14,795 research outputs found

    Human mitochondrial degradosome prevents harmful mitochondrial R loops and mitochondrial genome instability

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    R loops are nucleic acid structures comprising an DNA-RNA hybrid and a displaced single-stranded DNA. These structures may occur transiently during transcription, playing essential biological functions. However, persistent R loops may become pathological as they are important drivers of genome instability and have been associated with human diseases. The mitochondrial degradosome is a functionally conserved complex from bacteria to human mitochondria. It is composed of the ATP-dependent RNA and DNA helicase SUV3 and the PNPase ribonuclease, playing a central role in mitochondrial RNA surveillance and degradation. Here we describe a new role for the mitochondrial degradosome in preventing the accumulation of pathological R loops in the mitochondrial DNA, in addition to preventing dsRNA accumulation. Our data indicate that, similar to the molecular mechanisms acting in the nucleus, RNA surveillance mechanisms in the mitochondria are crucial to maintain its genome integrity by counteracting pathological R-loop accumulation.European Research Council ERC2014 AdG669898 TARLOOPMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad BFU2013-42918-P, BFU2016-75058-

    Comparative analysis of domestic water heating thermosiphon systems tested according to the Standard ISO 9459-2

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    Permiso concedido para subir el documentoThe Standard ISO 9459-2 is a standard for the characterization of thermal performance of domestic water heating systems without auxiliary heating. In this study, 18 domestic water heating thermosiphon systems have been tested according to this international standard. The objective of the paper is to carry out a comparative analysis of the results obtained in these systems as a function of their volume and type of heat exchanger (tubular and double jacket). A comparative analysis of systems performance will be carried out by calculating the performance without thermal loss (a1/A) and solar fraction fSOL in different reference locations for different volume/area ratios. Also, a comparative analysis of systems performance and solar fraction will be carried out at different locations between a tubular heat exchanger tank and a double jacket heat exchanger tank. The different values obtained will be compared for the storage tank’s heat loss coefficient (Us). It will determinate the useful energy (energy with temperature above 45ºC) for the degree of mixing in the storage tank during a draw-off test

    The organizational design of nonprofits for people with disabilities

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    Utilizando información obtenida de los directivos de 105 pequeñas organizaciones sin fines de lucro españolas que, en el año 2007, se dedicaban a la prestación de servicios a personas con discapacidad, hemos analizado como el diseño organizativo –en concreto, los sistemas de recompensas extrínsecas e intrínsecas- influye sobre la delegación, la motivación y la transferencia de conocimiento a la hora de lograr el objetivo de la organización consistente en mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas que viven con una discapacidad. Los resultados muestran que, debido a la carencia de conocimiento técnico, los directivos de estas entidades no lucrativas (ENL) deben delegar derechos de decisión en empleados cualificados y utilizar en mayor medida recompensas intrínsecas y extrínsecas para motivar a los empleados a que transmitan conocimiento entre ellos eficientemente.We use data obtained from managers of 105 small nonprofit organizations (NPOs) providing services to people with disabilities in Spain in 2007 to examine how organizational design—particularly, extrinsic and intrinsic reward systems—impacts delegation, motivation, and knowledge transfer to achieve the NPO’s goal to improve the lives of persons living with disabilities. We find that, due to lack of technical knowledge, managers of these NPOs must delegate decision rights to qualified employees and that they successfully use a higher degree of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards to motivate employees to transfer knowledge among themselves efficiently

    Violencia y política en las publicaciones clandestinas bajo Pinochet: La palabra armada en el Frente Patriótico Manuel Rodríguez. Chile, 1983-1987

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    Este trabajo busca identificar y caracterizar a través del análisis de la principal publicación del Frente Patriótico Manuel Rodríguez (FPMR), la revista “El Rodriguista”, los soportes políticos que dieron sentido a la estrategia políticomilitar del FPMR y los principales elementos que configuraron y orientaron el accionar cotidiano de la militancia Rodriguista entre los años 1983-1987. Por otra parte, intenta explicar los elementos constitutivos y la forma en cómo se fue desarrollando la homogenización política y la configuración identitaria de la militancia Rodriguista, que veía en la utilización de la violencia política la forma principal de poner término al régimen militar

    Historia Sociopolítica del Concepción Contemporáneo. Memoria, Identidad y Territorio

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    El libro que estamos reseñando, es resultado de largas discusiones y de esfuerzos colectivos de un conjunto de historiadores de la Octava Región, agrupados en El Taller de Ciencias Sociales “Luis Vitale”..

    «Conflicto patricio y violencia popular en Copiapó durante la guerra civil de 1851» Avances de investigación y propuesta metodológica para el estudio de los motines y revueltas populares

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo es reflexionar respecto de las manifestaciones de violencia social desplegadas por los sectores populares en el contexto de un conflicto político y militar ínter oligárquico como lo es la Guerra Civil de 1851. Para ello nos centraremos espacialmente en el mundo minero del Norte Chico, zona del país que se caracterizó por la temprana presencia de conflictos sociales violentos, todos ellos desplegados en torno a las transformaciones económicas y sociales producto de la transición de una sociedad tradicional a una capitalista. Se desarrollará además una propuesta metodológica para estudiar las expresiones de violencia popular características de esta zona del país, como son los motines peonales o los levantamientos mineros

    Las políticas de apoyo a las explotaciones agrarias : sus repercusiones en la Sierra de Huelva

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    El nuevo contexto socio-económico (problema generado por la financiación de los excedentes productivos, concienciación general sobre la necesidad de respetar el medio ambiente y conservar el paisaje, intento de superar los desequilibrios interterritoriales...) ha situado a las áreas remotas -que fueron marginadas por el esquema desarrollista inmediatamente anterior- en el punto de mira de las políticas actuales. Pero ello no significa, en todos los casos, que se esté apostando por la superación de esta marginalidad. Por el contrario, los programas habilitados para tal fin -básicamente subsidios- pueden llegar a comprometer su futuro al dejarlas a merced de que se mantengan las ayudas. Cuestiones, todas éstas, que son abordadas en este trabajo, referido a la aplicación de estas medidas en las explotaciones e industrias agrarias de la Sierra Morena onubense.________________________________The new socio-economic context (a problem caused by the financing of production surplus and general awareness about the need to respect the enviromment and preserve the countryside endeavor to overcome territorial inequalities...) has placed remote areas -which were marginalized by the previous expansionist scheme- in the foreground of current policy. But this does not imply, in all cases, that the problem of marginalization has been solved. On the contrary, the programs with such goal -mainly subsidies- put the future of these areas at risk because they create a dependance on the subsidies. All of these issues are dealt with in this paper and are applied to the particular circumstances of farming in Huelva's Sierra Morena

    The effects of employment uncertainty and wealth shocks on the labor supply and claiming behavior of older American workers

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    Unemployment rates in developed countries have recently reached levels not seen in a generation, and workers of all ages are facing increasing probabilities of losing their jobs and considerable losses in accumulated assets. These events likely increase the reliance that most older workers will have on public social insurance programs, exactly at a time that public finances are suffering from a large drop in contributions. Our paper explicitly accounts for employment uncertainty and unexpected wealth shocks, something that has been relatively overlooked in the literature, but that has grown in importance in recent years. Using administrative and household level data we empirically characterize a life-cycle model of retirement and claiming decisions in terms of the employment, wage, health, and mortality uncertainty faced by individuals. Our benchmark model explains with great accuracy the strikingly high proportion of individuals who claim benefits exactly at the Early Retirement Age, while still explaining the increased claiming hazard at the Normal Retirement Age. We also discuss some policy experiments and their interplay with employment uncertainty. Additionally, we analyze the effects of negative wealth shocks on the labor supply and claiming decisions of older Americans. Our results can explain why early claiming has remained very high in the last years even as the early retirement penalties have increased substantially compared with previous periods, and why labor force participation has remained quite high for older workers even in the midst of the worse employment crisis in decades.employment uncertainty, wealth shocks, retirement, labor supply, life-cycle models

    Influence of Quaternary Benzophenantridine and Protopine Alkaloids on Growth Performance, Dietary Energy, Carcass Traits, Visceral Mass, and Rumen Health in Finishing Ewes under Conditions of Severe Temperature-humidity Index.

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    Twenty Pelibuey×Katahdin ewes (35±2.3 kg) were used to determine the effects of the consumption of standardized plant extract containing a mixture of quaternary benzophenanthridine alkaloids and protopine alkaloids (QBA+PA) on growth performance, dietary energetics, visceral mass, and ruminal epithelial health in heat-stressed ewes fed with a high-energy corn-based diet. The basal diet (13.9% crude protein and 2.09 Mcal of net energy [NE] of maintenance/kg of dry matter) contained 49.7% starch and 15.3% neutral detergent fiber. Source of QBA+PA was Sangrovit RS (SANG) which contains 3 g of quaternary benzophenathridine and protopine alkaloids per kg of product. Treatments consisted of a daily consumption of 0 or 0.5 g SANG/ewe. Ewes were grouped by weight and assigned to 10 pens (5 pens/treatment), with two ewes per pen. The experimental period lasted 70 days. The mean temperature humidity index during the course of this experiment was 81.7±1.0 (severe heat stress). There were no treatment effects on water intake. Dry matter intake was not affected (p = 0.70) by treatments, but the group fed SANG had a numerically (11.2%) higher gain in comparison to the control group, SANG improved gain efficiency (8.3%, p = 0.04), dietary NE (5.2%, p<0.01) and the observed-to-expected NE (5.9%, p<0.01). Supplemental SANG did not affect (p≥0.12) carcass characteristics, chemical composition of shoulder, and organ weights (g/kg empty body weight) of stomach complex, intestines, and heart/lung. Supplemental SANG decreased liver weight (10.3%, p = 0.02) and increased visceral fat (16.9%, p = 0.02). Rumen epithelium of ewes fed SANG had lower scores for cellular dropsical degeneration (2.08 vs 2.34, p = 0.02), parakeratosis (1.30 vs 1.82, p = 0.03) and neutrophil infiltration (2.08 vs 2.86, p = 0.05) than controls. It is concluded that SANG supplementation helped ameliorate the negative effects of severe heat on growth performance of feedlot ewes fed high-energy corn-based diets. Improvement in energetic efficiency may have been mediated, in part, by anti-inflammatory effects of supplemental SANG and corresponding enhancement of nutrient uptake