15,133 research outputs found

    UPC’s institutional transformation towards sustainability

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    Centro de Ciencia y Tecnología del Parque Tecnológico de Andalucía

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    Para quienes sienten curiosidad por saber qué es un Parque Tecnológico, cómo funciona, quiénes están y qué hacen. Para los profesores que quieren mostrar a sus alumnos cómo la innovación y el conocimiento generan desarrollo económico y social en nuestra tierr

    Acciones educativas para la prevención de la violencia de género

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    En el presente trabajo se presentan un conjunto de acciones educativas dirigidas a prevenir la violencia de género. La intervención educativa va dirigida a la población escolar comprendida entre los tres y los dieciséis años, así como a los miembros de la comunidad educativa que más incidencia tienen en la educación. El objetivo general que se persigue es desarrollar el nivel de competencias del alumnado para el desarrollo de su autonomía personal, para el reconocimiento de la riqueza que aporta la diversidad de género, para la comprensión y la afirmación de la igualdad efectiva en derechos de mujeres y hombres así como para la solución o gestión eficaz de los conflictos por razón de género. Las acciones educativas se presentan estructuradas en forma de Plan de acción que abarca grandes áreas de intervención: alumnado, profesorado, equipos directivos, responsables de las políticas educativas y familias. Para cada ámbito de intervención se establecen unas metas estratégicas que a su vez se concretan en propuestas de acción. La redacción del Plan fue encargada por la Conselleria de Educación de la Generalitat Valenciana, a través de la Fundación Tolerancia Cero, a un equipo de profesoras y profesores de la Universidad de Valencia, y gran parte de las propuestas que encierra se están llevando a cabo en los centros escolares de la Comunidad Valenciana

    BRAIN COMPUTER INTERFACE - Application of an Adaptive Bi-stage Classifier based on RBF-HMM

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    Brain Computer Interface is an emerging technology that allows new output paths to communicate the users intentions without the use of normal output paths, such as muscles or nerves. In order to obtain their objective, BCI devices make use of classifiers which translate inputs from the users brain signals into commands for external devices. This paper describes an adaptive bi-stage classifier. The first stage is based on Radial Basis Function neural networks, which provides sequences of pre-assignations to the second stage, that it is based on three different Hidden Markov Models, each one trained with pre-assignation sequences from the cognitive activities between classifying. The segment of EEG signal is assigned to the HMMwith the highest probability of generating the pre-assignation sequence. The algorithm is tested with real samples of electroencephalografic signal, from five healthy volunteers using the cross-validation method. The results allow to conclude that it is possible to implement this algorithm in an on-line BCI device. The results also shown the huge dependency of the percentage of the correct classification from the user and the setup parameters of the classifier

    Updating the proposal of 'Just Communities' for democratic civil education

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    This article examines Kohlberg's proposal of the 'just community' from a current perspective in line with a post-conventional morality grounded on the democratization of schools. A type of teacher training is proposed that uses up-to-date methods to approach just communities. By taking the critical interpretation of the model of moral development, the article also concludes that schools today have integrated some of the cutting-edge advances to the just communities' program, and that this approach reciprocally calls for updating the idea of moral education by incorporating a broader view of morality. Such an update also includes families in the joint process of stimulating moral development and resolving conflicts of action. Lastly, it has been explained that Kohlberg did not give the family a role in their children's moral education, stating that the specific way to develop moral reasoning is through the relationships among equals at school. It is unclear whether there is a particular moral family environment that best fosters the development of the child's moral reasoning. Nevertheless, data provided from some studies confirm that there is a relationship between the moral reasoning of the parentsand that of their children. Indeed, parents may even use teaching strategies to improve their children's moral development through dialog and the use of inductive strategies

    Revueltas : un apocalíptico no integrado

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    1 archivo PDF (7 páginas). tyvlxliiiEl autor describe su acercamiento a la obra de José Revueltas, en particular dos de ellas: “Dios en la tierra” y “El apando” las cuales describen a mexicanos que contienen en sí a la humanidad entera, enajenada, víctima de su propio no ser, alienados y sin esperanza, propensos a la autodestrucción y negados, como los perros a los que Revueltas increpó en deefeño Parque Hundido

    Superfluid fraction in disordered bosonic gases

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    Màster Oficial de Ciència i Tecnologia Quàntiques / Quantum Science and Technology, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona. Curs: 2022-2023. Tutors: Pietro Massignan, Grigori AstrakharchikIn this work, we study the behaviour of the superfluid fraction f of a bosonic system under the influence of a speckle potential. We start by introducing and defining f, and then we present the lower and upper bounds to f derived by A. Leggett for generic many-body systems. To benchmark our codes, we study first the case of a periodic optical potential, reproducing results that recently appeared in the literature. We continue by describing the particular kind of disordered potential we want to study, and how this is characterized. Finally, we compute the superfluid fraction as a function of the intensity of the disordered potential and the interaction strength between the bosons, and we compare our results to the two bounds in both 1D and 2D