78 research outputs found

    Caracterización y aplicación agrícola de un humato férrico procedente de sistemas acuáticos

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    Tesis doctoral inédita de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Química Agrícola, Geología. Fecha de lectura: 4-12-199

    Validation of a microwave-assisted micella rextraction method for the oxibendazole determination in soil samples

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    Oxibendazole is a veterinary drug used as an antihelmintic for companion and farm animals. This drug may enterin to the environment directly, via excretion of faeces and urine by grazing animals, or indirectly, when manure of treated farm animals are used as soil organic amendment. In this work, a simple, fast, reliable and sensitive method based on microwave-assisted micellar extraction (MAME) procedure, using Genapol X-080 (0.5%) as surfactant, has been developed for the quantification of oxibendazole in soil samples. Two classical methods, based on mechanical shaking and ultrasonic assisted extraction followed by solid phase extraction, were compared with the MAME procedure. Oxibendazole was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detector. In the optimization of the MAME procedure were evaluated four parameters: surfactant volume, stirring, irradiation power and extraction time. Optimum conditionswere 20 ml of Genapol X-080 (0.5%), irradiation power of1000 W, extraction time of 2 minutes and stirring. At these MAME conditions, good recoveries (around 90%) were obtained, significantly higher than those found by classical method (below 55%). Two different soils from Madrid(central Spain) were included in the study. Results confirmed the extraction effectiveness is strongly influenced by physico-chemical soil properties

    Mineral composition of bee pollen and its relationship with botanical origin and harvesting period

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    Producción CientíficaIn the present study, the mineral composition of seventy-one bee pollen samples from four different apiaries was determined by means of inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry. The results showed that there were no significant differences in relation to the overall mineral content per sample in terms of the apiary of origin or the harvesting period; the most common elements were phosphorus and potassium with concentrations ranging from 2.3 to 5.1 g/kg (dry weight). Moreover, the mineral content of the samples analyzed was similar to or higher than the recommended as well-balanced food for bees. Regarding the nutritional value for humans, bee pollen samples could be considered as a food rich in copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, and phosphorus. Finally, a canonical discriminant analysis was performed, and it was found that the apiary of origin could be distinguished by using the first three canonical functions; furthermore, over 90% of the samples could be correctly assigned to their corresponding apiary. The results were even better as regards the harvesting period, as only the first two canonical functions were sufficient to make a distinction between the different harvesting periods, resulting in a perfect match (100% of success rate).Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (RTI2018-096268-B-100)Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (RTA 2015-00013-C03-01 and 03)FEDER and FSE (project AGRISOST-CM S2018/BAA-4330

    Controversia actual en el cribado del cáncer de mama.

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    Fundamentos: En los ámbitos científico e institucional existe un debate sobre la conveniencia de realizar el cribado de cáncer de mama como se ha venido haciendo tradicionalmente, mediante mamografía. Objetivos: El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar las causas de esta controversia y valorar el nivel de evidencia científica que existe sobre el cribado para determinar si las recomendaciones existentes son adecuadas. Material y métodos: Revisión sistemática en la base de datos PubMed y en las plataformas de las sociedades científicas del campo de la radiología, patología mamaria y autoridades sanitarias. Se seleccionaron 36 artículos originales de revistas (los cuales incluían 6 revisiones sistemáticas), 6 documentos e informes técnicos de sociedades científicas, 1 documento de divulgación científica, 1 documento legal y 1 documento estadístico. Se revisaron los resúmenes y, en caso necesario, los artículos completos, en los idiomas inglés y español. Los estudios que hacían revisiones sistemáticas no debían ser más antiguos de 2009. Se priorizó que incorporaran conclusiones y recomendaciones para la realización de cribado. Resultados: La mayoría de los estudios que se han realizado indican que el cribado con mamografía produce una disminución de la mortalidad por este tumor, si bien no es tan significativa como se creía tradicionalmente. Sin embargo, las mujeres objeto del cribado tienen una visión del mismo poco realista, exageradamente optimista. El balance respecto a los efectos adversos de la prueba se considera positivo. En la mayoría de países se mantiene la recomendación de incluir en el programa a las mujeres de 50 a 69 años, y de realizar mamografías cada 2-3 años. Conclusiones: Es necesario llegar a un consenso internacional sobre los criterios de aplicación del programa de cribado, e informar a las mujeres con datos no manipulados de los riesgos y beneficios, para que puedan decidir libremente. Por otro lado, es preciso fomentar la investigación para minimizar los efectos adversos y para personalizar las estrategias de cribado en función de los factores de riesgo y pronósticos individuales. Palabras clave: Cribado. Mamografía. Cáncer de mama. Prevención. Recomendaciones

    Use of genus cistus in phytotechnologies: application in a closed mercury mine

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    The Almadén mining district is known to be one of the richest mercury areas in the world. Despite the high concentrations of this metal, this territory has well-established vegetation that provides a wide range of mercury-tolerant plants that can be used as ecosystem services. This is the case of some species of Cistus that grow wild and spontaneously as part of the natural flora of Almadén. The objective of this study was to evaluate if there were differences between the absorption and distribution of Hg of five species of the genus Cistus in spontaneous growth and to evaluate their potential application in phytotechnologies. The work has been carried out with plant samples collected under field conditions in the “Fuente del Jardinillo” located in the old mining area of Almadén (Ciudad Real). The experimental plot was divided into three previously characterised subplots to ensure that all the sampled plants had grown in similar soil conditions (pH, organic matter content, EC, CEC, total Hg and available Hg). Additionally, the experiment was carried out in triplicate. The results showed that despite the homogeneity of the soil, the absorption of Hg in the aerial part of the plants showed significant differences related to Cistus species. The values in the bioaccumulation of mercury in the aerial part were also different. Based on the uptake of mercury by the plants sampled in this study, its potential use in phytotechnologies was established, classifying them as phytoextractors (Cistus albidus, C. ladanifer and C. monspeliensis) and phytostabilisers (C. crispus and C. salviifolius)This research received no external fundin

    Characterization of bacterial communities associated with Brassica napus L. growing on a Zn-contaminated soil and their effects on root growth

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    peerreview_statement: The publishing and review policy for this title is described in its Aims & Scope. aims_and_scope_url: http://www.tandfonline.com/action/journalInformation?show=aimsScope&journalCode=bijp20The attached document is the author's final accepted/submitted version of the journal article. You are advised to consult the publisher's version if you wish to cite from it

    Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Environmental Hazards of Different Types of Mining Waste from a Former Mediterranean Metal Mining Area

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    : Mine waste constitutes one of the biggest environmental and management problems, both due to its quantity and its danger when they are rich in toxic elements. There is a wide variety of waste from the oxidation of ores in metal mining areas, both metal sulphide and other minerals. These residues may be enriched in potentially toxic elements that can spread and contaminate ecosystems, farmland and villages. This study has focused on the characterization and evaluation of residues derived from metal-bearing mining waste in abandoned mining areas. Mineralogy and geochemical characteristics were determined by XRD, WDXRF and TG-MS techniques. In addition, DIN 38414-S4 leaching tests were carried out to assess the risk and mobility of potentially toxic elements. Silicates and oxides were found as the main mineral groups, followed by sulphates. These tailings were particularly enriched in Zn, Pb, As, Sb and Cd, while their leachates had high or extreme metal content. Consequently, these mining wastes are considered toxic and hazardous, even for landfills. Sulphides, as the primary source, and sulphates from their oxidation, were the main sources of these pollutants. Sulphates, As, Zn, Cd and Cu determined the specific environmental impact of the different tailing types, which were grouped into different clusters according to their mineralogy and geochemistry. These results provided a better understanding of the environmental hazards associated with the different types of metal mining waste in the area studie

    Diseño del instrumento de ayuda para la toma de decisiones: “alternativas de tratamiento para el cáncer de próstata: ¿qué opción prefiero?”

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    Purpose: To design a Decision-making Aid within the ‘Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia’ healthcare process modelling of the Andalusian Public Health System (SSPA) for the therapeutic approach of early-stage disease. Methods: The Decision Aid design was conducted in four phases: 1) Explore the receptiveness of professionals in the mainstream of the SSPA Decision Aid “Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia” process; 2) Select a Decision Aid from international experiences; 3) Transcultural adaptation of above selected Decision Aid; 4) Decision Aid Validation in the SSPA. Results: The results of the validation of Decision Aid “Alternative treatment for prostate cancer: What option do I prefer?” have shown that the document is well taken by patients, their design is attractive and the quality of clinical information it contains is high. The instrument meets the concerns of patients (95%), the language is simple and suitable (92%) and summarizes the essential information to make the decision (92%). The Decision Aid offers relevant information that help the patient in the decision making process (lack of decisional confl ict: 88.93), generates a sense of support (92.82), concerning the decision (86.88) and a sense of availability of information (90.51). Conclusion: Patients and professionals agree to recommend the use of Decision Aid. To improve information and enhance the tranquillity of the patient, the Decision Aid facilitates communication doctor patient consultation and the involvement of patients during the decision-making process.Objetivo: Diseñar un Instrumento de Ayuda para la Toma de Decisiones (IATD) en el Proceso Asistencial Integrado ‘Hipertrofia benigna de próstata. Cáncer de próstata’ del Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía (SSPA) para el abordaje terapéutico de esta enfermedad en estadio inicial. Método: El diseño del IATD se realizó en cuatro fases: 1) Explorar la receptividad de los profesionales del SSPA sobre la incorporación de IATD en el proceso “Cáncer de próstata”. 2. Seleccionar un IATD entre las experiencias internacionales. 3. Adaptar transculturalmente del IATD seleccionado al entorno del SSPA. 4. Validar el IATD en el SSPA. Resultado: Los resultados de la validación del IATD “Alternativas de tratamiento para el cáncer de próstata: ¿Qué opción prefiero?” han mostrado que el documento es bien cogido por los pacientes, su diseño resulta atractivo y la calidad en la información clínica que contiene es elevada. El Instrumento resuelve las dudas de los pacientes (95%), el lenguaje resulta sencillo y asequible (92%) y resume la información esencial para tomar la decisión (92%). El IATD ofrece información relevante que prepara al paciente para la toma de decisiones (ausencia de conflicto decisional: 88,93), genera sentimiento de apoyo (92,82), seguridad en la decisión (86,88) y sensación de disponibilidad de información (90,51). Conclusiones: Pacientes y profesionales coinciden en recomendar la utilización del Instrumento. Al mejorar la información y aumentar la tranquilidad del paciente, el IATD facilita la comunicación médico-paciente en la consulta y la participación en la toma de decisiones

    Kanonenboote und Piraten : NATO, EU und die Kontrolle der Meere

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    Virgin olive oil phenolic compounds are responsible for its nutritional and sensory quality. The synthesis of phenolic compounds occurs when enzymes and substrates meet as olive fruit is crushed during the industrial process to obtain the oil. The genetic variability of the major phenolic compounds of virgin olive oil was studied in a progeny of the cross of Picual x Arbequina olive cultivars (Olea europaea L.). They belong to four different groups: compounds that included tyrosol or hydroxytyrosol in their molecules, lignans, flavonoids, and phenolic acids. Data of phenolics in the oils showed that the progeny displayed a large degree of variability, widely transgressing the genitor levels. This high variability can be of interest on breeding programs. Thus, multivariate analysis allowed to identify genotypes within the progeny particularly interesting in terms of phenolic composition and deduced organoleptic and nutritional quality. The present study has demonstrated that it is possible to obtain enough degree of variability with a single cross of olive cultivars for compounds related to the nutritional and organoleptic properties of virgin olive oil

    Design a decision-making aid: "alternative treatment for prostate cancer: what option do you prefer?"

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    Purpose: To design a Decision-making Aid within the ‘Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia’ healthcare process modelling of the Andalusian Public Health System (SSPA) for the therapeutic approach of early-stage disease. Methods: The Decision Aid design was conducted in four phases: 1) Explore the receptiveness of professionals in the mainstream of the SSPA Decision Aid “Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia” process; 2) Select a Decision Aid from international experiences; 3) Transcultural adaptation of above selected Decision Aid; 4) Decision Aid Validation in the SSPA. Results: The results of the validation of Decision Aid “Alternative treatment for prostate cancer: What option do I prefer?” have shown that the document is well taken by patients, their design is attractive and the quality of clinical information it contains is high. The instrument meets the concerns of patients (95%), the language is simple and suitable (92%) and summarizes the essential information to make the decision (92%). The Decision Aid offers relevant information that help the patient in the decision making process (lack of decisional confl ict: 88.93), generates a sense of support (92.82), concerning the decision (86.88) and a sense of availability of information (90.51). Conclusion: Patients and professionals agree to recommend the use of Decision Aid. To improve information and enhance the tranquillity of the patient, the Decision Aid facilitates communication doctor patient consultation and the involvement of patients during the decision-making process