51 research outputs found

    Comparative Analysis of the Thermal Conductivity of Handmade and Mechanical Bricks Used in the Cultural Heritage

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    During interventions to improve the energy efficiency of cultural heritage, it is common to use methodologies that are used for current buildings with different thermal behaviour. For this reason, research has been carried out on the thermal behaviour of old brick walls by carrying out thermal flow tests in the laboratory on brickwork specimens, in order to compare the behaviour of handmade bricks and mechanical bricks from more than a century ago, and to analyse the relationship between the values of thermal conductivity, humidity, density and porosity, as well as to compare these results with those obtained by applying the procedure of the EN-1745 standard. It was concluded that bricks behave thermally differently, depending on the manufacturing process: handmade or mechanical, in both types of brick it was found that the higher the moisture content and density were, the higher the brick’s thermal conductivity value. It has also been concluded that old bricks have thermal conductivity values different from those indicated in EN-1745 as a function of density, and that the ratio detected in these specimens in the dry state and in the wet state does not conform to the processes indicated in the standard. With regard to porosity, it is important to note that the greater the closed porosity, the lower the conductivity. It has been concluded that in order to intervene in cultural heritage buildings, it is necessary to carry out a specific study of the behaviour of the systems with which they were constructed.Spanish Government BIA2015-68449European Commission BIA2015-68449Universidad de Valladoli

    El proyecto ejecutivo en la obra paisajística. (Primera parte)

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    El presente artículo versa sobre el proyecto ejecutivo de paisaje como intervención a través de una propuesta de diseño en el espacio público, entendido como articulador de la trama urbana. El presente artículo, es la primera de parte de dos contribuciones; una enfocada a la presentación del proyecto ejecutivo paisajístico, y la otra a la ejecución de la obra de paisaje. En esta primera parte, se aborda tanto el sustento teórico como la práctica y materialización de un proyecto ejecutivo, a través de una sección que expone las fases que integran el proyecto paisajístico; y la ejemplifica en la materialización de la obra con un caso de aplicación: el Bioparque San Antonio de la SEMARNAT3 en la Ciudad de México, cuyo proyecto se desarrolló en la Coordinación de Vinculación de la Facultad de Arquitectura de la UNAM4; espacio público diseñado bajo principios del diseño paisajístico sustentable. La aportación de ambos artículos se centra en los procesos y técnicas de construcción de paisaje, bajo la aplicación de las fases que integran un proyecto ejecutivo paisajístico y las consideraciones que se tomarán en cuenta para realizar la planeación y ejecución satisfactoria de la obra

    The internal medicine residency training process

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    Internal medicine is the branch of general medicine that is responsible for the study of adult conditions such as biopsychosocial being. The clinician must have a solid professional training that allows him to know, value and transform the state of health of the population, as well as support his performance in philosophical, humanistic and ethical principles and values. The objective of this work is to offer considerations on the training process of the internal medicine specialist in Cuba. The training of internal medicine professionals has changed their conceptions throughout a historical process, marked by events and facts that define it in its current character. It is recognized that it must be the result of a formative process of excellence, which contributes from the academic, labor and investigative aspects to their instruction, education and professional growth, which constitutes the essential result of their formative process in the short, medium and long term. The internal medicine residency developed in Cuba manifests a set of features, which by way of regularities and trends have characterized it in its historical evolution, which show curricular changes and transformations in its design, dynamics, and evaluation

    Moisture Influence on the Thermal Operation of the Late 19th Century Brick Facade, in a Historic Building in the City of Zamora

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    Acknowledgments to Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction Sciences of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC-IETcc) (Spain) for the tests carried out at said Institute whose results are incorporated into this article.To improve the energy performance of restored cultural heritage buildings, it is necessary to know the real values of thermal conductivity of its envelope, mainly of the facades, and to study an intervention strategy that does not interfere with the preservation of their cultural and architectural values. The brick walls with which a large number of these buildings were constructed, usually absorb water, leading to their deterioration, whereas the heat transmission through them is much higher (than when they are dry). This aspect is often not taken into account when making interventions to improve the energy efficiency of these buildings, which makes them ineffective. This article presents the results of an investigation that analyzes thermal behavior buildings of the early 20th century in the city of Zamora, Spain. It has been concluded that avoiding moisture in brick walls not only prevents its deterioration but represents a significant energy saving, especially in buildings that have porous brick masonry walls and with significant thicknesses.Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Spanish Government BIA2015- 68444

    The thermal conductivity of the masonry of handmade brick Cultural Heritage with respect to density and humidity

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    This work was carried out with funding from the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for the project entitled: “Proposal evaluation of the humidity that rises by capillarity in the masonry walls of the historical heritage through non-destructive testing” BIA2015-68449 ( MINECO / FEDER, EU ) at the ETS Construction Laboratory of Architecture of the University of Valladolid, in which researchers from the Universities of Valladolid, Salamanca and Granada have participated.It is very common that the energy refurbishment of buildings of Cultural Heritage is undertaken without considering that their materials and the methods of construction are different from those of modern buildings. Therefore, when seeking the most efficient and effective solutions from an energy point of view, the first step is to understand the thermal characteristics of the materials with which these buildings were constructed. Likewise, as part of this heritage, the fact that many such buildings were constructed using uncoated bricks and with rich voluminous ornamentation or murals must be taken into consideration. This prevents the use of normal construction solutions which consist of attaching a layer of insulating material to the interior or exterior. In addition, the rich surface ornamentation of the walls is not conducive to carrying out tests in situ, so other procedures are needed to determine the thermal behaviour of the facade and thus be able to determine the most appropriate processes for their conservation. To this end, various heat flow tests have been carried out on brick masonry specimens that have characteristics similar to those of the walls of such buildings. This allows an abacus of the approximate thermal conductivity of such brick masonry to be produced with respect to the density of the brick and the moisture content of the wall. The values ​​of this abacus will serve as a reference to guide the energy refurbishment work to be performed on these buildings.European CommissionMinisterio de Economía y CompetitividadEuropean Regional Development Fund BIA2015-6844

    ¿Viable o no viable? El problema del manejo de la enfermedad coronaria muy avanzada

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    Patients with very advanced coronary disease are a hard challenge for the clinician. This clinical report is a good example, with a patient with very extensive and severe arteriosclerosis in several vascular territories that debuted as acute leg arterial ischemia but in which the coronary disease became the worst problem. Despite myocardial viability demonstration, the extent and complexity of coronary lesions made it impossible treat them. In this kind of cases, although we know what the ideal treatment should be, the trip ends without reaching the goal of the revascularization.Los pacientes con enfermedad coronaria muy avanzada son todo un reto para el clínico. Este caso clínico es un buen ejemplo de ello, con un paciente con arterioesclerosis muy extensa y grave en varios territorios vasculares que debuta con isquemia arterial aguda, pero en el que la evolución predomina la disfunción ventricular por enfermedad coronaria. A pesar de demostrar viabilidad miocárdica en las pruebas de imagen, la extensión y complejidad de las lesiones hizo que no fuera posible tratarlas. En casos como éste, a pesar de que se conoce cuál es el tratamiento ideal, el viaje termina sin alcanzar la orilla de la revascularización

    Newly impaired glucose metabolism and prognosis after percutaneous revascularization

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    Background: Clinical practice guidelines recommend ad hoc screening of diabetes in patients admitted for macrovascular disease; however, these recommendations are rarely followed in real practice. This study was undertaken to assess whether impaired glucose metabolism, newly diagnosed after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or known diabetes, provides prognostic information. Methods: We studied 374 patients who underwent PCI. An oral glucose tolerance test was carried out in the known non-diabetic patients with fasting glucose < 7 mmol/L. Results: Eighty-one percent of the patients presented impaired glucose metabolism, from which 35.3% were previously diagnosed with diabetics, 21.4% were newly detected diabetics, and 24.3% were pre-diabetics. After a mean follow-up of 35.8 ± 13.4 months, only a known history of diabetes was an independent predictor of revascularization (OR = 2.03, p = 0.025), non-fatal acute myocardial infarction (OR = 2.70, p = 0.029) and readmission due to heart failure during the follow-up (OR = 3.82, p = 0.022). Conclusions: Screening for impaired glucose metabolism after PCI permits the detection of a high proportion of patients with abnormal glucose regulations. However, previously known diabetes remains the only independent predictor of cardiovascular events in the follow-up.

    Circuitos y funciones electrónicas

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    El propósito de este libro es servir de guía a la asignatura Circuitos y Funciones Electrónicas, asignatura común en los Grados en Ingeniería en Sistemas de Telecomunicación y en Ingeniería Telemática de la E.T.S. de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación de la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Se trata de una asignatura impartida en el segundo curso de estas titulaciones que parte de los conocimientos adquiridos por el alumno en asignaturas previas del plan de estudios correspondientes a las materias básicas y a parte de las materias comunes a la rama de telecomunicación, en particular: Álgebra, Física, Sistemas y Circuitos, y Componentes y Dispositivos Electrónicos. Esta asignatura supone el primer contacto del alumno con las funciones electrónicas básicas, tanto analógicas como digitales, y los circuitos electrónicos con los que se construyen. Se pretende que el alumno adquiera la base científica y tecnológica necesaria para el análisis y diseño de los circuitos que componen los sistemas electrónicos, y proporcionarle las competencias necesarias para permitirle resolver problemas de análisis y síntesis de sistemas electrónicos de mediana complejidad con componentes mayoritariamente integrados. La estructura de este texto sigue la de la asignatura a la que va dirigido, en la que se establecen tres bloques temáticos: funciones y circuitos electrónicos analógicos, funciones y circuitos lógicos combinacionales y funciones lógicas secuenciales. La amplitud de contenidos de esta asignatura y la estricta limitación en el número de créditos que tiene asignados en el plan de estudios han exigido a los autores de esta guía una selección cuidadosa de los contenidos y un considerable esfuerzo para aquilatar de forma muy precisa el equilibrio extensión-profundidad de los temas, que se han acompañado de un extensa colección de ejercicios resueltos para facilitar la fijación de los conceptos presentados

    Prácticas de circuitos y funciones electrónicas

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    El objetivo de este libro es guiar al alumno en la realización de las prácticas de la asignatura Circuitos y Funciones Electrónicas, asignatura común en los Grados en Ingeniería en Sistemas de Telecomunicación y en Ingeniería Telemática de la E.T.S. de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación de la Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Estas prácticas son el complemento de la parte teórica y se deben realizar en el laboratorio, utilizando el material electrónico y la instrumentación disponibles. El conjunto de las prácticas se divide en dos bloques: analógica y digital. En el primer bloque se realizan cuatro prácticas. En las tres primeras el alumno montará y verificará el comportamiento de diversas funciones electrónicas analógicas y en la cuarta práctica se simularán fuentes conmutadas. En el segundo bloque, se realizan siete prácticas de funciones electrónicas digitales. Cada práctica está estructurada de manera que guíe al alumnado en la realización de la misma, indicando los montajes y medidas que debe realizar. Al final de este manual se han incluido diversos Anexos con información complementaria para la realización de las prácticas y del Informe de Prácticas que debe presentarse a la finalización de las mismas