1,568 research outputs found

    Prevalencia de Pseudopresbicia en trabajadores administrativos en las edades comprendidas entre 30 a 40 años de edad, de las Facultades de Ciencias Médicas y Ciencias e Ingeniería de la UNAN – Managua; en el período del 15 de Julio al 15 de Noviembre del año 2015

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    El presente estudio, Prevalencia de Pseudopresbicia en trabajadores administrativos en las edades comprendidas entre 30 a 40 años de edad, de las Facultades de Ciencias Médicas y Ciencias e Ingeniería de la UNAN – Managua; en el período del 15 de Julio al 15 de Noviembre del año 2015. Es de tipo Descriptivo, prospectivo y transversal, constituyéndose por una población de 160 trabajadores administrativo, y una muestra calculada mediante el método aleatorio simple, finito con un total de 114 trabajadores administrativos, de los cuales, 56 fueron participes por cumplir con los rangos de edad establecidos por el tipo de estudio. El grupo etario que resulto con mayor afectación fue entre los 34-37 años, siendo predominante en sexo Femenino, con un 54℅ en relación al sexo Masculino con un 46%. Por otra parte el estudio reveló, que hay altos porcentajes de problemas refractivos no corregidos, siendo predominante la hipermetropía simple y Astigmatismo hipermetrópico con más del 59%; las anomalías Acomodativas en un 51.8%, y las disfunciones binoculares en un 59%. Todas estas disfunciones y anomalías visuales tienden a entorpecer la visión cercana, demostrando que más del 37 % de la población a estudio tiene falsa presbicia, causada por una de estas disfunciones visuales

    P-Lingua 2.0: New Features and First Applications

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    P-Lingua is a programming language for membrane computing. It was rst presented in Edinburgh, during the Ninth Workshop on Membrane Computing (WMC9). In this paper, the models, simulators and formats included in P-Lingua in version 2.0 are explained. We focus on the stochastic model, associated simulators and updated features. Finally, we present two new applications based on P-Lingua 2.0: a tool for describing and simulating ecosystems and a framework (currently under development) for P systems design.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2006–13425Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-0420

    Analysis of documental heritage of CETA in standardization of the Spanish manufacturing automotive industry

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    El presente trabajo muestra el proceso de recopilación, análisis, revisión y gestión realizada sobre el conjunto de normas CETA (Centro de Estudios Técnicos de Automoción), que constituyeron un interesante proceso de normalización llevado a cabo en el sector industrial relacionado con la fabricación de vehículos automóviles y que es uno de los elementos más desconocidos del patrimonio normalizador español. Asimismo, se ha realizado una evaluación comparativa con la normativa UNE vigente. La normativa analizada presenta una serie de características que la diferencian de la normalización actual. Los resultados muestran la influencia positiva que las normas CETA ejercieron en el desarrollo del propio sector así como la importancia que las mismas tuvieron en la generación de contenidos de actuales normas UNE.Universidad de Málaga – Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular midwall mechanics in spontaneously hypertensive rats

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    Aims. The present study was attempted to determine whether LV midwall mechanics yielded different conclusions about LV systolic function than the assessment of endocardial LV mechanics by echocardiography in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Methods and results. Thirty-six (18 Wistar normotensive (W), 18 [SHR]) anesthetized rats were studied with two-dimensional directed M-mode echocardiogram to analyze LV structure (LV diameter, left ventricular wall thickness and LV mass [LVM]) and LV function (endocardial shortening [ES] and midwall shortening [MS]). Measurements were made from three consecutive cardiac cycles on the M-mode tracings. There was no significant difference in LV dimension. LVM was higher in SHR (SHR: 595 ± 111 mg, W: 413 ± 83 mg - p < 0.01). ES was higher in SHR (SHR: 64.1 ± 6%, w: 58.2 ± 4% - p < 0.01), whereas no significant difference was found in MS (SHR: 27 ± 4%, W: 27.6 ± 4% - ns). Twelve of 18 (66%) SHR showed endocardial shortening higher than normally predicted, compared with 3/18 (16%) with observed enhanced MS (p < 0.01). Conclusion. These results suggest that the analysis of midwall mechanics by echo allows us to better understand the LV performance in SHR and that the exaggerated endocardial motion could not represent a really supernormal systolic performance.Facultad de Ciencias MédicasCentro de Investigaciones Cardiovasculare

    Echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular midwall mechanics in spontaneously hypertensive rats

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    Aims. The present study was attempted to determine whether LV midwall mechanics yielded different conclusions about LV systolic function than the assessment of endocardial LV mechanics by echocardiography in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Methods and results. Thirty-six (18 Wistar normotensive (W), 18 [SHR]) anesthetized rats were studied with two-dimensional directed M-mode echocardiogram to analyze LV structure (LV diameter, left ventricular wall thickness and LV mass [LVM]) and LV function (endocardial shortening [ES] and midwall shortening [MS]). Measurements were made from three consecutive cardiac cycles on the M-mode tracings. There was no significant difference in LV dimension. LVM was higher in SHR (SHR: 595 ± 111 mg, W: 413 ± 83 mg - p < 0.01). ES was higher in SHR (SHR: 64.1 ± 6%, w: 58.2 ± 4% - p < 0.01), whereas no significant difference was found in MS (SHR: 27 ± 4%, W: 27.6 ± 4% - ns). Twelve of 18 (66%) SHR showed endocardial shortening higher than normally predicted, compared with 3/18 (16%) with observed enhanced MS (p < 0.01). Conclusion. These results suggest that the analysis of midwall mechanics by echo allows us to better understand the LV performance in SHR and that the exaggerated endocardial motion could not represent a really supernormal systolic performance.Facultad de Ciencias MédicasCentro de Investigaciones Cardiovasculare

    An Overview of P-Lingua 2.0

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    P–Lingua is a programming language for membrane computing which aims to be a standard to define P systems. In order to implement this idea, a Java library called pLinguaCore has been developed as a software framework for cell–like P systems. It is able to handle input files (either in XML or in P–Lingua format) defining P systems from a number of different cell–like P system models. Moreover, the library includes several built–in simulators for each supported model. For the sake of software portability, pLinguaCore can export a P system definition to any convenient output format (currently XML and binary formats are available). This software is not a closed product, but it can be extended to accept new input or output formats and also new models or simulators. The term P–Lingua 2.0 refers to the software package consisting of the above mentioned library together with a user interface called pLinguaPlugin (more details can be found at http://www.p-lingua.org). Finally, in order to illustrate the software, this paper includes an application using pLinguaCore for describing and simulating ecosystems by means of P systems.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2006-13425Junta de Andalucía TIC04200

    Moss establishment success is determined by the interaction between propagule size and species identity

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    Colonization of new habitat patches is a key aspect of metacommunity dynamics, particularly for sessile organisms. Mosses can establish in new patches through fragmentation, with different vegetative structures acting as propagules. Despite the importance of these propagules for successful colonization the specific aspects that favour moss colonization by vegetative propagules remain poorly understood, including the effect of propagule size. We examine the intra- and interspecific variation of establishment and colonization success in culture of propagules of different sizes in six widespread soil moss species of contrasting growth form (Dicranum scoparium, Homalothecium aureum, Hypnum cupressiforme, Ptychostomum capillare, Syntrichia ruralis and Tortella squarrosa). We obtained three different size classes of propagules from artificially fragmented vegetative material, and assessed their establishment under controlled light and temperature conditions. We characterize the size, shape, apparent viability, morphological type and size changes due to hydration states of the propagules, all of them traits with potentially significant influence in their dispersal pattern and establishment. Then we assess the effect of these traits on moss establishment, using indicators of surface establishment (number of established shoots and colonized surface) and biomass production (viable biomass) as proxies of colonization success. The establishment indicators related to colonization surface and biomass production differ among species and propagule sizes. The magnitude of the interspecific differences of all indicators of establishment success was larger at the smaller propagule size class. T. squarrosa was the most successful species, and D. scoparium showed the lowest performance. We also found interspecific differences in the hydration dynamics of the propagules. The process of establishment by vegetative fragments operates differently among moss species. Besides, differences between hydration states in propagules of some species could be part of syndromes for both dispersal and establishment. This study unveils several functional traits relevant for moss colonization, such as wet versus dry area and length of fragments, which may improve our understanding of their spatial dynamic

    Efecto de la fertilización foliar en la aclimatización de plantas de Ananas comosus L. Merr. cv. `Cayena lisa'

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    The low survival and slow growth of in vitro pineapple plants (Ananas comosus L. Merr.) in acclimatization stage limit the use of biotechnological techniques for it propagation. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of foliar fertilization in the acclimatization of pineapple plants cv. `Smooth Cayenne'. Two variants of foliar fertilization were compared. The first, plants were fertilized daily after the last irrigation with a minimum dose increased until three months of culture. The second included the same fertilizer at maximum dose with daily dose foliar applications after the last irrigation 10 days from planting to three months of cultivation. As a control, unfertilized plants were included. Every 20 days to three months of culture height (cm) of plants was measured, the number of leaves per plant was quantified and the length and width of the leaves was measured. It was observed that fertilization had effect under the experimental conditions tested on the plants variables. After 90 days of culture plants obtained in the treatment with daily fertilization at maximun dose (option 2), met the requirements of height, length and width of the leaf for transplantation to field conditions. Key words: pineapple, propagation, zeoliteLa baja supervivencia y el lento crecimiento de las plantas in vitro de piña (Ananas comosus L. Merr.) en la fase de aclimatización limitan el uso de técnicas biotecnológicas para su propagación. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el efecto de la fertilización foliar en la aclimatización de plantas de piña cv. `Cayena lisa'. Se compararon dos variantes de fertilización foliar. En la primera las plantas fueron fertilizadas diariamnete después del último riego con una dosis mínima que aumentó cada 15 días hasta los tres meses de cultivo. La segunda incluyó los mismos fertilizantes a la dosis máxima con aplicaciones foliares diarias después del último riego desde los 10 días de plantación hasta los tres meses de cultivo. Como control se incluyeron plantas sin fertilizar. Cada 20 días hasta los tres meses de cultivo se midió la altura (cm) de las plantas, se cuantificó el número de hojas por planta y se midió el largo y ancho de las hojas. Se observó que la fertilización tuvo efecto bajo las condiciones experimentales ensayadas sobre las variables evaluadas a las plantas. A los 90 días de cultivo las plantas obtenidas en el tratamiento con fertilización diaria a la dosis máxima (variante 2), cumplían con los requerimientos de altura, largo y ancho de la hoja para su trasplante a condiciones de campo. Palabras clave: piña, propagación, zeolit

    Measuring online teaching service quality in higher education in the COVID-19 environment

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    The use of the Internet to develop new technologies has generated a considerable change in teaching and student learning in higher education. The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has forced universities to switch from face-to-face to online instruction. Furthermore, this transfer process was planned and executed quickly, with urgent redesigns of courses originally conceived for live teaching. The aim of this work is to measure the service quality of online teaching delivered during the COVID- 19 period. The methodology was based on an importance-performance analysis using a structural equations model. The data were obtained from a sample of 467 students attending a university in southern Spain. The results reveal five priority attributes of online teaching that need to be improved in order to enhance the service quality of the virtual instruction provided to students. Universities need to redefine their online format by integrating methodological and technological decisions and involving collaboration between teachers, students and administration staff and services. The results do not apply to educational institutions that exclusively teach courses online, but to those institutions that had to rapidly adapt, and shift course material originally designed for face-to-face training

    A P–Lingua Based Simulator for Spiking Neural P Systems

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    The research within the field of Spiking Neural P systems (SN P systems, for short) is focusing mainly in the study of the computational completeness (they are equivalent in power to Turing machines) and computational efficiency of this kind of systems. These devices have been shown capable of providing polynomial time solutions to computationally hard problems by making use of an exponential workspace constructed in a natural way. In order to experimentally explore this computational power, it is necessary to develop software that provides simulation tools (simulators) for the existing variety of SN P systems. Such simulators allow us to carry out computations of solutions to NP-complete problems on certain instances. Within this trend, P-Lingua provides a standard language for the definition of P systems. As part of the same project, pLinguaCore library provides particular implementations of parsers and simulators for the models specified in P-Lingua. In this paper, an extension of the P-Lingua language to define SN P systems is presented, along with an upgrade of pLinguaCore including a parser and a new simulator for the variants of these systems included in the language.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2009–13192Junta de Andalucía P08-TIC-0420