1,827 research outputs found

    The DNA load of six high-risk human papillomavirus types and its association with cervical lesions

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    Background: Analysing human papillomavirus (HPV) viral load is important in determining the risk of developing cervical cancer (CC); most knowledge to date regarding HPV viral load and cervical lesions has been related to HPV-16. This study evaluated the association between the viral load of the six most prevalent high-risk viral types in Colombia and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) frequency. Methods: 114 women without CIN and 59 women having CIN confirmed by colposcopy, all of them positive by conventional PCR for HPV infection in the initial screening, were included in the study. Samples were tested for six high-risk HPV types to determine viral copy number by real-time PCR. Crude and adjusted odds ratios (ORa) were estimated for evaluating the association between each viral type's DNA load and the risk of cervical lesions occurring. Results: The highest viral loads were identified for HPV-33 in CIN patients and for HPV-31 in patients without lesions (9.33 HPV copies, 2.95 interquartile range (IQR); 9.41 HPV copies, 2.58 IQR). Lesions were more frequent in HPV-16 patients having a low viral load (3.53 ORa, 1.16-10.74 95%CI) compared to those having high HPV-16 load (2.62 ORa, 1.08-6.35 95%CI). High viral load in HPV-31 patients was associated with lower CIN frequency (0.34 ORa, 0.15-0.78 95%CI). Conclusions: An association between HPV DNA load and CIN frequency was seen to be type-specific and may have depended on the duration of infection. This analysis has provided information for understanding the effect of HPV DNA load on cervical lesion development.This project was supported by the Basque Development Cooperation Agency, the Spanish International Development Cooperation Agency (AECID) (Project 10-CAP1-0197) and the Colombian Science, Technology and Innovation Department (COLCIENCIAS) (contract # 0709-2013)

    Persistence, clearance and reinfection regarding six high risk human papillomavirus types in Colombian women: a follow-up study

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    Background: The design of new healthcare schemes which involve using molecular HPV screening means that both persistence and clearance data regarding the most prevalent types of HR-HPV occurring in cities in Colombia must be ascertained. Methods: This study involved 219 HPV positive women in all of whom 6 types of HR-HPV had been molecularly identified and quantified; they were followed-up for 2 years. The Kaplan-Meier survival function was used for calculating the time taken for the clearance of each type of HPV. The role of a group of independent variables concerning the time taken until clearance was evaluated using a Cox proportional-hazards regression model or parametric (log-logistic) methods when necessary. Regarding viral load, the Wilcoxon rank-sum test was used for measuring the difference of medians for viral load for each type, according to the state of infection (cleared or persistent). The Kruskal-Wallis test was used for evaluating the change in the women's colposcopy findings at the start of follow-up and at the end of it (whether due to clearance or the end of the follow-up period). Results: It was found that HPV-18 and HPV-31 types had the lowest probability of becoming cleared (1.76 and 2.75 per 100 patients/month rate, respectively). Women from Colombian cities other than Bogota had a greater probability of being cleared if they had HPV-16 (HR 2.58: 1.51-4.4 95% CI) or HPV-58 (1.79 time ratio: 1.33-2.39 95% CI) infection. Regarding viral load, HPV-45-infected women having 1 x 10(6) to 9.99 x 10(9) viral copies had better clearance compared to those having greater viral loads (1.61 time ratio: 1.01-2.57 95% CI). Lower HPV-31 viral load values were associated with this type's persistence and changes in colposcopy findings for HPV-16 gave the worst prognosis in women having low absolute load values. Conclusions: HPV infection clearance in this study was related to factors such as infection type, viral load and the characteristics of the cities from which the women came. Low viral load values would indicate viral persistence and a worse prognosis regarding a change in colposcopy findings

    Persistence, clearance and reinfection regarding six high risk human papillomavirus types in Colombian women : A follow-up study

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    Background: The design of new healthcare schemes which involve using molecular HPV screening means that both persistence and clearance data regarding the most prevalent types of HR-HPV occurring in cities in Colombia must be ascertained.Methods: This study involved 219 HPV positive women in all of whom 6 types of HR-HPV had been molecularly identified and quantified; they were followed-up for 2 years. The Kaplan-Meier survival function was used for calculating the time taken for the clearance of each type of HPV. The role of a group of independent variables concerning the time taken until clearance was evaluated using a Cox proportional-hazards regression model or parametric (log-logistic) methods when necessary. Regarding viral load, the Wilcoxon rank-sum test was used for measuring the difference of medians for viral load for each type, according to the state of infection (cleared or persistent). The Kruskal-Wallis test was used for evaluating the change in the women's colposcopy findings at the start of follow-up and at the end of it (whether due to clearance or the end of the follow-up period).Results: It was found that HPV-18 and HPV-31 types had the lowest probability of becoming cleared (1.76 and 2.75 per 100 patients/month rate, respectively). Women from Colombian cities other than Bogotá had a greater probability of being cleared if they had HPV-16 (HR 2.58: 1.51-4.4 95% CI) or HPV-58 (1.79 time ratio: 1.33-2.39 95% CI) infection. Regarding viral load, HPV-45-infected women having 1 × 106 to 9.99 × 109 viral copies had better clearance compared to those having greater viral loads (1.61 time ratio: 1.01-2.57 95% CI). Lower HPV-31 viral load values were associated with this type's persistence and changes in colposcopy findings for HPV-16 gave the worst prognosis in women having low absolute load values.Conclusions: HPV infection clearance in this study was related to factors such as infection type, viral load and the characteristics of the cities from which the women came. Low viral load values would indicate viral persistence and a worse prognosis regarding a change in colposcopy findings. © 2014 Soto-De León et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Human papillomavirus detection in women with and without human immunodeficiency virus infection in Colombia

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    Background: HIV infection leads to a decreasing immune response, thereby facilitating the appearance of other infections, one of the most important ones being HPV. However, studies are needed for determining associations between immunodeficiency caused by HIV and/or the presence of HPV during the course of cervical lesions and their degree of malignancy. This study describes the cytological findings revealed by the Papanicolaou test, laboratory characteristics and HPV molecular profile in women with and without HIV infection. Methods: A total of 216 HIV-positive and 1,159 HIV-negative women were invited to participate in the study; PCR was used for the molecular detection of HPV in cervical samples. Statistical analysis (such as percentages, Chi-square test and Fisher's exact test when applicable) determined human papillomavirus (HPV) infection frequency (single and multiple) and the distribution of six types of high-risk-HPV in women with and without HIV infection. Likewise, a logistic regression model was run to evaluate the relationship between HIV-HPV infection and different risk factors. Results: An association was found between the frequency of HPV infection and infection involving 2 or more HPV types (also known as multiple HPV infection) in HIV-positive women (69.0% and 54.2%, respectively); such frequency was greater than that found in HIV-negative women (44.3% and 22.7%, respectively). Statistically significant differences were observed between both groups (p = 0.001) regarding HPV presence (both in infection and multiple HPV infection). HPV-16 was the most prevalent type in the population being studied (p = 0.001); other viral types had variable distribution in both groups (HIV-positive and HIV-negative). HPV detection was associated with <500 cell/mm(3) CD4-count (p = 0.004) and higher HIV-viral-load (p = 0.001). HPV-DNA detection, <200 cell/mm(3) CD4-count (p = 0.001), and higher HIV-viral-load (p = 0.001) were associated with abnormal cytological findings. Conclusions: The HIV-1 positive population in this study had high multiple HPV infection prevalence. The results for this population group also suggested a greater association between HPV-DNA presence and cytological findings. HPV detection, together with low CD4 count, could represent useful tools for identifying HIV-positive women at risk of developing cervical lesions.This project was supported by the Basque Cooperation Agency Development and by the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID) (Project 10-CAP1-0197)


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    En la actualidad, existe un interés sobre la preservación de las culturas orales teniendo en cuenta la multiciplidad de culturas ágrafas (Monsonyi, s.f). Es por ello, que la presente investigación, se centra en la importancia de la oralidad como transmisora de cultura en los primeros años. Para ello valerse de las practicas pedagógicas y orientación educativa, desde perspectivas de inclusión, participación, diversidad y multiculturalidad resulta una herramienta fundamental. En consecuencia, el realce, conservación y participación en usos y costumbres de la tradición oral de la primera infancia, apoyados en factores de liderazgo transformador y gestión asociativa (saber para saber) son una alternativa de innovación pedagógica que contribuye a que desde la infancia se instauren procesos cognitivos orientados en la preservación de los saberes culturales. Para lo cual, se inicia desde el reconocimiento de las tradiciones en las regiones para así proponer y desarrollar acciones solidarias encaminadas a la manutención de los saberes populares impactando desde la infancia en las regiones. El enfoque metodológico del presente estudio fue cualitativo orientado en la comprensión de los fenómenos, indagando desde la perspectiva de los participantes en su contexto. Lo anterior en el marco del desarrollo de la Prestación del Servicio Social Unadista-SISSU en articulación con el proyecto de investigación Tradición Oral en las Infancias: Usos y Costumbres.  Los resultados alcanzados permitieron visibilizar la importancia del rescate, promoción y conservación de las diferentes tradiciones orales de nuestra multiculturalidad. 

    La Imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia.

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    Link de Blog https://violencia442006a.wixsite.com/misitio-1El Diplomado de Acompañamiento Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia, permite al estudiante identificar desde el enfoque narrativo, elementos simbólicos y subjetivos, que se presentan en estos escenarios de violencia. A partir del análisis psicosocial se propende brindar una valoración de los impactos de violencia que integre las variables del contexto. La primera actividad es individual, se hace el análisis del Relato 4 Caso de José Ignacio Rivera, un joven de 28 años nacido en Campo Alegre Huila, hacia parte de una familia campesina, en la narrativa se recrea escenarios de violencia como: dolor, injusticia, abuso de autoridad, desplazamiento, afectación del tejido familiar, perdida de la identidad, afectación emocional, culpabilidad entre otros; a partir del relato, se construye tres preguntas estratégicas, tres circulares, y tres reflexivas, las cuales se realizaron de forma imaginaria al protagonista. En el abordaje se identifica emergentes e impactos psicosociales generados al protagonista de la historia, para dar paso a la reconstrucción de la víctima. Posteriormente, se analiza de forma grupal, el caso de Pobladores de Cacaricá. El río Cacaricá nace en la serranía del Darién, límites con Panamá, su cuenca ha sido poblada por comunidades negras del Baudó, esta región posee una de las mayores diversidades del planeta en recursos naturales. La vida de estas comunidades se caracterizaba por la convivencia sana y colaboradora, pero a partir del año 96 se desata una oleada de enfrentamientos militares en disputa por su territorio, por grupos legales e ilegales. Desde ese momento comenzaron las desapariciones, los asesinatos y las amenazas contra la población. Al identificar emergentes e impactos psicosociales dentro del caso Cacaricá, se establecen acciones y estrategias los cuales potencian el proceso de acompañamiento y atención a las víctimas con recursos de afrontamiento, tanto individual como colectivo. Se anexa informe analítico y reflexivo de la experiencia de foto voz Paso 3 y sus conclusiones.The Diploma of Psychosocial Accompaniment in Violence Scenarios, allows the student to identify from the narrative approach, symbolic and subjective elements, which is presented in these scenarios of violence. From the psychosocial analysis, it is proposed to provide an assessment of the impacts of violence that integrate the variables of the context. The first activity is individual, the analysis is made of the Story 4 Case of José Ignacio Rivera, a 28-year-old youth born in Campo Alegre Huila, part of a peasant family, in the narrative recreates scenarios of violence such as: pain, injustice , abuse of authority, displacement, affectation of the family tissue, loss of identity, emotional affectation, culpability among others; from the story, three strategic questions are constructed, three circular, and three reflective, which were made in an imaginary way to the protagonist. The approach identifies emerging and psychosocial impacts generated to the protagonist of the story, to give way to the reconstruction of the victim. Subsequently, the case of Pobladores de Cacaricá is analyzed in a group manner. The Cacaricá River rises in the Darien mountain range, limits with Panama, its basin has been populated by black communities of Baudó, this region has one of the greatest diversities of the planet in natural resources. The life of these communities was characterized by healthy and collaborative coexistence, but from the year 96 a wave of military clashes in dispute over their territory, by legal and illegal groups. From that moment began the disappearances, murders and threats against the population. By identifying emerging and psychosocial impacts within the Cacaricá case, actions and strategies are established which enhance the process of accompaniment and attention to victims with coping resources, both individually and collectively. Attached analytical and reflective report of the experience of photo voice Step 3 and its conclusions

    Diplomado de profundización gerencia del talento humano

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    Dentro del sistema de gestión del conocimiento se evalúa el cumplimiento e inclusión de esta modalidad en un Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad y Salud y Trabajo en la empresa Universidad Simón Bolívar evaluando el desarrollo del sistema integrado en la gestión del conocimiento.Within the Knowledge Management system, the compliance and inlcusion of this modality is evaluated in a Safety and Health and Work Management System in the company Simón Bolívar University evaluating the development of the integrated system in knowledge management

    Aerosol concentration at two heights (2550 and 650 m a.s.l.) in SE Spain

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    Ponencia presentada en: XXXV Jornadas Científicas de la AME y el XIX Encuentro Hispano Luso de Meteorología celebrado en León, del 5 al 7 de marzo de 2018.The simultaneous aerosol sampling at two heights in southern Spain may provide valuable information on the vertical structure of the dust transport from North Africa to the Iberian Peninsula. It also allows the characterization of the ambient air at two sites with distinct anthropogenic impact. This work presents the results obtained from the first field campaign of the FRESA project (Impact of dust-laden African air masses and of stratospheric air masses in the Iberian Peninsula. Role of the Atlas Mountains), performed in the period July-November 2017 at El Albergue Universitario in Sierra Nevada (2550 m a.s.l.) and the city of Granada (650 m a.s.l.). The two sites were instrumented with a low-volume sampler with PM10 inlet for daily sampling and mass and chemical composition characterization, a high-volume sampler for total suspended particles (TSP) for weekly sampling and radionuclide activity determination, and with a GRIMM 365 optical particle counter that provides continuously the aerosol size distribution

    Modelo de gestión socioempresarial solidario: Lineamientos conceptuales de áreas temáticas.

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    Este libro es parte de la experiencia teórico-práctica de UNIMINUTO, liderada por al Escuela de Economía Solidaria de la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales. Dicha experiencia surge mediante un convenio estratégico para beneficiar, de manera sustancial, a las organizaciones solidarias con el fin de que puedan cumplir con sus múltiples funciones, además de la económica; es decir, en la producción de bienes y servicios en pro de mejorar la calidad de vida de sus comunidades sujetos de acción. El presente texto evidencia la segunda fase, de una investigación más amplia, y se enfoca en el desarrollo conceptual de las áreas temáticas de trabajo para un modelo de gestión socioempresarial solidario. Por tanto, en estas páginas el lector encontrará parte del desarrollo del modelo de gestión socioempresarial solidario. Se presenta como una contribución para las organizaciones solidarias, las cuales vienen siento gestionadas bajo los parámetros de las empresas de capital, que desnaturaliza sus funciones socioeconómicas, culturales, ambientales y de participación solidaria. No obstante, lo que se busca es fomentar una economía al servicio del ser humano, y no el ser humano al servicio de la economía. Se espera seguir avanzando en el desarrollo de estás áreas temáticas apoyados con trabajo con las organizaciones del sector solidario