171 research outputs found

    Biomateriales : aplicación a cirugía ortopédica y traumatológica

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    El siguiente proyecto tiene por objeto el estudio de los pasados y actuales biomateriales para ortopedias y traumatologías. Se evaluarán las principales propiedades que han de cumplir los materiales para ser considerados biomateriales. Se darán a conocer los diferentes biomateriales clasificados según el tipo de material (metálico, cerámico, polímero o naturales) y según la aplicación que vayan a tener (sistema esquelético, sistema vascular,....). Se estudiarán las propiedades mecánicas de cada material en el transcurso de su descripción. Se relacionará el método de fabricación mediante el tipo de componentes que están hechos los biomateriales. De este modo se diferenciarán las mejores opciones para los diversos implantes y mejoras de los mismos, y se conocerán las distintas aplicaciones específicas que un material puede tener dentro del organismo. Se describirán a su vez las alergias, motivos de fallo y otros síntomas que se pueden producir. Con ello, se estudiará la durabilidad de los biomateriales, considerando tanto la degradación del material debido a la interacción con el medio fisiológico que lo rodea, como la falta de adaptación del tejido vivo al material introducido en el organismo junto a los tipos de respuesta del tejido al implante. Se analizarán como aspectos mecánicos las superficies de deslizamiento entre los diferentes materiales de los que están realizadas las ortopedias y prótesis. También se verán las homologaciones de los materiales e implantes y las normas tan necesarias en los aspectos reglamentarios que regulan la comercialización del mercado de los implantes. Por último, se cerrará el proyecto con las aplicaciones actuales (se resumirán las sustituciones más frecuentes) y futuras de los biomateriales en cirugía ortopédica y traumatológica.Ingeniería Técnica en Mecánic

    Cyclooctyne [60]fullerene hexakis adducts: a globular scaffold for copper-free click chemistry

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    The synthesis of a new highly symmetric hexakis adduct of C60 appended with 12 cyclooctyne moieties has been carried out. This compound has been used for the copper-free strain-promoted cycloaddition reaction to a series of azides with excellent yields.This strategy for the obtention of clicked adducts of [60]fullerene is of special interest for biological applications

    Cyclooctyne [60]fullerene hexakis adducts: a globular scaffold for copper-free click chemistry

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    The synthesis of a new highly symmetric hexakis adduct of C60 appended with 12 cyclooctyne moieties has been carried out. This compound has been used for the copper-free strain-promoted cycloaddition reaction to a series of azides with excellent yields. This strategy for the obtention of clicked adducts of [60]fullerene is of special interest for biological applicationsEuropean Research Council ERC-320441-Chir all carbonMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad CTQ2014-52045-R, CTQ2014-52328-PComunidad Autónoma de Madrid S2013/MIT-28

    Estado de saúde percebido em idosos: desigualdades regionais e sociodemográficas na Espanha

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess regional and sociodemographic differences in self-perceived health status among older adults. METHODS: A face-to-face quality of life survey was conducted in a representative sample of the Spanish population comprising 1,106 non-institutionalized elderly aged 60 or more in 2008. Logistic regression models were used to explain self-perceived health status according to the EuroQol Group Visual Analogue Scale (EQ-VAS). Independent variables included sociodemographic and health characteristics as well as the nomenclature of territorial units for statistics level 1 (NUTS1: group of autonomous regions) and level 2 (NUTS 2: autonomous regions). RESULTS: Younger and better off respondents were more likely to have a positive self-perceived health status. Having no chronic conditions, independence in performing daily living activities and lower level of depression were also associated with positive self-perceived health status. People living in the south of Spain showed a more negative self-perceived health status than those living in other regions. CONCLUSION: The study results point to health inequality among Spanish older adults of lower socioeconomic condition and living in the south of Spain. The analysis by geographic units allows for international cross-regional comparisons.OBJETIVO: Analisar as diferenças regionais e sociodemográficas no estado de saúde percebido por adultos mais velhos. MÉTODOS: Realizou-se um inquérito de qualidade de vida mediante entrevista pessoal com amostra representativa da população espanhola de 1.106 pessoas com 60 e mais anos não institucionalizadas, em 2008. Aplicaram-se modelos de regressão logística para explicar a saúde percebida segundo a escala visual analógica do EuroQol Group (EQ-VAS). As variáveis independentes incluíram características sociodemográficas e de saúde, assim como unidades territoriais estatísticas de nível 1 (grupo de comunidades autônomas) e nível 2 (comunidades autônomas). RESULTADOS: Os participantes dos grupos mais jovens e os que tinham uma melhor situação econômica mostraram maior probabilidade de ter uma percepção positiva da sua saúde. A ausência de problemas crônicos de saúde, a independência para realizar atividades da vida diária e menor nível de depressão também se associaram positivamente à saúde percebida como boa. Os idosos que viviam no sul mostraram uma percepção mais negativa da saúde do que as que vivem noutras regiões. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados indicam uma desigualdade relativa no estado de saúde dos adultos mais velhos de níveis socioeconômicos inferiores e dos habitantes do sul do país. A análise por unidades territoriais estatísticas permite estabelecer comparações entre regiões em nível internacional.OBJETIVO: Analizar las diferencias regionales y sociodemográficas en el estado de salud percibido por ancianos. MÉTODOS: Se realizó una encuesta de calidad de vida mediante entrevista personal en una muestra representativa de la población española de 1.106 personas con 60 y más años no institucionalizadas en 2008. Se aplicaron modelos de regresión logística para explicar la salud percibida de acuerdo con la escala visual analógica del EuroQol Group (EQ-VAS). Las variables independientes incluyeron características sociodemográficas y de salud, así como unidades territoriales estadísticas de nivel 1 (NUTS1: grupos de comunidades autónomas), y nivel 2 (NUTS2: comunidades autónomas). RESULTADOS: Los participantes de ambos grupos, el de los más jóvenes y los que tenían una mejor situación económica, mostraron mayor probabilidad de tener una percepción positiva de la salud. La ausencia de problemas crónicos de salud, la independencia para desarrollar actividades de la vida diaria y un menor nivel de depresión también se asociaron positivamente a la salud percibida como buena. Los ancianos que vivían en el sur mostraron una percepción más negativa de su salud que aquellos que vivían en otras regiones. CONCLUSIONES: Los resultados muestran desigualdad relativa en el estado de salud de los ancianos de niveles socioeconómicos inferiores y en los habitantes del sur del país. El análisis estadístico por unidades territoriales permite establecer comparaciones entre regiones en nivel internacional

    Biological-based and remote sensing techniques to link vegetative and reproductive development and assess pollen emission in Mediterranean grasses

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    Connecting the signals of the vegetative and reproductive cycles of plants using large-scale phenological techniques is not always an easy task, and this complexity increases considerably when analysing the plant life cycle in grasses, due to the ubiquity and diversity of this taxonomic family. This work integrates remote sensing techniques (NDVI from satellite remote sensing data and greenness from near-surface imagery) and biologicalbased techniques (airborne pollen monitoring and field observations and sampling) to analyse phenological patterns and productivity in grass-dominated vegetation types. We aim to answer two main applied and unanswered questions; i) how are the specific phases of vegetative and reproductive cycles in grasses linked at the species and plant community level? and ii) which grass-dominant habitats are the major contributors of grass pollen emission to the atmosphere at the plant community level? The multi-scale integration and validation of large-scale methods such as satellite remote sensing data and aerobiological monitoring using high-resolution or field phenological techniques is recommended. The results clearly support the hypothesis that the highest rates of grass pollen emission are successively produced when the major grass-dominated vegetation types go through the final phases of vegetative development during their biological senescence or equivalent phases. At the plant community level, natural and semi-natural grass-dominated vegetation types, rather than grass cropland habitats, constitute the major sources of pollen emission. The major contributors to the grass pollen emission at the species level are also identified. Finally, a positive relationship between year-to-year primary productivity (measured as annual sum or maximum NDVI) and pollen production (measured as airborne pollen intensity) was observed at the community level. This is a very timely study, as the availability of remote sensing data is increasing interest in generating enhanced forecasting model of allergenic airborne pollen

    Efficacy and Safety of a Novel Submucosal Injection Solution for Resection of Gastrointestinal Lesions

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    Endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR) and endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) are minimally invasive and efficient techniques for the removal of gastrointestinal (GI) mucosal polyps. In both techniques, submucosal injection solutions are necessary for complete effectiveness and safety during the intervention to be obtained. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of a new sterile submucosal injection solution for EMR/ESD used within a clinical protocol in patients with intestinal polyps. We carried out a prospective study between 2016 and 2017 with patients who attended the Endoscopy Consultation—Digestive Department of Primary Hospital. Patients were selected for EMR/ESD after the application of clinical protocols. Thirty-six patients were selected (≥ 66 years with comorbidities and risk factors). Lesions were located mainly in the colon. Our solution presented an intestinal lift ≥ 60 min in EMR/ESD and a high expansion of tissue, optimum viscosity, and subsequent complete resorption. The genes S100A9 and TP53 presented an expression increase in the distal regions. TP53 and PCNA were the only genes whose expression was increased in polyp specimens vs. the surrounding tissue at the mRNA level. In EMR/ESD, our solution presented a prolonged effect at the intestinal level during all times of the intervention. Thus, our solution seems be an effective and safe alternative in cases of flat lesions in both techniques.Study co-financed by the Junta de Andalucia (PIN-0479-2016, CTS676, CTS235, CTS164), the Ministry of Economy and Competitivity, Spain (SAF2017-88457-R, AGL2017-85270-R), Nakafarma S.L and CIBERehd is funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain. The sponsors had no role in the design, execution, interpretation, or writing of the study

    Flora ornamental e potencial alergénico dos espaços verdes urbanos. Comparação entre parques da cidade de Toledo

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    Urban green spaces are important elements providing environmental, social and economic benefits to the population. Nevertheless, allergenicity is not taken into account in selecting species for urban green spaces. In this paper, the Urban Green Zone Allergenicity Index (IUGZA) has been calculated for the main parks in the town of Toledo . The ultimate purpose of this paper is to assess these spaces’ potential allergenicity and to identify the most important contributors (species) to the index. The results show that elms (family Ulmaceae) are the most abundant trees, whereas plane trees (Platanus orientalis var. acerifolia) and cypresses (family Cupressaceae) are the most relevant contributors to the IUGZA because of their potential allergenicity. A moderate IUGZA value (0.3-0.5) was obtained in the three parks with the highest tree density. On the other hand, a low index value (< 0.3) was obtained in the other two parks under consideration, in correspondence with their low tree density and the combination of exotic and native ornamental species. It would advisable when designing new green spaces to combine different species, avoiding large monospecifc surface areas, and to use entomophilous species with low allergenic potential in order to reduce the allergenic risk.Los espacios verdes urbanos aportan numerosos beneficios ambientales, sociales y económicos para la población. Sin embargo, en la elección de las especies que se emplean en parques y jardines no se suele considerar su alergenicidad, lo que supone un riesgo para la población alérgica. En este trabajo se ha calculado, teniendo en cuenta la composición florística y otros parámetros, el índice de alergenicidad potencial (IUGZA) en los principales parques de la ciudad de Toledo, con el fin de valorar su potencial alergénico e identificar las especies que más contribuyen a incrementar el valor de este índice. Los resultados muestran que los olmos (familia Ulmaceae) son los árboles más abundantes en los parques de Toledo, y que la contribución más importante al índice de alergenicidad potencial, procede de los plátanos de sombra, y de los cipreses y arizónicas (familia Cupressaceae), debido a su elevado potencial alergénico. De los cinco parques estudiados, en los tres con mayor densidad arbórea, se ha obtenido un valor de IUGZA medio (0,3-0,5). Mientras que, en los dos restantes, los valores del índice obtenidos han sido bajos (< 0,3), en correspondencia con su baja densidad de árboles y con una combinación de especies ornamentales exóticas y autóctonas. En el diseño de nuevos espacios verdes es recomendable combinar el uso de diferentes especies, evitando grandes superficies de una única especie y utilizar especies entomófilas y de bajo potencial alergénico para disminuir el riesgo alergénico.Os espaços verdes urbanos representam numerosos benefícios ambientais, sociais e económicos para a população. No entanto, a projeção desses espaços geralmente não considera o potencial alergénico das espécies selecionadas, facto que significa um risco para a população alérgica. Neste trabalho calculou-se, tendo em conta a composição florística e outros parâmetros, o Índice de Alergenicidade Potencial (IUGZA) nos principais parques da cidade de Toledo, com o objetivo de avaliar o seu potencial alergénico e identificar as espécies que mais contribuem para aumentar o valor deste índice. Os resultados mostram que os olmos (família Ulmaceae) são as árvores mais abundantes nos parques de Toledo e que a contribuição mais importante para o índice de alergenicidade potencial tem origem nos plátanos de sombra e nos ciprestes e arizónicas (família Cupressaceae), devido ao seu elevado potencial alergénico. Nos três parques com maior densidade arbórea, obteve-se um valor IUGZA médio (0,3-0,5). Enquanto, nos restantes dois, os valores do índice obtidos foram baixos (< 0,3), em consequência da sua baixa densidade arbórea e da combinação de espécies ornamentais exóticas e autocnes. Na fase de projeção de novos espaços verdes, visando a diminuição do risco alergénico, é aconselhável o uso de diferentes espécies, evitar a existência de grandes áreas com uma única espécie, bem como, usar espécies com polinização entomófila e baixo potencial alergénico

    The shipbuilding and naval repair sector in the Atlantic area.

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    Maritime activities are one of the key elements of the Lisbon Strategy. According to the European Union, those sectors related to the exploitation of the seas represent 3-5% of the Union GDP. Those sectors have contributed to the building of the Atlantic Area identity. Some subsectors from the maritime economy face tough times, while other o_er great opportunities for economic growth and employment. In this context the HARVEST ATLANTIC (Harnessing All Resources Valuable to Economies of Seaside territories on the Atlantic) project is developed, approved by the Atlantic Area Interreg IV-B Program. This study includes the main results obtained from the above mentioned project related to the shipbuilding and repair sector in four countries from the Atlantic area (Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Scotland). The surveys that were conducted among companies from the sector included different aspects related with their location, innovation, human capital and policy making

    Ornamental Flora and Allergenic Potential in Urban Green Spaces. Comparison in Parks of the Town of Toledo

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    Urban green spaces are important elements providing environmental, social and economic benefits to the population. Nevertheless, allergenicity is not taken into account in selecting species for urban green spaces. In this paper, the Urban Green Zone Allergenicity Index (IUGZA) has been calculated for the main parks in the town of Toledo . The ultimate purpose of this paper is to assess these spaces’ potential allergenicity and to identify the most important contributors (species) to the index. The results show that elms (family Ulmaceae) are the most abundant trees, whereas plane trees (Platanus orientalis var. acerifolia) and cypresses (family Cupressaceae) are the most relevant contributors to the IUGZA because of their potential allergenicity. A moderate IUGZA value (0.3-0.5) was obtained in the three parks with the highest tree density. On the other hand, a low index value (< 0.3) was obtained in the other two parks under consideration, in correspondence with their low tree density and the combination of exotic and native ornamental species. It would advisable when designing new green spaces to combine different species, avoiding large monospecifc surface areas, and to use entomophilous species with low allergenic potential in order to reduce the allergenic risk

    The leisure nautical sector in the atlantic area.

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    According to the so-called ”maritime economy”, maritime activities are one of the key elements of the Lisbon Strategy. According to the European Union, those sectors related to the exploitation of the seas have contributed to the building of the Atlantic Area identity. Some subsectors from the maritime economy face tough times, while other o er great opportunities for economic growth and employment. In this context the HARVEST ATLANTIC (Harnessing All Resources Valuable to Economies of Seaside Territories on the Atlantic) project is developed, approved by the Atlantic Area Interreg IV-B Program. This study includes the main results obtained from the above mentioned project related to the recreational nautical sector in four countries from the Atlantic area (Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Scotland). The surveys that were conducted among companies from the sector included di erent aspects related with their location, innovation, human capital and policy making