385 research outputs found

    La teoría de la dirección y la idea tomista de prudencia

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    Obesity and Prostate Cancer – A Good or Bad Prognostic Factor? A Literature Review (2015-February 2020)

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    Agradecimientos Este trabajo forma parte del Proyecto de Innovación Docente coordinado entre la Facultad de Medicina y la Facultad de Traducción e Interpretación de la Universidad de Granada (UGR), bajo el marco del Plan FIDO 2018-2020 de la UGR (código 563).Introducción El cáncer de próstata es uno de los más prevalentes entre los hombres; se espera para el año 2020 un aumento de 35 126 casos nuevos solamente en España. El objetivo de esta revisión fue estudiar la relación entre la obesidad y el pronóstico de esta enfermedad, que cada vez tiene un papel más relevante en nuestro sistema sanitario. Método Se ha realizado una búsqueda sistemática en varias bases de datos (MEDLINE, Web Of Science core collection y SCOPUS) desde 2015 hasta febrero de 2020 incluyendo solo estudios observacionales (estudios de cohortes y de casos y controles) sobre la mortalidad específica por cáncer de próstata y un marcador de obesidad (índice de masa corporal, IMC). Los datos que se han extraído han sido los Hazard Ratio. Resultados De la búsqueda realizada, se obtienen 8 estudios (7 cohortes prospectivas y 1 cohorte retrospectiva) para esta revisión y se analizan sus Hazard Ratio. Se obtiene una asociación positiva en 5 estudios para un IMC>27,5 kg/m2 y IMC<22,5kg/m2. De manera paradójica, 1 asocian una relación protectora para un IMC<25kg/m2. Conclusión La literatura revisada indica que la obesidad parece ser un factor de mal pronóstico en el cáncer de próstata. No existe la suficiente evidencia científica para validar esta afirmación al no encontrar estudios con resultados concluyentes. Por consiguiente, es necesaria la realización de más estudios con otros factores de obesidad más específicos para poder realizar un análisis más exhaustivo que valide esta asociación.Introduction: Prostate cancer is one of the most prevalent cancers among men. An increase of 35,126 new cases is expected by 2020 in Spain alone. The aim of this review is to study the relationship between obesity and the prognosis of prostate cancer, which is playing an increasingly important role in our health system. Method: A systematic search in several databases (MEDLINE, Web of Science core collection and SCOPUS) was conducted. This search included only observational studies (cohort and case-control studies) from 2015 to February 2020 on prostate cancer-specific mortality and one obesity marker (body mass index, BMI). The data extracted are the Hazard Ratio. Results: 8 studies (7 prospective cohorts and 1 retrospective cohort) were obtained from the search carried out for this review and their Hazard Ratio was analyzed. A positive association was obtained in 5 studies for a BMI>27.5 kg/m² and BMI<22.5 kg/m². Paradoxically, one associated a protective association for a BMI<25 kg/m². Conclusion: The literature reviewed indicates that obesity appears to be a bad prognostic factor in prostate cancer. However, there is not enough scientific evidence to validate this statement as no studies with conclusive results were found. Therefore, more studies with other, more specific obesity factors are needed in order to conduct a more comprehensive analysis to confirm this association

    Serendipitous discovery of the long-sought AGN in Arp 299-A

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    Context: The dusty nuclear regions of luminous infra-red galaxies (LIRGs) are heated by either an intense burst of massive star formation, an active galactic nucleus (AGN), or a combination of both. Disentangling the contribution of each of those putative dust-heating agents is a challenging task, and direct imaging of the innermost few pc can only be accomplished at radio wavelengths, using very high-angular resolution observations. Aims: We observed the nucleus A of the interacting starburst galaxy Arp 299, using very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) radio observations at 1.7 and 5.0 GHz. Our aim was to characterize the compact sources in the innermost few pc region of Arp 299-A, as well as to detect recently exploded core-collapse supernovae. Methods: We used the European VLBI Network (EVN) to image the 1.7 and 5.0 GHz compact radio emission of the parsec-scale structure in the nucleus of Arp 299-A with milliarcsecond resolution. Results: Our EVN observations show that one of the compact VLBI sources, A1, previously detected at 5.0 GHz, has a flat spectrum between 1.7 and 5.0 GHz and is the brightest source at both frequencies. Our 1.7 GHz EVN image shows also diffuse, low-surface brightness emission extending westwards from A1 and displays a prominent core-jet structure. Conclusions: The morphology, radio luminosity, spectral index and ratio of radio-to-X-ray emission of the A1-A5 region is consistent with a low-luminosity AGN (LLAGN), and rules out the possibility that it is a chain of young radio supernovae (RSNe) and supernova remnants (SNRs). We therefore conclude that A1-A5 is the long-sought AGN in Arp 299-A. This finding may suggest that both starburst and AGN are frequently associated phenomena in mergers.Comment: Accepted for publication in Letters to Astronomy and Astrophysics on 12 August 2010. 4 pages, 1 figur

    Evaluation of the Risk of Anxiety and/or Depression during Confinement Due to COVID-19 in Central Spain

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    Producción CientíficaAbstract: (1) Background: The confinement of the population in response to the COVID-19 pandemic was related to an increased risk of suffering from anxiety and/or depression in previous studies with other populations. (2) Methods: descriptive study using surveys (Goldberg Anxiety and Depression Scale) with 808 participants over 18 years of age between 14 and 20 of May 2020 during the confinement due to the SARS-CoV-2 virus in Spain. (3) Results: 63% of the participants were at risk of suffering from anxiety and 64.9% were at risk of depression. Variables reaching statistical significance were: age (t anxiety = −0.139 and t depression = −0.153), gender (t anxiety = −4.152 and t depression = −4.178), marital status (anxiety F = 2.893 and depression F = 3.011), symptoms compatible with COVID-19 (t anxiety = −4.177 and t depression = −3.791), previous need for psychological help (t anxiety = −5.385 and t depression = −7.136) and need for such help at the time of the study (t anxiety = −9.144 and depression = −10.995). In addition, we generated two regression models that estimate the risk of anxiety and depression. (4) Conclusions: more than half of the participants were at risk of suffering from anxiety and/or depression, confirming the negative effect of confinement on the populationDepartamento de Enfermería de la Universidad de Valladoli

    Proyecto de Reestructuración del Departamento de Planeamiento y Estadística, en el Área Informática

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    El Departamento de Planeamiento y Estadística del Ministerio de Educación de la Provincia de Tucumán, encaró un Proyecto de reestructuración del mismo en sus Áreas de Estadística, Planeamiento, y de Informática. Hasta el año 2004, el panorama del Departamento fué de una total desinversión de equipamiento, sin contar con personal técnico afín a las áreas que lo componían. Hasta este momento A partir de esta situación se crea el Área de Informática, como pilar para la captura de datos primarios, y de apoyo a las Áreas de Estadística y de Planeamiento Se plantea así el desafío del Área de Informática, el cual es poder capturar los datos base, sin errores de consistencia, con un grado de calidad óptimo, minimizando el error humano en la manipulación del dato. Brindando una Base de Datos de calidad a las Áreas de Estadística y Planeamiento, acorde a sus exigencias. Para ello se propone el proyecto de implementar un sistema de captura de datos, utilizando las tecnologías de Internet.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    Simulação de dois sistemas silvipastoris, avaliação de seu impacto ambiental, uso da terra e produtividade, no leste de Yucatán: Simulation of two silvopastoral systems, evaluation of their environmental impact, land use and productivity, in eastern Yucatan

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    En vastas regiones tropicales de México la ganadería se practica de forma extensiva, en suelos delgados y forrajes poco nutritivos, que incrementan las emisiones de gases con efecto invernadero (eGEI). En este sentido, las unidades ganaderas de esta región deben usar fuentes alternativas de forraje para enfrentar el desafío de reducir su eGEI. Los sistemas silvopastoriles (SSP) con leguminosas nativas se han planteado como una alternativa viable. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar, a través de un modelo in silico (simulación del sistema), el impacto ambiental, el uso de la tierra y la productividad de SSP con leguminosas regionales en unidades de vaca-becerro en el este de Yucatán, México. Como estudio base, se llevó a cabo una análisis de ciclo de vida (LCA) para dos unidades vaca-becerro en la región. Luego, se calcularon y modelaron modificaciones relevantes para simular la operación con uno de los dos SSP: uno con L. leucocephala (SSP-leu) y el otro con B. allicastrum + G. ulmifolia (SPP-Ram) como forraje alternativo. Estos cambios en la fuente de forraje se centraron en la reducción de metano y el aumento de contenido de proteína de alimentación. El alcance del estudio fue de puerta a puerta de la unidad. La unidad funcional (UF) fue un kilogramo de peso vivo de bovino (ajustado a 18.5 % de proteína cruda) por hectárea y por año (KgPV-aj-1ha-1año-1). Las categorías de impacto ambiental evaluadas fueron: potencial de calentamiento global (PCG en KgCO2-eq KgPV-aj-1 ) y uso de suelo (US en m2 KgPV-aj-1), de acuerdo a las directrices del IPCC. En el presente estudio la productividad promedio fue de 126.9±21.8, 149±25.5 y 169.2±32.4 KgPV-aj-1&nbsp; para monocultivo, SSP-Leu y SSP-Ram, respectivamente. Para el PCG los valores fueron de 34.9±2, 37.4±1.1 y 38.1±0.6 KgCO2-eq KgPV-aj-1 y el de US fue de 80±14.1, 68±11.3 y 60±11.3 m2 KgPV-aj-1 para Monocultivo, SSP-Leu y SSP-Ram, respectivamente. A pesar de la diferencia numérica, no hubo una diferencia estadística entre los sistemas para las variables evaluadas, ya sea para la implementación del SSP con Leuacaena (SPP-Leu) o con Ramón + Guácimo (SPP-RAM), en unidades vaca-becerro. Finalmente, dado que es posible que la mejora de la dieta funcione en mayor medida en sistemas más productivos, se recomienda hacer simulaciones de SSP en unidades de doble propósito para complementar nuestros hallazgos

    In Vitro Antioxidant Activity Optimization of Nut Shell (Carya Illinoinensis) by Extrusion Using Response Surface Methods

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    The pecan (Carya illinoinensis) nut shell is an important byproduct of the food processing industry that has not been previously explored as an antioxidant compound. This work aims to study the effect of the extrusion temperature and screw speed on the moisture content, water and oil absorption index, water solubility index, color, phenolic compounds, condensed tannin compounds, and antioxidant activity of pecan nut shell extrudates. Extrusion variables were adjusted using a response surface methodology. Extrusion, performed at 70 °C and 150 rpm, almost doubled the concentration of polyphenols in the non-extruded shell and significantly increased radical scavenging activity. Compounds in extrudates, performed at 70 °C and 150 rpm, were quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with a diode-array detector (DAD) and identified by liquid chromatography coupled with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-MSD-TOF). Extrusion significantly increased most phenolic acid compounds, including gallic acid, ellagic acid pentose, ellagic acid, dimethyl ellagic acid rhamnoside, and dimethyl ellagic acid. The soluble fiber in extrudates was more than three-fold higher than in the control. Therefore, extrusion at 70 °C and 150 rpm increased the concentration of phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity, and total dietary and soluble fiber. Our findings support the notion that extruded pecan nut shell can be used in clean-label products and improve their nutraceutical value

    The thermal conductivity of the masonry of handmade brick Cultural Heritage with respect to density and humidity

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    This work was carried out with funding from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the project entitled: “Proposal evaluation of the humidity that rises by capillarity in the masonry walls of the historical heritage through non-destructive testing” BIA2015-68449 ( MINECO / FEDER, EU ) at the ETS Construction Laboratory of Architecture of the University of Valladolid, in which researchers from the Universities of Valladolid, Salamanca and Granada have participated.It is very common that the energy refurbishment of buildings of Cultural Heritage is undertaken without considering that their materials and the methods of construction are different from those of modern buildings. Therefore, when seeking the most efficient and effective solutions from an energy point of view, the first step is to understand the thermal characteristics of the materials with which these buildings were constructed. Likewise, as part of this heritage, the fact that many such buildings were constructed using uncoated bricks and with rich voluminous ornamentation or murals must be taken into consideration. This prevents the use of normal construction solutions which consist of attaching a layer of insulating material to the interior or exterior. In addition, the rich surface ornamentation of the walls is not conducive to carrying out tests in situ, so other procedures are needed to determine the thermal behaviour of the facade and thus be able to determine the most appropriate processes for their conservation. To this end, various heat flow tests have been carried out on brick masonry specimens that have characteristics similar to those of the walls of such buildings. This allows an abacus of the approximate thermal conductivity of such brick masonry to be produced with respect to the density of the brick and the moisture content of the wall. The values ​​of this abacus will serve as a reference to guide the energy refurbishment work to be performed on these buildings.European CommissionMinisterio de Economía y CompetitividadEuropean Regional Development Fund BIA2015-6844

    Moisture Influence on the Thermal Operation of the Late 19th Century Brick Facade, in a Historic Building in the City of Zamora

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    Acknowledgments to Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction Sciences of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC-IETcc) (Spain) for the tests carried out at said Institute whose results are incorporated into this article.To improve the energy performance of restored cultural heritage buildings, it is necessary to know the real values of thermal conductivity of its envelope, mainly of the facades, and to study an intervention strategy that does not interfere with the preservation of their cultural and architectural values. The brick walls with which a large number of these buildings were constructed, usually absorb water, leading to their deterioration, whereas the heat transmission through them is much higher (than when they are dry). This aspect is often not taken into account when making interventions to improve the energy efficiency of these buildings, which makes them ineffective. This article presents the results of an investigation that analyzes thermal behavior buildings of the early 20th century in the city of Zamora, Spain. It has been concluded that avoiding moisture in brick walls not only prevents its deterioration but represents a significant energy saving, especially in buildings that have porous brick masonry walls and with significant thicknesses.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Spanish Government BIA2015- 68444