19 research outputs found

    Telescopio robótico para el aprendizaje activo de contenidos STEAM en la ESO

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    Existe ya una larga trayectoria en la utilización de los telescopios robóticos para la educación en ciencias y la divulgación de la Astronomía. Tradicionalmente y hasta hoy, los telescopios robóticos se han utilizado principalmente para hacer ciencia, esto es, realizar observaciones y, siguiendo el método científico, reducir y analizar estos datos para obtener conclusiones y adquirir nuevos conocimientos. Sin embargo, la tecnología que hace posible el funcionamiento de estos sistemas no suele ser objeto de un análisis en profundidad ni se aprovecha para tratar contenidos curriculares en la asignatura de Tecnología. En este trabajo, nos planteamos como objetivo principal cubrir este vacío prestando atención desde la asignatura de Tecnologia, durante los cuatro cursos de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO), a los sistemas y subsistemas que conforman un telescopio robótico, con el fin de entender cómo funcionan e incluso reproducir uno a pequeña escala utilizando tecnologías disruptivas como Rapsberry Pi, Arduino o impresión 3D. En este TFM sólo se desarrollará en detalle la primera fase del proyecto, correspondiente al primer curso de ESO y se incluirán los materiales didácticos, que se basarán en metodología de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABP)

    A semiempirical error estimation technique for PWV derived from atmospheric radiosonde data

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    Water vapour is the main responsible for the atmospheric extinction in astronomical observations in different bands. One of the most common and accurate techniques to measure it are the radiosoundings. A method to estimate the error and the optimum number of sampled levels is proposed, considering the uncertainties and the leakage in sampling, based on data from Roque de los Muchachos Observ. and Guimar (Canary Is., Spain), Lindenberg (Germany) and Ny-Ålesund (Norway). The median error is 2.0  %

    Estimación del error al medir vapor de agua precipitable con radiosondeos

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    Seminario impartido el 17 de octubre de 2016 en el Centro de Investigación Atmosférica de Izaña

    Subtracting the sequence bias from partially digested MNase-seq data reveals a general contribution of TFIIS to nucleosome positioning.

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    BACKGROUND: TFIIS stimulates RNA cleavage by RNA polymerase II and promotes the resolution of backtracking events. TFIIS acts in the chromatin context, but its contribution to the chromatin landscape has not yet been investigated. Co-transcriptional chromatin alterations include subtle changes in nucleosome positioning, like those expected to be elicited by TFIIS, which are elusive to detect. The most popular method to map nucleosomes involves intensive chromatin digestion by micrococcal nuclease (MNase). Maps based on these exhaustively digested samples miss any MNase-sensitive nucleosomes caused by transcription. In contrast, partial digestion approaches preserve such nucleosomes, but introduce noise due to MNase sequence preferences. A systematic way of correcting this bias for massively parallel sequencing experiments is still missing. RESULTS: To investigate the contribution of TFIIS to the chromatin landscape, we developed a refined nucleosome-mapping method in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Based on partial MNase digestion and a sequence-bias correction derived from naked DNA cleavage, the refined method efficiently mapped nucleosomes in promoter regions rich in MNase-sensitive structures. The naked DNA correction was also important for mapping gene body nucleosomes, particularly in those genes whose core promoters contain a canonical TATA element. With this improved method, we analyzed the global nucleosomal changes caused by lack of TFIIS. We detected a general increase in nucleosomal fuzziness and more restricted changes in nucleosome occupancy, which concentrated in some gene categories. The TATA-containing genes were preferentially associated with decreased occupancy in gene bodies, whereas the TATA-like genes did so with increased fuzziness. The detected chromatin alterations correlated with functional defects in nascent transcription, as revealed by genomic run-on experiments. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of partial MNase digestion and naked DNA correction of the sequence bias is a precise nucleosomal mapping method that does not exclude MNase-sensitive nucleosomes. This method is useful for detecting subtle alterations in nucleosome positioning produced by lack of TFIIS. Their analysis revealed that TFIIS generally contributed to nucleosome positioning in both gene promoters and bodies. The independent effect of lack of TFIIS on nucleosome occupancy and fuzziness supports the existence of alternative chromatin dynamics during transcription elongation

    Total Absorption Spectroscopy Study of Rb-92 Decay: A Major Contributor to Reactor Antineutrino Spectrum Shape

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    The antineutrino spectra measured in recent experiments at reactors are inconsistent with calculations based on the conversion of integral beta spectra recorded at the ILL reactor. Rb-92 makes the dominant contribution to the reactor antineutrino spectrum in the 5-8 MeV range but its decay properties are in question. We have studied Rb-92 decay with total absorption spectroscopy. Previously unobserved beta feeding was seen in the 4.5-5.5 region and the GS to GS feeding was found to be 87.5(25)%. The impact on the reactor antineutrino spectra calculated with the summation method is shown and discussed

    Xrn1 influence on gene transcription results from the combination of general effects on elongating RNA pol II and gene-specific chromatin configuration

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    mRNA homoeostasis is favoured by crosstalk between transcription and degradation machineries. Both the Ccr4-Not and the Xrn1-decaysome complexes have been described to influence transcription. While Ccr4-Not has been shown to directly stimulate transcription elongation, the information available on how Xrn1 influences transcription is scarce and contradictory. In this study we have addressed this issue by mapping RNA polymerase II (RNA pol II) at high resolution, using CRAC and BioGRO-seq techniques in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We found significant effects of Xrn1 perturbation on RNA pol II profiles across the genome. RNA pol II profiles at 5ʹ exhibited significant alterations that were compatible with decreased elongation rates in the absence of Xrn1. Nucleosome mapping detected altered chromatin configuration in the gene bodies. We also detected accumulation of RNA pol II shortly upstream of polyadenylation sites by CRAC, although not by BioGRO-seq, suggesting higher frequency of backtracking before pre-mRNA cleavage. This phenomenon was particularly linked to genes with poorly positioned nucleosomes at this position. Accumulation of RNA pol II at 3ʹ was also detected in other mRNA decay mutants. According to these and other pieces of evidence, Xrn1 seems to influence transcription elongation at least in two ways: by directly favouring elongation rates and by a more general mechanism that connects mRNA decay to late elongation.This work has been supported by grants from the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad – Agencia Estatal de Investigación, and European Union funds (FEDER) [BFU2016-77728-C3-1-P to S. C.],[BFU2016-77728-C3-3-P to J.E.P-O & P.A], [BFU2016-77728-C3-2-P to F.N.] and RED2018‐102467‐T to J.E.P-O, F.N. and S.C.; by FPI grants from the Spanish Government to V.B and A.C-B; by the Regional Andalusian Government [BIO271 and US-1256285 to S. C.], [BIO258 and FEDER-UJA 1260360 to F.N.] and from the Regional Valencian Government [AICO/2019/088 to J.E.P-O]. Funding for open access charge: [BFU2016-77728-C3-1-P]

    Vulnerabilidad de los puertos españoles ante el cambio climático. Vol. 1: Tendencias de variables físicas oceánicas y atmosféricas durante las últimas décadas y proyecciones para el siglo XXI

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    La presente publicación, el primer volumen de dos libros previstos sobre el tema, se centra en describir los resultados de los trabajos que se han realizado desde Puertos del Estado, el IMEDEA y AEMET para la caracterización de la evolución de las variables climáticas a lo largo del Siglo XXI. Los datos expuestos son el resultado de un enorme esfuerzo de computación numérica establecido a lo largo de 7 años en una serie de proyectos de investigación financiados por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad y por el Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, y su generación ha sido también posible gracias a la colaboración con multitud de centros internacionales de referencia, como MeteoFrance y Mercatorocean en Francia, o el National Oceanography Centre, en Reino Unido. Estos trabajos se enmarcan, además, en la estrategia española sobre cambio climático, y están coordinados con las actividades de la Oficina Española de Cambio Climático

    A semiempirical error estimation technique for PWV derived from atmospheric radiosonde data [Discussion paper]

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    Water vapour is the main responsible for the atmospheric extinction in astronomical observations in different bands. One of the most common and accurate techniques to measure it are the radiosoundings. A method to estimate the error and the optimum number of sampled levels is proposed, considering the uncertainties and the leakage in sampling, based on data from Roque de los Muchachos Observ. and Guimar (Canary Is., Spain), Lindenberg (Germany) and Ny-Ålesund (Norway). The median error is 2.0  %