1,610 research outputs found

    The diffusion and influence of theoretical models of information behaviour : the case of Savolainen's ELIS model

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    To ascertain the diffusion and influence of Savolainen's ELIS model and its use as a theoretical and/or methodological basis for research. A context citation analysis was made of the work where this researcher published his model. Analysis covered the year of publication, the type of work and the subject-matter of the citing documents concerned. In-context citations were analysed for their frequency in each citing text, style, location and content cited. The ELIS model received 18.5 cites/year. 20.2% of them corresponded to papers published in journals in other areas, mainly computer science. The average of cites per paper was 1.8; 64.5% of the citing works cited them only once. 60% of the cites were considered essential. Only 13.7% of these cites appear in theory or methods. 37% of the citing documents contained no concept relating to the model. The method used focuses on the most direct context of a cite (sentence or paragraph), but isolates it from the general context (full document, other documents by the author or their social capital). It has however allowed this research issue to be dealt with under laboratory conditions, and revealed nuances hidden by the absolute number of cites. It has become evident that the dissemination and influence of the ELIS model is less that what the total number of cites indicates, and that it has scarcely been incorporated into research design. Despite its popularity, it is not being validated and/or refuted by way of empirical data

    La Biblioteconomía

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    This chapter is devoted to study the historical evolution of the Librarianship from its origins to present time. It also, deals with the concept and definition of Librarianship and its various terminologies. And finally, it establishes its relationship with the other sciences of Documentation

    Electricity microgeneration in pressure hydraulic networks

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    The aim of this study is to analyze and evaluate the installation of microturbines placed at selected points of water distribution systems to generating electricity from excess and unused hydraulic energy. In order to achieve this objective, we have considered some alternatives to installation in hydraulic pressurized networks of two municipalities in the province of Huelva: Cañaveral de León and Aracena. These water distribution systems are managed by the public company Giahsa. An economic feasibility analysis of the proposed installation alternatives as well as a proposal for amortization of the investment were shown in this work

    Las clasificaciones de bibliotecas. Bibliotecas públicas

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    This chapter list the various classifications of libraries according to different authors. Particularly, it is focused on the origins, concept and functions of Public Libraries. Additionally, this chapter analyses the guidelines, standards and Manifestos related to Public Library. And finally, it explains the organization of services and, in particular, the Local Collection

    Analysis and viability of microturbines in hydraulic networks: a case study

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the use of hydraulic microturbines to make the most of the hydraulic energy available in pressurized water distribution systems. The study was carried out on suitable points of pressurized hydraulic networks, which are managed by Giahsa, a public enterprise responsible for the management of the municipal communities of services (MAS) in the province of Huelva, southwestern Spain. The distribution system situated between the `Cabeza del Pasto´ reservoir in the Andévalo area (Huelva, Spain) and the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) in the municipality of ‘Puebla de Guzmán’ (Huelva, Spain) was examined. To obtain the exact amount of energy, which reaches the microturbine, the energy conservation equation considering the loss of energy from friction was used. The results show different locations where it is possible to carry out the installation of a Francis turbine, which can generate an annual energy of approximately 280 MWh per year at the selected point, with an approximate investment cost of € 20,000 per year, which means a recovery period of this investment of 2 years.To the company Giahsa, public management company of the Communities of Services of the Province of Huelva (MAS) (Spain), for providing all the necessary data of its facilities. Specifically, we want to thank Luis Domínguez Castro and Modesto Pereira Villaseñor, from the company Giahsa, for the information provided.Departamento de Ciencias Agroforestale

    Energy Recovery in Pressurized Hydraulic Networks

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    This paper aims to evaluate the possibility of using non-utilized hydraulic energy in urban water distribution systems. For this purpose, the viability and possible alternatives of installing conventional turbines or pumps working as turbines (PATs=Pumps as Turbines) at the head of pressure hydraulic networks in two towns in the province of Huelva have been studied: Cañaveral de León and Aracena (Andalucía, southwest Spain). Sensitivity analyses are carried out for: (a) To study the feasibility and efciency of installing turbines or PATs in the hydraulic networks; (b) To determine the required hydraulic capacity of the turbines or PATs; (c) To analyse the installation points in the pipeline network; and (d) To evaluate the possible generation of electrical energy. The evaluation of the recover able amount of hydraulic energy in both water distribution systems requires the applica tion of the energy conservation equation, taking into account the calculation of load losses, the Darcy-Weisbach equation. A diagram energy height-fow rate with diferent working ranges of commercial turbines/PATs was used for the selection of the appropriate hydraulic machine. The results obtained of the Aracena hydraulic network show that the best solu tion would be the installation of a 2 kW BANKI that could generate an approximate annual energy of 17,52 MWh/year. In the Cañaveral de León water supply system a 0,75 kW BANKI turbine with an approximate annual energy generation of 6,57 MWh/year is pro posed as the best solution.Departamento de Ciencias Agroforestale

    Certificación leed en viviendas de interés social, aplicada al barrio Yomasa - Bogotá.

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónEn el siguiente documento se presenta una serie de propuestas para conseguir la certificación Leed en viviendas de interés social, se tomó como modelo una vivienda ubicada en el barrio Yomasa con el fin de unir este proyecto al que la universidad Católica realiza en este momento con sus diferentes facultades con el fin de beneficiar a este comunidad en forma integral. Se parte de un marco teórico donde se ubica al lector conceptualmente con las definiciones necesarias para comprender este documento en su totalidad, como lo son vivienda de interés social, construcción sostenible, Leed y sus diferentes categorías. Con estos conceptos claros se pueden analizar algunos proyectos que han obtenido esta certificación a nivel mundial. Dentro de los casos analizados se encuentran el edificio Novartis en la ciudad de Bogotá el cual obtuvo certificación Leed plata en categoría nueva construcción, el edificio de Bancolombia ubicado en Medellín con certificación Leed Oro; La Academia de Ciencias Naturales de California ubicado en la ciudad de San Francisco en Estados Unidos, el cual recibió en el certificación Leed Platino para nuevas edificaciones Leed Platino para Operación y Mantenimiento; La Sede Corporativa de Johnson Controls en Gledale Wisconsin en Estados Unidos acredita como con Leed Platino; El Edificio Ecocomercial en Greater Noida en la India, recibió certificación Leed Platino; eLel Taipei 101 ubicado en Taipei-Taiwan acreditado como Leed Platino; finalizando con Eva Laxmeerse, un ecobarrio de Holanda. Todos estos proyectos resaltan por su eficiencia energética, por el buen manejo del agua, la calidad interior y todos los diferentes aspectos que Leed evalúa antes de expedir una certificación, analizando estos casos y con los conceptos investigados sobre Leed, se plantea una propuesta para obtener esta certificación en la casa modelo escogida.PregradoIngeniero Civi

    Onde est@o os meus livros... ou a bibliotea nas nuvens?

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    At present, access to information is almost as valuable as information itself. Over the years, the role of libraries has usually been considered to include collection development, cataloging and access, and user services namely the loan of books, magazines and journals. However, this falls short in the contemporary context. That is why in addition to these functions, libraries are now information access facilitators, i.e. they make all kinds of knowledge and information easily available to users. Higher education library users may show different degrees of proficiency in the way they access both information and documents available at the libraries of their higher education institutions. This may often be related to the way libraries are able to fulfil their role of sharing information about existing library resources and their use. Bearing in mind this context, the topic of this conference presentation is our library and the different library resources available for use. This includes: the characteristics of library resources; how these library resources work, namely the abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature SCOPUS, which is the latest resource available from the library; the b-on platform (i.e. Online library of knowledge); Open-Access resources and tutorials available on the library webpage

    El proceso de adaptación de los estudiantes a la universidad en el Centro Universitario de Los Altos de la Universidad de Guadalajara

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    La investigación tuvo como objetivo comprender el proceso de adaptación de los estudiantes a la vida universitaria en el Centro Universitario de Los Altos (CUALTOS) de la Universidad de Guadalajara. Para ello analizó cómo los aspirantes/alumnos enfrentan las demandas y aprovechan las oportunidades que la universidad y el contexto sociocultural en que están inmersos les presentan. Se sustenta en los conceptos teóricos de Habitus, Capitales y Campo desarrollados por Pierre Bourdieu y se apoya en un método mixto de dos fases, la primera apegada al paradigma cuantitativo y la segunda al cualitativo, donde cada una generó conocimientos complementarios. La fase cuantitativa permitió identificar las características del CUALTOS y sus carreras, describir a los estudiantes e identificar correlaciones entre variables para describirlo en términos de Campo. Mientras que la fase cualitativa generó información encaminada a profundizar en la comprensión de cómo los estudiantes echan mano de sus capitales y habitus para desplegar estrategias orientadas a responder a las demandas del campo universitario y adaptarse a la universidad. Se encontró que la adaptación a la universidad es un proceso complejo que inicia cuando surge el interés por estudiar una carrera, que los aspirantes/estudiantes contrastan sus capitales y habitus con los que ofrece y exige el campo universitario para desplegar estrategias que se traducen en diferentes rutas de ingreso y una de permanencia, las cuales, serán más eficaces en la medida que el estudiante conozca las reglas del campo y cuente con capitales y habitus afines a éste. Además, se identificó que surge una relación dialéctica entre el campo universitario, entendido como estructura social que establece reglas y ofrece capitales, y los aspirantes/estudiantes quienes desde su propia subjetividad y a partir de sus habitus y capitales culturales, económicos y sociales responden a ellas y contribuyen a caracterizar a las carreras e instituciones.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaSEP-Programa del Mejoramiento del ProfesoradoUniversidad de Guadalajar