3,919 research outputs found

    Second international congress on immunopharmacology : delivery systems and current strategies for drug design

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    The 2nd International Congress on Immunopharmacology was held in June of 2011 at the Conference Center of Plaza America in Varadero, Cuba. The main goal of this meeting was to provide state-of-the-art communications for scientists, manufacturers, regulators and healthcare workers, to accelerate progress in the development of biological and biotechnological products and to promote exchange/scientific cooperation between researchers. 300 delegates from 22 countries attended the conference. The wide-ranging programme commenced with a plenary session and then split into a series of parallel workshops and symposia, covering “Advances in Immunopharmacology”, “Neuroimmunology”, “Therapeutic Biological Products”, “Prophylaxis and Treatment of Helicobacter pylori”, “Pharmacology of Cytochrome P450”, “Hereditary Ataxias” and “Delivery Systems and Current Strategies for Drug Design”. In this last Symposium, a substantial body of data was presented relating to the development of delivery systems with adjuvant and vaccine potential and also to strategies focused in therapeutic and prophylactic approaches against tuberculosis. This issue is dedicated to some of the results presented in this area

    Intoxicação experimental por Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa em caprinos da Argentina: correlação clínico-patológica, com especial atenção ao sistema nervoso central

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    Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa, aguapei or mandiyura, is responsible for lysosomal storage in goats. The shrub contains several alkaloids, mainly swansonine which inhibits lysosomal α-mannosidase and Golgi mannosidase II. Poisoning occurs by inhibition of these hydrolases. There is neuronal vacuolation, endocrine dysfunction, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal injury, and immune disorders. Clinical signs and pathology of the experimental poisoning of goats by Ipomoea carnea in Argentina are here described. Five goats received fresh leaves and stems of Ipomoea. At the beginning, the goats did not consume the plant, but later, it was preferred over any other forage. High dose induced rapid intoxication, whereas with low doses, the course of the toxicosis was more protracted. The goats were euthanized when they were recumbent. Cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, pons and colliculi, were routinely processed for histology. In nine days, the following clinical signs developed: abnormal fascies, dilated nostrils and abnormal postures of the head, cephalic tremors and nystagmus, difficulty in standing. Subsequently, the goats had a tendency to fall, always to the left, with spastic convulsions. There was lack in coordination of voluntary movements due to Purkinje and deep nuclei neurons damage. The cochlear reflex originated hyperreflexia, abnormal posture, head movements and tremors. The withdrawal reflex produced flexor muscles hypersensitivity at the four legs, later depression and stupor. Abnormal responses to sounds were related to collicular lesions. Thalamic damage altered the withdrawal reflex, showing incomplete reaction. The observed cervical hair bristling was attributed to a thalamic regulated nociceptive response. Depression may be associated with agonists of lysergic acid contained in Ipomoea. These clinical signs were correlated with lesions in different parts of the CNS.Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa, aguapeí ou mandiyura, causa uma doença de depósito lisossomal em caprinos. A planta contém vários alcalóides, principalmente swansonine, que inibe uma α-mannosidase lisossomal e uma mannosidase II do Golgi. A intoxicação ocorre pela inibição dessas hidrolases. Há vacuolização neuronal, disfunção endócrina, lesões cardiovasculares e gastrointestinais e distúrbios imunológicos. No presente trabalho é descrita a intoxicação experimental por Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa em caprinos da Argentina. Cinco cabras receberam folhas frescas e ramos de Ipomoea. No começo eles não consumiram a planta, mas depois ela foi preferida a qualquer outras forrageiras. Altas doses induziram uma Pesq. Vet. Bras. 32(1):37-42, janeiro 2012 38 Elvio E. Ríos et al. intoxicação rápida, enquanto que com doses baixas demora mais tempo. As cabras foram sacrificadas quando ficavam em decúbito. Cérebro, cerebelo, medula oblonga, ponte e colículos foram processados rotineiramente para histologia. Aos nove dias, encontramos: fascie anormal, narinas dilatadas, posturas anormais da cabeça, tremores cefálicos e nistagmo, dificuldade para permanecer na estação. Posteriormente, presentearam a tendência de queda, sempre à esquerda, com convulsões espásticas. Os neurônios de Purkinje e os os núcleos profundos foram danificados. Como conseqüência, emergiu a falta de coordenação de movimentos voluntários. A hiper-reflexo coclear originou postura anormal, movimentos de cabeça e tremores. A retirada produz reflexos hipersensibilidade nos flexores dos quatro membros, depois depressão e letargia. As respostas anormais estão ligadas a lesões do colículo. Injurias no tálamo alteram o reflexo de retirada, mostrando uma reação incompleta. Os pelos eriçados da região cervical podem representar uma resposta nociceptiva também regulada pelo tálamo. A depressão pode estar associada com agonistas do ácido lisérgico presentes na Ipomoea. Esses sintomas estão relacionados com lesões em diferentes partes do SNC.Fil: Ríos, Elvio E.. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Ictiologia del Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: Cholich, Luciana Andrea. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Ictiologia del Nordeste; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Gimeno, Eduardo Juan. Universidad Nacional de la Plata; ArgentinaFil: Guidi, María G.. Universidad Nacional de la Plata; ArgentinaFil: Acosta de Pérez, Ofelia C.. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Ictiologia del Nordeste; Argentin

    Short communication: Effects of the addition of a marigold extract to diets fed to channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) on growth parameters

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    The expansion of aquaculture in the last 10 years has made it an important source of protein worldwide. However, increased production, and the culture intensification it carries, results in higher risk of infectious disease due to poor water quality and high stocking densities. ... Marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) is a plant native to Mexico whose flowers accumulate carotenoids. Natural carotenoids extracted from marigold have been used in aquaculture to help in the survival of fish juvenile stages by strengthening their immunological system, thus reducing mortality rates. The effect of carotenoids in fish health may exert a positive effect on fish growth indices; however, these effects on growth parameters have not been studied in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), which is the most cultured fish species in north-eastern Mexico, and one of the most cultured on the southern United States. Consequently, the aim of this study was to investigate if there were significant differences in growth among channel catfish juveniles when fed diets containing various carotenoid doses from a natural source

    A matrix pencil approach to the existence of compactly supported reconstruction functions in average sampling

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    The aim of this work is to solve a question raised for average sampling in shift-invariant spaces by using the well-known matrix pencil theory. In many common situations in sampling theory, the available data are samples of some convolution operator acting on the function itself: this leads to the problem of average sampling, also known as generalized sampling. In this paper we deal with the existence of a sampling formula involving these samples and having reconstruction functions with compact support. Thus, low computational complexity is involved and truncation errors are avoided. In practice, it is accomplished by means of a FIR filter bank. An answer is given in the light of the generalized sampling theory by using the oversampling technique: more samples than strictly necessary are used. The original problem reduces to finding a polynomial left inverse of a polynomial matrix intimately related to the sampling problem which, for a suitable choice of the sampling period, becomes a matrix pencil. This matrix pencil approach allows us to obtain a practical method for computing the compactly supported reconstruction functions for the important case where the oversampling rate is minimum. Moreover, the optimality of the obtained solution is established

    Short communication: Effects of the addition of a marigold extract to diets fed to channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) on growth parameters

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    The expansion of aquaculture in the last 10 years has made it an important source of protein worldwide. However, increased production, and the culture intensification it carries, results in higher risk of infectious disease due to poor water quality and high stocking densities. ... Marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) is a plant native to Mexico whose flowers accumulate carotenoids. Natural carotenoids extracted from marigold have been used in aquaculture to help in the survival of fish juvenile stages by strengthening their immunological system, thus reducing mortality rates. The effect of carotenoids in fish health may exert a positive effect on fish growth indices; however, these effects on growth parameters have not been studied in channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), which is the most cultured fish species in north-eastern Mexico, and one of the most cultured on the southern United States. Consequently, the aim of this study was to investigate if there were significant differences in growth among channel catfish juveniles when fed diets containing various carotenoid doses from a natural source

    Short-term response of young mandarin trees to desalinated seawater irrigation

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    Water deficit and increasing pressure on water resources in semi-arid regions has led to the spread of irrigation with non-conventional water resources, such as desalinated seawater (DSW). The few existent studies to date, mainly carried out in Israel and Spain, have shown that suitable management of irrigation with DSW must be performed to avoid agronomic problems and reductions in crop productivity and fruit quality in the mid-long term. To the best of our knowledge, in the case of citrus, fruit production, and quality, information on the effects of DSW irrigation is not available. In this study, we evaluated the short-term agronomic and economic effects of irrigating a mandarin orchard during two crop cycles (2017–2019) with (i) fresh water (FW), (ii) desalinated seawater (DSW), and (iii) a mix of water composed of 50% FW and 50% DSW. Stem water potential (Ψs 6.5 µmol/m2/s and stomatal conductance; gs > 65 mmol/m2/s) indicated that trees were well irrigated throughout the experiment. The concentration of Na+ and B3+ in the DSW always exceeded the maximum thresholds for irrigation water proposed in the literature for citrus, and the concentration of Na+ in the leaves exceeded the maximum threshold in summer 2018. Nonetheless, symptoms of toxicity were not observed. Significant differences among treatments were not observed for Ψstem, A, gs, Na+, Cl−, and B3+ in leaves (except in the summer months), yield components, fruit quality, or the economic assessment. The lack of such differences was explained by the large standard deviations caused by the youth of the trees, with figures that on occasion could represent more than 100% of the mean value. These results may justify the agronomic and economic viability of the irrigation of young trees with DSW in the short-term, but further research, considering the effects on adult trees in the long term is still needed.This study was supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades—Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Grant numbers AGL2017-85857-C2-2-R and RTC-2017-6192-2). The collaboration of Catedra Trasvase y sostenibilidad—Jose Manuel Claver is acknowledged. Ramón y Cajal Fellowship (RYC-2015-17726) from Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain

    Editors’ introduction: connectivity and diversity in music cognition

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    Scholarly interest in the context of music listening and its influence on music cognition and connection is flourishing after decades of a predominantly individualistic approach. This article introduces a special issue that explores research on the theme of connectivity and diversity in music cognition research arising from the ICMPC16-ESCOM11 conference. The conference itself, held online during the later stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021, transcended national borders, bringing together researchers and practitioners from multiple continents in a digital context. In this introduction, we set the scene for this topic as it related to the conference. The included papers are the outcome of workshops held as part of the conference. The first paper in the special issue explores the use of embodied consciousness as part of pedagogical strategies to help music performers connect with embodied memories that can support their understanding of the work they are performing. The second paper considers uses of music in the early stages of motherhood, including a comparison between the active choice to regularly sing or listen to music and its perceived effects for the mother and her infant. The papers and associated commentaries offer a window into the rich research theme of connectivity and diversity that is likely to be influential over the years to come

    Señales geoquímicas en pingüinos del paleógeno de Isla Marambio (Seymour Island), Península Antártica

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    Trace elements, particularly rare earth elements (REE), are widely used as proxies to reconstruct paleoenvironmental and taphonomic conditions. We traced these elements in fossil penguin bones collected along the Paleogene sequence exposed in Seymour Island (=Isla Marambio) to test them as indicators of the tectonic changes to which this region was exposed. The results indicated the contents of REE in thirteen samples of the analyzed bone tissues. The negative europium anomaly in the samples from Bartonian and Priabonian beds reflects regional events. This signal coincides in time with the opening of the Drake Passage, and with the tectonic changes that occurred between the end of the Eocene and the beginning of the Oligocene, between the western margin of South America and the Antarctic Peninsula.Los elementos traza, y particularmente los Elementos de las Tierras Raras (REE por sus siglas en inglés), son ampliamente utilizados como indicadores para la reconstrucción de condiciones paleoambientales y tafonómicas. Rastreamos estos elementos en huesos fósiles de pingüinos recolectados a lo largo de la secuencia del Paleógeno expuestos en la Isla Marambio (=Seymour Island) para testearlos como indicadores de los cambios tectónicos a los que estuvo expuesta la región. Los resultados indicaron las concentraciones de REE en el interior de las trece muestras de tejido óseo analizado. La anomalía de europio negativa en las muestras de nivel Bartoniano y Priaboniano refleja eventos regionales. Esta señal coincide en el tiempo con la apertura del Pasaje de Drake, y con los cambios tectónicos que ocurrieron entre finales del Eoceno y principios del Oligoceno, entre el margen occidental de las costas de América del Sur y la Península Antártica.Fil: Pérez, Leandro Martín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Paleozoología Invertebrados; ArgentinaFil: Acosta Hospitaleche, Carolina Ileana Alicia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Paleontología Vertebrados; ArgentinaFil: Gómez Peral, Lucia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas; ArgentinaFil: Gómez Dacal, Alejandro Rubén. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. YPF - Tecnología; ArgentinaFil: Reguero, Marcelo Alfredo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Paleontología Vertebrados; Argentina. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Comercio Interno y Culto. Dirección Nacional del Antártico. Instituto Antártico Argentino; ArgentinaFil: Poiré, Daniel G.. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas; ArgentinaFil: Cavarozzi, Claudia Ernestina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Centro de Investigaciones Geológicas; Argentin

    Estudio Preliminar Sobre La Decoloración Del Residual Líquido De La Producción De Papel Mediante Ozonización

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    Preliminarily, the relationship between Color Reduction (%RC), Total Suspended Solids concentration (SST), and as independent variable, the time of Ozone Oxidation Process, was evaluated with reference values of DQO of the black liquor adjusting its concentration from SST to 300 and 50mg/dm3. A batch reactor of 12,60dm3, an effective height of 3,2dm and an ozone generating device from SEFILTRA company (air flow of 2dm3/min, c(O3) of 9,50mg/dm3 with a O3(g) production 19mg/min) was used. The polynomic correlation was determined from 192 data sets with satisfactory adjustment level (R=0,92; p <0,001). Although, preliminarily, the DQO reduction (%RDQO) was not included in the polynomial relationship, it can be concluded that: a) The %RC and %RDQO is reduced when color and DQO increases from the ozonized sample at same time intervals; this reduction is greater when the SST levels of the ozonized sample increases. b) The %RC and %RDQO decrease when the SST level of the ozonized sample increases. c) Depending on the initial color, of the DQO and of the SST level of the sample, values from 10 to 53 %Rc were obtained after 10 min, and of 66 to 94 %Rc after 60 min