1,647 research outputs found
Evaluación del cultivo ecológico del ciruelo japonés (Prunus salicina Lindl.) y del albaricoquero (Prunus armeniaca L.). Crecimiento, fenología, producción y calidad
La agricultura ecológica ha tenido un gran desarrollo en los últimos años aunque todavía representa un porcentaje bajo con respecto a la superficie total cultivada en el mundo. España es el quinto país del mundo en superficie y Andalucía la Comunidad Autónoma con mayor número de hectáreas de España. No obstante, el desarrollo de la fruticultura ecológica es aún escaso, debido a los problemas derivados del adecuado control fitosanitario, unos rendimientos inferiores y un sistema de comercialización menos desarrollado. En el año 2005 en el IFAPA Las Torres-Tomejil se inició una nueva línea de investigación en fruticultura ecológica. Ese año se realizó la plantación de 14 cultivares de ciruelo japonés (Prunus salicina Lindl.), y posteriormente en 2009 se plantó un cultivar de albaricoquero (Prunus armeniaca L.) injertado sobre dos portainjertos diferentes. Esta Tesis Doctoral aborda el estudio comparado, ecológico versus convencional, de estos dos frutales, centrándose en diferentes aspectos: fertilización, crecimiento vegetativo, floración, defoliación otoñal y su relación con la enfermedad de la roya, contenido en reservas de carbohidratos y nitrogenadas, producción y calidad de la fruta. Los resultados obtenidos han mostrado que el contenido de nutrientes en el suelo y en hojas fue adecuado y similar en los dos tipos de manejo. En ambas especies frutales se ha visto que el crecimiento vegetativo fue superior en los árboles manejados en agricultura convencional. El inicio de la floración sufrió un retraso y la duración de la floración fue algo menor en los árboles sometidos a manejo ecológico. Los árboles en manejo ecológico defoliaron antes, y ello estuvo directamente correlacionado con la severidad de la enfermedad de la roya, mayor en manejo en agricultura ecológica, aunque pueden estar implicados otros aspectos. Los análisis de reservas han mostrado niveles similares en ambos sistemas de manejo. La producción fue en torno a un 25 % superior en el manejo en agricultura convencional. No hubo grandes diferencias en los parámetros de calidad de la fruta, aunque es de reseñar que el calibre de la fruta convencional fue superior, mientras que el contenido en azúcar y la firmeza de la pulpa fueron ligeramente superiores en la fruta producida en manejo ecológico. En cuanto al estudio del comportamiento del albaricoquero ‘Ninfa’ injertado sobre dos portainjertos, se ha comprobado que en las condiciones ensayadas el portainjerto de melocotonero ‘Nemaguard’ ha sido más eficaz que el franco de albaricoquero ‘Real Fino’, ya que ha posibilitado árboles de mayor vigor y producción. La producción de la parcela ecológica ha sido inferior que la de la parcela convencional con ambos portainjertos. Los resultados obtenidos han sido de utilidad para determinar los cultivares de ciruelo que se estiman más idóneos para su cultivo ecológico en la zona de estudio.Organic farming has had a great development in recent years but still represents a small portion compared to the total cultivated area in the world. Spain is the fifth country in the world in organic cultivated areas and Andalucia is the region with more surface area in organic farming in Spain. However, the development of organic fruit production is still limited mainly due to the problems of an adequate phytosanitary control, lower yields and a marketing system less developed. In 2005 at the IFAPA Las Torres-Tomejil a new line of research started in fruit organic agriculture. Fourteen Japanese plum cultivars (Prunus salicina Lindl.) were planted in 2005, and an apricot cultivar (Prunus armeniaca L.) grafted on two different rootstocks was planted in 2009. This work aims to approach the study of organic management compared to conventional management, in both fruit tree species, focusing on different aspects: fertilization, vegetative growth, flowering, autumn defoliation and its relationship with leaf rust disease, carbohydrate and nitrogen reserves, and yield and fruit quality. The results have shown that the nutrient content in soil and leaves was adequate and similar in both types of management. Tree vegetative growth in conventional management was higher in both fruit species. In organic management flowering bloom was delayed and the duration of flowering was lower. In addition, autumn defoliation happened before in tree organic management and was correlated with rust leaf although other aspects might be also involved. Reserve content was similar in both types of management. Yields were 25% higher in conventional management. Quality fruit parameters were similar between both managements, although fruit size was higher in conventional management and fruit sugar and firmness were slightly higher in organic management. Results obtained from the two rootstocks studied in apricots, indicated that ‘Nemaguard’ rootstock was better than ‘Real Fino’ since the trees showed higher vegetative growth and yield. Yields were lower in organic plots with both rootstocks. The results have been useful in determining plum cultivars that are considered more suitable for organic farming in the study area
Molecular and morphological characterization of local apple cultivars in Southern Spain
The number of local and traditional fruit cultivars in Andalusia (Southern Spain) has decreased dramatically since the 1970s when new commercial cultivars from breeding programs were introduced, replacing old varieties, and thus decreasing genetic diversity. The present study was included in a genetic resources project with the objective of identifying and preserving traditional fruit tree cultivars in Southern Spain. The goal of this study was to begin the characterization of 29 apple accessions (Malus x domestica Borkh) belonging to 13 traditional cultivar denominations. For molecular characterization studies, 12 simple sequence repeat markers previously developed for apple species were used. Morphological characterization was performed using 33 fruit traits. A total of 115 alleles were amplified for the 12 loci, ranging from 7 (CH01h01, CH01h10, and GD 12) to 13 alleles per locus (CH02c11). Forty-one alleles were unique to specific genotypes. The locus with the highest number of detected unique alleles was CH01f03b with 6 alleles. Expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.74 for CH01h10 to 0.88 for CH02c11, with an average of 0.82. Observed heterozygosity varied from 0.45 for CH01h01 to 1.0 for CH02d08, with an average of 0.86. Three homonyms were found for accessions belonging to varieties 'Maguillo', 'Pero Minguela', and 'Castellana'. The most discriminant morphological characters studied revealed no homonyms or synonyms among cultivar denominations, although they are useful for describing varietal characteristics that have not been previously definedFEDER RF-2007-00027-C06-0
DCBA: Simulating Population Dynamics P Systems with Proportional Object Distribution
Population Dynamics P systems refer to a formal framework for ecological
modelling. The semantics of the model associates probabilities to rules, but at the
same time, the model is based on P systems, so the rules are applied in a maximally
parallel way. Since the success of the rst model using this framework [5], initially
called multienvironment probabilistic P systems, several simulation algorithms have been
de ned in order to better reproduce the behaviour of the ecosystems with the models.
BBB and DNDP are previous attempts, which de ne blocks of rules having the
same left-hand side, but do not de ne a deterministic behaviour when di erent rules are
competing for the same resources. That is, di erent blocks of rules present in their lefthand
side common objects, being applicable at the same time. In this paper, we introduce
a new simulation algorithm, called DCBA, which performs a proportional distribution of
resources.Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC04200Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2009-1319
Estudio fenológico y caracterización morfológica de variedades tradicionales de manzano y melocotonero
Las variedades locales de frutales seleccionadas a lo largo de los años por los
agricultores, son muy interesantes para preservar la biodiversidad y los recursos
fitogenéticos, ya que presentan unas características organolépticas peculiares y un
valor cultural irremplazable. En 2007 se inició un trabajo de recuperación de
variedades tradicionales de frutales en Andalucía (Proyecto INIA, RF2007-00027-
C06-05) que contempla su prospección, localización, recogida de material vegetal,
caracterización morfológica y molecular, multiplicación, documentación y
mantenimiento en colección. En este trabajo se han caracterizado morfológicamente
mediante caracteres UPOV las flores, hojas y ramos de un año, de cinco variedades
tradicionales de manzano (Malus x domestica Borkh.) y dos de melocotonero [Prunus
persica (L) Batsch], no estudiadas con anterioridad. Se ha evaluado la floración en la
campaña 2011 y se han realizado los fenogramas correspondientesMICINN, INIA y Fondos FEDE
Momento Económico (45)
En este número
Momento político, Roberto Boja Ochoa 2.
Crisis, armamentismo y la cuestión de la paz,
José Luis Ceceña G. y Fausto Burgueño L. 3.
Ricardo Torres Gaitán Maestro Emérito de la UNAM,
Emilio Romero Polanco y Gerardo Minto 5.
México hoy: avanza la pobreza y la desnutrición,
Emilio Romero Polanco 6.
Indicadores económicos, José Antonio Moreno, José Antonio Moguel 9.
El nuevo reglamento sobre inversión extranjera, Ma. Luisa Sánchez Fuentes 14.
Aspectos sobresalientes de la deuda externa. Informe del
Banco de México 1988, Alicia Girón 17.
El presupuesto para 1989: ¿una nueva perspectiva para la deuda?, Constantino Pérez Morales 20.
A 10 años del triunfo: la vocación de paz de Nicaragua, José Enrique González Ruiz 25.
El punto de partida de la modernización del abasto alimentario en México, Felipe Torres Torres 29.
Temas de hoy, José Antonio Moreno 32
Studying the Impact of Different Field Environmental Conditions on Seed Quality of Quinoa: The Case of Three Different Years Changing Seed Nutritional Traits in Southern Europe
Chenopodium quinoa Willd (quinoa) has acquired an increased agronomical and nutritional relevance due to the capacity of adaptation to different environments and the exceptional nutritional properties of their seeds. These include high mineral and protein contents, a balanced amino acid composition, an elevated antioxidant capacity related to the high phenol content, and the absence of gluten. Although it is known that these properties can be determined by the environment, limited efforts have been made to determine the exact changes occurring at a nutritional level under changing environmental conditions in this crop. To shed light on this, this study aimed at characterizing variations in nutritional-related parameters associated with the year of cultivation and different genotypes. Various nutritional and physiological traits were analyzed in seeds of different quinoa cultivars grown in the field during three consecutive years. We found differences among cultivars for most of the nutritional parameters analyzed. It was observed that the year of cultivation was a determinant factor in every parameter studied, being 2018 the year with lower yields, germination rates, and antioxidant capacity, but higher seed weights and seed protein contents. Overall, this work will greatly contribute to increase our knowledge of the impact of the environment and genotype on the nutritional properties of quinoa seeds, especially in areas that share climatic conditions to Southern Europe.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN, Spain) (PID2019-105748RA-I00), the Madrid Government (Comunidad de Madrid-Spain) under the Multiannual Agreement with Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in the line of action encouraging youth research doctors, in the context of the V PRICIT (Regional Programme of Research and Technological Innovation) (SI1/PJI/2019-00124), the CYTED (ValSe-Food 119RT0567), the FPI UAM Fellowship Programme 2019 (to SG-R), and the Ramón y Cajal Programme 2019 (to MR).Peer reviewe
Guía docente común de las titulaciones de Ingeniero en Electrónica en las universidades andaluzas
El presente documento constituye el resultado del trabajo elaborado de acuerdo con la Convocatoria de Elaboración de Guías Docentes de Titulaciones Andaluzas conforme al Sistema de Créditos Europeos (años 2005/2006) de la Dirección General de Universidades, dependiente de la Secretaría General de Universidades, Investigación y Tecnología de la Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa de la Junta de Andalucía
Prognostic Value of D-dimer to Lymphocyte Ratio (DLR) in Hospitalized Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Patients: A Validation Study in a National Cohort
Background: This study aimed to validate the role of the D-dimer to lymphocyte ratio (DLR) for mortality prediction in a large national cohort of hospitalized coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients. Methods: A retrospective, multicenter, observational study that included hospitalized patients due to SARS-CoV-2 infection in Spain was conducted from March 2020 to March 2022. All biomarkers and laboratory indices analyzed were measured once at admission. Results: A total of 10,575 COVID-19 patients were included in this study. The mean age of participants was 66.9 (+/- 16) years, and 58.6% (6202 patients) of them were male. The overall mortality rate was 16.3% (n = 1726 patients). Intensive care unit admission was needed in 10.5% (n = 1106 patients), non-invasive mechanical ventilation was required in 8.8% (n = 923 patients), and orotracheal intubation was required in 7.5% (789 patients). DLR presented a c-statistic of 0.69 (95% CI, 0.68-0.71) for in-hospital mortality with an optimal cut-off above 1. Multivariate analysis showed an independent association for in-hospital mortality for DLR > 1 (adjusted OR 2.09, 95% CI 1.09-4.04; p = 0.03); in the same way, survival analysis showed a higher mortality risk for DLR > 1 (HR 2.24; 95% CI 2.03-2.47; p < 0.01). Further, no other laboratory indices showed an independent association for mortality in multivariate analysis. Conclusions: This study confirmed the usefulness of DLR as a prognostic biomarker for mortality associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection, being an accessible, cost-effective, and easy-to-use biomarker in daily clinical practice
Next generation flow for minimally-invasive blood characterization of MGUS and multiple myeloma at diagnosis based on circulating tumor plasma cells (CTPC)
© The Author(s) 2018.Here, we investigated for the first time the frequency and number of circulating tumor plasma cells (CTPC) in peripheral blood (PB) of newly diagnosed patients with localized and systemic plasma cell neoplasms (PCN) using next-generation flow cytometry (NGF) and correlated our findings with the distinct diagnostic and prognostic categories of the disease. Overall, 508 samples from 264 newly diagnosed PCN patients, were studied. CTPC were detected in PB of all active multiple myeloma (MM; 100%), and smoldering MM (SMM) patients (100%), and in more than half (59%) monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) cases (p <0.0001); in contrast, CTPC were present in a small fraction of solitary plasmacytoma patients (18%). Higher numbers of CTPC in PB were associated with higher levels of BM infiltration and more adverse prognostic features, together with shorter time to progression from MGUS to MM (p <0.0001) and a shorter survival in MM patients with active disease requiring treatment (p ≤ 0.03). In summary, the presence of CTPC in PB as assessed by NGF at diagnosis, emerges as a hallmark of disseminated PCN, higher numbers of PB CTPC being strongly associated with a malignant disease behavior and a poorer outcome of both MGUS and MM.This work has been supported by the International Myeloma Foundation-Black Swan Research Initiative and the EuroFlow Consortium; Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red de Cáncer (CIBER-ONC; Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Madrid, Spain and FONDOS FEDER), numbers: CB16/12/00400, CB16/12/00369, CB16/12/00489 and CB16/12/00233; grant SA079U14 from the Consejería de Educación, Junta de Castilla y León, Valladolid, Spain and; grant DTS15/00119 from Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Madrid, Spain. Acuerdo de colaboración con Fundación de Hemoterapia y Hemodonación de Castilla y León, Valladolid, Spain. This study was also supported by the Qatar National Research Fund (QNRF) Award No. 7-916-3-237, the AACR-Millennium Fellowship in Multiple Myeloma Research (15-40-38-PAIV), ERA-NET TRANSCAN-2 (iMMunocell), by a 2017 Leonardo Grant (BZG10931) for Researchers and Cultural Creators, BBVA Foundation, and the European Research Council (ERC) 2015 Starting Grant (MYELOMANEXT)
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