12 research outputs found

    Acoplador híbrido de banda ancha y banda Q en tecnología de guía de onda integrada en sustrato

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    This paper presents the design and characterization of a 3-dB hybrid coupler designed in substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) technology covering the 35 – 47 GHz bandwidth with excellent performance in terms of phase error and amplitude imbalance, which makes this circuit suitable for broadband applications such as polarimetry in radioastronomy. The measured results, supported by realistic simulations, show an input matching better than 20 dB, transmission and coupling losses around 4 dB, and isolation better than 15 dB. The mean value of the phase difference between coupler outputs is 90.1º and the mean value of the amplitude imbalance between them is 0.1 dB in the band of interest.Los autores agradecen al Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación el apoyo económico para la realización de este trabajo a través del proyecto CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 referencia CSD2010-00064

    Módulo de correlación y detección de banda ancha y banda Q en guía de onda

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    This contribution presents the design and characterization of a WR22 waveguide correlation and detection module for polarimetry applications in radioastronomy covering the frequency band 35-47 GHz (30%). The module includes the design of a 3-dB 90º hybrid coupler, a 90º phase shifter, a waveguide termination and a Schottky diode detector. The 3-dB 90º hybrid coupler, tested separately, shows an input matching better than 20 dB and accurate phase and amplitude balances. The module itself provides the I, Q and U Stokes parameters simultaneously with good isolation and leakage values. Differences between expected and actual values are found to be due to mechanical tolerances.Los autores agradecen al Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad la financiación para la realización de estos trabajos a través del programa CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 de referencia CSD2010-00064

    Multi-pixel Ka-band radiometer for the QUIJOTE experiment (Phase II)

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    This paper presents the configuration of the Ka-band radiometer developed for the Phase II of the QUIJOTE radio astronomy experiment, as well as the design of the different subsystems involved in the instrument. The new configuration, consisting of around 30 modified receivers working in the 26 - 36 GHz band, avoids the need of a rotating polar modulator at cryogenic temperatures, which is a source of mechanical and thermal difficulties. Moreover, the larger number of receivers will increase the instrument sensitivity. These two aspects are a clear advantage over the receiver developed for the experiment Phase I. The present paper also gives detailed information of some designed subsystems such as the feedhorn, the polarizer, the orthomode transducer, the cryogenic low-noise amplifiers and the back-end module.This work has been funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain) under Astronomy and Astrophysics research programme, reference AYA2010-21766-C03-03, and the FPI grant BES-2011-046199

    Módulo posterior para la integración de polarímetros multi-pixel a 40 GHZ en radioastronomía

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    This work presents the design and future integration of the back-end module for the 40 GHz instrument of the QUIJOTE project, which is a project aimed to the measurement of the Cosmic Microwave Background’s polarization. This contribution focuses on the importance of the concept of modularity in order to facilitate the integration tasks and to enable the assembly of a high number of receivers (pixels) in the instrument, which improves the overall sensitivity. Performance measurements of each individual subsystem are provided and the foreseen whole integration in a metallic rack is presented.Los desarrollos de este trabajo se han financiado con la ayuda del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Programa CONSOLIDER-Ingenio 2010 de referencia CSD2010-00064

    The thirty gigahertz instrument receiver for the Q-U-I Joint Tenerife experiment: concept and experimental results

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    This paper presents the analysis, design, and characterization of the thirty gigahertz instrument receiver developed for the Q-U-I Joint Tenerife experiment. The receiver is aimed to obtain polarization data of the cosmic microwave background radiation from the sky, obtaining the Q,U, and I Stokes parameters of the incoming signal simultaneously. A comprehensive analysis of the theory behind the proposed receiver is presented for a linearly polarized input signal, and the functionality tests have demonstrated adequate results in terms of Stokes parameters, which validate the concept of the receiver based on electronic phase switching

    Q-band waveguide correlation and detection module for the EPI project polarimeter

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    RESUMEN. La radiación del Fondo Cósmico de Microondas es una forma de radiación electromagnética que llena el Universo por completo y que representa una herramienta fundamental para comprender las propiedades del mismo. Sin embargo la realización de estudios encaminados a la medida de la polarización del Fondo Cósmico de Microondas es un verdadero reto, siendo una de las tareas más arduas y complicadas la separación de la emisión debida al mismo de la del resto de fuentes. Caracterizar la polarización y detectar las ondas gravitatorias del Fondo Cósmico de Microondas requiere años de observación. Varios equipos de investigación constituyen hoy grandes redes de polarímetros con el fin de acelerar las observaciones. El presente trabajo se enmarca dentro del programa CONSOLIDER-Ingenio del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación del Gobierno de España. A través del proyecto EPI (Exploring the Physics of Inflation) de dicho programa se pretende realizar el estudio observacional del Universo complementando en datos del Fondo Cósmico de Microondas obtenido por el experimento QUIJOTE y el satélite Planck. Para conseguir estos objetivos es crucial el desarrollo de un nuevo instrumento a 41 GHz que permita extender el rango actual del experimento QUIJOTE (a 31 GHz) e incremente su sensibilidad. El nuevo instrumento a 42 GHz estará compuesto por unos 40 polarímetros (el número final no está aún definido) basados en la estructura del polarizador a 31 GHz del proyecto QUIJOTE. A lo largo de esta Tésis de Máster se abordará el diseño y caracterización de un nuevo módulo de detección y correlación para la banda de 35 a 47 GHz basado principalmente en tecnología de guía de onda que mejorará previsiblemente las prestaciones en cuanto a pérdidas y aislamientos entre los parámetros de Stokes (Q, U , I) que caracterizan la polarización del Fondo Cósmico de Microondas. Este módulo se encargará de la correlación entre las señales a través de los acopladores híbridos de 90º, de la detección con detectores basados en diodos Schottky y de la amplificación en baja frecuencia con amplificadores operacionales. Se abordará el análisis teórico de la nueva estructura propuesta y del resto de dispositivos que componen el módulo detector así como su diseño, a través de herramientas de simulación electromagnética en 3D, de un acoplador 3 dB, 90º y un desfasador 90º en tecnología guiada. Igualmente se diseñarán y caracterizarán una transición WR22 a microstrip y los amplificadores de video. Se realizará además la caracterización experimental de aquellos dispositivos en los que sea posible.Máster en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones en Redes Móviles (TICRM

    Memòria del grup d'educació visual i plàstica

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    Este documento no está publicadoRecoge la memoria de un grupo de trabajo de educación visual y plástica. Se incluye los objetivos del seminario, la dinámica de trabajo utilizada, los diferentes grupos de trabajo, la evaluación de los objetivos, los documentos creados y la posible continuidad. Los documentos creados son: unidad didáctica 'El riu', recopilación de trabajos de educación visual y plástica de educación primaria y composiciones plásticas para el archivo de la dibuteca.CataluñaES

    Non-invasive electromechanical assessment during atrial fibrillation identifies underlying atrial myopathy alterations with early prognostic value.

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    Electromechanical characterization during atrial fibrillation (AF) remains a significant gap in the understanding of AF-related atrial myopathy. This study reports mechanistic insights into the electromechanical remodeling process associated with AF progression and further demonstrates its prognostic value in the clinic. In pigs, sequential electromechanical assessment during AF progression shows a progressive decrease in mechanical activity and early dissociation from its electrical counterpart. Atrial tissue samples from animals with AF reveal an abnormal increase in cardiomyocytes death and alterations in calcium handling proteins. High-throughput quantitative proteomics and immunoblotting analyses at different stages of AF progression identify downregulation of contractile proteins and progressive increase in atrial fibrosis. Moreover, advanced optical mapping techniques, applied to whole heart preparations during AF, demonstrate that AF-related remodeling decreases the frequency threshold for dissociation between transmembrane voltage signals and intracellular calcium transients compared to healthy controls. Single cell simulations of human atrial cardiomyocytes also confirm the experimental results. In patients, non-invasive assessment of the atrial electromechanical relationship further demonstrate that atrial electromechanical dissociation is an early prognostic indicator for acute and long-term rhythm control.This work was supported by the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement#965286. The study was also supported by the Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN) (PID2019- 109329RB-I00 and PGC2018-097019-B-I00) funded by MCIN / AEI / 10.13039/501100011033, the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria grant PRB3) (PT17/0019/0003- ISCIII-SGEFI / ERDF, ProteoRed), the Fundación Interhospitalaria para la Investigación Cardiovascular, the Fundación Salud 2000 and by “la Caixa” Banking Foundation (project code HR17-00247). The Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN) and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (CEX2020- 001041-S funded by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). We also thank Asunción Conde and Sergey Mironov for their support on monitoring database quality and advice in ECG signal processing, respectively.S

    Non-invasive electromechanical assessment during atrial fibrillation identifies underlying atrial myopathy alterations with early prognostic value

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    Electromechanical characterization during atrial fibrillation (AF) remains a significant gap in the understanding of AF-related atrial myopathy. This study reports mechanistic insights into the electromechanical remodeling process associated with AF progression and further demonstrates its prognostic value in the clinic. In pigs, sequential electromechanical assessment during AF progression shows a progressive decrease in mechanical activity and early dissociation from its electrical counterpart. Atrial tissue samples from animals with AF reveal an abnormal increase in cardiomyocytes death and alterations in calcium handling proteins. High-throughput quantitative proteomics and immunoblotting analyses at different stages of AF progression identify downregulation of contractile proteins and progressive increase in atrial fibrosis. Moreover, advanced optical mapping techniques, applied to whole heart preparations during AF, demonstrate that AF-related remodeling decreases the frequency threshold for dissociation between transmembrane voltage signals and intracellular calcium transients compared to healthy controls. Single cell simulations of human atrial cardiomyocytes also confirm the experimental results. In patients, non-invasive assessment of the atrial electromechanical relationship further demonstrate that atrial electromechanical dissociation is an early prognostic indicator for acute and long-term rhythm control. Electromechanical characterization during atrial fibrillation (AF) remains a significant gap in the understanding of AF-related atrial myopathy. Here, the authors use non-invasive atrial electromechanical assessment during AF to identify early remodeling changes associated with underlying myopathy, which in the clinic decrease the probability of acute and mid-term successful rhythm control