58 research outputs found

    Respuesta ecofisiológica y capacidad de fotoaclimatación de las praderas de Caulerpa prolifera (Forsskal) J.V. Lamouroux y Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Ascherson en el Mar Menor (Murcia, España)

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    Tras el ensanchamiento en 1972 del principal canal de comunicación con el Mediterráneo, la macroalga Caulerpa prolifera colonizó el Mar Menor. Durante más de tres décadas, su expansión gradual ha reducido las praderas de Cymodocea nodosa, existentes en la laguna, a manchas dispersas en zonas arenosas someras. El objetivo principal es describir la respuesta ecofisiológica y la capacidad de aclimatación de ambas especies con el fin de determinar la influencia de estos mecanismos en la distribución actual de las mismas. La fluorescencia de la clorofila a asociada al fotosistema II se empleó para determinar los parámetros fotosintéticos. Se midieron diversos mecanismos fotoprotectores y antioxidantes (concentración de fenoles, actividad antioxidante mediante el método de DPPH), concentración de clorofilas y carotenoides, así como el contenido interno de C y N, para caracterizar la respuesta fisiológica de ambas especies. Asimismo, se llevaron a cabo experimentos de exposición a altas irradiancias y recuperación en oscuridad para valorar su capacidad de aclimatación. Se encontraron valores bajos de los parámetros fotosintéticos (tasa de transporte electrónico máximo, eficiencia fotosintética) en C. prolifera. Sin embargo, se observó una mayor capacidad fotosintética y la ausencia de fotoinhibición en C. nodosa, además de una alta concentración de luteína y un alto grado de de-epoxidación correlacionado con un mayor amortiguamiento no fotoquímico. Los resultados muestran que C. prolifera se comporta como una especie de sombra con una baja capacidad fotoprotectora, siendo la luz uno de los principales factores que determinan su distribución en la laguna. Sin embargo, C. nodosa muestra estar altamente fotoaclimatada a altas irradiancias y su distribución no está directamente relacionada con el ambiente lumínico. Así la regresión de las praderas de Cymodocea, que se observó antes del deterioro de la calidad del agua de la laguna, podría estar relacionada con otros factores ambientales (exceso de materia orgánica, carbonatos en sedimentos, hipoxia…) o con la competencia con C. prolifera. Es necesario realizar experimentos manipulativos para profundizar en el conocimiento de la actual distribución de ambas especies.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The ecology of the Mar Menor coastal lagoon: A fast changing ecosystem under human pressure

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    The Mar Menor is a hypersaline coastal lagoon, with a surface area of 135 km2 and a perimeter of 59.51 km. It is located on the southwestern Mediterranean coastline (3742′00′′N, 0047′00′′W) with a mean depth of 3.6 m and a maximum depth of 6 m. “La Manga,” a sandy bar 22 km long and 100–900 m wide, acts as a barrier between the lagoon and the Mediterranean Sea. It is crossed by five more or less functional inlets called golas. Four are shallow (less than 1 m deep) and one of them, El Estacio, was widened and dug to a 5-m depth to make it a navigational channel. Altogether a total width of lagoon entrances is about 645 m, giving Mar Menor a restriction ratio of 0.015. Mar Menor is therefore a restricted lagoon according to the classification proposed by Kjerfve1 (see Chapter 6). There are two main islands and three other smaller islands, one of which is artificially connected to La Manga

    Genetic diversity and connectivity remain high in Holothuria polii (Delle Chiaje 1823) across a coastal lagoon-open sea environmental gradient

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    Coastal lagoons represent habitats with widely heterogeneous environmental conditions, particularly as regards salinity and temperature, which fluctuate in both space and time. These characteristics suggest that physical and ecological factors could contribute to the genetic divergence among populations occurring in coastal lagoon and open-coast environments. This study investigates the genetic structure of Holothuria polii at a micro-geographic scale across the Mar Menor coastal lagoon and nearby marine areas, estimating the mitochondrial DNA variation in two gene fragments, cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and 16S rRNA (16S). Dataset of mitochondrial sequences was also used to test the influence of environmental differences between coastal lagoon and marine waters on population genetic structure. All sampled locations exhibited high levels of haplotype diversity and low values of nucleotide diversity. Both genes showed contrasting signals of genetic differentiation (non-significant differences using COI and slight differences using 16S, which could due to different mutation rates or to differential number of exclusive haplotypes. We detected an excess of recent mutations and exclusive haplotypes, which can be generated as a result of population growth. However, selective processes can be also acting on the gene markers used; highly significant generalized additive models have been obtained considering genetic data from 16S gene and independent variables such as temperature and salinity.Coastal lagoons represent habitats with widely heterogeneous environmental conditions, particularly as regards salinity and temperature, which fluctuate in both space and time. These characteristics suggest that physical and ecological factors could contribute to the genetic divergence among populations occurring in coastal lagoon and open-coast environments. This study investigates the genetic structure of Holothuria polii at a micro-geographic scale across the Mar Menor coastal lagoon and nearby marine areas, estimating the mitochondrial DNA variation in two gene fragments, cytochrome oxidase I (COI) and 16S rRNA (16S). Dataset of mitochondrial sequences was also used to test the influence of environmental differences between coastal lagoon and marine waters on population genetic structure. All sampled locations exhibited high levels of haplotype diversity and low values of nucleotide diversity. Both genes showed contrasting signals of genetic differentiation (non-significant differences using COI and slight differences using 16S, which could due to different mutation rates or to differential number of exclusive haplotypes. We detected an excess of recent mutations and exclusive haplotypes, which can be generated as a result of population growth. However, selective processes can be also acting on the gene markers used; highly significant generalized additive models have been obtained considering genetic data from 16S gene and independent variables such as temperature and salinity

    Spatial genetic structure in the saddled sea bream (Oblada melanura [Linnaeus, 1758]) suggests multi-scaled patterns of connectivity between protected and unprotected areas in the Western Mediterranean Sea

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    Marine protected areas (MPAs) and networks of MPAs are advocated worldwide for the achievement of marine conservation objectives. Although the knowledge about population connectivity is considered fundamental for the optimal design of MPAs and networks, the amount of information available for the Mediterranean Sea is currently scarce. We investigated the genetic structure of the saddled sea bream ( Oblada melanura) and the level of genetic connectivity between protected and unprotected locations, using a set of 11 microsatellite loci. Spatial patterns of population differentiation were assessed locally (50-100 km) and regionally (500-1000 km), considering three MPAs of the Western Mediterranean Sea. All values of genetic differentiation between locations (Fst and Jost's D) were non-significant after Bonferroni correction, indicating that, at a relatively small spatial scale, protected locations were in general well connected with non-protected ones. On the other hand, at the regional scale, discriminant analysis of principal components revealed the presence of a subtle pattern of genetic heterogeneity that reflects the geography and the main oceanographic features (currents and barriers) of the study area. This genetic pattern could be a consequence of different processes acting at different spatial and temporal scales among which the presence of admixed populations, large population sizes and species dispersal capacity, could play a major role. These outcomes can have important implications for the conservation biology and fishery management of the saddled sea bream and provide useful information for genetic population studies of other coastal fishes in the Western Mediterranean Sea.This research was supported by the European project ‘InitialTraining Network for Monitoring Mediterranean Marine ProtectedAreas’ (MMMPA: FP7-PEOPLE-2011-ITN) [grant number 290056].Irene Mu˜noz was supported by Fundación Séneca (Murcia, Spain)through the Post-doctoral fellowship 19149/PD/13-N and CarlosVergara-Chen was partially supported by the “Sistema Nacionalde Investigación (SNI) of the Secretaría Nacional de Ciencia, Tec-nología e Innovación (SENACYT)” of Panama. Authors wish to thankDr. Josep Lloret (Univeristy of Girona), Prof. Patrice Francour, Prof.Patricia Pierson, Pierre Vandenbussche and Guillaume Spennato(University of Nice), Serge Moreau and Gilles Garnier (Port-Crosand Porquerolles National Park) and Chiara Adamuccio for assis-tance during field works. Authors wish to thank the editor andtwo anonymous reviewers for their useful comments which havehelped us to improve the manuscript.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Spatial genetic structure in the saddled sea bream (Oblada melanura [Linnaeus, 1758]) suggests multi-scaled patterns of connectivity between protected and unprotected areas in the Western Mediterranean Sea

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    Marine protected areas (MPAs) and networks of MPAs are advocated worldwide for the achievement of marine conservation objectives. Although the knowledge about population connectivity is considered fundamental for the optimal design of MPAs and networks, the amount of information available for the Mediterranean Sea is currently scarce. We investigated the genetic structure of the saddled sea bream (Oblada melanura) and the level of genetic connectivity between protected and unprotected locations, using a set of 11 microsatellite loci. Spatial patterns of population differentiation were assessed locally (50–100 km) and regionally (500–1000 km), considering three MPAs of the Western Mediterranean Sea. All values of genetic differentiation between locations (Fst and Jost’s D) were non-significant after Bonferroni correction, indicating that, at a relatively small spatial scale, protected locations were in general well connected with non-protected ones. On the other hand, at the regional scale, discriminant analysis of principal components revealed the presence of a subtle pattern of genetic heterogeneity that reflects the geography and the main oceanographic features (currents and barriers) of the study area. This genetic pattern could be a consequence of different processes acting at different spatial and temporal scales among which the presence of admixed populations, large population sizes and species dispersal capacity, could play a major role. These outcomes can have important implications for the conservation biology and fishery management of the saddled sea bream and provide useful information for genetic population studies of other coastal fishes in the Western Mediterranean Sea.Marine protected areas (MPAs) and networks of MPAs are advocated worldwide for the achievement of marine conservation objectives. Although the knowledge about population connectivity is considered fundamental for the optimal design of MPAs and networks, the amount of information available for the Mediterranean Sea is currently scarce. We investigated the genetic structure of the saddled sea bream (Oblada melanura) and the level of genetic connectivity between protected and unprotected locations, using a set of 11 microsatellite loci. Spatial patterns of population differentiation were assessed locally (50–100 km) and regionally (500–1000 km), considering three MPAs of the Western Mediterranean Sea. All values of genetic differentiation between locations (Fst and Jost’s D) were non-significant after Bonferroni correction, indicating that, at a relatively small spatial scale, protected locations were in general well connected with non-protected ones. On the other hand, at the regional scale, discriminant analysis of principal components revealed the presence of a subtle pattern of genetic heterogeneity that reflects the geography and the main oceanographic features (currents and barriers) of the study area. This genetic pattern could be a consequence of different processes acting at different spatial and temporal scales among which the presence of admixed populations, large population sizes and species dispersal capacity, could play a major role. These outcomes can have important implications for the conservation biology and fishery management of the saddled sea bream and provide useful information for genetic population studies of other coastal fishes in the Western Mediterranean Sea

    First records of non-indigenous Timarete caribous (Grube, 1859) (Polychaeta; Cirratulidae) in the Western Mediterranean, and its ecology in the Mar Menor (Murcia, SE Spain)

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    The knowledge and control of invasive species are essential in the management of marine ecosystems. The Mediterranean Sea is one of the marine areas with the highest number of invasive species detected, most of them invertebrates. On a smaller scale, colonization by non-native species in coastal lagoons depends directly on their connectivity with the adjacent sea and on the changes in their environmental conditions induced mainly by human interventions. In this study, the cirratulid species Timarete caribous Grube, 1859, native from the Western and Central Atlantic Ocean, was detected for the first time in a Western Mediterranean coastal lagoon, the Mar Menor. It has been found in dense aggregates on both artificial and natural rocky substrates, mainly in the most important communication channel with the Mediterranean Sea. Following the evolution of this NIS will be important for understanding the dynamic and spread of the species and its possible effects on the indigenous biological communitie

    Connectivity between coastal lagoons and sea: asymmetrical effects on assemblages' and populations' structure

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    Connectivity among marine populations plays a fundamental role in the dynamic of metapopulations and communities. Moreover, genetic connectivity is important for the evolutionary history and adaptive capability of species while demographic connectivity is essential to maintain ecological processes. In coastal lagoons, isolation degree or confinement is considered the main factor structuring biological assemblages. These environments also function as nursery areas for many marine species that colonize the lagoons as larvae or juveniles, returning to the sea for reproduction. It is therefore essential to know the connectivity between lagoons and sea for the management of biodiversity and the exploitation of coastal living resources. This work anases the role that connectivity between coastal lagoons and sea plays in the assemblages and subpopulations structure of the first. To this purpose, a finite element hydrodynamic model was used coupled with a lagrangian module to simulate the potential exchange of organisms between Mar Menor lagoon (Western Mediterranean) and the adjacent sea. Connectivity parameters from 40 stations, located inside and outside the Mar Menor, have been estimated. The outcomes of the eight simulations carried out were compared with field data, including ichthyoplankton species composition and genetic fluxes in 6 species with different life stories. The results suggest that pelagic larval phases are longer than expected or the species can extend PLD within certain limits if the conditions for the settlement are not adequate. Repetition can improve the chance of self-recruitment, coupling larval duration, competency period and finding the adequate location for settlement. The results also show that connectivity between all lagoon and Mediterranean stations is very low and is independent of geographical distance. There is a strong asymmetry in the probability of receiving particles, being lower the probability of colonization of the lagoon stations from the sea than vice versa. Despite its low values, connectivity can explain up to 65% of the similarities in species composition of the ichthyoplankton and between 30 and 96% of the variance in genetic differentiation of the studied species. The low value of connectivity and colonization rates is enough, however, to maintain the genetic fluxes between populations and, at the same time, restricted connectivity can play an important role in maintaining high diversity and heterogeneous assemblage structure

    Bathymetry time series using high spatial resolution satellite images

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    The use of the new generation of remote sensors, such as echo sounders and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers with di erential correction installed in a drone, allows the acquisition of high-precision data in areas of shallow water, as in the case of the channel of the Encañizadas in the Mar Menor lagoon. This high precision information is the first step to develop the methodology to monitor the bathymetry of the Mar Menor channels. The use of high spatial resolution satellite images is the solution for monitoring many hydrological changes and it is the basis of the three-dimensional (3D) numerical models used to study transport over time, environmental variability, and water ecosystem complexity

    Evidence of a planktonic food web response to changes in nutrient input dynamics in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon, Spain

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    Nutrient input dynamics in the Mar Menor coastal lagoon has recently changed as a consequence of changes in agricultural practises. An interannual comparison of the environmental variables and the planktonic biomass size-spectra was performed between 1988 and 1997. While nitrate concentration was low in 1988, the values in 1997 increased considerably. Since 1995, two alloctonous jellyfish species (Rhyzostoma pulmo and Cotylorhiza tuberculata) occurred in large numbers in summer time and reached peak abundance in summer of 1997. The size-spectra analysis comparison revealed that, in spite of changes in nutrient input that stimulated the growth of larger phytoplankton cells, there were no significant differences in the spectra slope which followed a similar seasonal trend in both years. However, the plankton biovolume considered under the size range compared (between 2 and 1000 µm diameter) was, paradoxically, always lower in 1997. Given that there were higher nutrient levels in 1997, this finding suggest a strong top-down control mechanism of size structure. Gut contents of jellyfishes showed their preference for large diatoms, tintinnids, veliger larvae and copepods, corroborating that size structure in these assemblages can be subject to top-down control. The implication of these results is that the feeding activities of large gelatinous zooplankton (jellyfishes) may play an important role controlling the consequences of eutrophication within the Mar Menor coastal lagoon