212 research outputs found

    Controles poblaciones frente a controles hospitalarios: ¿son comparables?

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    Objective:To compare whether there are differences amonghospital and population controls. Methods:Two case-control studies were conducted on lungcancer risk factors in the Santiago de Compostela Public Health District. Whereas one used randomly chosen census-based population controls, the other used consecutive hos-pital controls that went to the reference hospital for non-smo-king-related trivial interventions. The differences were analyzedusing logistic regression. The dependent variable was type ofcontrol (hospital or population). Results:Hospital controls had a similar tobacco habit thanpopulation controls, but consumed more alcohol. For those con-suming more than 50 ml daily, the risk of being a hospital con-trol was 4.83 (95%CI: 2.55-9.14). Conclusions:There may be some differences between hos-pital and population-based controls, which must be taken intoaccount in the design of case-control studies. It is necessaryto ascertain whether such differences are reproduced at othergeographic locations and whether they can affect estimationof exposure-diseaseObjetivo:Comparar si hay diferencias entre los controles po-blacionales y los hospitalarios.Métodos:Se llevaron a cabo dos estudios de casos y con-troles sobre factores de riesgo de cáncer de pulmón en el ÁreaSanitaria de Santiago de Compostela. En uno de los estudioslos controles fueron seleccionados aleatoriamente entre la po-blación general, y en el otro los controles hospitalarios fue-ron incluidos de manera consecutiva entre los individuos queacudían al hospital por intervenciones quirúrgicas banales norelacionadas con el consumo de tabaco. Las diferencias fue-ron analizadas mediante regresión logística. La variable de-pendiente fue el tipo de control (hospitalario o poblacional).Resultados:Los controles hospitalarios y los poblacionalestenían un hábito tabáquico similar, pero los controles hospi-talarios consumían más alcohol. Para los que consumían másde 50 ml al día, el riesgo de ser un control hospitalario fuede 4,83 (intervalo de confianza del 95%: 2,55-9,14).Conclusiones:Podría haber algunas diferencias entre los con-troles poblacionales y los hospitalarios que deberían tenerseen cuenta cuando se diseñe un estudio de casos y contro-les. Es necesario saber si esas diferencias son similares enotras áreas geográficas y si podrían afectar a la estimaciónde las medidas de efecto entre exposición y enfermedadThis work has been partly funded by two investigationgrants, one from the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (FIS)(Health Research Fund) (grant FIS 92/0176) and the GalicianRegional Health Authority (grant XUGA 91010)S

    Cambios en el consumo de tabaco: auge del tabaco de liar e introducción de los cigarrillos electrónicos

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    ResumenObjetivoValorar los cambios en el consumo de tabaco y estudiar de forma detallada el consumo de tabaco de liar y de cigarrillos electrónicos en la población gallega desde 2007 hasta 2015.MétodosInformación aportada por cinco estudios transversales, independientes, realizados entre 2007 y 2015 en mayores de 15 años (n=8000/año). Se estimaron prevalencias de consumo, acompañadas de sus intervalos de confianza del 95%, global, en función del sexo y en grupo de edad, ámbito de residencia y nivel de estudios.ResultadosLa prevalencia de consumo de tabaco fue del 25,4% en 2007 y del 21,8% en 2015. En 2007, el 1,8% de los fumadores consumían tabaco de liar, y en 2015 eran el 18,6%. El consumo del tabaco de liar entre fumadores aumentó en todos los grupos estudiados. La prevalencia de consumo de cigarrillos electrónicos fue, en 2014 y 2015, del 0,7%. En el ámbito urbano es donde se observan prevalencias más altas de consumo de cigarrillos electrónicos.ConclusiónEntre 2007 y 2015, la prevalencia de consumo de tabaco ha disminuido en Galicia y ha aumentado la prevalencia de fumadores que consumen tabaco de liar. El uso de cigarrillos electrónicos es bajo y más frecuente entre los fumadores, aunque no exclusivo. El auge del tabaco de liar y la introducción de los cigarrillos electrónicos reflejan la importancia de mantener sistemas de vigilancia que puedan identificar de forma inmediata cambios de comportamiento asociados al consumo de tabaco.AbstractObjectiveTo assess changes in smoking prevalence and study roll-your-own (RYO) tobacco and e-cigarette use in the Galician population between 2007 and 2015.MethodsData were obtained from five independent, cross-sectional studies carried out in Galicia (Spain) between 2007-2015 in the population aged 16 and over (n=8,000/year). Prevalence of use was estimated, with 95% confidence intervals, overall, according to sex and by age group, area of residence and level of education.ResultsSmoking prevalence decreased from 25.4% in 2007 to 21.8% in 2015. In 2007, 1.8% of current smokers declared that they had smoked RYO tobacco, compared to 18.6% in 2015. Among smokers, RYO tobacco consumption increased across all demographic groups. In both 2014 and 2015, ever use of e-cigarettes was 0.7%. E-cigarette use was more frequent in urban settings.ConclusionSmoking prevalence decreased in Galicia between 2007 and 2015, and there has been rapid growth in the prevalence of RYO tobacco use. Although smokers are more likely to use e-cigarettes, both former and never smokers declared their use. The boom of RYO cigarettes and the emergence of e-cigarettes highlight the importance of having continuous surveillance systems to identify smoking behavioural changes

    Lung cancer as an index of tobacco exposure: association with non-lung cancer mortality

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    Objetivo Valorar el papel del tabaquismo, empleando como proxy la mortalidad por cáncer de pulmón, en la mortalidad por otros cánceres (excluyendo el de estómago). Métodos Análisis de series temporales de mortalidad por cáncer en los hombres españoles (1970-2003) para valorar la posible asociación entre cáncer de pulmón y los cánceres «no pulmón-no estómago» (NPNE). Para evitar el efecto de posibles autocorrelaciones se aplicó la regresión Prais-Winsten. Resultados Las tasas anuales de mortalidad por cánceres NPNE están linealmente relacionadas con la mortalidad por cáncer de pulmón en el período 1970-2003, con una pendiente de la recta de 1,07, intervalo de confianza del 95% de 0,98-1,17 y R2 de 0,97. Conclusiones Las variaciones de las tasas de mortalidad por cánceres NPNE pueden ser modeladas en función de los cambios en las tasas de mortalidad por cáncer de pulmón en el período estudiado. Los resultados presentados parecen mostrar una posible asociación entre el tabaquismo y los cánceres NPNEObjective:To assess the possible role of tobacco smoke in non-lung cancer (excluding stomach cancer)using changes in lung cancer mortality rates as a proxy for tobacco exposure.Methods:A time series analysis of cancer mortality was performed to evaluate the possible associationbetween changes in mortality rates for lung cancer and for non-lung, non-stomach cancer (NLNS) from1970 to 2003 in Spanish males. To avoid problems with autocorrelation, Prais-Winsten regression wasapplied.Results:Changes in NLNS cancer death rates showed a parallel trend with lung cancer death rates in thestudy period, with an adjusted slope of 1.07, 95% CI of 0.98-1.17, and R2of 0.97.Conclusion:Variation in NLNS cancer death rates can be accurately modelled as a function of changes inlung cancer death rates for the study period, suggesting a possible association between tobaccoexposure and NLNS cancersS

    Catabolic response profiles, catabolic uniformity and richness as microbiological indicators in a soil of Pergamino, Buenos Aires Province, with and without previous application of glyphosate

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    85-91Incubation assay in trays was performed with two soils with different application histories of glyphosate: no application, and previous application. The soils used were Typic Argiudolls of Pergamino, province of Buenos Aires, and the treatments were: control (no application), and 20, 200 and 2000 mg of active ingredient per kg of soil. Sampling was performed at the beginning (T0) and 45 days after (T45). Catabolic response profiles (CRP), catabolic richness and catabolic uniformity were determined according to the methodology based on measuring the differences in respiration induced by substrate in a short time (4 hours). The substrates used in this study were 20, namely, two amines, 5 aminoacids, two carbohydrates, and 11 carboxylic acids. The objective of this work was to compare soils with different histories of application of glyphosate, measuring its effect on catabolic response profiles, catabolic uniformity and catabolic richness. In this study, no differences were observed between catabolic richness among the different sampling times and doses of glyphosate applied. Glyphosate application affected the structure of the soil microbial communities. At the end of the test, soils with all doses of previous herbicide application showed greater catabolic uniformity than soils without previous application

    La agenda setting en la red social Facebook: campaña del plebiscito por la paz en Colombia

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    El presente estudio examinó la relación entre las entidades que fijaron la agenda durante la campaña del plebiscito por la paz en Colombia y el tema que se promovió en sus páginas oficiales de Facebook. Además se analizó si la interacción social estuvo influida por el tema promovido en estas, así como por la entidad que fijó la agenda. Se utilizó el método cuantitativo y se tomó una muestra de 58 post publicados por El Tiempo, El Colombiano, la Oficina del Alto Comisionado por la Paz y el Centro Democrático. En suma, se encontró que hay una relación estadísticamente significativa entre la entidad que fija la agenda y las variables tema de la agenda referidas a: acuerdos de paz; fin del conflicto e implementación, verificación y refrendación, lo que confirmó la H1 de la investigación. Con respecto a la H2 y H3 se encontró que la interacción social a través de las acciones de dar like y share no estuvo influenciada por el tema de la agenda, pero sí por la entidad que la fija. En conclusión, el estudio mostró que las redes sociales están posibilitando la construcción de agendas propias de grupos contrahegemónicos y/o minoritarios; configurando de este modo una esfera pública mediatizada más plural, diversa y contradictoria

    Tobacco use in pregnancy: prevalence and factors associated with maintenance of consumption

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    Fundamentos: El consumo de tabaco durante el embarazo es perjudicial para las mujeres embarazadas y el feto. En Galicia la prevalencia del consumo durante el embarazo no está actualizada y se desconocen las características de las mujeres que continúan fumando durante el embarazo. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron estimar, antes y durante el embarazo, la prevalencia del uso del tabaco, caracterizar su consumo e identificar factores asociados al mantenimiento durante el embarazo. Métodos: Estudio transversal realizado en 2016 en mujeres que habían dado a luz en los 12 meses previos (n =6436) en Galicia. Se recogió información sobre la madre en diferentes momentos temporales. La prevalencia del consumo de tabaco se estimó a nivel global y en función de diferentes características. Se ajustaron modelos de regresión para identificar las variables asociadas al mantenimiento del consumo. Se presentan prevalencia y razones de odds acompañadas de intervalos de confianza al 95%. Resultados: La prevalencia del consumo de tabaco durante el embarazo fue del 11,9% (11,1-12,8). Entre las mujeres que mantuvieron el consumo durante el embarazo, el porcentaje de fumadoras de cigarrillos disminuyó, el de tabaco de liar permaneció estable. Seguir fumando durante el embarazo estuvo relacionado con la nacionalidad, el nivel educativo, o con el consumo previo. Conclusiones: A pesar de que más de la mitad de las mujeres dejan de fumar durante el embarazo, la prevalencia es del 12%. Los diferentes predictores de mantenimiento deben tenerse en cuenta cuando se diseñan programas de intervención orientados a mujeres embarazadas. Fundamentos: El consumo de tabaco durante el embarazo es perjudicial para las mujeres embarazadas y el feto. En Galicia la prevalencia del consumo durante el embarazo no está actualizada y se desconocen las características de las mujeres que continúan fumando durante el embarazo. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron estimar, antes y durante el embarazo, la prevalencia del uso del tabaco, caracterizar su consumo e identificar factores asociados al mantenimiento durante el embarazo. Métodos: Estudio transversal realizado en 2016 en mujeres que habían dado a luz en los 12 meses previos (n =6436) en Galicia. Se recogió información sobre la madre en diferentes momentos temporales. La prevalencia del consumo de tabaco se estimó a nivel global y en función de diferentes características. Se ajustaron modelos de regresión para identificar las variables asociadas al mantenimiento del consumo. Se presentan prevalencia y razones de odds acompañadas de intervalos de confianza al 95%. Resultados: La prevalencia del consumo de tabaco durante el embarazo fue del 11,9% (11,1-12,8). Entre las mujeres que mantuvieron el consumo durante el embarazo, el porcentaje de fumadoras de cigarrillos disminuyó, el de tabaco de liar permaneció estable. Seguir fumando durante el embarazo estuvo relacionado con la nacionalidad, el nivel educativo, o con el consumo previo. Conclusiones: A pesar de que más de la mitad de las mujeres dejan de fumar durante el embarazo, la prevalencia es del 12%. Los diferentes predictores de mantenimiento deben tenerse en cuenta cuando se diseñan programas de intervención orientados a mujeres embarazadas.Background: Tobacco use during pregnancy is detrimental to pregnant women and to the fetus. In Galicia, the data regarding prevalence of tobacco use during pregnancy is outdated and the characteristics of women who continue to smoke during pregnancy are not known. The objectives of this work were to estimate, before and during pregnancy, the prevalence of tobacco use and characterize its consumption, and to identify factors associated with the maintenance of tobacco use during pregnancy. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 2016 targeting women who had given birth within the previous 12 months (n=6.436) in Galicia. Information was collected regarding the mother’s status before and during pregnancy, at the time of delivery and survey. Smoking prevalence was estimated both globally and by women related characteristics. Regression models were performed to identify variables associated with smoking maintenance. Prevalence and odds ratio are presented accompanied with 95% confidence interval. Results: Smoking prevalence during pregnancy was 11.9% (11.1–12.8). Among women who maintain tobacco consumption during pregnancy, the percentage of cigarette smokers decreased, but prevalence of rolled tobacco remain stable. The maintenance of smoking during pregnancy was related to being Spanish, education or having been a daily smoker before pregnancy. Conclusions: Despite the fact that more than half of Galician women stop smoking during pregnancy, smoking prevalence remains at 12%. The different demographic factors identified in this study as predictors of smoking maintenance, should be kept in mind when intervention programs focused on pregnant women will be design.S

    Retracted papers originating from paper mills: cross sectional study

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    OBJECTIVES To describe retracted papers originating from paper mills, including their characteristics, visibility, and impact over time, and the journals in which they were published. DESIGN Cross sectional study. SETTING The Retraction Watch database was used for identification of retracted papers from paper mills, Web of Science was used for the total number of published papers, and data from Journal Citation Reports were collected to show characteristics of journals. PARTICIPANTS All paper mill papers retracted from 1 January 2004 to 26 June 2022 were included in the study. Papers bearing an expression of concern were excluded. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Descriptive statistics were used to characterise the sample and analyse the trend of retracted paper mill papers over time, and to analyse their impact and visibility by reference to the number of citations received. RESULTS 1182 retracted paper mill papers were identified. The publication of the first paper mill paper was in 2004 and the first retraction was in 2016; by 2021, paper mill retractions accounted for 772 (21.8%) of the 3544 total retractions. Overall, retracted paper mill papers were mostly published in journals of the second highest Journal Citation Reports quartile for impact factor (n=529 (44.8%)) and listed four to six authors (n=602 (50.9%)). Of the 1182 papers, almost all listed authors of 1143 (96.8%) paper mill retractions came from Chinese institutions and 909 (76.9%) listed a hospital as a primary affiliation. 15 journals accounted for 812 (68.7%) of 1182 paper mill retractions, with one journal accounting for 166 (14.0%). Nearly all (n=1083, 93.8%) paper mill retractions had received at least one citation since publication, with a median of 11 (interquartile range 5-22) citations received. CONCLUSIONS Papers retracted originating from paper mills are increasing in frequency, posing a problem for the research community. Retracted paper mill papers most commonly originated from China and were published in a small number of journals. Nevertheless, detected paper mill papers might be substantially different from those that are not detected. New mechanisms are needed to identify and avoid this relatively new type of misconduct

    Does retraction after misconduct have an impact on citations? A pre–post study

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    Background: Retracted articles continue to be cited after retraction, and this could have consequences for the scientific community and general population alike. This study was conducted to analyse the association of retraction on citations received by retracted papers due to misconduct using two-time frames: during a postretraction period equivalent to the time the article had been in print before retraction; and during the total postretraction period. Methods: Quasiexperimental, pre-post evaluation study. A total of 304 retracted original articles and literature reviews indexed in MEDLINE fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Articles were required to have been published in a journal indexed in MEDLINE from January 2013 through December 2015 and been retracted between January 2014 and December 2016. The main outcome was the number of citations received before and after retraction. Results were broken down by journal quartile according to impact factor and the most cited papers during the preretraction period were specifically analysed. Results: There was an increase in postretraction citations when compared with citations received preretraction. There were some exceptions however: first, citations received by articles published in first-quartile journals decreased immediately after retraction (p<0.05), only to increase again after some time had elapsed; and second, postretraction citations decreased significantly in the case of articles that had received many citations before their retraction (p<0.05). Conclusions: The results indicate that retraction of articles has no association on citations in the long term, since the retracted articles continue to be cited, thus circumventing their retraction