27 research outputs found

    Messinian productivity changes in the northeastern Atlantic and their relationship to the closure of the Atlantic-Mediterranean gateway: implications for Neogene palaeoclimate and palaeoceanography.

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    The stable isotope composition of planktic and benthic foraminifera and the distribution of selected benthic foraminiferal species from a Messinian record of the lower Guadalquivir Basin, northeastern Atlantic Ocean, show that regional productivity changes were linked to glacioeustatic fluctuations. Glacial periods were characterized by poorly ventilated bottom waters as a result of weak Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC), and by phases of high productivity related to intensified upwelling. In contrast, wellventilated bottom waters owing to strong AMOC, the presence of degraded organic matter in the upper slope, and high input of degraded terrestrial organic matter derived from fluvial discharge to the outer shelf were recorded during interglacial periods. Before closure of the adjacent Guadalhorce Corridor at 6.18 Ma, which was the final active Betic Atlantic-Mediterranean gateway, the study area was alternately influenced by wellventilated Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) and poorly ventilated Atlantic Upwelled Water (AUW). Following closure of the corridor, cessation of the MOW reduced the AMOC and promoted glacial conditions in the northern hemisphere, resulting in the establishment of local upwelling cells

    Impact of restriction of the Atlantic-Mediterranean gateway on the Mediterranean Outflow Water and eastern Atlantic circulation during the Messinian

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    Messinian foraminiferal stable oxygen and carbon isotopes of the Montemayor-1 core (Guadalquivir Basin, SW Spain) have been investigated. This record is exceptional to study the Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) impact on the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC) and global climate during the Messinian because the core is near the Guadalhorce Corridor, the last Betic gateway to be closed during the early Messinian. Our results allow dating accurately its closure at 6.18 Ma. Constant benthic d18O values, high difference between benthic and planktonic d18O, and low sedimentation rates before 6.18 Ma indicate the presence of a two-layer water column, with bottom winnowing due to an enhanced Mediterranean outflow current. The enhanced contribution of dense MOW to the North Atlantic Ocean likely fostered the formation of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW). After 6.18 Ma, benthic d18O values parallel that of the global glacioeustatic curve, the difference between benthic and planktonic d18O is low, and sedimentation rates considerably increased. This indicates a good vertical mixing of the water column, interruption of the MOW, and a dominant glacioeustatic control on the isotopic signatures. According to the role of MOW in the modern Atlantic thermohaline circulation, the reduction of the MOW after the closure of the Guadalhorce Corridor might have resulted in a decreased NADW formation rate between 6.0 and 5.5 Ma weakening the AMOC and promoting northern hemisphere cooling. After the Gibraltar Strait opening, the restoration of the MOW and related salt export from the Mediterranean could have promoted an enhanced NADW formation

    Messinian paleoenvironmental evolution in the lower Guadalquivir Basin (SW Spain) based on benthic foraminifera.

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    Benthic foraminiferal assemblages of a drill core from the lower Guadalquivir Basin (northern Gulf of CĂĄdiz, SW Spain) have been analyzed in order to reconstruct the paleoenvironmental evolution in the vicinity of the Betic seaways during the Messinian. The core consists of marine sediments ranging from the latest Tortonian to the early Pliocene. Changes in the abundance of certain marker species, planktonic/benthic ratio (P/B ratio), paleodepth estimated with a transfer function, content of sand grains and presence of glauconitic layers indicate a complete transgressive-regressive sea-level cycle from the bottom to the top of the section. An abrupt sea-level rise, from inner-middle shelf to middle slope, is recorded at the lowermost part of the core (latest Tortonian-earliest Messinian), followed by a relatively rapid shallowing from middle slope to outer shelf. Magnetobiostratigraphic data show that this sea-level fall postdates the onset of the Messinian salinity crisis (MSC) in the Mediterranean. Finally, the early Pliocene deposits are interpreted as inner-middle shelf. Changes in the benthic foraminiferal assemblages through the core are mainly controlled by the trophic conditions, specifically by the quantity and quality of the organic matter reaching the sea floor. The upper slope and part of the outer shelf assemblages are highly diverse and dominated by shallow infaunal species, indicating a generallymesotrophic environment with moderate oxygenation. These environments have likely been affected by repeated upwelling events, documented by increased abundance of Uvigerina peregrina s.l., an opportunistic species thriving in environmentswith enhanced labile organic matter supply. The assemblages of the transitional interval between upper slope to outer shelf, and of the outer shelf are generally characterized by a relatively low diversity and epifaunal-shallow infaunal taxa, indicating oligotrophic and well-oxygenated conditions. The innermiddle shelf assemblages are characterized by very lowdiversity and dominance of intermediate to deep infaunal taxa, suggesting an eutrophic environmentwith lowoxygen content. These assemblages are dominated by Nonion fabum and Bulimina elongata, two taxa that are able to feed from continental low-quality organicmatter,most likely derived from river run-off. The paleoenviromental evolution on the Atlantic side of Betic and Rifian seaways is similar during the Messinian, with a Messinian continuous sea-level lowering driven by regional tectonic uplift and upwelling-related waters reaching the upper slope. This study will further contribute to understand the role of tectonics on the sea-level changes as well as on the closure of the Atlantic-Mediterranean gateways that led to the MSC, and on the paleoceanography on the Atlantic sides of these corridors

    Glacioeustatic control on the origin and cessation of the Messinian salinity crisis.

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    The desiccation of the Mediterranean during the Messinian salinity crisis (MSC) is one of the most intriguing geological events of recent Earth history. However, the timing of its onset and end, as well as themechanisms involved remain controversial.We present a novel approach to these questions by examining theMSC fromthe Atlantic, but close to theGibraltar Arc, analysing the completeMessinian record of theMontemayor-1 core of theGuadalquivir Basin (SWSpain). Flexural backstripping analysis shows a tectonic uplift trend that would have reduced the depth of the Rifian Corridors considerably. Nonetheless, the rate of tectonic upliftwas insufficient to account for the close up of the corridors. At 5.97 Ma, a global cooling and associated glacioeustatic sea-level drop, estimated in 60 m, is observed. Thiswould have been sufficient to restrict the Rifian Corridors and to trigger theMSC. The later flooding of the Mediterranean occurred during a sea-level rise associated with global warming during a stable tectonic period. We postulate a two-step flooding event: 1) A glacioeustatic sea-level rise during interglacial stage TG 11 (5.52 Ma) led to subtropical Atlantic waters entering the west-central Mediterranean through pathways south of the Gibraltar Strait, probably the Rifian Corridors. 2) A global sea-level drop at 5.4 Ma, thatmight have favoured intensification of regressive fluvial erosion in the Gibraltar threshold, along with the subsequent global sea-level rise would have generated the Gibraltar Strait leading to complete Mediterranean refilling during the earliest Pliocene

    An enigmatic kilometer-scale concentration of small mytilids (Late Miocene, Guadalquivir Basin, S Spain).

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    Upper Miocene heterozoan carbonates crop out extensively in a NE-SW-trending belt (42 km long and 1.5-8 km wide) along the so-called El Alcor topographic high, from Carmona to Dos Hermanas (Seville, S Spain). These carbonates formed at the southern active margin of the Guadalquivir Basin, the foreland basin of the Betic Cordillera. They change to marls basinward (NE) and to sands landward (SE and SW). Therefore, carbonate production was constrained to a limited area in an otherwise siliciclastic shelf. The carbonates (up to 40 m thick) overlie a gradually coarsening-upward succession of marls followed by silts and sandstones. The carbonate sequence can be divided into three subunits corresponding, frombottom to top, to lowstand, transgressive, and highstand system tract deposits. The lower subunit, exhibiting extensive trough cross-bedding, is interpreted as a shallow-water bar deposit. The intermediate subunit onlaps underlying sediments and was deposited in deeper, lowturbulence conditions. The upper subunit deposits accumulated in a well-oxygenated outer platform based on benthic foraminiferal assemblages. The presence of hummocky and swaley cross-stratification in these latter deposits suggests that theywere affected by storms. Pervasive fluid-escape structures are also observed throughout the carbonates. The three subunits consist of bioclastic packstones to rudstonesmade up of abundant fragments of smallmytilids. Isotopic data from serpulid polychaete Ditrupa tubes show 13C-depleted values (up to −16.1¿), whereas ή18O yields normal marine values. Additional isotopic data on shells of scallops, oysters, and small mussels, as well as bulk sediment, show diagenetic alterations. Based on actualistic examples of massive concentrations of mussels, the nearly monospecific composition of the El Alcor deposits, together with negative ή13C values of Ditrupa tubes, indicates that cold seeps presumably promoted carbonate formation. However, the absence of typical features of cold-seep deposits, such as authigenic carbonatesmediated by anaerobic bacterial activity and the typical chemosynthetic shelly organisms, makes the large carbonate body of El Alcor an unusual cold-seep deposit

    Rare earth elements and Nd isotopes as tracers of modern ocean circulation in the central Mediterranean Sea

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    Seawater rare earth element (REE) concentrations and Nd isotopic composition (ΔNd) are increasingly applied as valuable tracers of oceanographic processes such as water mass mixing and lithogenic inputs to seawater. However, their measurements are basically lacking in the Mediterranean Sea water column. This study analyzes 9 seawater stations around the central Mediterranean Sea to clarify the relative importance of external sources, vertical (biogeochemical) processes and lateral water mass transport in controlling REE and ΔNd distributions. Concentrations of REE do not show nutrient-like profiles with depth, likely indicative of relatively young waters with limited accumulation of remineralized REE. Light REE (LREE) present a non-conservative behavior, which largely peak at surface waters and rapidly decrease with depth. The negative correlation of surface LREE enrichment with offshore distance highlights the influence of continental input from the western Italian coast to the Tyrrhenian surface waters. In contrast to other regions with reported boundary exchange, this process does not modify the ΔNd values here. On the other side, distributions of dissolved heavy REE (HREE) and ΔNd display a conservative behavior that can be explained by mixing of western- (MAW and WMDW) and eastern- (LIW and EMDW) originated waters. We test this hypothesis with an Optimum Multi-Parameter Analysis (OMPA) including HREE and ΔNd parameters. Even though the limited data set, consistent results of water mass fractions are obtained for the four main water masses although with some particularities. While LIW takes on major importance when considering HREE in the model, EMDW fractions are preferentially detected with ΔNd. This latter finding implies a noticeable deep water flux across the Sicily Strait into the Western Mediterranean that was not clearly evidenced before

    Paleomagnetic and paleoenvironmental implications of magnetofossil occurrences in late Miocene marine sediments from the Guadalquivir Basin, SW Spain.

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    Although recent studies have revealed more widespread occurrences of magnetofossils in pre-Quaternary sediments than have been previously reported, their significance for paleomagnetic and paleoenvironmental studies is not fully understood. We present a paleo- and rock-magnetic study of late Miocene marine sediments recovered from the Guadalquivir Basin (SW Spain). Well-defined paleomagnetic directions provide a robust magnetostratigraphic chronology for the two studied sediment cores. Rock magnetic results indicate the dominance of intact magnetosome chains throughout the studied sediments. These results provide a link between the highest-quality paleomagnetic directions and higher magnetofossil abundances. We interpret that bacterial magnetite formed in the surface sediment mixed layer and that these magnetic particles gave rise to a paleomagnetic signal in the same way as detrital grains. They, therefore, carry a magnetization that is essentially identical to a post-depositional remanent magnetization, which we term a bio-depositional remanent magnetization. Some studied polarity reversals record paleomagnetic directions with an apparent 60-70 kyr recording delay. Magnetofossils in these cases are interpreted to carry a biogeochemical remanent magnetization that is locked in at greater depth in the sediment column. A sharp decrease in magnetofossil abundance toward the middle of the studied boreholes coincides broadly with a major rise in sediment accumulation rates near the onset of the Messinian salinity crisis (MSC), an event caused by interruption of the connection between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. This correlation appears to have resulted from dilution of magnetofossils by enhanced terrigenous inputs that were driven, in turn, by sedimentary changes triggered in the basin at the onset of the MSC. Our results highlight the importance of magnetofossils as carriers of high-quality paleomagnetic and paleoenvironmental signals even in dominantly terrigenous sediments

    Geomorphological record of extreme wave events during Roman times in the Guadalquivir estuary (gulf of cadiz, SW Spain): An archaeological and paleogeographical approach

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    Analysis of the geological record has made it possible to delimit for theGuadalquivir estuary the traces of extreme wave events (EWEs) during the Roman period in the Iberian Peninsula (218 BCE to 476 CE). The largest event occurred in the 2nd-3rd century CE. It generated clearly visible erosive effects in the coastal barriers, including washover fans and erosional scarps. In the inner estuary, however, the effects were minor: crevasse splays that broke levees and cheniers, as well as a residual sedimentary lag. The significant development of the spits protected the inner estuary from the marine incursion, which only caused a water level rise with low-regime waves. Correlation of the geomorphological and sedimentary marks left by this event with the archaeological and geological evidence of other events recognized elsewhere in the Gulf of Cadiz effectively argues for a tsunami as to the nature of the 2nd-3rd century CE event. Yet this and the other identified EWEs in the Guadalquivir estuary during the pre-Roman and the Roman period all fit a model of paleogeographic evolution dominated by processes of coastal progradation and estuarine infilling. Radiocarbon dating, geomorphological analysis, and historical references fail to warrant the so-called '218-209 BCE' Atlantic tsunami, as hypothesized in the received scientific literature. In pre-Roman and Roman times, human occupation at the mouth of the Guadalquivir River was strongly influenced by various geodynamic processes, the location of the settlements being contingent upon dependable, fast communication with the sea and, above all, upon adequate protection from EWEs, on the leeward side of spits. Progressive progradation of these coastal barriers combined with the gradual infilling of the estuary to make navigation to open sea increasingly difficult and, eventually, to result in the abandonment of settlements

    The role of neo-tectonics in the sedimentary infilling and geomorphological evolution of the Guadalquivir estuary (Gulf of Cadiz, SW Spain) during the Holocene.

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    Spain) has yielded new evidence regarding the sedimentary infilling and geomorphological evolution of the Guadalquivir estuary during the Holocene. The sedimentation and geomorphological disposition have been strongly conditioned by neotectonic activity along a set of SW-NE alignments, interrupted by other alignments that follow E-W and NW-SE directions. The most conspicuous of the SW-NE alignments is the Torre Carbonero-MarilĂłpez Fault (TCMF). South of this fault, the estuary experienced a marked subsidence from about 4000 to 2000 cal. yr BP through a series of sedimentary sequences of retrogradation and aggradationwithin the context of relative sea-level rise. From c. 2000 cal. yr BP to the present the subsidence has remained relatively dormant, with progradation of the littoral systems and infilling of the marshland progressing within a context of sea-level stability. Our results reveal that neotectonic activity is a critical factor thatmust also be reckonedwith in any attempt to understand the Holocene geomorphological evolution in the Guadalquivir estuary

    Changes in western Mediterranean thermohaline circulation in association with a deglacial Organic Rich Layer formation in the Alboran Sea

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    We thank the constructive comments of three anonymous reviewers that substantially improved this manuscript. JNPA has been funded by a Postdoctoral fellowship Beatriu de PinĂłs funded by the AGAUR from the Generalitat de Catalunya and the European Union through the Marie Curie-COFUND actions. LDP acknowledges support from the RamĂłn y Cajal program (MINECO, Spain), JF from the Serra HĂșnter Programme (Generalitat de Catalunya) and IC from the ICREA-Academia program from the Generalitat de Catalunya. We are indebted to Albert CatalĂ  and Montse Guart (University of Barcelona), and Joaquim Perona and Regina Roca (CCiT-UB) for their support with the laboratory work.Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2019.106075.The accumulation of an Organic Rich Layer (ORL) during the last deglaciation in the Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean Sea) and its link to changes in deep and intermediate water circulation are here investigated. Benthic foraminiferal assemblages and the shallow infaunal foraminifer Uvigerina peregrina ÎŽ13C record support the establishment of sustained high organic matter fluxes, and thus eutrophic conditions at the sea floor, during the late phase of the ORL (Younger Dryas to early Holocene periods). Since organic matter fluxes were lower (mesotrophic conditions) during the BĂžlling-AllerĂžd period, they cannot be solely responsible for the ORL initiation. Geochemical, sedimentological and micropalaeontological proxies support a major weakening of the deep-water convection in the Gulf of Lion as the main driver for the development of poorly-ventilated conditions from intermediate depths (946 m) to the deep western Mediterranean basin that promoted the beginning of the ORL deposition. Nevertheless, a better ventilation at intermediate depths was established during the late ORL, while the deep basin remained poorly ventilated. We propose that our data reflect the arrival of a new better-ventilated intermediate water mass analogue to the current Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW) and/or a new intermediate water mass from the Gulf of Lion. The ultimate source of this water mass needs to be further explored but chronologies of the changes recorded here indicate that intermediate and deep ventilation phases were decoupled between the western and eastern Mediterranean basins during the deglaciation and early-middle Holocene.This work was funded by the projects TIMED (Call ref: ERC-CoG-2015; proposal number 683237) of the European Research Council (Consolidator Grants), CHIMERA (CTM2016-75411-R), CGL2015-66835-P and RTI2018-099489-B-I00 of the Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad of Spain. The Research Group GRC GeociĂšncies Marines (2017 SGR 315) of the Generalitat de Catalunya is also acknowledged, as well as the Research Groups RNM-178 and RNM-190 (Junta de AndalucĂ­a)