536 research outputs found

    Prey size selection of insular lizards by two sympatric predatory bird species

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    6 pages, 1 figure, 1 table.Size-related selection of insular lizards by two sympatric predatory bird species (Southern Grey Shrike and Eurasian Kestrel) was studied in an arid insular environment. The endemic lizard genus Gallotia was a key resource in the diet of both predators, constituting more than 50% of the total biomass. Shrikes captured smaller lizards than kestrels during all seasons (mean snout-vent length (SVL): 7.4 ± 1.9 vs. 9.4 ± 2.1 cm respectively), presenting a sequential use of lizard sizes and avoiding potential competition. On the other hand, shrikes and kestrels showed the same seasonal variation pattern, capturing the largest lizards during their breeding periods (spring). Considering lizard availability, shrikes displayed less selective predation than kestrels in all seasons. Shrikes positively selected the medium lizard size (SVL: 5-10 cm) during the nestling period, but negatively selected the small lizard size (SVL: < 5 cm) in autumn and winter, probably due to an explosion of juvenile lizards. Lastly, kestrels appeared to be more selective, negatively choosing the small lizard size but positively selecting the largest ones all the year round (SVL: > 10 cm).This research was supported by grants to David P. Padilla and Patricia Marrero from the Canarian Government and Proyectos Intramurales Especiales (2004 3 0E 169) of the Spanish National Scientific Research Council, respectively. It was also partially financed by the project PI042004/037 (Consejería de Educación, Cultura y Deportes, Gobierno de Canarias), which are partially supported by Feder funds from the European Union

    Evaluación Energética de Cocinas Mejoradas a través del Método Water Boiling Test 4.2.3

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    La investigación aborda sobre una línea base de parámetros de eficiencia energética de las cocinas mejoradas existentes en el laboratorio de biomasa, UNI-RUPAP-FTI, utilizando el protocolo Water Boiling Tes 4.2.3 parra el respaldo de la implementación de futuras normas técnicas en Nicaragua


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    El plan andaluz de atención a las altas capacidades intelectuales: panorama actual y perspectivas de futuro

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    En nuestro trabajo reconocemos la importancia de promulgar y desarrollar un Plan específico para detectar alumnos y alumnas de altas capacidades, de cara darles la respuesta educativa más adecuada. Analizamos las características del Plan promulgado y puesto en marcha por la Junta de Andalucía, tratando de ver de modo crítico y constructivo sus ventajas y limitaciones. Finalmente, se hacen algunas sugerencias para mejorar las limitaciones detectadas.In our work we recognize the importance of enacting and develop a specific plan to detect high ability students, facing them to the most appropriate educational response. We analyze the characteristics of the issued implemented by the Government of Andalusia, trying to see, in a critical and constructive way, its advantages and limitations. Finally, some suggestions are made to improve the identified limitations.peerReviewe

    La evaluación del aprendizaje y el fracaso escolar

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    Actualmente hablamos más que nunca del fracaso escolar. La escuela presenta un gran desfase en relación con las motivaciones e intereses que el alumnado tiene hacia los procesos de enseñanza- aprendizaje. Entendemos por fracaso escolar el no obtener titulación acreditativa al final del periodo de escolarización obligatoria y a la repetición de cursos académicos. Pero la repetición de curso sin más no es garantía de que el niño vaya a adquirir las competencias que le permita promocionar, sino se lleva a cabo una atención mucho más individualizada. Por lo tanto repetir puede conllevar dos cosas, por un lado castigo, por no haber alcanzado los objetivos que la institución educativa ha propuesto para una determinada edad y por otra parte exclusión social. A lo largo de este artículo se hace un recorrido por los principales estudios existentes en relación a la evaluación del aprendizaje y el fracaso escolar, que nos ofrecen una visión de lo que está aconteciéndose en la sociedad actual y se analiza una muestra de 266 estudiantes en la provincia de Almería, en relación a estas variables.Today we talked about more than never school failure. The school presents a large gap on the motivations and interests that the student has to the learning process. We understand school failure not get qualification proof at the end of the period of compulsory schooling and the repetition of academic courses. The repetition without more is no guarantee that the child will acquire the skills to promote, but carried out a much more individualized attention. So repeated can lead to two things, one hand punishment, for having not attained the objectives proposed by the educational institution for a certain age and, on the other hand, social exclusion. Throughout this article makes a tour of the main existing studies in relation to the evaluation of learning and school failure, which offer us a vision of what is happening in today’s society and analyzed a sample of 266 students in the province of Almeria, in relation to these variables

    Africa Project «La Leyenda de Faro»: Effects of a methodology based on gamification on situational motivation about the content of Corporal Expression in Secondary Education

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    El objetivo del siguiente estudio fue contrastar el efecto de una intervención en una unidad didáctica (UD) aplicando metodologías activas como la gamificación, en comparación con otra en la que se utilizaron estilos de enseñanza tradicionales, sobre la motivación situacional respecto a los contenidos de expresión corporal, en alumnos de 3º y 4º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO). Para ello, utilizamos la Danza Africana como eje vertebrador en las clases en Educación Física (EF), y se analizaron comparativamente diferentes variables motivacionales teniendo en cuenta la Teoría de la Autodeterminación (TAD) en 98 alumnos (M edad=15.5; DT=.537) divididos en un grupo control (n=49) y un grupo experimental (n=49). Las mediciones se llevaron a cabo antes y después del período de intervención a lo largo de la UD a través de cuestionarios que medían el apoyo a las necesidades psicológicas básicas (CANPB), la satisfacción de las NPB (BPNES), la motivación (CMEF) y el clima motivacional (PEPS; SSI-EF) para comprobar la eficacia de la intervención. Los resultados sugieren que utilizar metodologías activas innovadoras parece mostrarse como una herramienta eficaz sobre distintas variables motivacionales del alumnado como: apoyo a la autonomía, apoyo a las relaciones sociales, autonomía, motivación intrínseca, motivación identificada y motivación externa. A pesar de ello, son necesarios más estudios para determinar significativamente la influencia de la gamificación sobre la motivación en las clases de EF.The objective of the following study was to contrast the effect of an intervention in a didactic unit (DU) applying active methodologies such as gamification, in comparison with another in which traditional teaching styles were used, on situational motivation regarding the corporal expression contents, in Secondary Education students. For this, we used African Dance as a reference in Physical Education (PE) classes, and were comparatively analysed different motivational variables taking into account the Self-Determination Theory (TAD) in 98 students (M age = 15.5; SD =. 537) divided into a control group (n = 49) and an experimental group (n = 49). Measurements were carried out before and after the intervention period throughout the DU through questionnaires that measured support for basic psychological needs (CANPB), satisfaction of NPBs (BPNES), motivation (CMEF) and motivational climate (PEPS; SSI-EF) to check the effectiveness of the intervention. Our results suggest that using innovative active methodologies seems to be an effective tool on different motivational variables of the students, such as: support for autonomy, support for social relationships, autonomy, intrinsic motivation, identified motivation and external motivation. Despite this, more studies are needed to determine significantly the influence of gamification on motivation in PE classes

    Cancer treatment-induced oral mucositis: a critical review

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    Introduction.- Head and neck cancer represents actually one of the main oncological problems. In its treatment, radiotherapy and chemotherapy leads to mucositis, as well as other side effects. Objective.- To review the high-quality evidence published over the last twenty-five years on the treatment of cancer treatment-induced oral mucositis. Material and methods.- A search of double blind randomised controlled clinical trials between 1985 and 2010 was performed in the Medline database. Oral mucositis, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, head and neck were used as keywords. Results.- The different therapeutic approaches found for cancer treatment-induced oral mucositis included: intensive oral hygiene care, use of topical antiseptics and antimicrobial agents, use of anti inflammatory agents, cytokines and growth factors, locally applied non-pharmacological methods, antioxidants, immune modulators, anticholeric agents and homoeopathic agents. Discussion.- To date no intervention has been able to prevent and treat oral mucositis on its own. Therefore, it is necessary to combine interventions that act on the different phases of mucositis. Conclusions.- It is still unclear as to which strategies reduce oral mucositis, as there is not enough evidence that describes a treatment with a proven efficiency and better than the other treatments for this conditio


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    Any discussion of the events that occurred in Germany during the period between 1933 and 1945, includes a debate about the role that German medicine played in them. A bibliographic review was carried out with the objective of arguing the importance that medicine had for the establishment and development of the Nazi Regime, for which 15 bibliographies were consulted. The Nazi doctors participated in the development and application of methods of mass extermination, being responsible for the murder and sterilization of thousands of people. In the concentration camps they conducted experiments on humans and selected individuals who would die. German medical research and education institutes benefited from the corpses of the deceased. The study of the role of medicine in Nazism can be a means that contributes to the training of health professionals and thus avoid the repetition of these events