216 research outputs found

    Aportación del estudio exhaustivo del ganglio centinela a la estadificación ganglionar en el cáncer de colon

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    En el cáncer de colon sin metástasis, el estudio de los ganglios linfáticos supone el factor pronóstico más importante. Así, el que haya o no afectación ganglionar determina el pronóstico y la necesidad o no de tratamiento quimioterápico adyuvante. Hay un porcentaje no despreciable de pacientes en estadios precoces (I y II) que sorprenden con recurrencias no esperadas de la enfermedad. Planteamos como hipótesis que esto se deba a que tenían afectación nodal que pasó desapercibida. Por otro lado, en la 6ª Edición de TNM aparecen los conceptos de micrometástasis y células tumorales aisladas. Sólo las primeras tiene implicación pronostico-terapéutica; las segundas no cambian el estado de afectación nodal ya que no se ha evidenciado que se asocien a un peor pronóstico o menor supervivencia. Ambas son muy difíciles de diagnosticar con el estudio histológico asumido como estándar. El objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la capacidad del mapeo linfático y la biopsia selectiva del ganglio centinela para mejorar el estudio histopatológico de las piezas de linfadenectomía del cáncer de colon, haciendo posible hacer un estudio más completo (con H-E ser, IHQ y estudio molecular mediante OSNA®) sobre el GC, supuestamente el más representativo del estado ganglionar de la pieza..

    Deducciones de índole paleoterapéutica en el estudio de huesos largos fracturados de aborígenes canarios

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    La evidencia paleopatológica de lesiones traumáticas del aparato locomotor en hombres prehistóricos nos ha proporcionado, aparte de otro tipo de información, una serie de datos que son un reflejo de las condiciones que han concurrido sobre un hueso fracturado en vías de consolidación. El hallazgo, tanto de fracturas correctamente consolidadas, como de secuelas postraumáticas tales como deformidades angulares, acortamiento, sinostosis, miositis osificante traumática, etc., permite, en un buen número de casos, hacer deducciones de índole terapéutica

    Magnetic transitions in alpha-Fe_2O_3 nanowires

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    Magnetic transitions in single-crystal alpha-F_2O_3 (hematite) nanowires, grown by thermal oxidation of iron powder, have been studied in the range of 5-1023 K with a superconducting quantum interference device below room temperature and with a vibrating sample magnetometer at higher temperatures. The broad temperature range covered enables us to compare magnetic transitions in the nanowires with the transitions reported for bulk hematite. Morin temperatures (T-M) of the nanowires and of hematite bulk reference powder were found to be 123 and 263 K, respectively. Also the Neel temperature (T-N) of the nanowires, 852 K, was lower than the bulk T-N value. Measurements of the magnetization as a function of temperature show an enhanced signal in the nanowires, which suggests a decrease in the anti ferromagnetic coupling. A coercive field observed below T-M in the hysteresis loops of the nanowires is tentatively explained by the presence of a magnetic phase

    Una concepción moderna de Técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial en la Universidad de Alicante

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    Este trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar la estructura de la asignatura Técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial en la Universidad de Alicante haciendo especial hincapié en los recursos (nuevas tecnologías, material docente y aplicaciones software) empleados durante el desarrollo de la misma. Parte de estos recursos docentes están siendo empleados como herramienta de apoyo para la adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior

    ¿Existen diferencias en el comportamiento omnicanal? Análisis webrooming y showrooming

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    Este trabajo evalúa la influencia que las rutas de procesamiento de la información tienen en el comportamiento webrooming y showrooming. Para ello, se utilizó la base de datos “Observatorio de e-Commerce 2014” de la Consultora GfK que contiene información detallada sobre el proceso de compra de 4.067 consumidores que han adquirido productos de diferentes sectores de la distribución comercial. Los resultados obtenidos utilizando el modelo logit binomial muestran que los consumidores webroomers tienen una conducta más planificada y valoran en mayor medida los criterios de decisión de compra vinculados al producto. Por su parte, los showroomers son compradores más influenciables y valoran más los criterios de decisión vinculados con el distribuidor.This paper evaluates the influence that routes information processing has on the webrooming and showrooming. The empirical research is based on the database compiled by GfK. This database contains detailed information about the buying process of 4,067 consumers who have purchased products from different retail sectors. The results derived from the application of a binomial logit model show that webroomers have a planned behavior and assess further the purchasing decision criteria linked to the product. Meanwhile, the showroomers are more impressionable and more valued decision criteria linked to the distributor

    Applying probabilistic temporal and multi-site data quality control methods to a public health mortality registry in Spain: A systematic approach to quality control of repositories

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the variability in data distributions among data sources and over time through a case study of a large multisite repository as a systematic approach to data quality (DQ). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Novel probabilistic DQ control methods based on information theory and geometry are applied to the Public Health Mortality Registry of the Region of Valencia, Spain, with 512 143 entries from 2000 to 2012, disaggregated into 24 health departments. The methods provide DQ metrics and exploratory visualizations for (1) assessing the variability among multiple sources and (2) monitoring and exploring changes with time. The methods are suited to big data and multitype, multivariate, and multimodal data. RESULTS: The repository was partitioned into 2 probabilistically separated temporal subgroups following a change in the Spanish National Death Certificate in 2009. Punctual temporal anomalies were noticed due to a punctual increment in the missing data, along with outlying and clustered health departments due to differences in populations or in practices. DISCUSSION: Changes in protocols, differences in populations, biased practices, or other systematic DQ problems affected data variability. Even if semantic and integration aspects are addressed in data sharing infrastructures, probabilistic variability may still be present. Solutions include fixing or excluding data and analyzing different sites or time periods separately. A systematic approach to assessing temporal and multisite variability is proposed. CONCLUSION: Multisite and temporal variability in data distributions affects DQ, hindering data reuse, and an assessment of such variability should be a part of systematic DQ procedures.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness grant numbers RTC-2014-1530-1 and TIN-2013-43457-R, and by the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia grant number SP20141432.Sáez Silvestre, C.; Zurriaga, O.; Pérez-Panadés, J.; Melchor, I.; Robles Viejo, M.; García Gómez, JM. (2016). Applying probabilistic temporal and multi-site data quality control methods to a public health mortality registry in Spain: A systematic approach to quality control of repositories. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association. 23(6):1085-1095. https://doi.org/10.1093/jamia/ocw010S1085109523

    Confinement Situation of the Spanish Population during the Health Crisis of COVID-19: Resilience Mediation Process in the Relationship of Dispositional Optimism and Psychological Well-Being

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    The pandemic generated by COVID-19 is one of the most complex challenges humanity has faced in recent years. This study aims to explore the levels of dispositional optimism, resilience and psychological well-being in the sociodemographic and economic situation produced during the state of alarm and to investigate the resilience mediation between optimism and psychological well-being. The sample included 566 volunteers from Spain (73.5% women; M = 40.2 years, SD = 12.8). An ad hoc questionnaire was applied to request socioeconomic data and dispositional optimism (LOT-R). Resilience and psychological well-being were, respectively, evaluated by the Ryff scale and the Wagnild and Young scale. The results show that older and people with higher educational levels are more optimistic and have better psychological well-being. Well-being is also greater in married, divorced and widowed people and in those who have lived in outdoor spaces. However, those with spaced housing were more optimistic. Finally, it was found that the most optimistic people have better psychological well-being and that this is increased by the mediation process exercised by the ability to overcome adversity, provided age and educational level are controlled. It can be concluded that the design of preventive programs focused on improving strengths, positive emotions and skills in the population would be convenient to protect mental health.This publication and research has been funded by the Program for the Promotion and Promotion of Research and Transfer activity of the University of Cadiz and by the University Institute of Research for Sustainable Social Development (INDESS). University of Cadiz, Spain

    Agency and life satisfaction in Bedouin children in occupied Palestinian territory: a cross-lagged longitudinal study

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    Background Bedouin children living in occupied Palestinian territory are at risk of developing trauma-related pathologies because of chronic exposure to political and military violence. Little is known about psychological wellbeing and life satisfaction in this group of children, or their coping skills and survival skills in adjusting to these conditions

    Estrategia MOOC en la Universidad de Alicante para la Educación Digital del Futuro. UA|edf

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    La Universidad de Alicante es una de las instituciones de educación superior que ha querido recoger el guante lanzado por la reciente aparición de los cursos en abierto, en línea y masivos (MOOC — Massive Open Online Course) para emprender una iniciativa propia que hemos denominado Educación Digital para el Futuro (UA|edf). Pero antes de tomar decisiones, había que analizar el estado de la situación y, sobre todo, su posible evolución. En este trabajo se expone de forma sintetizada el estudio realizado, se describe la estrategia de implementación adoptada en nuestra institución junto con las decisiones funcionales, técnicas y tecnológicas empleadas para su rápida puesta en marcha y, para finalizar, se discute una política de federación con otras instituciones cuya finalidad es alcanzar una propuesta realista y sostenible