11 research outputs found

    Factores de riesgo para el sobrepeso en edades tempranas: diseño longitudinal con preescolares españoles

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    Previous studies have shown that there are several significant early-life risk factors associated with childhood overweight. However, research has mainly focused on school-aged children. The aim of this study is to identify risk factors in early life for overweight in a community sample of Spanish preschoolers. A sample of 622 three-year-olds was monitored until the age of 5, and their height and weight were registered annually. Overweight status was defined by World Health Organization standards. A large set of risk factors including sociodemographic variables, family structure, pregnancy, birth, postnatal period, school and neighborhood were measured through semi-structured interviews. Stepwise logistic regressions created predictive models with the best predictors of overweight for each age group. This is the first longitudinal study to examine a large set of risk factors among Spanish preschoolers. Several potential early risk factors in preschool children were associated with later overweight: high birth weight, ethnicity, excess screen time, low attention span, maternal smoking during pregnancy, inconsistent discipline, fewer rules, corporal punishment and parents psychopathology. Among them, the most powerful factor was high birth-weight (odds ratio = 1.89 at age 3, 1.87 at age 4, and 2.35 at age 5), underlining the importance of weight monitoring from postpartum and routine screening for overweight in children who have high birth weight. With the increasing prevalence of overweight in children at early ages, understanding the determinants for overweight risk becomes crucial for public health professionals and policy-makers in order to implement effective prevention and intervention programs ResumenDiferentes estudios han mostrado una asociación clara en­tre determinados factores de riesgo en edad temprana y so­brepeso en la infancia. Sin embargo, hasta ahora la inves­tigación solo se ha centrado en niños en edad escolar. El objetivo de este estudio es el de examinar en niños prees­colares los factores de riesgo para el sobrepeso en una muestra comunitaria de niños españoles. En el presente es­tudio se seleccionó una muestra de 622 niños de 3 años de edad a los que se siguió anualmente hasta los 5 años. El peso y la talla fueron registrados anualmente y el sobre­peso fue definido siguiendo los criterios definidos por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. A través de una entre­vista semi-estructurada, se analizaron diversos factores de riesgo tales como estructura familiar, embarazo, parto, pe­ríodo post-natal, escuela y vecindario. Las regresiones lo­gísticas múltiples permitieron crear modelos predictivos que seleccionaron los mejores predictores de sobrepeso para cada grupo de edad. El presente estudio es el primer estudio longitudinal en examinar diferentes factores de riesgo para el sobrepeso en niños españoles con edad preescolar. Diferentes factores de riesgo están asociados a un posterior sobrepeso: mayor peso al nacer, etnia, uso ex­cesivo de pantallas, capacidad de atención baja, madre fu­madora durante el embarazo, disciplina inconsistente, cas­tigo físico y psicopatología parental. De entre ellos, el fac­tor más importante fue: mayor peso al nacer (razón de pro­babilidades = 1.89 a los 3 años, 1.87 a los 4 años y 2.35 a los 5 años), subrayando la importancia de monitorizar el peso del niño desde el post-parto y realizar cribados ruti­narios de sobrepeso en aquellos niños que nacieron con un peso elevado. La prevalencia cada vez mayor de sobrepeso en niños cada vez más pequeños hace que la comprensión e identificación de los factores de riesgo relacionados con el sobrepeso sea crucial para que los profesionales públi­cos de salud y los responsables políticos implementen pro­gramas de prevención e intervención efectivos.AbstractPrevious studies have shown that there are several significant early-life risk factors associated with childhood overweight. However, research has mainly focused on school-aged children. The aim of this study is to identify risk factors in early life for overweight in a community sample of Spanish preschoolers. A sample of 622 three-year-olds was monitored until the age of 5, and their height and weight were registered annually. Overweight status was defined by World Health Organization standards. A large set of risk factors including sociodemographic variables, family structure, pregnancy, birth, postnatal period, school and neighborhood were measured through semi-structured interviews. Stepwise logistic regressions created predictive models with the best predictors of overweight for each age group. This is the first longitudinal study to examine a large set of risk factors among Spanish preschoolers. Several potential early risk factors in preschool children were associated with later overweight: high birth weight, ethnicity, excess screen time, low attention span, maternal smoking during pregnancy, inconsistent discipline, fewer rules, corporal punishment and parents psychopathology. Among them, the most powerful factor was high birth-weight (odds ratio = 1.89 at age 3, 1.87 at age 4, and 2.35 at age 5), underlining the importance of weight monitoring from postpartum and routine screening for overweight in children who have high birth weight. With the increasing prevalence of overweight in children at early ages, understanding the determinants for overweight risk becomes crucial for public health professionals and policy-makers in order to implement effective prevention and intervention programs

    The relationship between weight status and emotional and behavioral problems in Spanish preschool children

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    Objective: To examine cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between behavioral problems and weight status, considering body mass index (BMI) z-scores and overweight status, in a community sample of preschoolers. Methods: The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and the Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents were administered to 611 parents. Adjusted general linear models and binary logistic regressions were used. Results Children who were overweight and had a higher BMI were at increased risk of peer problems and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms. Prospective analyses showed that a higher BMI at the age of 3 years was predictive of peer problems at ages 4 and 5 years and hyperactivity and ADHD symptoms at the age of 4 years. Conclusion: This is the first study using a diagnostic-based instrument that shows a relationship between weight status and ADHD symptoms in preschoolers. Overweight children might benefit from screening for behavioral disorders and peer relationship problem

    Overweight in preschool children : behavioral problems and early risk factors /

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    El sobrepès en la infància s'ha convertit en un problema de salut pública ja que està relacionat amb importants comorbiditats mèdiques i cada cop nens més petits tenen sobrepès. Objectius: Examinar de manera transversal i longitudinal les associacions entre problemes de conducta i el sobrepès, i identificar els factors de risc pel sobrepès. Mètode: Una mostra comunitària de n=622 nens de 3 anys va ser seguida fins als 5 anys, registrant anualment l'altura, el pes i la psicopatologia. Els següents instruments van ser administrats als pares: el Qüestionari de Fortaleses i Dificultats, l'Entrevista Diagnostica per Nens i Adolescents i l'Entrevista de Factors de Risc. L'anàlisi del pes i l'altura va considerar l'índex de massa corporal (IMC) i el sobrepès definit segons els estàndards de l'Organització Mundial de la Salut. Els anàlisis estadístics van incloure els models generals lineals i regressions binaries logístiques. Resultats: Els nens que tenien sobrepès i un IMC més elevat, tenien més risc de tenir problemes amb els companys i símptomes del trastorn de dèficit d'atenció amb hiperactivitat (TDAH). L'anàlisi longitudinal va mostrar que un major IMC als 3 anys era predictiu de puntuacions més elevades en la dimensió problemes amb els companys als 4 i 5 anys i majors puntuacions en la dimensió d'hiperactivitat i TDAH als 4 anys. Addicionalment, els resultats van mostrar dos factors de risc pel sobrepès i l'IMC en l'etapa preescolar: nivell socioeconòmic baix i major pes al néixer. Conclusions: Aquest estudi és el primer, que usant un instrument psicològic de diagnòstic, mostra una relació entre el IMC/sobrepès i el TDAH en preescolars. Els nens que tenen sobrepès, ja des de ben petits, podrien beneficiar-se del cribratge per problemes de conducta i problemes de relació amb els companys. A més, la identificació en una etapa primerenca dels nens amb un major risc de tenir sobrepès ofereix el potencial per l'elaboració de programes de prevenció de sobrepès.Childhood overweight is a public health concern that poses serious threats to children's health and is being found at ever younger ages. Objectives: To examine cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between behavioral problems and weight status, and to identify risk factors in early life for overweight in preschoolers. Methods: A community sample of n=622 three-year-olds was followed until the age of 5, their height and weight and psychopathology were registered annually. The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, the Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents, and the Schedule of Risk Factors were administered to their parents. Weight status considered body mass index (BMI) and overweight status defined by World Health Organization standards. Statistical analysis included general linear models and binary logistic regressions. Results: Children who were overweight and had a higher BMI were at increased risk of having peer problems and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms. Prospective analyses showed that a higher BMI at the age of 3 years was predictive of higher scores in the peer problems dimension at ages 4 and 5 years and higher scores in the hyperactivity dimension and ADHD symptoms at the age of 4 years. Furthermore, two strong risk factors for overweight and a higher z-BMI in the preschool years were a family's low socioeconomic status and high birth-weight. Conclusions: This is the first study using a psychological diagnostic-based instrument that shows a relationship between weight status and ADHD symptoms in preschoolers. Overweight children might benefit from screening for behavioral disorders and peer relationship problems. Moreover, identification in early life of groups of children at higher risk of becoming overweight offers the potential for early prevention programs

    Overweight in preschool children: behavioral problems and early risk factors

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    El sobrepès en la infància s’ha convertit en un problema de salut pública ja que està relacionat amb importants comorbiditats mèdiques i cada cop nens més petits tenen sobrepès. Objectius: Examinar de manera transversal i longitudinal les associacions entre problemes de conducta i el sobrepès, i identificar els factors de risc pel sobrepès. Mètode: Una mostra comunitària de n=622 nens de 3 anys va ser seguida fins als 5 anys, registrant anualment l’altura, el pes i la psicopatologia. Els següents instruments van ser administrats als pares: el Qüestionari de Fortaleses i Dificultats, l’Entrevista Diagnostica per Nens i Adolescents i l’Entrevista de Factors de Risc. L’anàlisi del pes i l’altura va considerar l’índex de massa corporal (IMC) i el sobrepès definit segons els estàndards de l’Organització Mundial de la Salut. Els anàlisis estadístics van incloure els models generals lineals i regressions binaries logístiques. Resultats: Els nens que tenien sobrepès i un IMC més elevat, tenien més risc de tenir problemes amb els companys i símptomes del trastorn de dèficit d’atenció amb hiperactivitat (TDAH). L’anàlisi longitudinal va mostrar que un major IMC als 3 anys era predictiu de puntuacions més elevades en la dimensió problemes amb els companys als 4 i 5 anys i majors puntuacions en la dimensió d’hiperactivitat i TDAH als 4 anys. Addicionalment, els resultats van mostrar dos factors de risc pel sobrepès i l’IMC en l’etapa preescolar: nivell socioeconòmic baix i major pes al néixer. Conclusions: Aquest estudi és el primer, que usant un instrument psicològic de diagnòstic, mostra una relació entre el IMC/sobrepès i el TDAH en preescolars. Els nens que tenen sobrepès, ja des de ben petits, podrien beneficiar-se del cribratge per problemes de conducta i problemes de relació amb els companys. A més, la identificació en una etapa primerenca dels nens amb un major risc de tenir sobrepès ofereix el potencial per l’elaboració de programes de prevenció de sobrepès.Childhood overweight is a public health concern that poses serious threats to children’s health and is being found at ever younger ages. Objectives: To examine cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between behavioral problems and weight status, and to identify risk factors in early life for overweight in preschoolers. Methods: A community sample of n=622 three-year-olds was followed until the age of 5, their height and weight and psychopathology were registered annually. The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, the Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents, and the Schedule of Risk Factors were administered to their parents. Weight status considered body mass index (BMI) and overweight status defined by World Health Organization standards. Statistical analysis included general linear models and binary logistic regressions. Results: Children who were overweight and had a higher BMI were at increased risk of having peer problems and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms. Prospective analyses showed that a higher BMI at the age of 3 years was predictive of higher scores in the peer problems dimension at ages 4 and 5 years and higher scores in the hyperactivity dimension and ADHD symptoms at the age of 4 years. Furthermore, two strong risk factors for overweight and a higher z-BMI in the preschool years were a family’s low socioeconomic status and high birth-weight. Conclusions: This is the first study using a psychological diagnostic-based instrument that shows a relationship between weight status and ADHD symptoms in preschoolers. Overweight children might benefit from screening for behavioral disorders and peer relationship problems. Moreover, identification in early life of groups of children at higher risk of becoming overweight offers the potential for early prevention programs

    Overweight in preschool children: behavioral problems and early risk factors

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    El sobrepès en la infància s’ha convertit en un problema de salut pública ja que està relacionat amb importants comorbiditats mèdiques i cada cop nens més petits tenen sobrepès. Objectius: Examinar de manera transversal i longitudinal les associacions entre problemes de conducta i el sobrepès, i identificar els factors de risc pel sobrepès. Mètode: Una mostra comunitària de n=622 nens de 3 anys va ser seguida fins als 5 anys, registrant anualment l’altura, el pes i la psicopatologia. Els següents instruments van ser administrats als pares: el Qüestionari de Fortaleses i Dificultats, l’Entrevista Diagnostica per Nens i Adolescents i l’Entrevista de Factors de Risc. L’anàlisi del pes i l’altura va considerar l’índex de massa corporal (IMC) i el sobrepès definit segons els estàndards de l’Organització Mundial de la Salut. Els anàlisis estadístics van incloure els models generals lineals i regressions binaries logístiques. Resultats: Els nens que tenien sobrepès i un IMC més elevat, tenien més risc de tenir problemes amb els companys i símptomes del trastorn de dèficit d’atenció amb hiperactivitat (TDAH). L’anàlisi longitudinal va mostrar que un major IMC als 3 anys era predictiu de puntuacions més elevades en la dimensió problemes amb els companys als 4 i 5 anys i majors puntuacions en la dimensió d’hiperactivitat i TDAH als 4 anys. Addicionalment, els resultats van mostrar dos factors de risc pel sobrepès i l’IMC en l’etapa preescolar: nivell socioeconòmic baix i major pes al néixer. Conclusions: Aquest estudi és el primer, que usant un instrument psicològic de diagnòstic, mostra una relació entre el IMC/sobrepès i el TDAH en preescolars. Els nens que tenen sobrepès, ja des de ben petits, podrien beneficiar-se del cribratge per problemes de conducta i problemes de relació amb els companys. A més, la identificació en una etapa primerenca dels nens amb un major risc de tenir sobrepès ofereix el potencial per l’elaboració de programes de prevenció de sobrepès.Childhood overweight is a public health concern that poses serious threats to children’s health and is being found at ever younger ages. Objectives: To examine cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between behavioral problems and weight status, and to identify risk factors in early life for overweight in preschoolers. Methods: A community sample of n=622 three-year-olds was followed until the age of 5, their height and weight and psychopathology were registered annually. The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, the Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents, and the Schedule of Risk Factors were administered to their parents. Weight status considered body mass index (BMI) and overweight status defined by World Health Organization standards. Statistical analysis included general linear models and binary logistic regressions. Results: Children who were overweight and had a higher BMI were at increased risk of having peer problems and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms. Prospective analyses showed that a higher BMI at the age of 3 years was predictive of higher scores in the peer problems dimension at ages 4 and 5 years and higher scores in the hyperactivity dimension and ADHD symptoms at the age of 4 years. Furthermore, two strong risk factors for overweight and a higher z-BMI in the preschool years were a family’s low socioeconomic status and high birth-weight. Conclusions: This is the first study using a psychological diagnostic-based instrument that shows a relationship between weight status and ADHD symptoms in preschoolers. Overweight children might benefit from screening for behavioral disorders and peer relationship problems. Moreover, identification in early life of groups of children at higher risk of becoming overweight offers the potential for early prevention programs

    The relationship between weight status and emotional and behavioral problems in Spanish preschool children

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    Objective: To examine cross-sectional and longitudinal associations between behavioral problems and weight status, considering body mass index (BMI) z-scores and overweight status, in a community sample of preschoolers. Methods: The Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire and the Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents were administered to 611 parents. Adjusted general linear models and binary logistic regressions were used. Results Children who were overweight and had a higher BMI were at increased risk of peer problems and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms. Prospective analyses showed that a higher BMI at the age of 3 years was predictive of peer problems at ages 4 and 5 years and hyperactivity and ADHD symptoms at the age of 4 years. Conclusion: This is the first study using a diagnostic-based instrument that shows a relationship between weight status and ADHD symptoms in preschoolers. Overweight children might benefit from screening for behavioral disorders and peer relationship problem

    Risk factors for overweight in early ages : longitudinal design with Spanish Preschoolers

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    Previous studies have shown that there are several significant early-life risk factors associated with childhood overweight. However, research has mainly focused on school-aged children. The aim of this study is to identify risk factors in early life for overweight in a community sample of Spanish preschoolers. A sample of 622 three-year-olds was monitored until the age of 5, and their height and weight were registered annually. Overweight status was defined by World Health Organization standards. A large set of risk factors including sociodemographic variables, family structure, pregnancy, birth, postnatal period, school and neighborhood were measured through semi-structured interviews. Stepwise logistic regressions created predictive models with the best predictors of overweight for each age group. This is the first longitudinal study to examine a large set of risk factors among Spanish preschoolers. Several potential early risk factors in preschool children were associated with later overweight: high birth weight, ethnicity, excess screen time, low attention span, maternal smoking during pregnancy, inconsistent discipline, fewer rules, corporal punishment and parents psychopathology. Among them, the most powerful factor was high birth-weight (odds ratio = 1.89 at age 3, 1.87 at age 4, and 2.35 at age 5), underlining the importance of weight monitoring from postpartum and routine screening for overweight in children who have high birth weight. With the increasing prevalence of overweight in children at early ages, understanding the determinants for overweight risk becomes crucial for public health professionals and policy-makers in order to implement effective prevention and intervention programsDiferentes estudios han mostrado una asociación clara en­tre determinados factores de riesgo en edad temprana y so­brepeso en la infancia. Sin embargo, hasta ahora la inves­tigación solo se ha centrado en niños en edad escolar. El objetivo de este estudio es el de examinar en niños prees­colares los factores de riesgo para el sobrepeso en una muestra comunitaria de niños españoles. En el presente es­tudio se seleccionó una muestra de 622 niños de 3 años de edad a los que se siguió anualmente hasta los 5 años. El peso y la talla fueron registrados anualmente y el sobre­peso fue definido siguiendo los criterios definidos por la Organización Mundial de la Salud. A través de una entre­vista semi-estructurada, se analizaron diversos factores de riesgo tales como estructura familiar, embarazo, parto, pe­ríodo post-natal, escuela y vecindario. Las regresiones lo­gísticas múltiples permitieron crear modelos predictivos que seleccionaron los mejores predictores de sobrepeso para cada grupo de edad. El presente estudio es el primer estudio longitudinal en examinar diferentes factores de riesgo para el sobrepeso en niños españoles con edad preescolar. Diferentes factores de riesgo están asociados a un posterior sobrepeso: mayor peso al nacer, etnia, uso ex­cesivo de pantallas, capacidad de atención baja, madre fu­madora durante el embarazo, disciplina inconsistente, cas­tigo físico y psicopatología parental. De entre ellos, el fac­tor más importante fue: mayor peso al nacer (razón de pro­babilidades = 1.89 a los 3 años, 1.87 a los 4 años y 2.35 a los 5 años), subrayando la importancia de monitorizar el peso del niño desde el post-parto y realizar cribados ruti­narios de sobrepeso en aquellos niños que nacieron con un peso elevado. La prevalencia cada vez mayor de sobrepeso en niños cada vez más pequeños hace que la comprensión e identificación de los factores de riesgo relacionados con el sobrepeso sea crucial para que los profesionales públi­cos de salud y los responsables políticos implementen pro­gramas de prevención e intervención efectivo

    Fear Conditioning Deficits in Children and Adolescents with Psychopathic Traits : a Study in a Clinical Population

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    Altres ajuts: Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICDeficits in fear conditioning related to psychopathy have been widely studied in adults. However, evidence in children and adolescents is scarce and inconsistent. This research aimed to expand knowledge about fear conditioning in psychopathy and its dimensions in child and early adolescent clinical populations. Participants were 45 boys (outpatients) aged 6-14 years (M=10.59, SD=2.04). They were assessed with the parents' and teachers' versions of the Child Problematic Traits Inventory (CPTI). A fear conditioning paradigm (Neumann et al., in Biological Psychology, 79(3), 337-342, 2008) for children and adolescents was used. Conditioned stimuli (CS+and CS-) were geometric shapes and the unconditioned stimulus (US) wasan unpleasant sound of metal scraping on slate (83 dB). Diference scores (CS+minus CS-) in skin conductance responses (SCR) and self-reported cognitive and afective measures were considered as indices of fear conditioning. Results showed that: a) defcits in fear conditioning were related to some psychopathy dimensions but not to psychopathy as a unitary construct; b) the Impulsivity-Need for Stimulation dimension was a predictor of impaired fear conditioning at a cognitive level; c) the interaction of Callous-Unemotional and Impulsivity-Need for Stimulation dimensions was a signifcant predictor of impaired electrodermal fear conditioning; d) by contrast, the Grandiose-Deceitful dimension, was marginally associated with a greater electrodermal fear conditioning. In conclusion, psychopathy dimensions and their interactions, but not psychopathy as a whole, predicted defcits in fear conditioning as measured by SCR and cognitive indices. These fndings confrm the notion that psychopathic traits are associated with defcits in fear conditioning in child and adolescent clinical populations and provide support for a multidimensional approach to youth psychopathy