746 research outputs found

    Evaluación ecofisiológica de gulupa Passiflora edulis SIMS, bajo tres condiciones ambientales

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    La ecofisiología vegetal es una herramienta importante para determinar la adaptación y el éxito de una especie a determinado sitio permitiendo hallar no sólo el óptimo para su crecimiento y desarrollo sino su tolerancia a determinadas condiciones ambientales. A su vez, la gulupa Passiflora edulis Sims, es un frutal de gran importancia económica en el país ya que constituye uno de los primeros renglones en exportación de frutales. A pesar de que en los últimos años los estudios en gulupa han aumentado, a nivel agronómico la mayor parte del conocimiento es empírica y no se registran estudios en campo de la ecofisiología de la planta. En el presente estudio se caracterizó la ecofisiología de la planta en Chía, Granada y Tena durante cuatro estado fenológicos: Plántula, Juvenil, Floración y Fructificación. Se realizaron mediciones de intercambio de gases (fotosíntesis y transpiración), conductancia estomática, eficiencia de operación del fotosistema II, tasa de transporte de electrones, potencial hídrico foliar durante el día en rangos de dos horas. Se determinó Ci/Ca y el uso eficiente del agua. A su vez, se realizaron mediciones de máxima eficiencia cuántica del fotosistema II y potencial hídrico antes del amanecer. Además se realizaron curvas de respuesta fotosintética a la luz y al CO2 para determinar la capacidad fotosintética de las plantas en cada uno de los lugares. A partir de estaciones climáticas instaladas en cada localidad se determinó cuál de los factores; radiación fotosintéticamente activa, humedad relativa, déficit de presión de vapor y temperatura, ejerce mayor influencia sobre las variables fisiológicas medidas tanto a nivel general como en cada localidad por medio del análisis por pasos. Los resultados indicaron que el déficit de presión de vapor es la variable climática que influencia más fuertemente la fisiología de la gulupa en condiciones no estresantes pero, en etapa reproductiva aumenta la sensibilidad a otras variables climáticas como temperatura y radiación. A su vez, la humedad relativa influyó directamente el potencial hídrico foliar. En condiciones estresantes, se registró una mayor influencia de la alta temperatura que ocasiona cierre estomático en horas de mayor DPV y con esto disminución de la fotosíntesis. El menor déficit de presión de vapor, temperatura adecuada (18°C en promedio) y la alta humedad relativa (85% en el día y 95% en la noche) hacen de Granada la localidad donde mejor se desempeña fisiológicamente la gulupa, hecho evidenciado en la producción. Las bajas radiaciones (por debajo de 400 μmol fotones/m2s) en Tena producto de la alta nubosidad y su poca disminución de la temperatura y poco aumento de la humedad, un DPV por encima de 0,70 KPa en ciertas horas del día en Tena y Chía, y bajas temperaturas en Chía tendrían efectos en la tasa fotosintética, en la recuperación del estado hídrico y enn el estado del fotosistema II que hacen que aunque la gulupa se desarrolle y llegue a producción, las condiciones no sean óptimas.Abstract. Plan ecophysiology is an important tool to determine the adaptation and success of specie to a site allowing finding the optimal for its growth and development and its tolerance to specific environmental conditions. In turn, the gulupa Passiflora edulis Sims is a very important economically fruit crop in Colombia because it make up one of the first lines of exportations in the country. In spite of increasing studies in the last years, at agronomical level the knowledge has been empirical and there are not ecophysiological studies of the gulupa in field. In the present study, the ecophysiology of gulupa was characterized in Chia, Granada and Tena during four phonological stages: Seedling, Juvenile, Flowering and fructification. Gas exchange, stomatal conductance, photosystem II operation efficiency, electron transport rate and leaf water potential were measured during the day in two-hour ranges. Ci/Ca and water use efficiency were calculated from data. In turn, Fv/Fm and predawn water potential were measured. Additionally, radiation and CO2 photosynthetical response curves were done in each site. The physiology was related with the production yield in each site. With climatic stations in each site, temperature, relative humidity, photosynthetically active radiation and water vapor deficit were measured and through path analysis the strength of each climatic variable on physiological variables were determined. The results shows that water vapour deficit is the most important climatic variable that has strong influence on the gulupa’s physiology in not stressful conditions, but in reproductive stages the sensibility to other climatic variables as temperature and radiation increases. Adittionaly, the relative humidity directly influences the leaf water potential. In stressful conditions, a strong influence of temperature was found which cause stomatal close in higher DPV day hours and because of that decrease in photosynthetic rate. The lower VPD, suitable temperature (18°C average) and high relative humidity (85% at day and 95 at night, average) turn Granada the best locality where the gulupa grows and develop in optimal conditions. The low radiations (below 400 μmol fotones/m2s) in Tena, result of the high cloudiness and the low temperarure decrease and humidity increase, a VPD above 0,70KPa in certain hours a day, and low temperatures in Chia would have effect in photosynthetic rate, water status recovery and photosystem II stability which make that unless the gulupa has production, the conditions are not optimal.Maestrí

    Seed desiccation tolerance and germination of four Puya (Bromeliaceae) high-andean tropical species from Colombia

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    Ex-situ seed conservation is one of the most effective tools for biodiversity and genetic diversity protection. In the context of global climate change, ex situ conservation has become an important strategy that must be strengthen and integrated with in situ conservation strategies. The main objective of this study was to document the desiccation tolerance and germination properties of four species from Puya and provide tools that allow the ex situ conservation of this and other closely related species. These species are distributed in Páramo, a threatened ecosystem despite of its value as a water reservoir and supplier for urban population. Seed morphological variables and moisture content (MC) were measured before a test of germination was conducted with three different moisture contents (fresh seeds, 10–12 % and 3–5 %). Germination percentage and the mean germination time were evaluated. The germination was above 80 % in all the species with no significant differences when decreasing MC. There were no significant differences in mean germination time. Seed viability for the four species was high, as compared to other Páramo species. The results indicate that all species are orthodox. Therefore, this genus has great potential to be conserved in seed banks, which will contribute to diversity conservation of native species from tropical Andean highlands, and can be implemented in germination protocols for their propagation and reintroduction in restoration programs.La conservación ex situ de semillas es una de las formas más efectivas de preservación de la biodiversidad y especialmente de la diversidad genética. En el marco del cambio climático su aplicación es una estrategia importante que se debe fortalecer e integrar con la conservación in situ. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue estudiar la tolerancia a la desecación y la germinación de cuatro especies del género Puya y proporcionar herramientas para su conservación ex situ. Estas especies están distribuidas en el páramo, un ecosistema amenazado a pesar de su valor como reservorio y proveedor de agua para la población urbana. En las semillas se realizó la toma de medidas morfológicas y del contenido de humedad (CH), se realizaron ensayos de germinación en tres contenidos de humedad (semillas frescas, 10–12 % y 3–5 %) y se evaluó el porcentaje de germinación y tiempo medio de germinación. Se registró una germinación superior al 80 % en las cuatro especies y no se encontraron diferencias significativas al disminuir el CH. El tiempo medio de germinación no varió entre especies y la viabilidad fue alta comparada con otras especies de páramo. Los resultados indican que son semillas ortodoxas y las variables morfológicas apoyan esta tendencia. Por tanto, este género presenta un gran potencial para ser conservado en bancos de germoplasma lo que contribuye a la conservación de su diversidad, con las cuales se pueden implementar protocolos de germinación para la propagación y reintroducción en programas de restauración

    Implementation of a protocol to inform patients and families about the occurrence of sentinel adverse events applicable to health institutions

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    La ocurrencia de un evento adverso (EA) para cualquier institución de salud genera incertidumbre sobre el actuar inmediato a la comunicación del mismo, esto debido a que tanto los pacientes como los profesionales, entran en un estado de sorpresa y preocupación por las consecuencias que se pueden acarrear; ya que si el paciente sufre inevitablemente un daño físico, producto de un procedimiento asistencial, o durante la estancia en la institución esto genera unas consecuencias más allá de los costos en salud que pueden llevar las atenciones que requiera adicionales el paciente, para lo cual son imprescindibles no solo las atenciones médicas para paliar ese efecto negativo; sino también una información clara, honesta y rápida sobre lo qué ha sucedido, por qué y cómo se podrá evitar en el futuro, en adelante encontrará herramientas que ayudarán a construir un protocolo de información en el ámbito hospitalario la ocurrencia de un EA. Contexto que aún no está reglado en la ley Colombiana, por lo que es menester crear por ahora una cultura que impacte este tipo de escenarios en salud, aquella que sea establecida mediante una guía de buenas prácticas clínicas. Mitigando los retos e incógnitas para el personal médico, respecto a los elementos clave que deberían asumirse e incluirse en una conversación de revelación de un evento adverso a pacientes y familiares, teniendo en cuenta el marco legal y las políticas de cada organización o sistema sanitario; acorde a las necesidades de cada entidad, logrando mitigar las consecuencias sociales, jurídicas y psicológicas; en aras de lograr una mejor calidad en la prestación del servicio.RESUMEN...............................................................................................................5 ABSTRACT..............................................................................................................6 1. FORMULACIÓN DEL PROBLEMA......................................................................7 2. JUSTIFICACIÓN..................................................................................................9 3. MARCO TEÓRICO ............................................................................................11 3.1 MARCO CONCEPTUAL ..................................................................................11 3.1.1 Clasificación de eventos adversos................................................................13 3.1.2 Comunicación del Evento Adverso al Paciente y Familia .............................14 3.2 MARCO LEGAL...............................................................................................15 3.2.1 Derecho Fundamental a la Salud..................................................................16 3.3 MARCO HISTÓRICO.......................................................................................18 4. OBJETIVOS.......................................................................................................22 4.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL .....................................................................................22 4.2 OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS............................................................................22 5. METODOLOGÍA ................................................................................................23 5.1 PLANEACIÓN..................................................................................................23 5.1.1 Matriz DOFA .................................................................................................23 5.2 ESTRUCTURA DEL PROTOCOLO DE COMUNICACIÓN A PACIENTES Y FAMILIARES..........................................................................................................25 5.3 GUÍA DE IMPLEMENTACIÓN Y SEGUIMIENTO............................................25 5.6 TÉCNICAS, PROCEDIMIENTOS E INSTRUMENTOS ...................................26 5.7 MATRIZ DE PLANIFICACIÓN.........................................................................27 5.8 PROTOCOLO DE BÚSQUEDA DE INVESTIGACIÓN....................................29 IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE PROTOCOLO PARA INFORMAR A PACIENTES Y… 4 5.9 CONSIDERACIONES ÉTICAS........................................................................32 6. DISCUSIONES ..................................................................................................34 7. CONCLUSIONES ..............................................................................................40 BIBLIOGRAFIA......................................................................................................42EspecializaciónThe occurrence of an adverse event (AD) for any health institution generates uncertainty about the immediate action to the communication of the same, this because both patients and professionals, enter a state of surprise and concern about the consequences that are they can carry; because if the patient inevitably suffers physical damage, as a result of an assistance procedure, or during the stay in the institution, this generates consequences beyond the health costs that can take the attentions that the patient requires additional, for which they are essential not only medical attention to alleviate this negative effect; but also a clear, honest and fast information about what has happened, why and how it can be avoided in the future, from now on you will find tools that will help to build an information protocol in the hospital setting the occurrence of an EA. Context that is not yet regulated in the Colombian law, so it is necessary to create for now a culture that impacts this type of health scenarios, one that is established through a guide of good clinical practices. Mitigating the challenges and unknowns for the medical staff, regarding the key elements that should be assumed and included in a disclosure conversation of an adverse event to patients and relatives, taking into account the legal framework and the policies of each organization or health system; according to the needs of each entity, managing to mitigate the social, legal and psychological consequences; in order to achieve a better quality in the provision of the service

    Postharvest Application of Novel Bio-Based Antifungal Composite Edible Coatings to Reduce Sour Rot and Quality Losses of ‘Valencia’ Oranges

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    Sour rot, caused by Geotrichum citri-aurantii, can produce significant postharvest losses of citrus fruits and, currently, cannot be effectively controlled by the postharvest fungicides registered in EU countries. Therefore, novel antifungal edible coatings (ECs) based on citrus pectin and beeswax and enriched with eugenol (EG), geraniol (GR), propolis extract (PR) or essential oils (EOs) from Satureja montana (SA), Cinnamomum zeylanicum (CI), or Commiphora myrrha (CM), were developed as alternatives to reduce sour rot and preserve the postharvest quality of ‘Valencia’ oranges. These natural agents were incorporated into the EC formulation and then applied to inoculated oranges. ECs enriched with EG (2–8 g/kg), GR (4 and 8 g/kg), PR (5–20 g/kg), and CM EO (15 g/kg) reduced disease incidence and severity by 75 to 100% compared to uncoated oranges after 20 days of incubation at 20 °C. ECs containing EG (8 g/kg), GR (4 g/kg), and PR (20 g/kg) reduced weight loss and retained firmness of oranges after 14 days of shelf life at 20 °C. Furthermore, all tested ECs maintained the fruit’s sensory and physicochemical quality. Overall, the EG-enriched pectin EC performed best, showing potential as a safe, bio-based alternative to conventional waxes containing synthetic fungicides for the management of citrus postharvest sour rot

    Neurosonological Findings Related to Non-Motor Features of Parkinson’s Disease: A Systematic Review

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    Non-motor symptoms (NMS) in Parkinson’s disease (PD), including neuropsychiatric or dysautonomic complaints, fatigue, or pain, are frequent and have a high impact on the patient’s quality of life. They are often poorly recognized and inadequately treated. In the recent years, the growing awareness of NMS has favored the development of techniques that complement the clinician’s diagnosis. This review provides an overview of the most important ultrasonographic findings related to the presence of various NMS. Literature research was conducted in PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science from inception until January 2021, retrieving 23 prospective observational studies evaluating transcranial and cervical ultrasound in depression, dementia, dysautonomic symptoms, psychosis, and restless leg syndrome. Overall, the eligible articles showed good or fair quality according to the QUADAS-2 assessment. Brainstem raphe hypoechogenicity was related to the presence of depression in PD and also in depressed patients without PD, as well as to overactive bladder. Substantia nigra hyperechogenicity was frequent in patients with visual hallucinations, and larger intracranial ventricles correlated with dementia. Evaluation of the vagus nerve showed contradictory findings. The results of this systematic review demonstrated that transcranial ultrasound can be a useful complementary tool in the evaluation of NMS in PD

    SARS-CoV-2 RNA and antibody detection in breast milk from a prospective multicentre study in Spain

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    This study has been supported by a research grant from Fundacion La Marato-TV3 (MilkCORONA, ref 202106).Objectives To develop and validate a specific protocol for SARS-CoV- 2 detection in breast milk matrix and to determine the impact of maternal SARS-CoV- 2 infection on the presence, concentration and persistence of specific SARS-CoV- 2 antibodies. Design and patients This is a prospective, multicentre longitudinal study (April–December 2020) in 60 mothers with SARS-CoV- 2 infection and/or who have recovered from COVID-19. A control group of 13 women before the pandemic were also included. Setting Seven health centres from different provinces in Spain. Main outcome measures Presence of SARS-CoV- 2 RNA in breast milk, targeting the N1 region of the nucleocapsid gene and the envelope (E) gene; presence and levels of SARS-CoV- 2-specific immunoglobulins (Igs)—IgA, IgG and IgM—in breast milk samples from patients with COVID-19. Results All breast milk samples showed negative results for presence of SARS-CoV- 2 RNA. We observed high intraindividual and interindividual variability in the antibody response to the receptor-binding domain of the SARS-CoV- 2 spike protein for each of the three isotypes IgA, IgM and IgG. Main Protease (MPro) domain antibodies were also detected in milk. 82.9% (58 of 70) of milk samples were positive for at least one of the three antibody isotypes, with 52.9% of these positive for all three Igs. Positivity rate for IgA was relatively stable over time (65.2%–87.5%), whereas it raised continuously for IgG (from 47.8% for the first 10 days to 87.5% from day 41 up to day 206 post-PCR confirmation). Conclusions Our study confirms the safety of breast feeding and highlights the relevance of virus-specific SARS-CoV- 2 antibody transfer. This study provides crucial data to support official breastfeeding recommendations based on scientific evidence.Fundacion La Marato-TV3 20210

    SARS-CoV-2 RNA and antibody detection in human milk from a prospective multicenter study in Spain

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    Objectives To develop and validate a specific protocol for SARS-CoV-2 detection in breast milk matrix and to determine the impact of maternal SARS-CoV-2 infection on the presence, concentration and persistence of specific SARS-CoV-2 antibodies. Design and patients This is a prospective, multicentre longitudinal study (April-December 2020) in 60 mothers with SARS-CoV-2 infection and/or who have recovered from COVID-19. A control group of 13 women before the pandemic were also included. Setting Seven health centres from different provinces in Spain. Main outcome measures Presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in breast milk, targeting the N1 region of the nucleocapsid gene and the envelope (E) gene; presence and levels of SARS-CoV-2-specific immunoglobulins (Igs)¿IgA, IgG and IgM¿in breast milk samples from patients with COVID-19. Results All breast milk samples showed negative results for presence of SARS-CoV-2 RNA. We observed high intraindividual and interindividual variability in the antibody response to the receptor-binding domain of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein for each of the three isotypes IgA, IgM and IgG. Main Protease (MPro) domain antibodies were also detected in milk. 82.9% (58 of 70) of milk samples were positive for at least one of the three antibody isotypes, with 52.9% of these positive for all three Igs. Positivity rate for IgA was relatively stable over time (65.2%-87.5%), whereas it raised continuously for IgG (from 47.8% for the first 10 days to 87.5% from day 41 up to day 206 post-PCR confirmation). Conclusions Our study confirms the safety of breast feeding and highlights the relevance of virus-specific SARS-CoV-2 antibody transfer. This study provides crucial data to support official breastfeeding recommendations based on scientific evidence

    Poscosecha de la gulupa: (passiflora edulis sims)

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    Este libro presenta resultados de investigación, generados a través del proyecto “Efecto de las condiciones poscosecha sobre la fisiología, bioquímica, conservación y análisis proteómico en frutos de gulupa “Passiflora edulis Sims” ejecutado por la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, con la colaboración de la empresa OCATI S.A, y financiación por Colciencias; con el apoyo del proyecto “Materiales poliméricos para la fabricación de un empaque apropiado para el manejo poscosecha de la Gulupa” financiado por el Ministerio de Agricultura y Desarrollo Rural

    Best practices on accessible tourism

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    [EN] The institution Patronato Provincial de Turismo València Terra i Mar de la Diputación de Valencia start last year 2012 the project Plan Provincia Accesible, Turismo para todos (Plan Accessible Province, Tourism for All) in order to encourage the participation of people with disabilities in daily living activities and promote the accessible tourism for all. The first phase of this plan had the aim to train the tourism professionals through the edition of a Best Practice Manual on Accessible Tourism besides two conferences with the purpose of building awareness. Both initiatives were carried out with the cooperation of Biomechanics Institute of Valencia[ES] Con el objetivo de fomentar la participación de las personas con discapacidad en las actividades de la vida diaria y de potenciar el turismo accesible para todos, el Patronato Provincial de Turismo València Terra i Mar de la Diputación de Valencia puso en marcha en el ejercicio 2012 el Plan Provincia Accesible, Turismo para todos. La primera de las fases de este Plan persiguió la capacitación de los profesionales del sector turístico mediante la edición de un Manual de buenas prácticas sobre turismo accesible y la celebración de dos jornadas de sensibilización, todo ello con la colaboración del Instituto de Biomecánica (IBV).Pérez Durbán, V.; Serrano Ortiz, JF.; Ferris Oñate, JM.; Poveda Puente, R.; López Torres, M.; Martínez Gómez, L.; Vera Luna, P.... (2013). Buenas prácticas sobre turismo accesible. Revista de biomecánica. 60:58-60. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/38512S58606

    Learning to make informed health choices: Protocol for a pilot study in schools in Barcelona.

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    --- - b: - "Introduction:" - "Methods:" - "Ethical considerations:" sup: - th - th i: - ad hoc content: - " The Informed Health Choices (IHC) project has developed learning resources to teach primary school children (10 to 12-year-olds) to assess treatment claims and make informed health choices. The aim of our study is to explore both the students' and teachers' experience when using these resources in the context of Barcelona (Spain). " - " During the 2019-2020 school year, we will conduct a pilot study with 4 " - " and 5 " - "-year primary school students (9 to 11-year-olds) from three schools in Barcelona. The intervention in the schools will include: 1) assessment of the IHC resources by the teachers before the lessons, 2) non-participatory observations during the lessons, 3) semi-structured interviews with the students after a lesson, 4) assessment of the lessons by the teachers after a lesson, 5) treatment claim assessment by the students at the end of the lessons, and 6) assessment of the IHC resources by the teachers at the end of the lessons. We will use " - " questionnaires and guides to register the data. We will perform a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the data to explore understandability, desirability, suitability, usefulness, facilitators and barriers of the resources. The most relevant results will be discussed and some recommendations on how to use, how to adapt (if needed), and how to implement the IHC resources to this context will be agreed. The findings of the contextualization activities could inform the design of a cluster-randomised trial, to determine the effectiveness of the IHC resources in this context prior to scaling-up its use. " - " The study protocol has obtained an approval exemption from the Ethics Committee of the Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau (Barcelona, Spain).