158 research outputs found

    A Domain Specific Language for Enabling Doctors to Specify Biomechanical Protocols

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    “©2013 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.New technologies are entering medical practice at an astounding pace. However, these technologies often cause to doctors learn and use difficulties. Then, doctors require assistance of a biomedical engineer. This is currently happening in a local hospital that has new technology to analyze biomechanical protocols in patients. Protocols are used to measure performances and identify changes in human body movements and muscles. Doctors are neither familiar with the concepts nor tools used, so biomedical engineers carry out descriptions of protocols rather than doctors. In this paper, we present the design of a domainspecific language that enables doctors to specify biomechanical protocols by addressing learning barriers (using design patterns). We also make doctors’ descriptions compatible with the existing tools, and we also support legacy biomedical descriptions (combining meta-modeling and model transformations).This work has been developed with the support of Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) under the project EVERYWARE TIN2010-18011 and cofinanced with European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).Pérez Pérez, MF.; Valderas Aranda, PJ.; Fons Cors, JJ. (2013). A Domain Specific Language for Enabling Doctors to Specify Biomechanical Protocols. IEEE. https://doi.org/10.1109/VLHCC.2013.6645251

    Caracterización de las pautas de acción en la didáctica de la alfabetización inicial / Action guidelines in the early literacy teaching

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    Resumen: El objetivo de este estudio es explorar las pautas de acción que se han convertido en referencias para un enfoque del aprendizaje de la lectura y la escritura inicial desde el punto de vista socioconstructivista. El estudio se basa en el análisis de 9 entradas (curso 2017-18) publicadas en un blog1 de un equipo de formadores en torno al aprendizaje de la lectura y la escritura en las primeras edades del Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, formado por 17 docentes en activo de distintas escuelas y universidades. Cada entrada se refiere a una práctica considerada alfabetizadora y contiene: la descripción del contexto, la referencia de la actividad y la reflexión sobre la práctica realizada. En este trabajo, se acomete el examen de las prácticas presentdas en el blog bajo la Teoría de la Actividad para analizar el sistema de interacciones entre sujeto, objeto e instrumentos, poniendo el foco en uno de los factores, las pautas, que junto con la comunidad y la distribución de roles constituyen la base de las interacciones para el aprendizaje. Abstract: The aim of this study is to explore the patterns of action that have become references for an approach to the initial learning of reading and writing from the socioconstructivist point of view. The study is based on the analysis of 9 entries (course 2017-18) published in a blog of a team of trainers around the learning of reading and writing in the first ages of the Institute of Education Sciences of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, formed by 17 active teachers from different schools and universities. Each entry refers to a literacy practice and contains the description of the context, the reference of the activity and the reflection on the practice carried out. In this work, we undertake the examination of the practices presented in the blog under the Theory of Activity to analyse the system of interactions between subject, object and instruments, focusing on one of the factors, the rules, which together with the community and the distribution of roles are the basis of interactions for learning

    Beliefs and Tensions of Kindergarten Pre Service Students: a Three Case Longitudinal Study

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    [EN] This present work is part of a four-year-project related to the pre service teachers’ beliefs’ about initial literacy from the University of Barcelona. In particular, this paper presents the evolution of beliefs and tensions from the first to the second year of training from three pre service kindergarten students. The final aim of the project is to make proposals in order to improve teacher education. So far, it can be confirmed that beliefs are resistant to change but not immovable. Some core beliefs have been identified and they have incorporated new information acquired during the second year of training, specifically, from the practice. Furthermore, tensions and the awareness (or not) of them have become a very important issue since they show conflictive areas to work with students in order to make them conscious of their thoughts. In conclusion, beliefs and tensions appear to be the quid of the question in teacher education. Pérez Peitx, M.; Fons-Esteve, M. (2015). Beliefs and Tensions of Kindergarten Pre Service Students: a Three Case Longitudinal Study. Multidisciplinary Journal for Education, Social and Technological Sciences. 2(1):63-77. doi:10.4995/muse.2015.2235.SWORD63772

    Water point mapping en Tiraque

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    En este artículo se describe la implementación de la metodología del Water Point Mapping (WPM) con el fin de estudiar el acceso sostenible al agua potable y al saneamiento básico e higiene en el municipio de Tiraque (Cochabamba, Bolivia) . E l WPM se fundamenta en realiza r un mapeo exhaustivo de los puntos de agua “mejorados”, y en este caso se ha complementado el mapeo con un muestreo aleatorio de casas para obtener información relacionada con el saneamiento y las prácticas higiénicas. Por lo tanto, el estudio usa dos fuentes de información diferentes: (i) el punto de agua, y (ii) la familia; y el análisis de datos posterior se plantea a tres escalas distintas: (i) la comunidad, (ii) el distrito, y (iii) la municipalidad. En base a toda la información recogida se han identificado y analizado un conjunto reducido de indicadores críticos para la e valuación del sector desde diferentes perspectivas (disponibilidad de infraestructura, estado de los puntos de agua y de las letrinas, calidad del agua, nivel de servicio, etc.). El estudio concluye que e l uso adecuado de un número limitado de indicadores (obtenidos gracias al WPM ) permite diseñar políticas de forma participada a escala local, así como planificar las inversiones necesarias para mejorar la situación de acceso al agua potable y al saneamiento básicoPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Bonding to silicate ceramics : conventional technique compared with a simplified technique

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    Silicate ceramic bonding is carried out by acid-etching with hydrofluoric acid (HF) followed by an application of silane. By replacing HF with ammonium polyfluoride, contained in the same flask as the silane, the number of steps in this clinical procedure, can be reduced, while maintaining bond strength values, and reducing toxicity. A shear bond test was performed to compare the conventional and the simplified surface treatment techniques. Twenty ceramic samples were fabricated from IPS emax CAD® ceramic (Ivoclar Vivadent) and divided into two groups (G1 and G2) (n=10). The conventional technique was applied to G1 samples, and the simplified technique to G2 samples. A resin cement cylinder was bonded to each sample. Afterwards, samples underwent shear bond strength testing in a universal test machine. G1 obtained 26.53±6.33 MPa and G2 23.52±8.41 MPa, without statistically significant differences between the two groups. Monobond Etch Prime appears to obtain equivalent results in terms of bond strength while simplifying the technique. Further investigation is required to corroborate these preliminary findings

    Cleaning and retreatment protocol for a debonded ceramic restoration

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    Objectives: The aim of this article is to propose a resin cement cleaning protocol for use before recementing a debonded restoration. Study Design: Ceramic samples were fabricated from IPS d.sign® and IPS e.max Press® and were treated with hydrofluoric acid etching (HF), or HF+silane (S), or HF+S+adhesive or HF+S+A+resin cement. All samples were placed in a furnace at 650º for one minute in order to attempt to pyrolyze the composite. Each step was examined under scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results: When the cleaning protocol had been performed, it left a clean and retentive surface. Conclusions: If the restoration is placed in a furnace at 650º for one minute, the composite cement will burn or pyrolyze and disappear, allowing conventional retreatment of the ceramic before rebonding

    Shear bond strength of debonded ceramic restorations re-cemented by means of a cleaning and retreatment protocol

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    Background: As there is no standard method for re-cementing debonded partial ceramic restorations, the aim of this study was to evaluate the use of a non-invasive thermal protocol for cleaning and retreatment, and to study its influence on shear bond strength. Material and Methods: Twenty ceramic samples (IPS e.max CAD®) were bonded to composite cement cylinders and underwent a shear bond strength test (G1, n=20). A second group was created (G2, n=20), representing debonded restorations. To simulate debonding, the samples were artificially contaminated with composite cement. After debonding, these underwent a thermal protocol to remove remaining adhesive. After rebonding to the composite cement cylinders, samples underwent the shear bond strength test. Results: Median bond strengths for G1 and G2 were 7.28±3.23; 7.06±3.41 MPa, respectively, without significant difference between the groups (p=0.983). Conclusions: Debonded lithium disilicate glass-ceramic restorations should undergo a laboratory cleaning and retreatment protocol before being returned to the clinic for rebonding

    Shear bond strength of partial coverage restorations to dentin

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    Background: When partial coverage restorations (veneers, inlays, onlays...) must be cemented to dentin, bond strength may not reach the same predictable values as to enamel. The purpose of this study was: 1. To compare, with a shear bond test, the bond strength to dentin of a total-etch and a self-etching bonding agent. 2. To determine whether creating microretention improves the bond strength to dentin. Materials and methods: Two bonding agents were assayed, Optibond FL® (Kerr), two-bottle adhesive requiring acid etching, and Clearfil SE Bond® (Kuraray), two-bottle self-etching adhesive. The vestibular, lingual, distal and mesial surfaces of ten molars (n=10) were ground to remove all enamel and 40 ceramic samples were cemented with Variolink II® (Ivoclar Vivadent). Half the molar surfaces were treated to create round microretention (pits) to determine whether these could influence bond strength to dentin. The 40 molar surfaces were divided into four groups (n=10): Optibond FL (O); Clearfil SE (C); Optibond FL + microretention (OM); Clearfil SE + micro retention (CM). A shear bond test was performed and the bond failures provoked examined under an optical microscope. Results: O=35.27±8.02 MPa; C=36.23±11.23 MPa; OM=28.61±6.27 MPa; CM=27.01±7.57 MPa. No statistically significant differences were found between the adhesives. Optibond FL showed less statistical dispersion than Clearfil SE. The presence of microretentions reduced bond strength values regardless of the adhesive used. Conclusions: 1. Clearfil SE self-etching adhesive and Optibond FL acid-etch showed adequate bond strengths and can be recommended for bonding ceramic restorations to dentin. 2. The creation of round microretention pits compromises these adhesives’ bond strength to dentin

    Seroepidemiological study of Q fever in domestic ruminants in semi-extensive grazing systems

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Q fever, a worldwide zoonotic disease caused by <it>Coxiella burnetii</it>, is endemic in northern Spain where it has been reported as responsible for large series of human pneumonia cases and domestic ruminants' reproductive disorders. To investigate pathogen exposure among domestic ruminants in semi-extensive grazing systems in northern Spain, a serosurvey was carried out in 1,379 sheep (42 flocks), 626 beef cattle (46 herds) and 115 goats (11 herds). Serum antibodies were analysed by ELISA and positive samples were retested by Complement Fixation test (CFT) to detect recent infections.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>ELISA anti-<it>C. burnetii </it>antibody prevalence was slightly higher in sheep (11.8 ± 2.0%) than in goats (8.7 ± 5.9%) and beef cattle (6.7 ± 2.0%). Herd prevalence was 74% for ovine, 45% for goat and 43% for bovine. Twenty-one percent of sheep flocks, 27% of goat and 14% of cattle herds had a <it>C. burnetii </it>seroprevalence ≥ 20%. Only 15 out of 214 ELISA-positive animals reacted positive by CFT. Age-associated seroprevalence differed between ruminant species with a general increasing pattern with age. No evidence of correlation between abortion history and seroprevalence rates was observed despite the known abortifacient nature of <it>C. burnetii </it>in domestic ruminants.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Results reported herein showed that sheep had the highest contact rate with <it>C. burnetii </it>in the region but also that cattle and goats should not be neglected as part of the domestic cycle of <it>C. burnetii</it>. This work reports basic epidemiologic patterns of <it>C. burnetii </it>in semi-extensive grazed domestic ruminants which, together with the relevant role of <it>C. burnetii </it>as a zoonotic and abortifacient agent, makes these results to concern both Public and Animal Health Authorities.</p