes 1896, Mèxic 1968, Los Ángeles 1932

    Augmented renal clearance. An unnoticed relevant event

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    Paciente críticamente enfermo; Tasa de filtrado glomerularPacient críticament malalt; Taxa de filtrat glomerularCritically ill patient; Glomerular filtrate rateAugmented renal clearance (ARC) is a phenomenon that can lead to a therapeutic failure of those drugs of renal clearance. The purpose of the study was to ascertain the prevalence of ARC in the critically ill patient, to study the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) throughout the follow-up and analyze the concordance between the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) estimation formula and measured GFR. Observational, prospective, multicenter study. ARC was defined as a creatinine clearance greater than 130 ml/min/1.73 m2. Eighteen hospitals were recruited. GFR measurements carried out twice weekly during a 2-month follow-up period. A total of 561 patients were included. ARC was found to have a non-negligible prevalence of 30%. More even, up to 10.7% already had ARC at intensive care unit (ICU) admission. No specific pattern of GFR was found during the follow-up. Patients in the ARC group were younger 56.5 (53.5–58.5) versus 66 (63.5–68.5) years than in the non-ARC group, p < 0.001. ICU mortality was lower in the ARC group, 6.9% versus 14.5%, p = 0.003. There was no concordance between the estimation of GFR by the CKD-EPI formula and GFR calculated from the 4-h urine. ARC is found in up to 30% of ICU patients, so renal removal drugs could be under dosed by up to 30%. And ARC is already detected on admission in 10%. It is a dynamic phenomenon without an established pattern that usually occurs in younger patients that can last for several weeks. And the CKD-EPI formula does not work to estimate the real creatinine clearance of these patients

    Análisis de las publicaciones científicas sobre olimpismo hasta 1996: materias,evolución, idiomas y tipos de publicación

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    Analizamos las publicaciones científicas sobre Juegos Olímpicospara establecer la singularidad de sus características en relación alas materias de estudio, volumen, nivel, evolución, idiomas y tipos.Utilizamos la base de datosSPORT, de la Asociación Internacional deInformación Deportiva (IASI) y del Canadian Sport Information Re-source Centre (SIRC). Este análisisnos permite establecer diferen-cias entre las ciencias aplicadas al estudio del olimpismo y de lasciencias del deporte en general.Sorprende, en primer lugar, que el la década de 1970, el número detrabajos científicos se incrementa 16,7 veces. Es el mayor incre-mento entre décadas. Sin embargoel nivel es más bajo que previa-mente. El volumen de publicaciones mayor, con respecto al olimpis-mo lo presentan las materias de Administración, Historia, Asociacio-nes y Comités, Instalaciones deportivas, Biografías, Filosofía, Políti-ca y Medios de comunicación; aunque las materias más específicasdel olimpismo son Asociaciones y Comités, Cultura, Política, Mediosde comunicación, Filosofía, Economía y Administración.Hasta 1996, los Juegos a los que se había dedicado el mayor núme-ro de publicaciones fueron los de Calgary (Juegos de Invierno de1988), con el 12 % del total de las publicaciones sobre olimpismo.Le seguían Montreal (1976), Moscú (1980) y Barcelona (1992). Deentre los Juegos anteriores a 1970, son objeto de mayor número depublicaciones los de Berlín de 1936, Atenas 1896, México 1968,Los Ángeles 1932.We analyse the scientific publications on Olympic Games toestablish the singularity of the characteristics concerning theirsubjects, level, languages, types and the number ofpublications. We used the international computerized database“Sport”1, of the International Association of Sports Information(IASI) and Canadian Sport Information Resource Centre (SIRC).This analysis enable us to establish differences between appliedsciences on olympics and applied sciences on sport in general.It is surprising firstly that in the 70’s decade, the number ofscientific works increases 16,7 times, the largest incrementamong decades, even though the level is lower than previosly.The main subjects on olympics by their number of publicationsare: 1STAdministration, 2ndHistory, 3rdAssociations andCommitees, 4thSports Facilities, 5thBiographies, 6thPhilosophy, 7thPolitics, 8thMass Media; but the most “specific”olympic subjects are: 1STAssociations and Commitees, 2ndCulture, 3rdPolitics, 4thMass media, 5thPhilosophy, 6thEconomy, 7thAdministration. Until 1996, the Games with thehighest number of publications were Calgary 1988 (winter),with 12% of the total olympic publications


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    El presente artículo aborda un primer análisis de la transformación socioeconómica y ambiental del territorio e la Zona Oriente del Estado de México, “ZOEM”. Se analiza el proceso de transformación del área rural a un espacio “urbano”, las consecuencias que ese cambio ha implicado en los recursos naturales, sociales y económicos del territorio, tanto los observados físicamente por el investigador como los expresados por los habitantes de la región. El contenido es parte de los resultados del proyecto de investigación denominado ““Componentes socioeconómicos y ambientales que limitan el desarrollo territorial del Oriente del Edo. de México”, realizado del 2012 al 2018. La transformación de la ZOEM no sólo ha implicado un impacto ambiental en la región por la pérdida de recursos naturales, sino también en el funcionamiento social y económico de los municipios de la región. En este proceso la relación hombre – territorio, ha conllevado a la transformación de sus formas de organización provocando acciones de resistencia de la población originaria. Los municipios de la Zona enfrentan una serie de conflictos y necesidades socioeconómicas y ambientales que están determinadas por el crecimiento sin planeación de la Zona Metropolitana de la Ciudad de México

    Feasibility of a brief mindfulness-based program for burnout in pain healthcare professionals

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    Introduction: Stress inherent to health care, which is characterized by work overload and shortage of specialized staff, is associated with decreased quality of life and suboptimal patient care. Mindfulness-based programs have proved to be effective in reducing stress in healthcare providers. This study aims to assess the feasibility of an 8-week mindfulness program to reduce the burnout levels of the staff of a pain clinic in a tertiary public hospital. Materials and methods: A longitudinal study with a within subject pre/post-intervention design, consisting of daily face-to-face 10-min sessions and the creation of a virtual group using a social media platform. Variables measured: burnout, mindfulness, empathy, self-compassion, and demographic characteristics. Results: Program feasibility (i.e., reach, adherence, acceptability, and preliminary effectiveness) was evaluated in 10 participants (6 physicians, 2 nurse practitioners, 1 nursing assistant, and 1 administrative). The results revealed a high reach (i.e., participation rate of 90%), excellent adherence to the program (daily practice 95% of times), and very good acceptability of the group format and satisfaction with most treatment components. Regarding potential effectiveness, we report the results of the Wilcoxon signed-rank tests and its associated effect size (r). We observed improvements in mindfulness and all its subscales (−2.077 ≤ Z ≤ −2.703, 0.69 ≤ r ≤ 0.90, all p < 0.05) except for non-reactivity and all subcomponents of self-compassion (−2.501 ≤ Z ≤ −2.611, 0.83 ≤ r ≤ 0.87, all p < 0.05) but not on its global self-compassion score. Empathy and burnout did not change. In an exploratory manner, however, we found significant reductions in the burnout component of emotional exhaustion, but only in physicians (Z = −2.201, p = 0.028, r = 0.73). Discussion: We believe that the 8-week mindfulness-based program described in the present investigation might be a feasible and potentially effective method that can be easily implemented to reduce burnout and promote mindfulness in specialized pain clinics

    “Acute kidney injury in critically ill patients with COVID–19: The AKICOV multicenter study in Catalonia”

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    Acute kidney injury; COVID-19; CataloniaLesión renal aguda; COVID-19; CataluñaLesió renal aguda; COVID-19; CatalunyaThis study describes the incidence, evolution and prognosis of acute kidney injury (AKI) in critical COVID-19 during the first pandemic wave. We performed a prospective, observational, multicenter study of confirmed COVID-19 patients admitted to 19 intensive care units (ICUs) in Catalonia (Spain). Data regarding demographics, comorbidities, drug and medical treatment, physiological and laboratory results, AKI development, need for renal replacement therapy (RRT) and clinical outcomes were collected. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression analysis for AKI development and mortality were used. A total of 1,642 patients were enrolled (mean age 63 (15.95) years, 67.5% male). Mechanical ventilation (MV) was required for 80.8% and 64.4% of these patients, who were in prone position, while 67.7% received vasopressors. AKI at ICU admission was 28.4% and increased to 40.1% during ICU stay. A total of 172 (10.9%) patients required RRT, which represents 27.8% of the patients who developed AKI. AKI was more frequent in severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) ARDS patients (68% vs 53.6%, p<0.001) and in MV patients (91.9% vs 77.7%, p<0.001), who required the prone position more frequently (74.8 vs 61%, p<0.001) and developed more infections. ICU and hospital mortality were increased in AKI patients (48.2% vs 17.7% and 51.1% vs 19%, p <0.001) respectively). AKI was an independent factor associated with mortality (IC 1.587–3.190). Mortality was higher in AKI patients who required RRT (55.8% vs 48.2%, p <0.04). Conclusions There is a high incidence of AKI in critically ill patients with COVID-19 disease and it is associated with higher mortality, increased organ failure, nosocomial infections and prolonged ICU stay

    Impact of simulation-based teamwork training on COVID-19 distress in healthcare professionals

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    Non-technical skills such as leadership, communication, or situation awareness should lead to effective teamwork in a crisis. This study aimed to analyse the role of these skills in the emotional response of health professionals to the COVID-19 pandemic. Before the COVID-19 outbreak, 48 doctors and 48 nurses participated in a simulation-based teamwork training program based on teaching non-technical skills through simulation. In May 2020, this group of professionals from a COVID-19 referral hospital was invited to participate in a survey exploring stress, anxiety, and depression, using the PSS-14 (Perceived Stress Scale) and the HADS (Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) measures. A control group that did not receive the training was included. We conducted a logistic regression to assess whether having attended a simulation-based teamwork training program modified the probability of presenting psychological distress (PSS-14 > 18 or HADS> 12). A total of 141 healthcare professionals were included, 77 in the intervention group and 64 in the control group. Based on the PSS-14, 70.1% of the intervention group and 75% of the control group (p = 0.342) had symptoms of stress. Having contact with COVID-19 patients [OR 4.16(1.64-10.52)]; having minors in charge [OR 2.75 (1.15-6.53)]; working as a doctor [0.39(0.16-0.95)], and being a woman [OR 2.94(1.09-7.91)] were related with PSS14 symptoms. Based on the HADS, 54.6% of the intervention group and 42.2% of the control group (p = 0.346) had symptoms of anxiety or depression. Having contact with COVID-19 patients [OR 2.17(1.05-4.48)] and having minors in charge [OR 2.14(1.06-4.32)] were related to HADS symptoms. Healthcare professionals who attended COVID-19 patients showed higher levels of anxiety and depression [OR 2.56(1.03-6.36) (p = 0.043)]. Healthcare professionals trained in non-technical skills through simulation tended towards higher levels of anxiety and depression and fewer levels of stress, during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Bacillus clausii for Gastrointestinal Disorders: A Narrative Literature Review

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    Bacillus clausii; Microbiota; DysbiosisBacillus clausii; Microbiota; DisbiosisBacillus clausii; Microbiota; DisbiosiThe gut microbiota is intrinsically linked to human health; disturbances in microbial homeostasis are implicated in both intestinal and extraintestinal disorders. Probiotics are “live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host,” and many commercial preparations comprising a diverse range of species are available. While probiotics have been much researched, better understanding of the probiotic effects and applications of species such as Bacillus clausii is warranted. In this narrative literature review, we review the characteristics and mechanisms of action supporting B. clausii as a probiotic and discuss the evidence from clinical studies evaluating B. clausii probiotics for the management of a variety of gastrointestinal disorders and symptoms in children and adults. Finally, we highlight the challenges of future research and the need for more robust and diverse clinical evidence to guide physicians in the clinical application of probiotics for gastrointestinal disorders and other conditions.This study and the journal’s Rapid Service and Open Access Fees were funded by Sanofi