110 research outputs found

    Biomass partitioning and gas exchange parameters in different Musa cultivars as influenced by natural shade

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    Poster presented at Tropentag 2011 Development on the Margin. Bonn (Germany), 3-7 Oct 2011

    The response of Musa cultivar root systems to a tree shade gradient

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    Poster presented at Tropentag 2011 - Development on the Margin. Bonn (Germany), 3-7 Oct 2011

    La identificación del talento en la formación profesional. Diseño y resultado de una estrategia

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    Taking as a point of starting the critical analysis of the used ways to identify the talent at Central University of Las Villas (UCLV), this research is oriented toward the design and implementation of a strategy to surpass the found deficiencies in this process. The Cultural-Historic approach is taken as the theoretical reference. The methodological implications derived of this position assess the novelty of the scientific proposition since the identification of talent is conceived as an analysis of learners´ educational needs centered on professional education. Asurvey of multiple cases is carried out to prove the effectiveness of this strategy. This allows from qualitative perspective to analysis the regularities and the particularities of talented performance opening the possibilities for the establishment of educational contexts focused on the development of talent

    Contractilidad del músculo ventricular bajo la acción de prajmalina-propanolol y prajmalina-epinefrina. Contractibility of the ventricular muscle under the action of prajmaline-propanolol and prajmaline-epinephrine

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    Los efectos de la estimulación adrenérgica alfa y beta, pueden ser logrados por agentes agonistas y antagonistas, como la epinefrina y el propranolol respectivamente. Con el objetivo de precisar aspectos relacionados con la contractilidad del músculo ventricular, se realizaron un total de trece experimentos utilizando combinaciones de prajmalina-epinefrina y prajmalina-propanolol, prefundiendo preparaciones de tiras de músculo ventricular de trece ejemplares adultos de ranas catesbeiana. La prajmalina, antiarrítmico del grupo I, se obtuvo a partir de la Rauvvolfia viridis, planta endémica de Cuba. Las preparaciones fueron estimuladas con pulsos de corriente, y la tensión desarrollada por el músculo fue registrada por un transductor fuerza-desplazamiento. Las señales eléctricas fueron convertidas en trazos por un equipo registrador. Los resultados indican que las combinaciones de prajmalina-epinefrina y prajmanina-propanolol afectan de forma diametralmente opuesta la contractilidad del músculo cardíaco, aumentando en un 40% y disminuyendo en un 15% respectivamente la fuerza de la contracción del músculo ventricular. Por otra parte se sugiere un posible mecanismo de acción de la prajmalina sobre los receptores alfa presentes en las membranas de las células ventriculares. Palabras clave: ANTIARRÍTMICO, PRAJMALINA, CONTRACTILIDAD. ABSTRACT The effects of alfa and beta adrenergic stimulation can be accomplished by agonist and antagonist agents such as epinephrine and propanolol respectively. Aimed at determining the aspects related to contractibility of ventricular muscle, thirteen experiments were performed using combinations of prajmaline "epinephrine and prajmaline" propanolol, being perfused preparations of ventricular muscle strips of thirteen samples of adult Catesblian frogs. Prajmaline, a group I antiarrhythmic, was obtained from Rauvvolfia viridis, an endemic plant in Cuba. The preparations were stimulated with electric current pulses and the tension performed by the muscle was registered by a force "displacement transductor". The electric signals were transformed into lines by a registering equipment. The results suggest that prajmaline "epinephrine and prajmaline" propanolol combinations affect diametrically opposed to contractibility of cardiac muscle, increasing by 40 % and decreasing by 15 %, respectively, the force of contraction of ventricular muscle. Alternatively, a potential mechanism of prajmaline action is suggested on alfa receptors present in the ventricular cell membranes. Key words: CATESBEIANA, SYMPHATHOLYTIC

    Contractilidad del músculo ventricular bajo la acción de prajmalina-propanolol y prajmalina-epinefrina. Contractibility of the ventricular muscle under the action of prajmaline-propanolol and prajmaline-epinephrine

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    Los efectos de la estimulación adrenérgica alfa y beta, pueden ser logrados por agentes agonistas y antagonistas, como la epinefrina y el propranolol respectivamente. Con el objetivo de precisar aspectos relacionados con la contractilidad del músculo ventricular, se realizaron un total de trece experimentos utilizando combinaciones de prajmalina-epinefrina y prajmalina-propanolol, prefundiendo preparaciones de tiras de músculo ventricular de trece ejemplares adultos de ranas catesbeiana. La prajmalina, antiarrítmico del grupo I, se obtuvo a partir de la Rauvvolfia viridis, planta endémica de Cuba. Las preparaciones fueron estimuladas con pulsos de corriente, y la tensión desarrollada por el músculo fue registrada por un transductor fuerza-desplazamiento. Las señales eléctricas fueron convertidas en trazos por un equipo registrador. Los resultados indican que las combinaciones de prajmalina-epinefrina y prajmanina-propanolol afectan de forma diametralmente opuesta la contractilidad del músculo cardíaco, aumentando en un 40% y disminuyendo en un 15% respectivamente la fuerza de la contracción del músculo ventricular. Por otra parte se sugiere un posible mecanismo de acción de la prajmalina sobre los receptores alfa presentes en las membranas de las células ventriculares. Palabras clave: ANTIARRÍTMICO, PRAJMALINA, CONTRACTILIDAD. ABSTRACT The effects of alfa and beta adrenergic stimulation can be accomplished by agonist and antagonist agents such as epinephrine and propanolol respectively. Aimed at determining the aspects related to contractibility of ventricular muscle, thirteen experiments were performed using combinations of prajmaline "epinephrine and prajmaline" propanolol, being perfused preparations of ventricular muscle strips of thirteen samples of adult Catesblian frogs. Prajmaline, a group I antiarrhythmic, was obtained from Rauvvolfia viridis, an endemic plant in Cuba. The preparations were stimulated with electric current pulses and the tension performed by the muscle was registered by a force "displacement transductor". The electric signals were transformed into lines by a registering equipment. The results suggest that prajmaline "epinephrine and prajmaline" propanolol combinations affect diametrically opposed to contractibility of cardiac muscle, increasing by 40 % and decreasing by 15 %, respectively, the force of contraction of ventricular muscle. Alternatively, a potential mechanism of prajmaline action is suggested on alfa receptors present in the ventricular cell membranes. Key words: CATESBEIANA, SYMPHATHOLYTIC

    Phase imaging of irradiated foils at the OMEGA EP facility using phase-stepping X-ray Talbot–Lau deflectometry

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    Producción CientíficaDiagnosing the evolution of laser-generated high energy density (HED) systems is fundamental to develop a correct understanding of the behavior of matter under extreme conditions. Talbot–Lau interferometry constitutes a promising tool, since it permits simultaneous single-shot X-ray radiography and phase-contrast imaging of dense plasmas. We present the results of an experiment at OMEGA EP that aims to probe the ablation front of a laser-irradiated foil using a Talbot–Lau X-ray interferometer. A polystyrene (CH) foil was irradiated by a laser of 133 J, 1 ns and probed with 8 keV laser-produced backlighter radiation from Cu foils driven by a short-pulse laser (153 J, 11 ps). The ablation front interferograms were processed in combination with a set of reference images obtained ex situ using phase-stepping. We managed to obtain attenuation and phase-shift images of a laser-irradiated foil for electron densities above 1e22 cm−3. These results showcase the capabilities of Talbot–Lau X-ray diagnostic methods to diagnose HED laser-generated plasmas through high-resolution imaging.The work has been supported by Research Grant No. PID2019-108764RB-I00 from the Spanish Min istry of Science and Innovatio

    Síndromes muy poco frecuentes

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    Dismorfología, Citogenética y Clínica: Resultados de estudios sobre los datos del ECEMCIn an attempt to facilitate the knowledge of the malformation syndromes that have very few frequencies to pediatricians and first health care physicians, particularly to those of rural areas, we have selected six new syndromes. As in previous years, the syndromes are selected from the ECEMC database registry. In this Boletín we include the following syndromes: Townes-Bröcks, MMT, Smith-Lemli-Opitz, Coffin-Siris, Espleno-gonadal fusion, and Silver-Russell syndromes. For each syndrome, we described the most important clinical characteristics, and the present knowledge of their causal factors.N

    Nanoemulsions of synthetic rhamnolipids act as plant resistance inducers without damaging plant tissues or affecting soil microbiota

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    Plant pathogens and pests can cause significant losses in crop yields, affecting food security and the global economy. Many traditional chemical pesticides are used to combat these organisms. This can lead to the development of pesticide-resistant strains of pathogens/insects and negatively impact the environment. The development of new bioprotectants, which are less harmful to the environment and less likely to lead to pesticide-resistance, appears as a sustainable strategy to increase plant immunity. Natural Rhamnolipids (RL-Nat) are a class of biosurfactants with bioprotectant properties that are produced by an opportunistic human pathogen bacterium. RL-Nat can act as plant resistance inducers against a wide variety of pathogens. Recently, a series of bioinspired synthetic mono-RLs produced by green chemistry were also reported as phytoprotectants. Here, we explored their capacity to generate novel colloidal systems that might be used to encapsulate bioactive hydrophobic compounds to enhance their performance as plant bioprotectants. The synthetic mono-RLs showed good surfactant properties and emulsification power providing stable nanoemulsions capable of acting as bio-carriers with good wettability. Synthetic RLs-stabilized nanoemulsions were more effective than RLs suspensions at inducing plant immunity, without causing deleterious effects. These nanoemulsions were innocuous to native substrate microbiota and beneficial soil-borne microbes, making them promising safe bio-carriers for crop protection

    On realcompact topological vector spaces

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    [EN] This survey paper collects some of older and quite new concepts and results from descriptive set topology applied to study certain infinite-dimensional topological vector spaces appearing in Functional Analysis, including Frechet spaces, (L F)-spaces, and their duals, (D F)-spaces and spaces of continuous real-valued functions C(X) on a completely regular Hausdorff space X. Especially (L F)-spaces and their duals arise in many fields of Functional Analysis and its applications, for example in Distributions Theory, Differential Equations and Complex Analysis. The concept of a realcompact topological space, although originally introduced and studied in General Topology, has been also studied because of very concrete applications in Linear Functional Analysis.The research for the first named author was (partially) supported by Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Poland, Grant no. NN201 2740 33 and for the both authors by the project MTM2008-01502 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.Kakol, JM.; López Pellicer, M. (2011). On realcompact topological vector spaces. Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matematicas. 105(1):39-70. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13398-011-0003-0S39701051Argyros S., Mercourakis S.: On weakly Lindelöf Banach spaces. Rocky Mountain J. Math. 23(2), 395–446 (1993). doi: 10.1216/rmjm/1181072569Arkhangel’skii, A. V.: Topological Function Spaces, Mathematics and its Applications, vol. 78, Kluwer, Dordrecht (1992)Batt J., Hiermeyer W.: On compactness in L p (μ, X) in the weak topology and in the topology σ(L p (μ, X), L p (μ,X′)). Math. Z. 182, 409–423 (1983)Baumgartner J.E., van Douwen E.K.: Strong realcompactness and weakly measurable cardinals. Topol. 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    EDUCORE project: a clinical trial, randomised by clusters, to assess the effect of a visual learning method on blood pressure control in the primary healthcare setting

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>High blood pressure (HBP) is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). European hypertension and cardiology societies as well as expert committees on CVD prevention recommend stratifying cardiovascular risk using the SCORE method, the modification of lifestyles to prevent CVD, and achieving good control over risk factors. The EDUCORE (Education and Coronary Risk Evaluation) project aims to determine whether the use of a cardiovascular risk visual learning method - the EDUCORE method - is more effective than normal clinical practice in improving the control of blood pressure within one year in patients with poorly controlled hypertension but no background of CVD;</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>This work describes a protocol for a clinical trial, randomised by clusters and involving 22 primary healthcare clinics, to test the effectiveness of the EDUCORE method. The number of patients required was 736, all between 40 and 65 years of age (n = 368 in the EDUCORE and control groups), all of whom had been diagnosed with HBP at least one year ago, and all of whom had poorly controlled hypertension (systolic blood pressure ≥ 140 mmHg and/or diastolic ≥ 90 mmHg). All personnel taking part were explained the trial and trained in its methodology. The EDUCORE method contemplates the visualisation of low risk SCORE scores using images embodying different stages of a high risk action, plus the receipt of a pamphlet explaining how to better maintain cardiac health. The main outcome variable was the control of blood pressure; secondary outcome variables included the SCORE score, therapeutic compliance, quality of life, and total cholesterol level. All outcome variables were measured at the beginning of the experimental period and again at 6 and 12 months. Information on sex, age, educational level, physical activity, body mass index, consumption of medications, change of treatment and blood analysis results was also recorded;</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The EDUCORE method could provide a simple, inexpensive means of improving blood pressure control, and perhaps other health problems, in the primary healthcare setting;</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>The trial was registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01155973 [<url>http://ClinicalTrials.gov</url>].</p